What kind of Slacker are you?

* * Warning: This site will be deleted in June, 2002. However, everything here will be uploaded at http://liquid2k.com/catscar/. Update your links and such appropriately. Have a nice day. =) * *

I bet you've always wanted to know exactly what kind of slacker you are. Well, after months of scientific research, our experts have come up with this quiz. Actually I just wanted to procrastinate; I have a midterm in 3 hours...

Code for this test has been adapted from the "Daria Character Test". Thanks for the code. Feel free to steal it from me if you want to write your own quiz.

1-When are you willing to get up for work/class?
I don't need to get up...
10 am.
Depends on my sleep schedule.
If I could get a full semester of evening classes I would (or work a night job).
You know, whenever.
8 am, get it over with.

2-What's your room like?
All my friends leave their stuff here.
Parts of it are clean.
I have a room under here?
Eh. There's a path, sorta.
I clean it about once a month.
My roommate's a slob, but I don't mind.

3-You're playing a mindless game with your friends instead of working (as usual), lying on the floor and you decide you'd really like a pillow. What do you do?
Comment that you wish you had one, but refuse someone's offer to bring you one because that would involve way too much effort.
Get up and get one. Duh.
Ask someone else to get me one.
I might get up, I might ask for one, whatever.
Complain and get it yourself when no one gets it for you.
I groan without saying anything and a friend sighs, throwing me a pillow.

4-What is/was/would be your major?
Oh yeah, I meant to do that...
I didn't go to college.
Business or science

5-What is your life's ambition?
Work hard, play hard, be happy.
Dude, doesn't that involve effort?
I don't make decisions, I make grandiose plans that I never enact.
I wanna find a great job where I can sit online and do nothing.
There's gotta be some way to get other people to do my work for me...

6-If you didn't procrastinate, you'd:
have nothing to do at the last minute.
have no social life.
simply die of boredom.
have more time to sleep.
have time to do other things.
Done is good! The sooner I get done, the sooner I can play.

7-You have a paper due in 18 hours, you:
run into a few friends on my way to the computer lab, and end up chatting with them for hours.
spend hours working out a detailed schedule including the outline, revision, emergency run to the store for ink cartridges and suddenly necessary cleaning.
scream, cry and pull my hair for 3 hours, then pull an all-nighter.
take a nap, certain that I will write it when my alarm goes off at 3am.
get to work, gotta get it done and get some sleep.
panic, then write the paper in 2 hours.

8-Your alarm clock failed and you wake up a few minutes before work/class, you:
roll over and keep sleeping, you're going to be late anyway.
convince your roommate to skip her class, too, and go eat lunch.
jump up, get dressed and dash to class, just in time.
decide not to go, but get as much work done at home as possible.
skip class, but get the notes from someone later.
My alarm clock died 3 months ago...

9-It's a beautiful day, certainly not for work or class, you:
Pump up the volume on your radio and see how many friends you can collect on the lawn. Bonus points if you convince them to skip class.
Stand around chatting with friends, slowly drawing in every slacker in a mile radius.
Shut off the alarm and roll over, you haven't gotten out of bed yet.
Swipe the paper from your neighbors, find a bench and read the comics, then look for pictures in the clouds.
Lay out on the lawn and work on something.

10-I have an exam tomorrow, yet it's almost 3 am and I'm writing this survey...
Rock on...
Go to bed!
So? Is that a problem?
Me, too!