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I want to post this now so that it will be here for me to read again, so that maybe I won't forget.
I saw a film today and saw a great woman. A woman who was tortured, whose people's oppression and repression was funded by our tax dollars. This woman fights, she doesn't bullshit around, she doesn't waste her time being divise, she brings people together to fight against all the crap in the world.
I was just reading a topic at the forums. About how much Alicia Keys sucks. Some people were pretty damn adament. All I can think is what fucking bullshit. To spend your time arguing over the most petty things, getting worked up over some artist getting recognition you don't think she deserves.
Everybody around me is caught up in their little intrigues. Little squables. Angry at so and so. People who should be fighting the same cause fight against each other because they don't know anybody or they get trapped in the details. Or it just seems easier.
It's all just so much bullshit & nothing is going to change if we continue to allow ourselves to be entangled in this crap. The beauty industry wants us hating our bodies, vying for more attractive than the next girl or guy, rather than questioning the notion that our main goal in life should be tinkering with our body. That perfection is an ideal in any way applicable to bodies... bodies that should be strong and allow us to do meaningful things, but instead we shrink ourselves into weakness and do nothing meaningful at all. Just obsess.
I get angry when I see people yelling at each other about political issues, people who genuinely want to change things but are immobalized by satanizing rivals instead of finding common ground. It's the perfect way to keep the people ineffective, pit us against each other.
I get upset with myself, because all of this rules me too, to varying degrees. I've been shown things in the world I do not wish to tolerate, but seconds later I forget and am lulled back into my passive world where my greatest worries are my weight and completing an in-depth analysis of a fucking poem.
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