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[20 Mar 2002|08:40pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Jets to Brazil - One Summer Last Fall ]

I made another trip to a recruiter today to find out more about the reserves. I really think I might end up doing this, it's just a question of when. As much as I like Seattle, my life really isn't headed anywhere right now, and I need to change that. It's tough though, because there are a number of things I wouldn't mind doing before I go through with this, but really I don't think I have much control over it. Feh.

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[14 Mar 2002|01:29am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Beltones - Let The Bombs Fall ]

Anny "isn't into Joe as much" as she used to be... Yay! They're not going to be all bubbly and annoying anymore! Time to resume normal friendship mode.

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[13 Mar 2002|05:54pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | Anti-heros, The - The Young Loner ]


What started out as a perfectly horrible day at work turned into something worse.

If the oil gun hose exploding, computers constantly crashing, and being shorthanded wasn't enough, I guess maybe falling into the pit was necessary. I have a huge fucking gash on my right shin, it's going to be completely bruised tomorrow, and my left leg is all bruised up. The best part is nobody saw me do it except the two guys who just pulled in with their truck, so they were standing there all freaked out while I hobbled off to the office to patch myself up and mop the blood off my leg.

At least I don't have to work tomorrow...

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[12 Mar 2002|11:46pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Letters to Cleo - Co pilot ]

how fucking annoying when everyone around you is in such a happy, loving relationship and you're not.

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[12 Mar 2002|12:43am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Hepcat - I Can't Wait ]

hair = cut

brendan = happy

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[10 Mar 2002|01:16am]
[ mood | I *heart* Bangs ]
[ music | One Man Army - The Holidays ]

Tonight turned into a nice night dispite the horrible day at work and lack of sleep last night. I hung out with Heather and went to see The Bangs, The Gossip, and that other shitty band down in the international district. There's really only one thing I can say about the show...

The Bangs = The fucking bomb. I love Maggie and Sarah, and hope to some day father many children with them both.

Ohyeah, and all ages shows suck. There were a lot of cute girls running around there, but of course 90% of them were easily still in high school. Ahwell, I guess I'll just have to stick with lusting over Maggie and Sarah.

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[07 Mar 2002|11:20pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | One Man Army - Another Night ]


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[07 Mar 2002|07:57pm]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | One Man Army - One In The Same ]

Jiffy Lube, what a great place....

The other morning, one of the new guys came into work and took Adam aside into the office. "Man, I've been doing a lot of speed and shooting up heroin lately, so I think you should lay me off before I end up stealing something from you guys" he says.

A couple days before that, Daniel calls from prison to say he's going to be coming back to work soon.

And finally... Damien, the other new guy, got a job with Jiffy Lube two days before he had to go back to jail for being unemployed while on "work release."

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[06 Mar 2002|01:35am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | One Man Army - The Holidays ]

I have paint in my hair, on my face, but not on my clothes - I guess I'm just backwards. Anyways, it's all about drinking with the coworkers while you paint the store and munch on pizza. It's just a shame that we were there for FIVE FUCKING HOURS doing it. Fuck, and that's only the first coat.

I'm glad I don't have to work until 8:00am tomor- doh.

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[05 Mar 2002|05:41pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | One Man Army - Another Dead End Story ]

man, I got dicked by Nasai. I totally thought I ordered a chicken teriyaki w/out sauce, but when I got there, he gave me a chicken bowl. Ok, that could have been my fault, but now that I'm home I find out there's sauce on this one.... I think took home someone else's dinner. Bah, I guess I'll get over it.

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[04 Mar 2002|09:59pm]
From: That one petition.

"...has caused mental anguish through his harassment to other users at Live Journal..."

Heh, when in doubt, always throw in mental anguish.
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[04 Mar 2002|09:29pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Beltones - Let The Bombs Fall ]

Let the Bombs Fall

He walked the halls of that wretched place where the soon-to-be laid dying. Went to the room where she was kept, but there was nothing inside but a well made bed, and so he turned to the nurse and said "excuse me miss, but could you please direct me where my mother is?". She turned and said to him "Didn't you know? Mary passed away two days ago."

So don't you tell him that your goddamn life isn't fair cos you don't like your clothes, your car or your hair. He's a Mama's boy who ain't got a Mom anymore, so run and hide cos he's gonna start an all-out war.

But then from nowhere, he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder, and suddenly all the murder leaves his mind. Noone knew a fragile life like the woman that his Father used to call his Wife. And for what it's worth noone was as kind.

So let the bombs fall, cos buddy I don't care. Kill em fucking all man, Kill everybody each and everywhere.

He rang me up and said "I'll meet you at the liquor store, we'll drink and drink until we can't fucking breathe anymore. I'm sick to death and I'm drowning in my own fucking tears, what harm will come if I knock away a few more beers?"(repeat chorus, etc.)

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[02 Mar 2002|10:54pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | The Beltones - Fuck You Anyway ]

What an awesome song by the Beltones.... Fuck You Anyway

Tonight is the night that I come unglued. No longer will the beautiful people walk the streets and smile while I sit and stew. Benn waiting all of my life just to give it to you. Gonna pay back all you generous souls and when I'm done you motherfuckers will all be through. Just kidding, please forgive me, didn't realize that the whiskey would hit me so quickly. I'll just grab my death and be on my way. Didn't mean to wreck your evening, don't you worry 'bout me cos I'm only bleeding. And before I go there's just one last thing I wanna say. Always taking back the things that I say and do. I never meant to hurt anybody, but there's something inside that just won't play it cool. I wouldn't mind beating all of you black and blue. So if you want me I'll be off in the corner holding back on saying what I really think of you.

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[28 Feb 2002|05:18pm]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | The Beltones - Insipid Sedentary Girl ]

What words best describe my day at work today?

"I just want to burn it all down"

You can't even imagine the kind of people I have to put up with every day at work... And that doesn't even count the customers. The best part is when I try to thoughtfully explain to my boss why I think we should be making more than $7.00/hr... Instead of listening, he just talks about how everyone in the world thinks they're under paid, and about how I never have anything nice to say about the Jiffy Lube franchise. I guess his epiphany is going to have to wait until Frank has a nervous breakdown and drowns one of the customers in the oil sump while simultaneously setting fire a car.

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[27 Feb 2002|07:14pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World ]

I just got back from talking to an Army recruiter up in Shoreline. I've been thinking a lot lately about joining the reserves to suppliment my school funding, and to slowly worm my way into the Army to fly helicopters. Too bad about 75% of the people in my life think that the Army is the devil. Quite possibly more than that, actually. Most likely none of my roommates would approve, my mom definitely wouldn't... Really it comes down to Chris, whose dad is in the service, and Mike, who is considering to join to play in military bands are the only people who wouldn't give me shit. I guess it's just a good thing that I don't make my life decisions based off of what everyone else consents to.

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[20 Feb 2002|11:22pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | R.E.M. - Rockville ]

Stupid dinner party with girls with boyfriends. Bleh. I should have just hibernated in my room instead of trying to be social.

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[12 Feb 2002|12:07am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Beltones - Fuck You Anyway ]

Here were the high points of my day:

1. I slept in until 9:00, got to work 2 hours late... but wasn't in trouble.
2. A really good looking girl came in to get her oil changed... and she looked at me (heh).
3. I got my oil changed finally! Fuck yeah.
4. I saw The Royal Tanenbaums with my brother (oh boy is Gwyneth Paltrow a hottie in that one).
5. I brushed my teeth.

Good night.


I have no idea what time I work tomorrow unfortunately.

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[07 Feb 2002|11:00pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Moral Crux - Get Outta My Brain ]

I have internet again! Wheeeeeeee!

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[28 Jan 2002|09:49am]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Wheeeee! ]

Fuck yah! I just got a job driving for Community Services for the Blind this morning. I called in sick to Jiffy Lube so I could do some other shit today, and before I jumped in the shower, I called up CSB real quick just in case the guy I needed to talk to was in. He wasn't, but I talked to some other guy who aparantly can make things happen, because he said one of their drivers was quitting and I was on the top of the list of people they wanted to hire. I start tomorrow morning at 6:30 - woohoo $10/hr! I suppose the only problem though, is that I liked working at Jiffy Lube... I wonder if I can work there part time on my days off from CSB...

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[15 Jan 2002|11:07am]
Woohoo, I have a job now. Everyone totally needs to come down to the Jiffy Lube at U-Village and get their oil changed... I'll probably have something better paying in a few weeks, but I totally want to just work for them on weekends and be a car buff now. :P My dream of becoming a grungy mechanic is coming true!
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