Frodo Gamgee's LiveJournal
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Below are the 14 most recent journal entries recorded in Frodo Gamgee's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, February 14th, 2002
    12:15 pm
    It's just a stupid holiday, I know . . .
    And I should be feeling loved and happy, because . . . well I just should. I can't say why.
    But I just feel lonely, and worried. Doubting all the good things that have happened to me in the past week, and dwelling on all the bad. I hate being so pessimistic!

    *sighs* Someone love me?

    Current Mood: pessimistic
    10 b33n lubbeds| gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
    10:43 pm
    I'm so exhausted. Today has been . . . pretty crazy.

    Dad came home from his convention and he and mom had a big one-on-one conversation with me. *sigh* It wasn't fun, but it felt good to get a lot of that stuff off my chest. He wasn't as mad as I thought he'd be. My dad's cool, . . . he's very stern and respectful, so when he gets angry at you for doing stuff, he's not all like "the wraith of hell" come alive, but looks at you with this sad dissapproving sort of expression and you just feel bad. o.o; Its hard having him always away from home, either off on his conventions or going about the Shire as the Mayor . . . or whatever. Things are a lot easier to deal with when he's home.

    I'm still not very fond of Mr. Baggins, but I'll deal with it.

    Guess I won't be running off to Gondor afterall. Was sorta looking forward to that. *chuckles*

    Tired now, though.
    Need sleep.

    Current Mood: exhausted
    5 b33n lubbeds| gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    3:22 pm
    Oh god.
    I just read a Legolas/Gimli slash story.
    I need to go gouge my eyes out with a spoon.

    I actually only read the first six chapters. Hahaha. There were 17 or so, and I had to run screaming into the night. I'd rather face my folks than read anymore of that.

    (do as you please, my friends, but I'm not gonna read it)

    Um. Yeah. Just sitting around awaiting Judgement Day.

    Current Mood: pensive
    gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
    10:45 pm
    oh shit
    holy shitballs mom's on the war-path!

    I gotta get OUTTA here!
    7 b33n lubbeds| gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    12:02 pm
    Merry got a new hat today. I went to visit him (since mom and dad are in a 'Frodo is a deliquent hobbitchild' mode -_-) to see the hat. It's nice and pointy. Me likes it very much. =D

    Grabbed his camera and took a snapshot (none of me! I take terrible photos!), but, hehehe. I love this picture. He's so dorkily cute (and I mean that in the highest regards possible, Merry dear). He's just about to burst out laughing. So cute.

    My happy Merry in his pointy hat :3

    Based off Dear old Gandalf's style. Hope he doesn't mind. He really could make quite a bit of money selling them. ^_^

    Current Mood: amused
    16 b33n lubbeds| gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    12:29 am
    The Dwarf couldn't figure it out, but with the lovely Lady Goldberry I was able to change my comments! Hahahaha. It's annoying now, but I'm happy it worked. =DDD So you'd better gib0rz m3 some lubbin' y0!

    Had a good day today. Um. I won't go into it, but I spent a lot time making lots of pretty new icons for Merry and he seems happy with them. I might have over done it a bit tho'. Oh well. ^_^ It was fun.

    Back in Hobbiton now. mom chewed my ear out when we got home for talkin' trash about him. Not that he doesn't deserve it. -_- Oh well. Dad claims he's been off at Gardening conventions . . . but its the middle of winter. ¬.¬ I rather think he's off "putting for the other team" if you catch my drift y0.

    Dad's antics aside, I'm pretty flippin' great. In fact, I haven't felt so great in . . . well, ever! =DDDD
    (and I'm NOT tripping on purple shit or other)
    I'm just all warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Awwww. *^^*; Wonder why? ^_-

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: Angelic Layer
    7 b33n lubbeds| gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    Sunday, February 10th, 2002
    9:06 pm
    Heh. Had a good talk with Merry. Yeah. And dinner. That's it. Was nice. . . .

    Anyway, before I start babbling, I thought I'd just fill out this little survey since it's bopping around. Dunno who started it but Treebeard and Faramir did it, so I thought I should too. Yeah.

    1. What time is it now? 8:54pm
    2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Frodo Gamgee
    3. Nicknames: Frodo. Frodo G. FG. Fro'. Frodo Gardener.
    4. Parent's names: Samwise & Rose
    5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? . . . twenty-two, I think. >_< Or something
    6. Date that you regularly blow them out: Eeeer?
    7. Pets: 11 little siblings.
    8. Height: 3'5"
    9. Eye color: brown
    10. Hair color: brown
    11. Piercings: ouch?
    12. Tattoos: ouch?
    13. How much do you love your job: I'm a gardener. Can't beat that.
    15. Hometown: Hobbiton
    16. Current Residence: Hobbiton (although I'm in Lothlórien as of this typing)
    17. What is your favorite Sobe flavor: ???
    18. Been in love before: Yes.
    19. How many times?: Just the one . . .
    20. Been to Africa?: . . . have you?
    21. Been toilet-papering?: No.
    22. Been Ding-dong-ditching?: . . . no?
    24. Set a body part on fire for amusement? . . . no?
    25. Been in a car crash?: ??? Who the hell wrote this?
    26. Croutons or Bacon Bits?: Nice crispy bacon. :3
    27. 2 doors or 4 (on a car): Um. Doors are good. Four.
    28. Sprite or 7 Up: ???
    29. Coffee or Coffee Ice Cream: Ice cream? HUH? Coffee
    31: Dumper or Dumpee: Dumpee.
    32. What's your favorite salad Dressing: Vinegar
    33. Color of socks: I don't wear socks; I'm a hobbit
    34. Favorite number: 9
    35. Favorite color: grey
    36. Flavor: of what? My favourite flavour? Eeeeh. strawberry
    37. Movies: Fellowship of the Ring.
    38. Shampoo: ¬.¬ Head, Feet and Shoulders
    39. Phone sex service: c'mon, my mom's gonna read this.
    40. Crush: . . . *cough*merry*cough*
    41. Day of the week: Saturday
    42. Song(s): Anything by Sons of Gondor
    43. TV shows: Whose Line is it Anyway. XD
    45. Celebrity: Sean Astin. *cough*
    46. Toothpaste: Water?
    47. Restaurant: Mom's kitchen!
    48. Flower: Daisy. (nevermind the fact thats one of my sisters names -_-)
    49. Least Favorite Subject: Politics
    51. Sport to Watch: Elf Cheerleading.
    52. Type of Ice: *blink?*
    53. Zoo Exhibit: I'll agree with Faramir here: Oliphaunt. =D
    54. Sesame Street Character: Snuffaluffagus.
    55. Muppet: Beaker
    57. When was your last hospital visit?: Never been.
    58. Do you drink: Yes.
    59. What color is your bedroom's carpet?: dirt floor.
    60. What is the name of your best friend?: Elanor (big sis, awwww)
    61. How many times did you fail your Permit and/or Driver's License Test: ???
    62. What do you think of Ouija boards?: Bless you.
    63. Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Almost coming of age! I'll be partying! But probably still living with my parents. >_<
    64. The last person that you got e-mail from before this one: Merry. *^^*
    65. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: No.
    66. Which single store would you choose to max your credit card?: The Garden Store
    68. What words or phrases do you overuse: . . . "tho'". I dunno.
    69. Name the person that is your friend that lives the farthest away: Faramir!!!
    70. Most annoying thing is: Being sober when everyone else is trashed
    71. Best thing: Being trashed? XD Being loved.
    72. Bedtime: Feh. Whenever I want.
    75. Life Statement: "Never give up, never surrender!" (I stole that from a movie tho'.)
    76. What time is it now?: 9:06pm


    Current Mood: happy
    13 b33n lubbeds| gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    1:50 pm
    The Mothman Prophecies
    I don't know what happened last night . . .
    I lost Merry around evening sometime and basically gave up finding him again *sigh* so I went swinging through the trees and saw Legolas and Lord Celeborn talking up there, and lo! they weren't smashed. Somehow I didn't realize Legolas was the funky Legolas until it was too late, and by then he'd invited me and Celeborn and Pippin's wife Diamond along. Where? To this place called a cinema.

    They were showing The Fellowship of the Ring, but I was out voted and we went to go see "The Mothman Prophecies". Needless to say, I slept through the first half and spent the second half in the bathroom. . . .
    Very disturbing show, and Legolas' humany guise didn't help. Hahaha, and then about 20 mins before the movie ended I walked back inside the theater and some dude that worked there kicked me out because I wasn't wearing shoes. I'M A HOBBIT!!!! *sigh* Human's are so hopeless.

    So, I dunno. Lothlórien is nice and all, but nothing really happened that I wanted to.
    I'd hoped to get to talk to Merry alone for a bit, but I've been to shy when he's alone, and otherwise he's with fuck-face and . . . rawr. And my mom is smashed -- she hung out with Mitzi all night, dressed up in some of his/her finery (all too big) and they danced and sang the night away. Hahaha. Very scary.

    Wonder where dad's been? Haven't seen him or Mr. Bilbo since I got here. Strange.

    Well, since everyone is out and about or still passed out, I'm gonna go take a shower and see if I can't work up the nerve to confront Merry one more time before we head out . . .

    Current Mood: disappointed
    11 b33n lubbeds| gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    1:11 am
    Elves abound.
    Well, despite everything, I'm rather enjoying myself here in Lothlórien.
    Half the people here are tripping on DXM cough syrup (mom included) but I decided to lay off and stay sober this trip. I mean, its only once in a life time you get to go to the Elf Capital of the World, right?

    And the weird thing is, I haven't seen Uncle Bilbo since I got here. It's been sort of strange . . . since it is his party.

    Lots of food. Lots of drunks. Been stalking his royal faggness most of the evening, because Merry's been following him around. Makes me nervous-suspcious, but I'm behaving. *smiles* Hahaha, actually, Merry or not, I'm having a pretty good time. In fact, I think I'm gonna go climb one of these trees and swing like a monkey from them. Maybe I'll meet someone fun who isn't tripped out on syrup.

    Lonely. =/

    Current Mood: lonely
    Current Music: Lothlórien Limbo -- The Elves
    1 b33n lubbed| gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    Saturday, February 9th, 2002
    7:55 pm
    I got Gandalf the first time. *blink*
    But when I changed "older" to "childish" it came out as such:

    Who's your Fellowship fella?

    I roll in the hay with Hobbits

    I'm just glad I didn't get my dad. @_@
    gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    12:04 am
    I'm not bitter, really.
    . . .

    I knew what I was going into, but you know, no matter how hard you prepare yourself for the worst, it still hurts like a bitch when you come down. And I'm coming down hard.

    It's not his fault at all, tho' I'd like to wish I could blame him. S'me. Just me. Or maybe my parents for having had me at the wrong time. Or for being born thirty years too late. Or maybe it's just because I'm a boy. Or not Pippin.

    Hate Pippin.

    So anyway. I don't think I'm going tomorrow to Mr. Bilbo's party in Lothlórien. Nothing for me there, and I had my fill of drunks here this week. I'll just wallow in self misery and corrupt the computer while mom and dad are gone. Hope everyone else has fun.

    Current Mood: crushed
    8 b33n lubbeds| gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    Friday, February 8th, 2002
    9:29 pm
    Alright, this is going to make me seem like a total loser and a lout, but I can't help it, because you can't choose, you know, who you like and all that. So before its too late I'm gonna ask!

    Mr. Merry would you please consider being my date for the party at Lothlórien? I would very much be honoured, and I think you might be surprised a the fun it could be! (whats thirty-years between love?)

    With that said, I'm gonna go read some of the Red Book, namely that scene were Merry and Lady Éowyn rocked the pants off the Witch-king of Angmar. DAMN but that didn't rule!!!!

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Current Music: Another Brick in Gondor (pt. 2) -- Sons of Gondor
    2 b33n lubbeds| gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    Thursday, February 7th, 2002
    11:41 pm
    This is lame.
    This is so lame.
    Why am I doing this?

    gib0rz m3 lubbin'!
    11:24 pm
    Holy shit balls.

    w00t! So like I was sneaking onto my mom's account right? Cause she was piss drunk and my dad was smart enough to log out all the time and this lady from outta no where just up and said "Here Frodo, I've invited you to this exclusive thing!" and so now here I am! ROCK ON!!!!

    j00 r00l!!!!!

    In other news, the house is starting to look normal again. Mom and dad had a bunch of their old friends over this week for a 'party' although it was more like a "drink until you blow chunks or worse" fest. It featured such lovely guests as The Sons of Gondor (my idols, really), who are Faramir and Boromir you know the Stewards of Gondor. Well, one's dead and the other's in love with a giant bloody red eyeball (even tho' he's married to this hot chix0rz). So they brought a flaming gay Prince Elf who has an obsession with Kebbler Elf cookies and Dwarves -- or was it Dwarf cookies and Keeblers? LOL And, the Dwarf came too.

    Later the future-King showed up with his hot ElfPrincess girlfriend/wife type friend. Sorta walked in on them shgging in the carrot patch. Poor Uncle Merry probably isn't gonna want to use any of those carrots for a while. x_o Ick.

    Oh yeah and then the King of the Elf-Fags showed up with his troubador and proceeded to make my mom dance on stage like a dyke and sing a terrible karaoke rendition of 'Stayin' Alive' in Sidarian. It was horrible. Fortunately most everyone was too drunk to remember.

    The beautiful thing is Saturday we're all going to Lothlórien (that's where The Lady of the Wood and her Husband live) to celebrate some shit or anything with my old Grandaddy Bilbo. He's not really my grandad, or even related but it sounds better than 'that old coot', right? So that should be fun. Nothing like getting drunk in the Elven Capital of Middle-earth, eh?!

    Alright, I've got a fucking spliting headache and I've still got to add everybody and their grandkid to my LJ friends list so piss off for a bit and let me work.

    And and TO YOU SICK PEDOPHILES OUT THERE: my picture ain't me, okay, it's the pussy faced faggot-ass who my dad named me after when he was younger so go jerk off on some other picture! I'd get one of me up, but my parents are too poor get a camera (dad just blew all his savings getting a laptop for my mom and all she does is read pr0n on and I'm not talented enough to draw myself (and I'm not even IN THE GODAMN FUCkING MISTAKE OF A MOVIE so don't bother me about it. Seven-year-old faggoty-ass Uncle Frodo will have to do, even though I'm like, twenty.)


    Current Mood: bitchy
    Current Music: Sounds of Violence -- Sons of Gondor
    9 b33n lubbeds| gib0rz m3 lubbin'!