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bouncy |
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Tori Amos - Teen Spirit - Techno Remix |
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So... lots of stuff has happened since I last wrote... but then I always say that.
What did I last write about?! I'll just check up... okay, not much as usual.
I've had a really productive weekend... finished scanning in the rest of the 300 concert photos I started on a few weeks back. Then last night I got in this huge-ass tidying mood, and tidied the whole lounge and bedroom, and also did ALL of the dishes (it was like our whole dinner set needing to be done!). I also changed the sheets on the bed (inspiration from mipol ;o)...
So I was up until 1:30 doing tidying, and the bedroom is tidier than it has ever been in this house. When we went to bed after I was finished we decided we couldn't go to bed all sweaty and yuck from tidying, into the lovely clean sheets, so we both had showers. Early morning showers rock, heh.
Then this morning I woke up at about 9, and since the whole house was so tidy (apart from the office but that's Joe's territory which he is attacking right now ;o), I had nothing to do so I headed off to the gym. When I got home we headed out to clear the PO Box and see if a friend wanted the leather jacket I got from work on my birthday. He did want it, so, sweet as. Then we headed off to Farmers to spend my birthday vouchers and I got a new pair of shoes, very cute.
Mum & Dad came over for a while when we got home, we ended up having dinner with them at Burger King. Yum, I haven't had that in ages. Well actually it wasn't that nice but you know, novelty factor and all...
My sister got two kittens yesterday, brothers, they are soooooo cute and 8 weeks old. Memphis wants to have their babies.