LiveJournal for Ari.

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Friday, August 30th, 2002

Subject:food for thought
Time:10:32 am.
is it any mistake that "STRESSED" is "DESSERTS" backwards?
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Subject:what the hell is my dad DOING??
Time:10:25 am.
Mood: scared.
Music:the stupid 80's crap that dad is playing.
why is my dad playing bad 80's rock on his computer at 10:40 in the morning?? why?

okay...just block it out.

well, last night the family (me, mom and dad...sans siblings..ha! i don't have any! whee!! ) had a huge disscussion-type thingy... about AFS. and i'm all scared cause i think that if i go to france for a year or something, they won't transfer my grades from france to the u.s., so that means i have to take my junior year over and i wont graduate with my friends, which is really scary, OR if they DO transfer my grades, i'm going to get poor ones because i mean...taking math in FRENCH? creepy. hee ed in french...funny... we kinda came at an impass on that, cause the AFS website gives like zippo information on everything. so then we came on the subject of hosting a student. we printed out the 1 page application and everything. i'm just worried that we're going to be too boring! i don't want a person coming all the way to the U.s. and then having a stupid time because my family sucks! oh well. i suppose any dad who plays BAD 80's music in the morning can't be all that bad.

and instead of toothpaste, julia....meat paste. yum yum!
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Thursday, August 29th, 2002

Subject:Aux Champs-Elysees
Time:11:39 am.
Mood: mischievous.
Music:"Rame"- LdB.
la la la.
I volunteered more at the 'ospital today. i had to make these chart packets for the newborn birth unit thing, and there was a parent consent form for circumsision! like, "I know the dangers and alternatives to circumsicion and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction and i would like to have my son circumsized." then there was a spot for the name. weird. that's my tidbit of today.

but! i went to the fair and i had a blast because ashely doesn't like the big scary rides either(I'M NOT ALONE!) and so we went on the tilt-a-whirl and the "Dragon Wagon"(even though, i admit, that was so grib's idea. he paid 5.00 in tickets just to go on the little dragon wagon! it was so funny! he was sitting next to this little girl and it was just so funny...) and little stuff like that. it ruled. and then we went and bought like 10 icees and i got some cheez curds. yum! cheez curds are the only cheese product i like. i shouldn't live in wisconsin. lol! oh, and I STOLE A LEMON! it was the most hilarious thing!!! there were these lemonade stands, and they had these lemons in these tiered hanging wire baskets, and i picked one up to "look at it" and then ran away with it!! julia and i were laughing SO HARD! we carried it around with us, trying to decide what to do with it. i wanted to sell it to a little kid, but by that time that idea rolled around we had already mutated it and so we just put it on a table. then we came back and it was gone! cullen must think i'm such an immature little weirdo now. whatever. like i have to bust my butt impressing cullen. he's an asshole;i don't care what he thinks. and then ashely and i played this dart game and got these stuffed snakes! and jie and peter were battling with them! it was so much fun. usually i hate the fair cause i always go with people who only go on the zipper and big scary rides like that and i just sit there on the ground watching them, but it was fun! whee! and emily got this fish from this boy...jie named it some chinese name that none of us can prounouce...i call it "georgie". lol.

what fun.

Rame, rame, rameur, ramez!
On n'avance a rien dans ce canoe.
La-haut, an te mene en bateau.
Tu ne pourras jamais tout quitter,
T'en aller, tais-toi et rame...

and then i slept over at ems and julia was there and we just sat up talking about MEAT until 2:00. meat. i'm serious.

i stole a lemon...i'm so hardcore...
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Wednesday, August 28th, 2002

Subject:can't school just hurry up and get here?
Time:4:07 pm.
Mood: melancholy.
Music:"Far from the home I love" --Fiddler on the Roof.
whoa, what time is it? 4.19. gee, i only have THREE HOURS till i go do something. why am i sofa king lazy???
if i lived in colorado, i could go skiing right now if i lived on a high enough mountain. and i would be so happy...but no...flat-as-a-pancake wisconsin... sigh...

I'm feeling rather depressed lately. i suppose that if i was actually doing something, i wouldn't feel taht way. sigh. maybe I'll go read one of theose 3 books that i took out of the library a week ago. I need to learn something new.

darg. so...bored...tooo...lazy...

sigh again. stupid "school can't start until after labor day" law. triple sigh.

i don't feel like writing anything either, because there's nothing TO write about. i think i'll go to they have some good stuff there. give me something to think about. It's like i'm a vampire and afraid of sunshine! look at this place! shades down, lights off...

screw it. I'm going out side. even if just to stand around. quadruple sigh
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Subject:grilled cheese
Time:12:46 pm.
Mood: annoyed.
Music:"La musiqe francaise"-- LdB.
yeah, so today started at about 7:48 or something. i was really cranky because i didn't get any sleep last night, and i couldn't focus on Petit Nicolas either, so i just sat there with my light on until 12:30, and i went to bed at 10:30. and then mom wakes me up and makes me take a shower and then i go to the hospital to volunteer (voluntarily, serioiusly, because today's not my day, thursday is) and racked up 3 more hours. I have like 24 or 23 or something as it is now. The 'ospital was busy today! I had a ton of stuff to do. And all the while i had this stuck in my head:

Aimes-tu la musique francaise?
Moi, j'aime la musique francaise.
N'aimes-tu pas la musique francaise...
1! 2! 3! 4! bebe...

Je suis a Dakar
Tu es a Paris
Mais chaque personne mange un boule de muesli...
(and i forget the rest, not to mention that that muesli line is fuzzy to me...I'm not sure if those are the actual words or not, so i made up what i thought made's probably all wrong on the grammar front, but eh!)

and then we get home, mom is NAGGING me to call em, because she thinks that i don't have any friends....and then em leaves a message on the 'chine, and i guess I'm going to the fair from 7-11 with her and a bunch of other people that hate me. *sigh*.

and i am FREEZING! why am i so cold??? grr..

My name is ari. fear me.

I'm in the jungle! whee!!
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Tuesday, August 27th, 2002

Subject:User pic
Time:4:52 pm.
colored in my user pic with Microsoft Picture-It! I love tinkering with my computer! that's all for now.
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Subject:My wordy, but oh-so...amusing trading card.
Time:4:27 pm.

Trading Cards
Free Account Edition
User Number: 216327
Date Created:2001-06-30
Number of Posts: 312

Ari (short for Arielle) is a ninth-grader in a small town in Wisconsin. The major accomplishments in her life include: being on the A-honor roll all her life, gaining an "Advanced" in every category (even math) on some important state test, donating 15 inches of hair to Locks of Love and still having hair down to her shoulders, being a pretty darn good oboist, and surviving Mr. Kult's 8th grade Communication Arts class. (note: she likes to take the dust jackets off of books and then lose them.)
Strengths: Able to make friends with about everyone, a strong sense of where she wants to be in life, a (twisted) sense of humor, and an ability to set things on fire with her nose(You'd like to see that, wouldn't you?).
Weaknesses: Not very athletic, a major procrastinator, not very sensitive, cynical at times, likes to bottle her feelings up and keep them to herself to avoid conflict, and she can not do a cartwheel (sad but true!).
Special Skills: Can play the oboe, remember her locker combination, leap tall buildings in a single bound, freak out over trivial things such as homework and not care about bigger, more important issues, can downhill ski, and the aforementioned magical nose that can set things on fire.
Weapons: Not a bad kick, a hearty punch, and don't underestimate the power of fingernails.
Bad Habits: Pulling out my hair strand by strand(ick, i know), cleaning my fingernails constantly, and placing prep phrases and other adjectives/adverbs in incorrect places (I'm sorry, Mr. Kult).

Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!
Brought to you by crossfire_
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Subject:hola lola!
Time:10:17 am.
Mood: groggy.
Music:"And all I really want"--Alanis Morrisette.
garg! i suppose i should prolly take a shower and get dressed...but i'm not really in the mood right now, y'dig? shoot! i was going to upload a new user pic...i am SUCH a forgetful person when i'm on the net! well, nothing is happening today. i suppose i'm just going to follow mom around the house, doing whatever she bids, as usual.

I found another Petit Nicolas book! i forgot that i had two of them! this one (Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas) should keep me tided over until i get my other one (Petit Nicolas et Les Amis) back from the library, who SHOULD be fixing it because the binding broke RIGHT at the part when i started to actually understand it and it was making sense and i could read it for content!! poo darn. i bet the lady we gave it to at the 'bary never took it off her desk. she's just keeping it to spite me! as ransom! "so you want your little french book back? WHERE ARE MY OVERDUE LIBRARY BOOKS, YOU INSIGNIFICANT SWINE??" okay, maybe she really wouldn't do that, but it's kinda funny to think about it, right? who ever thought of keeping a book hostage? whaever, i'm just babbling now. toodle-looodles!
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Sunday, August 25th, 2002

Subject:Another chapter in the day of a life of...WHEE! i like prep phrases!...ari.
Time:2:18 pm.
Mood: contemplative.

I'm gonna d/l some songs right now...uh-huh.

Church Pig Roast was today. whoo hoo. gee, i hate being a freshman already. Of course, it doesn't help that i'm not like PETER and have all these classes with upperclassmen already because i'm not a genius.

but if i had my way...well, that would turn to make this entry much longer than i want it to, so i'll just skip that.

groove. Y'dig?

I don't WANT to be confirmed because i don't think it's right because I don't believe in God!!! but my stupid dictator mother is MAKING ME and i also don't want to be in the Youth Group eiher or the choir!!!

Is it so BAD to believe something other than what christians believe??? does it make me WRONG? should i HIDE it?

whatever. I'll do it, but it really won't matter. I'll say the words and do the homework, but my heart won't be in it, and i think that's all what really matters, not the stupid rituals and the baptism. You could go through it a million times, but if you don't believe in it, then it hasn't really counted.

well, i'm going to fry my mind by surfing the net for 4.2 hours. leave my calls at the desk.
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Saturday, August 24th, 2002

Subject:Fosston Session 92 Monos - 2002
Time:1:05 pm.
Mood: nostalgic.
This entry is keeping up with tradition. Last year, i did an entry like this. see "Memories", category "Goodbye", and "Fosston Session 92 Monos".
Bastien ("You should be a credit!"),
Robert ("Tu es Sam Ayam NOT!"),
Fred ("Raoul..."),
Laetitia ("Je ne mange pas la nourriture avec les tetes.")
Phillippe ("And that's how we met our deer friend Charlie!"),
Elhadj ("Et, ou se trouve la Normandie?"),
Anke (qui "ne wear a bra pas!"),
Nana ("Quand j'etais en Mali..."),
Nicolas("Ou est-ce que vous voulez aller?" "Je m'en fous." "QUOI?! Qu'est-ce que tu as dit???"),
Fabrice ("C'est chouette, CHOUETTE, chouette, c'est beau, BEAU, beau..."),
Etienne ("VOILA chennille...!"),
Sandrine (La Marseilles),
Sylvie ("Oh yeah, and that means that you couldn't have drawn an ace?"),
Audrey (Amelie Poulain),
Charlotte ("Don't look at me when you do that. I'm not your friend."),
Cluny (AAA! He shaved his beard!),
Ariette (La mer, c'est bleue, et les elephants sont gris..."),
Sophie ("Il y a toujours en fete au Beaux-Arts!!"),
Didier ("C'est chouette, chouette, chouette, et belle, belle, belle, la meullier famille, c'est famille Sauterelle!"),
Mai ("Oh la vache! Muf!"),
Yao ("Na na nana na nettoyage!"),
TinTin (Okay, we've got Cameron Diaz, me, and Nico. Obviously, we've got to ditch Nico. So Cameron and I, we get outta there."),
Nico ("Yeah, well, that's in TinTin's dreams!"),
Annick ("St. Denis! doo doo doo doo doo dooo doot! Oh, St. Denis!),
Vero ("Um, okay....dig right in. I hope your retainer's on the top."),
Colette ("Don't you have a raincoat?"),
Aurelie ("Okay, now that's what we're singing for the talent show."),
Everybody....I MISS YOU!!!!!
See you next year!
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Subject:If my eye was this big, would you judge me?
Time:12:38 pm.
Mood: geeky.
Music:"J't'emmene au vent"--Louise Attaque.
erg, hotmail is being EVIL again. stupid dictators! i bet the little people that live in my computer and sign me on to hotmail are MEN! and they are SEXIST! and they've just found out that i'm a woman! well, i'll show THEM!

*turns off computer monitor*
*turns it back on*

THAT should show them who's boss around here!

today, i FINALLY got around to hanging up my CLV certificates. and that is all i am going to say about camp today, because, i mean, jeez, it's been a week now.

but i haven't done my trademark post of all the monos' names and a little inside joke...i'll do that next post, and i PROMISE not another word about camp will ever be typed in the journal. I swear on a stack of french-english dictionaries...and i have a good stack, too.

doo deee dooo...well, i'm going to try hotmail again, and then i'll go find my list of the monos and i'll do my trademark post and that will be it about Lac du Bois Fosston FF92, 2002. yup.
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Friday, August 23rd, 2002

Subject:"I will continue to act as a servant as long as you continue to treat me as one"
Time:2:14 pm.
Mood: blah.
Music:"Voil? une chanson"--Dider.
well, mom's in one of her "clean or die" moods again. it doesn't help me much that i got into a fight with her again last night. when will she stop telling me how to treat my friends?? jesus.

anyway. em came over today before her meet. I showed her my LdB pictures and surprisingly found little to talk about them. i hadn't realized how much french you have to know to explain everything. oops.

I sent the second round of camp pictures to my friends. and i remembered to attach them on the FIRST try. wow. quel supris!

"Quand je suis 'home alone', je chante les chansons du Lac du Bois tres fort."
"Wow! you do that too??"

well, i have to go. mom is taking me to target (what a treat!), and i want to see what the heck all my new emails are about. toodle-oo!
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Thursday, August 22nd, 2002

Subject:hey julia! guess what i'm doing RIGHT NOW....*rubs nose*
Time:1:28 pm.
Mood: dorky.
Music:"I am a man of constant sorrow"--the soggy bottom boys.
well orientation was poopy. except i got to see julia and everyone again. julia and i were totally screwing around the entire time. it was amusing.

i sent a ton of camp pictures to all my friends from camp. i have the cutest one of phillipe and tintin, and another one of phillippe and yao, but i don't know how to post them on here. help!

ah, camp is great.

we bought notebooks yesterday. and pens. yup, that's my school shopping.

today i got my hair dyed "back" (it's a little too dark to be my hair color, but it's way better than that mass of blonde tangles.), and i got my id taken. i don't look all that bad, for an id picture. i mean, i look okay. okay enough to show people for more than 5 seconds.

oh, gandalf died today. he was old. i didn't cry, but mom did. i had to clean out his poopy cage and stuff. joy. and that's about it for today.

i send that damn email to my camp friends 4 times!!! once, i forgot to actually attach the stupid pictures, then i sent it again with the pictures, then i had to send another one to someone whose email i screwed up, then i had to send it again because i forgot to attach the pictures again!!! STUPID me.

"Ou est moi?" -weslie. (Direct translation: Where is me? what she should have said: "Ou suis-je?" i love you, wes.)
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Wednesday, August 21st, 2002

Subject:i dunno
Time:2:15 pm.

that's pretty much all the intellegence i have in my mind today. i want to post, but i'm too busy thinking to post, but i'm not thinking enough to not have a reason to post....

or something??

i printed out a LdB counselor application. i posted it on my wall, so whenever i feel like pooping out in my French, i'll be reminded of what i'm working for. and that's supposed to make me not poop out. not that french will be the subject i poop out on this year. i doubt it. garg. i HAD to take speech. i just know that i'm going to regret that.

i am FREEZING! stupid rain puddles. they're so addicting.
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Subject:"Never stick anything bigger than your elbow in your ear"-Martini (I love you!!)
Time:1:57 pm.
Mood: cheerful.
Music:"In the Big Rock Candy Mountains" --Harry McClintock.
well, today i volunteered at the hospital. i had to make up these packets about "Pain Management", put them in envelopes, and send them to people. i sent a bunch to people i know (because their names were on the list, not because i felt like sending them to random people), like my dad, jie's dad, em's dad, dad's assortment of doctor cronies, jake's dad, matt (gribble)'s dad, etc., etc,

i was like, "hey, i know this person!"

my email protection was sent to "only send mail from people on my address list". i hope i didn't miss any email from my new camp friends.

brr! i am cold and wet. i was splashing about in the rain, waving the parapluie (french for "umbrella") around, and *FWOOSH!* it flips inside out!! i was like, oh shit!! but i fixed it. it was funny.

In the big rock candy mountains,
All the cows have wooden legs,
And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth,
and the hens lay soft-boiled eggs.

In the big rock candy mountains,
you never change your socks,
and the little strings of alcohol
come a-tricklin' down the rocks.

yup, that's what my life is like.
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Tuesday, August 20th, 2002

Subject: there is something stuck to my keyboard, please wait while i get it out...
Time:9:59 am.
Mood: accomplished.
Music:Some showtunes.

okay, it's out.

i got my schedule all fixied up. here it is:

1. Algebra 9 R --- Goettl
2. Phy Ed 9 R
3. Early American Studies H --- Thompson
4. French 2 R --- Lau
5B. English 1 H --- McGivern
6B. Band R --- Kramer
7. Lunch
8. Biology H --- Christains
9. Programming R --- Knauf

i had to drop choir to fit Advanced Buissness Systems in the second semester (YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!). mom made me take choir. don't you love it how life works out? and i got into Wind Ensemble in the second sem., which i think is good. and i dont' know if "Band R" is Freshman Band or Band with everyone else. hmmm...

i think i might be a Foreign Exchange student next year, in Belgium or France, maybe even Switzerland. that would be really cool. Unfortunatley, em's Afs student from Switzerland is from the German portion. well, i guess she must know some french. actually, i think i'll be a credit at camp next year, and an afs student when i'm a junior. that would work out better, ya think? then i can apply for a junior counselor position the year after i receive my ten year medal, which will make me 18. life works out perfectly.

i am also EXTREMELY happy that i have Goettl for math again and not HINKER! thank the LORD! because Goettl encouraged me to get good grades and do my homework and stuff and Hinkie is the worst teacher on the PLANET! And programming should be fun. i'm also taking speech 2nd semester(good to fit in a life skilll). wow. i need more years of high school to fit all this stuff in!! which leaves me with NO study halls and EIGHT full whopping credits! life is great.

repeat after me: I will not have a stress breakdown this year. I will not have a stress breakdown this year. I will not...

yeah, i probably will. but that's life.

WHEE!!! i am not a turnip!!!!

and you are jealous!!!
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Monday, August 19th, 2002

Subject:Lac du Bois....Ari is camp-sick.
Time:5:26 pm.
Mood: lonely.
Music:"Senie" a beautiful Lac du Bois I- day song.

and if you can read all this, then your face is way too close to the screen.
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Time:5:10 pm.
Mood: annoyed.
Music:"Don't Leave Nobody but The Baby" - O Brother, Where art thou soundtrack.
well, first off, let me say that i am EXTREMELY DISAPOINTED that not a single person whom i gave my camp adress to wrote to me. NOT A SINGLE ONE. even though i wrote to all of you anyway. way to go.

since i'm lazy, here's a copy/paste email i sent to someone. i'm not going to make up a new thing for people who ask for my address and then don't write to me. hmph.

hey. i just got back from camp yesterday , but something was wrong with our PHONE LINE, so all emailing/surfing the web had to be put off until NOW. poopy.

camp. geez, what a hoot. i don't know where to begin. i'll start with some of the counselors:

um. Phillippe. his parents are American, but he was born and raised in france(so he's completely bilingual, with both an american accent and a french one. i envy him.) . he is the KING of improv. one night, he came to our cabin and told the FUNNIEST STORY. it was about him searching for the great Dodo that lives underground, and the only entrance to his tunnel is in the Great Denvierian Rainforest, which is located about 20 minutes from the Denver Airport. The Great Denverian Rainforest is 10 feet by 10 feet of lush vegetation. i was laughing so hard. then he sang. not bad. like i was listening to him( he's rather attractive.).

ooo, TinTin!!! (prounounced TanTan) He's Belgian, and he has the CUTEST accent. in french, you don't prounounce "H's". According to him, his favorite band is the "Red 'oht Chili Peppers." you have to hear him say it. plus, TinTin is also quite attractive. me and a friend, Nora, we started this "fan club" thing. it was so hilarious. we sent him "love" letters in complete franglais(french/english), and it was the funniest thing EVER.

Nico. Another Belgian. His accent isn't as adorable as TinTin's, but no one cares because he's REALLY hot. wow. i have pictures. sheesh, if all belgians are like TinTin and Nico, I'm moving to Belgium first chance i get! Oh, i almost forgot!!! we have this little "play" every night where the counselors act out a continuing story they make up on the spot, and Nico was wearing these REALLY tight pants, and he bends over, and RIPPPP!!! Nora, Wes(a girl), and i were sitting up front, right in front of him, and it was SO HILARIOUS!!! (no, i didn't see anything, you sicko!) he had to hold his hat in front of you-know-where! Laughed my head off!

Nicolas. not to be confused with Nico. Nicolas was really cool. He's american and really super funny. one day, i had him for "francophonie" (learning about french speaking cultures) and halfway through, he's like, "screw this. who just wants to sit down and talk in english?" so we all ditched THAT right away. He plays the guitar REALLY well and i have lots of stories. He's not bad looking either.

well, i can't think of anyone or anything else. just you wait until my pictures come back. then you won't be able to keep up.

and that's all i'm writing for now. or copy/pasting, to be true.
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Friday, August 2nd, 2002

Time:11:47 am.
Mood: hopeful.
i got my hands on mom's Andrew Lloyd Webber showtunes cd. aww man...

i love showtunes! they're all peppy and whatnot! wheee!

"She done gone and R-U-N-N-O-F-T!"

phoo! i made another shoebutton necklace, using my kokopelli charm! whee! but i made it a wee too short, so, it like chokes me! but whatever, it's called a choker for a reason, right? besides, i am not taking it apart. i spent too much time in that.

i found a hilarius site! How to become goth in less than an hour!

very cool.

i want to be an actress! and sing on broadway! even thought i don't have the voice for it! whee!!!

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Thursday, August 1st, 2002

Time:4:02 pm.
Mood: bouncy.
Music:"Lac du Bois La La La La"--Fr. camp song.
i had to work this morning at the 'ospital. i was all, like, wow, dude. i had a really hard time trying to get to sleep(that is the last time i ever listen to a soundtrack to one of my favorite movies to bed) i didn't work overtime because i was so tired. i fell asleep, and the lady had to come tell me my shift was over! yawn!

how depressing. People are shopping for their skool supplies, and i am still just packing for camp. that makes me sad.

mom found my beret! and my medal! and my 6th-year certificate! yes! (the beret, medal and certificate are relics of LdB. A beret the first year, a pin for 2-4, a medal the 5th, and certificates 6-9. the tenth year(which is only 3 years from now!) is another shiny medal. whee!)

usually i lose my beret and all my pins. i think that concordia has had to give me about 3 new berets. but not this year! bwha ha ha!

now let's just see if i can keep my passport throught the entire session with out losing it!(passport=yet another relic. you need it to withdraw money from the bank to buy crazy french things.)

that reminds me. i wonder if they are using Francs again, or have they switched to the Euro like the real european countries??? hmm...

I HAVE NAIR NOW! yummmy...silky smooth.


Arielle Clouse FF92
Sandhill Lake Bible Camp
Rt. 1 Box 123
Fosston, MN 56542

(i will try and write to you, if you give me your addresses. either post them here, or email me. whee!)

i have to say goodbye to my oboe! booo hooo!!! but that means i get a shiny new one! well, not shiny, or new, cause i'll buy a used one, but WHEE!!

i want to watch Blues Brothers 2000. YES! I WILL WATCH IT RIGHT NOW!

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