Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in "mineral". 13 matches: Interested users The following users are also interested in "mineral". More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 687 matches:
- 09 - Jon
- 5stars4failure - out of the blue
- 83rockstar83 - ¤ ~ * ÅÑG£LÅ ±h£ FØ×¥ RØ¢k§±ár * ~ ¤
- aaronisemo - .some emo boy.
- abaddiaryday - wendy.
- abominable - ryan ess
- acrosthec - LZ
- adosodatothemax - joshie
- afraidtorejoice - if I close my eyes...
- agirlnamed - delia
- aidaho - aida
- ailemme - emmelia
- akarso - Cognoscenti
- allstarme72 - *the devil's weary grin*
- amandaeatspoop - Russell
- amandagorey - amanda
- ambivalent_fire - Julie
- amypie - Amy
- analogbeauty - todd
- anangelformexxx - Meredith
- andthenyoudie - Bryan the Barnacle
- angrynerdrock - KrisMarcoMikeKidd
- anncharlotte - ann
- annualcleopatra - suburb rocker
- anothrinocntgrl - AnotherInnocentGirl
- anthonyjames - Anthony James
- aquietlife - aquietlife
- argue_existence - tired and uninspired
- aridarigmutton - Adriane aka Arida Rigmutton
- artificialness - Bastard son of a bastard son
- ashweerose - Ashley
- asihittheground - It's A Wonderful Night To Die
- aslightpulse - brian
- asongiknow - peanut
- as_seen_on_tv - as_seen_on_tv
- ateolf - Robert
- automaticstars - damn the man
- averageloser4 - | the kid inside me |
- axe13 - Matt
- axpiratesxriot - .kids with scissors and toy guns and no heads.
- a_fallen_heart - patrik
- a_is_for_aja - i left my happier thoughts in someone else
- a_weakling - lions and tigers
- badlydrawnboy - trapped in a haircut he no longer believed in
- badreputation - caitlin
- bambamkazaam - rocketship!
- bassplayer881 - rich ayers
- beansprout - miranda
- beatnothing - allison
- beautyisnothing - beautyisnothing
- beefjerky - alli
- beforetheireyes - Jeffie Kumshotz
- benderful - Bender
- benh - benjamin emanuel hubbird
- benyhahna - this is only fun for me
- bequietanddrive - [*I`Am`The`Killer*]
- bethefawn - Ryan
- bitterreen - reen
- bleed_american - adam
- blindingxstars - xkillyourfuckingselfx
- blinkpatient182 - sarah
- blisterxblue - *tri
- bloodied_up - analog girl in a digital world
- blueprose - Grover
- blueskiesend - Candy
- blueskiesfail - Holly
- bluestar - Jon
- bluestars - Ativan Tic Tac
- bluesugarbottle - Where are you? Where's my DXM? Where am I?
- bluetunehead - Jeff
- blume - blume
- bobrox - bobrox
- boyd44210 - missing home
- brentbot - brent
- brightasyellow - bright as yellow
- brittyn - Brittyn
- broken434 - crumpled paper heart
- brokenvoicebox - Bitter And Then Some
- bumpkin - lizz
- cadmeanvictory - and the same
- cajuncore - CajunCore
- calbabe631 - Shelly
- callitescape - valleenmichelle
- camus_was_right - Darren
- captainspicy - Christopher
- carsonface - tripping.on.us.
- catchingyou - *mikey*
- celeryisforboys - no_brittle_smile
- cheopsprincess - Stefany
- cherryvanilla - would i tell you even if i could?
- chetagga - BRRRRRRRRRETT
- chewysalamander - Jesse Mays
- chuckecheeeses - chuckecheeeses
- cloud8 - ian
- cnorrisjr - Craig Norris
- cocoapuf027 - -the pin cushi0n queen-
- collyrium - not as good as brandon walker
- convergecor - Cortney
- copperandstars - Bill
- core6irl4christ - Sarah "Shellz"
- countthestars - Kellie
- crappyjackk - Andrew
- crashingx - Never kill boy on the first date
- crazeelinzzzz - MiSs. Understood
- crookedstars - nothing more than sweet white lies
- cryinthedark - Jim
- cubaricho - Grant
- cuddlycore - *emo*tracey*
- cuomoisgod - maggie
- dangerousjames - James Robert
- darcymatissa - Darcy Matissa
- darlingxanne - anne elizabeth
- davedbone - Smellhead
- daytoendalldays - DayToEndAllDays
- dcfciscool - D
- deadexistence - Chrissy
- deathrockboy - a tiger's heart, an apple bed
- decemberinstars - Matt
- deciding - deciding
- deeplyfeel - Gabe
- devoidoflove - emotion is dead
- dilemmadilemma - b r ok e n
- dirtypillows - coming or going
- disconcertedboy - I thought it would be fun to try pornography
- distilled - madeleine
- drawingstars - ryan
- dreamofdecember - accent.hearts
- dressthepart - Charlene
- drivinghome - Chantel
- duchess_of_york - a certain shade of née
- eatingdinner - steph
- eatpunkrock - Krystan bo bystan
- electricdigits - ElectricDigits
- elegantlywoven - elizabeth anne logan
- elinav - sadest girl holding a martini
- elizabeth - Elizabeth
- embalmedwithcum - Judas
- embracethefall - steph-a-key
- emendhaste - grow like fire
- emochild - Jaime
- emodiaries - anna kate
- emodicsoks - adell
- emogirl2 - Tatiane
- emohearted - b r o k e n h e a r t e d
- emokiddev - deveney
- emoplaything - Steve-o McSteveSteve
- emoposer - Emily
- emosavestheday - All my dreams are lost and i can't sleep
- emosensitivo - Paul
- emotionsick - julia
- emotrend - emotrend
- emoxgirl - i feel infinite
- emo_star_in_sky - emo star in sky
- emptystars - Jen
- endofanera - ashley
- endofsanity - Narcissistic Volition
- endserenading02 - James
- endtransmission - dale
- endure - Catch my Curiosity
- epheron - daniel
- ericalee - erica lee
- erinrock - erin
- eternalinternal - nausea
- etherealgalaxy - Mandy
- eukaryote - ava lavinia
- evilsilentbob - Evan Day
- exbrandonex - .¤ Brandon ¤.
- exitboot - confirming my confusion
- face_first_fall - joshua james bellofatto
- failing - jess*
- failure - tedm.
- fairietard - Taliban Music
- fakeyellowstar - movie clock star
- fakingartsy - i am icarus
- fallen_star - angeline
- fareveller - Megan
- farewellpencey - farewell pencey
- farfromhome - adam
- farpromise - Fraction of the Sum
- fayf - fayf
- fearjonas - jonas
- fervidus_tears - gino
- fiction_kid - monika
- fiercepanda - fiercePANDA
- fillemptyeyes - |ashley|
- fireworksinlame - Anner
- five_three_eyes - that one girl
- fixedcamera - Marko
- fixufrmthestart - Ally "blur" St. Laurent
- flightfor1 - Eastwood
- flo_ - sammy
- forevrendstoday - All I'm Losing Is Me
- fosterportfolio - Rain_tastes_like_Tears
- fo_sho - Jana Banana
- fracturedstar - Sarah
- frantic_rancor - .violently.happy.
- frecklefancy - mary
- freefa11 - Horoscopes and Fortune Cookies
- frenzy05 - tickle me EMU
- frigidstar - erika
- fritzter - fritzie fritz
- frnkensteinchic - Stonie
- frodusfan - Jon's Mexican Journal Fiesta del Cha Cha
- fromthisheart - it's only brett
- from_your_hands - you can watch me dissapear...
- frothy - heart
- fucklife - Benny
- fuckwithfire - //case/the/disgrace//
- fullofanguish - Chrissy
- further_on - kevin
- getupandleave - all hail the athiest
- getupgirl - melisska
- gimplosion - Pat Pooped his Pants
- girldecksboy - stephy
- girlinferno - jessica
- girlwithcat - nic
- glassjaw - BOOMcore is cooler than you
- glitteringstars - the only one who knows what it is to burn
- gloomynights64 - peter
- gnihtaolfles - tim
- goingnumb - Holly Hox
- go_casio - Ash
- gracethesnow - grace the snow is here
- greendayfreak - Brownie
- greenteagirl - danika
- grrlstar - c0ck master
- g_freg - G-Freg
- h8grenade - h8grenade
- hampshire - .katherine.
- hayte - heather
- headah - Heather
- head_expl0dy - walking open wound,a trophy display of bruises...
- heartbeatred - cross out the eyes
- heartfuckshead - shut up!!for i do you like i did my last one!!!
- heartless_volvo - kim knownothing
- heartxcrossed - heartxcrossed
- heath0r - i crush skulls
- hethecande - hethe
- hiddenhopes - Andy
- hollyhox57 - Holly Hox
- hopefalls - kristen
- hopesend - amelia
- hotpursuit - <fashion>fight<pause>
- howdarei - jessica
- huddlingmasses - marc the pirate
- hulud67 - Chad
- iamjon - Jonathan
- iamtheantihero - anna
- idbegoodforu - not.your.everyday.grrrl.
- idiedthatday - Jenn
- idriveamach5 - luke in a blender
- igengrri - captured in motion
- igounnoticed - they call me ashleigh. sometimes.
- ihatetony - -=-fighting-gravity-=-
- iheartdrums - Mike
- iheartemo - -*-Megan-*-
- iheldmybreath - Jessie
- iinyoureyes - claire
- ilikecoffee - Christie
- ilikeneckties - What Seems To Be The Problem, Osafer?
- ilovejessica - Josh
- imafuckingloser - i know not who i am...
- imnotcool - Mrs. Hankey
- imolokol - Yaddle
- indiebean - copper and stars
- indierock - Joshua
- indigodreams - Emily
- inhibition - lindsay
- inmattsdreams - matthewsdreams
- inretrospect - meridith
- insomniacrocker - The Jittery Little Chipmunk
- inwardbend - Dan
- inyourgrace - nothinglessthaninyourgrace.
- irate_koala - sarah
- ispyemo - There is beauty in this tension
- itickleheremo - ITickleHerEmo
- ivadell - little miss directed aggression.
- jacobk - jacob
- jaggedwings - lovethemelullaby
- jaimelynne - jaime
- jasonfields - Jason Fields
- javachickn - javachickn
- java_junkie - Becky
- jawbreakerfuck - smallpox champion
- jaynie - marenara sauce
- jdixon - dixon
- jeff8163 - Jeff Hall
- jeffpeck - Jeff Peck
- jennx30 - .jenny
- jeritsu - rye jones
- jerkfacekatey - Katey
- jerkyturkey - Berk
- joeyhanny - Johannah
- joshfive - .satellites|mediate.
- joshmistake - the last of the famous international playboys
- joshuatherocker - Joshua Judah
- jrod - Jarrod Gerardot
- juice606 - Juice 606
- junezero - Your eyes have all the answers.
- junglecraka - .misery.in.the.flesh.
- juniper - lizzy
- justcore - ikry
- justelyssa - elyssa ann*
- kamikaze_girl - kamikaze_girl
- kandycoatedchao - Jen
- kaneda19 - Throwing Icicles at your Heart
- katabatic - Jonathan
- katethegreat - kAtE cLaUhS
- katiesometimes - katie
- keeping - established
- kellyfer - Kelly
- kerrence - carolina
- killkansas - Jacob
- kimmercake - .Only.If.I.Would.
- kimmyeatworld - leavingarizona
- kim_volvo - kim volvo
- kittenface - the allison plan is terrified
- klepto100 - Marc
- konstrix - luis
- labelme - drama is a no no
- lasaspike - Laura
- late4breakfast - always of sound
- laurenxlovesyou - lauren
- laurin - l@urin. bam.
- layla2geeky - Layla Bright Eyes
- leftandleaving - Kenneth Preston Merkley
- leshii - Nino Quincampoix
- letsplaydead - Michael
- let_it_go - Jessica
- lickitysplit - *with the stars in your eyes*
- lifeobscura - christy lee
- like_whoa - R.I.P. grrlstar
- lilpinkystars - ericatron says, "i just wanna be a cool kid"
- lindsayissex - Lindsay
- lisa1216 - ..::Lisa, Interupted::..
- lonesomecowboy - David Watts
- losetheday - postlapsaria
- lostintransit - color me obvious
- lostkitten - Melanie
- lotusjule - Julia
- lovebeans - amanda
- lowwren - Lauren
- mafiaprincess - Jen
- malifa - malia
- markness - Marky Mark
- marsmellio - Marcelle
- mass_pike00 - Megs
- mattcamefalling - matthew
- mattdork - =M=a=t=t=h=e=w=
- maybeplastic - how it feels to be something on
- mayfirst1984 - kristin
- meagainstme - xonpaperwingsx
- meandernow - Jason
- medotcom - amanda
- megalyn_the_moo - you pronounce it...yay-zeus
- megsluvsorgy - Megan Bo Began
- melicious - *~melindy~*
- mellow_failure - Blind Man's Arrow
- memoriesfade - bootylicious.
- mgz - steve
- michaelperry - michael perry
- midnightzone - Lindsey
- mikecomplex - mikecomplex
- mikeyd10 - Mikey D
- minderz - melinda
- missedthetrain - i'm done feeling like a s k e l e t o n
- missingyourbed - .john.
- missslauren - Lauren
- misterbluehat - Mr. Bluehat
- miyabita - miyabita
- molekular - .:molekular:.
- monovsstereo - we've seen these roads before
- motivatemel - your second kiss.
- mrpenguin - Your best nightmare
- mr_little_jeans - Jacob
- msqueen - mississippi queen
- muertandose - Jeremy Quintero
- muffalosoldier - ashley
- musicvstheheart - Kelly
- myeulogy - Amanda
- myfakealias - Patrick
- myliverisokay - Brett
- mysundown - *I'll be fine*
- myxplasticxyou - Rory
- my_confession - melissa
- naught - naught
- navyblueink - danielle.
- nerdboy - michael
- nerdgirl8288 - Linabean
- neversometimes - n i c o l e
- newaesthetic - Cait
- newpinkshoes - Caitlin
- new_pestilence - THE FIGHTING FILIPINO
- nfg_ponker - kriz
- nightlite_on - sofia
- niiicolaaah - ~*NiiiCoLaaaH*~
- ninaczarina - Jess
- nobodysoldlady - nobody'soldlady
- noelanistar - Wilma
- nolongerfurtive - Keisha
- noonetolisten - roxanne.
- nosa - Cruel Master of the Coat
- notaudrey - samantha.
- not_my_past - your new cuckoo
- nowofthesystem - nowofthesystem
- number217 - (none)
- nun182 - GLORY
- octobercamber - nick
- oddawastate - .xRyanx.
- ohnoohyea - jen
- oh_my_nellyness - oh no, disaster.
- onceuponadream - Alana
- onehipnerd - .::. One Hip Nerd .::.
- onesplitsecond - Kristin
- onlydays - laura
- onlydreaming - onlydreaming
- onlyindreamz - Laura
- oonalovesmangos - Oona
- optein - optein
- oshkoshbyjosh - joshua
- pailblusea - Katharine
- panicked - stephanie
- paperairplane - p.a.p.e.r. a.i.r.p.l.a.n.e.
- parabola - hazel
- parkinglot - parkinglot
- patientgirl - patient girl
- petahplevrehtes - Peter Plevritis
- pezzer - Carlie Retardy
- phoninginsick - Annabel Lee
- pickyourpoison - Jason
- pilotoflies - carlos
- pimpmomoney - The saddest girl to ever hold a martini...
- pinkdaydreams - pinkdaydreams
- pinkglittergrrl - Star Cry
- pisforpenguin - alice
- pixiedustedpoet - Stephanie
- pixiegazestar - kristen
- plasticcanopy - harmony
- pleasexdie - pleaseXdie
- pointseven82 - G*R*E*G
- pokebiotch - lacey
- pokeyjones - Pokey Jones
- polyesterday - Casey the Teapot
- ponder - Jaime
- pooboxer - fin
- pprincesspunky - Rachel
- prettyunpunk - tasty but worthless
- prima_lux - Caitlin Angela
- promenading - Promenade
- promisering - thuy
- psycho_mantis - Girth Brooks.
- pubeparty - dan reid
- puddlezofpunk - lisa
- pullingupheart - sean
- punkiepixie - ::muh-ree::
- punkinhayato - Hayato the Fisherman
- punkmint39 - An Emo's Teardrop... Step inside the life of Megan
- putrialexander - *pseudo-kiss*
- quietgrrl - .sarah.velouria.izanami.
- quikgeek - quik
- racebannon - racebannon
- raea - i scatter in the wind
- raegun - rae
- rae_rae - rachel
- rainingflames - lauren
- ravendark122ils - Jake
- readytofail - Andrew Chaos
- redballoon - Carolyn
- redelephant - Jesse
- redhalogen - orchids, oranges, bedroom
- redlightsean - Sean-Michael Dore
- redsodeep - poetry written in gasoline
- redundantaction - charleston
- reesiskrisis - kristine
- rev151 - matty
- rewrittenlies - melissa
- ricatcher - *d@rebe@r*
- richy - richard
- righteousbabe - XlindsayX
- rivers - rivers
- robo107 - Megan
- robots1humans0 - Gnarly Carlie
- rockinout - Rob
- rockinscience - not like it's rockinscience
- rocksocks - hope stained heart
- rottenmilk - whit
- roxygeek - samantha
- rubylashes - liz
- rudegrrlnj - ~*erin*~
- ruinedpuzzle - Ashley Chapokas
- sadderstar - lindsey.
- sadder_star - sadder_star
- sadsongs - Amanda
- sarahkrunk - sarahkrunk
- sarcasticslew - Sarcastic Slew
- sase - distancedbymoments
- savestheday37 - -you're a disgrace to the concept of family-
- save_dantos - save dantos
- scrapedknees - danyell
- scullyteen - Miss Katie ;)
- seascapexo - christopher
- selfmyndead - Shane
- serendipityy - Sarah
- severekidd - October
- shadesofblue - The Darkest Days Have the Darkest Shadows.
- shannonian - Shannonian
- shannonpants - Shannon
- shehangsbritely - ashley
- sheilabarbarak - emma mandolin
- sheliewest - .:shell:.
- shesaidnothing - Crystal
- shesmakebelieve - a dazzled star
- shesover - sara
- shiggitycheryl - .cheryl.
- shinedownunshy - shinedownunshy
- shortfingered - Christopher Mychal Camp
- silentcurse - higga
- sillypookie - .*andrea*.
- sixbyseven - helpless
- skunkkid - skunkkid
- skyisstarless - not..alone..just..lonely
- smeagol_gollum - Smeagol-Gollum
- sofaraway - noone cares
- someofrichtogo - someofrichtogo
- somethingxvague - laurel
- soulrockerbuffy - buffy
- soundsofsilence - emie "rabbit punch" francis
- spacecowboyno9 - So much Ryan
- sparkleinmyeye - ...k
- speedking - bastard
- stained_ribbons - Lizzy
- starscheme - SarahMarah
- starxsick - ashley
- starxxx - .mistress. .of. .destruction.
- star_spud - kathryn
- stayuplate - Micah
- stillifemystery - Zaius
- stolensidewalk - fallen star collection
- stranz - stranz
- streaksinthesky - melanie
- stuckgrrrl - ren
- stupidloserface - Nic!
- sugaremoshoes - Holly Hox
- sui_generis_ - suzie cheesecake
- sunburst - hidden meaning
- sunmoonstar - *~* Spinelli *~*
- sunnydaybeck - Chelle
- sunnydaystar - Sunny Day Kid
- supercore - Brian
- superdupercle - im gay
- superkc - casey
- sush - Speed Racer
- swingsetgurl - Meagan
- sycamore - christopher
- tabbpons - tabb
- tablesalt - theory
- takethesewords - Melissa
- tarynali - taryn
- tasteless_words - heart of snow
- teaandsympathy - Tea and Sympathy
- tearstainedsky - mindless ashley
- tearsthatbleed - Art Garfunkle
- th3o - theo
- thanxforstaying - I will not be an enemy of anything...
- thatchio - thatcher
- theabscence - chris
- thebaumer - Pool Wood
- thechoke - Gavin
- theer1c - A Quitter
- theevilspoon - stacy
- theillusionary - Chasta
- theonlyremedy - The Only Remedy
- theory - Matt
- therisingtide - Devon
- thesexymonstar - Daniiii
- the_passion - c. aubrey (\/)
- the_rocks_below - Kirk
- thinsafetypin - thinsafetypin
- thisgreatdecay - in love with love and lousy poetry
- threatofthesky - emily
- threemilesdown - andy
- thriftstoreriot - mike
- throatneedle - Your Mom Inc.
- thurs_day - .a.miswired.shortwave.radio.
- tinymusic - seeing it this way
- tiredandsick - alex
- toddrock - Todd Purse
- tofu_bebe - here comes love
- torridice - It's this till more
- tragicbutlovely - and i wish...
- transport - Sacred
- treasonsymphony - mira
- triple_b - Brian
- tristanmeek - Tristan
- true80schic - Marian Ramone
- tuckmein - Jamie
- tutamilla - Lauren
- twinstargirl - lynnie
- twodayromance - fashion-core
- twopromises - Generic Whore
- twstdillusion - ~*Lovebites and Razorlines*~
- ultrablue18 - Ultrablue
- umbrellagirl - lizziz
- uncreative_name - Seancore, The Holyest of Shits
- unimpeccableme - jkhbgdbfhg
- unseenemotion - Unseen Emotion
- unsensical - [stEevN]
- unxplanetory - drako
- upsanddowns - tHe.GiRl.WhO.DeStrOYeD.tHe.WoRLd.
- urbansilence - vagrantbabe
- vegan_incognito - veggimike
- velouria_cuomo - Lauren
- verbalhologram - tawmie
- verysickatoms - stupid terminal
- vidaliya - cassandra
- vlademer - Grand Master D
- wabuson - Misguided by the 405
- waitforx - Phillsy
- waitinghurt - holding demons in our hearts
- watchmeflow - watch me | flow.
- weallbleed - zack
- welaughindoors - Splash, turn & twist
- westcoastpimp - j-eremy
- whendee - wendy
- whenstarsfell - Frank Rapstar
- whorenomore - Dan O. Rexic
- whytry - lauren
- wildeyedchild - Jane
- wild_tung - Dry My Tear
- wiltingbeauty - jessica
- wingedcreature - Andrea
- withnarmslength - James Still Shatter
- withsin - david
- with_no_emotion - ania
- wkupndsapr - gailes
- wscrombiegirl - Hollis the LiL black raincloud
- xaetherx - Erica
- xaustinxxx - <3 austin <3
- xbrokenanalogx - Crumpled Wings
- xbrokenglassx - bowser from sha-na-na
- xbrokenx - for you i bleed myself..
- xcaitxlinx - caitlin
- xcaniscreamx - >jared.//
- xcelestialx - .s.e.e.v.a.n.
- xclichex - ...wounded not dead...
- xfarfromherex - Lisa
- xforeverstolenx - Mary
- xfrostix - Paola
- xgirllikesboyx - ultimate ghetto madness
- xgradexxemox - kids with no hope
- xguevarax - XsomethingreallyfuckingwittyX
- xheartonfloorx - Julie
- xiamthekillerx - ErinPocketbook
- xinyoureyesx - raKhel
- xjimmywack7x - Ninja-Kick Nick
- xjonmistakex - xjonnyminnesotax
- xjustagirlx - Sara
- xkatiex - katieness
- xkissedx - ambur n.
- xkx - katharine s.
- xlaurrocksit - Laur
- xlitebritex - if you want me just say so
- xlorinx - A Fading Red Star
- xmydeardiary - \m/ kristie
- xnotavictimx - XJezykaX
- xocnerdx - shaners
- xonexslowdancex - x girl afraid x
- xpeachyxnerdx - christie
- xpxuxnxkx - A Punk named Emo
- xredlipstickx - you'd like to think you know her.
- xsavetheemox - another night with arms still empty.
- xshanex - X.shane.X
- xsparklegirlx - not your cup of tea
- xstarsdofallx - cant we forget all of this
- xstrickenx - XJerboX
- xtimmythegeekx - Timmy
- xxalisoniscoolx - kiss me like you mean it
- xxblackstarxx - . Blame it on the BlackStar.
- xxtoashesxx - Susan
- xxveenusxx - ~* Vee *~
- yeahwhocares - Aaron Hessling
- yippypoopoo - evol.ym.tcelfer|reflect.my.love
- youkillme - you'n call me nan
- yourefired - your mom
- yrshoesturnmeon - your mom.
- zaktowe - zaktowe
- ziti - Michele