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It's been a while [24 Feb 2002|09:39pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Tori Amos - Teen Spirit - Techno Remix ]

So... lots of stuff has happened since I last wrote... but then I always say that.

What did I last write about?! I'll just check up... okay, not much as usual.

I've had a really productive weekend... finished scanning in the rest of the 300 concert photos I started on a few weeks back. Then last night I got in this huge-ass tidying mood, and tidied the whole lounge and bedroom, and also did ALL of the dishes (it was like our whole dinner set needing to be done!). I also changed the sheets on the bed (inspiration from mipol ;o)...

So I was up until 1:30 doing tidying, and the bedroom is tidier than it has ever been in this house. When we went to bed after I was finished we decided we couldn't go to bed all sweaty and yuck from tidying, into the lovely clean sheets, so we both had showers. Early morning showers rock, heh.

Then this morning I woke up at about 9, and since the whole house was so tidy (apart from the office but that's Joe's territory which he is attacking right now ;o), I had nothing to do so I headed off to the gym. When I got home we headed out to clear the PO Box and see if a friend wanted the leather jacket I got from work on my birthday. He did want it, so, sweet as. Then we headed off to Farmers to spend my birthday vouchers and I got a new pair of shoes, very cute.

Mum & Dad came over for a while when we got home, we ended up having dinner with them at Burger King. Yum, I haven't had that in ages. Well actually it wasn't that nice but you know, novelty factor and all...

My sister got two kittens yesterday, brothers, they are soooooo cute and 8 weeks old. Memphis wants to have their babies.

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Bloody old Morrinsville... [20 Feb 2002|05:30am]
... in the news again!

This time for a guy wielding a machete in the WINZ office, here.

Almost 10 years ago the same sort of thing happened there, but a guy held up the police station. His name was Larry Hammond and he ended up being killed. It was crazy shit and, of course, the whole town talked about it. This one probably won't be the source of quite so much gossip seeing as no-one was injured or killed.

Small towns eh, gotta love 'em.
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anyone want a jacket? [19 Feb 2002|09:27pm]
i scored a Leather Timberlands Jacket the other day (brand new) for cheap through a work auction.

anyone want it? i'm thinking of taking it to the k'rd markets, or selling it on ebay or something. hopefully i'll get a good deal out of it

it's size XS but it's pretty large sizing, i think it's men's sizing but it fits ok on joe, and he is definitely NOT XS!!!
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Cool [19 Feb 2002|08:20pm]
[ mood | impressed ]
[ music | Muse - Bliss ]

I just downloaded the LJ client - spunky! I'm impressed :o)

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[19 Feb 2002|08:04pm]
"He's always closing his eyes, like it hurts to look at things."

Did any of you ever watch My So-Called Life when it was on Ice TV quite a few years back? That was so my most favourite programme ever. Bring back MSCL!!! Grrrrrr.

Amber off School Rules is a hot sexy biatch! Rawrrrr!
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[17 Feb 2002|10:18pm]
Today Rachel and I went to see Nicole's house and her pets. It was fun, and I liked her house.

I don't have much else to say but I wanted to write about that so I would remember when I look back through the archives. :)

I still like my hair. At the moment it's up in cute little pigtails. I want to wear it like this on my last day at my job, hehe. Only 3 weeks to go!
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[16 Feb 2002|06:51pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

So, if you keep up with this thing you would know I got my haircut this afternoon. You might've also seen the pictures I posted. Well, I'm really happy with how it turned out! I wanted to get it a little shorter (between my chin and top of jaw) but I think the hairdresser was scared I wouldn't like it that short... so I'll get it that length when I go in for a trim in the next couple of months.

The girl who cut it asked me about three times if I was sure I didn't want to keep my hair - it was so long and such a huge heap on the floor! I kept replying 'No thanks, you can have it all!'. Glad to be rid of it in a way ;)

I got it all layered, which was new to me. I've had the front layered before (only once though), and never the whole thing. I think it looks good, and it feels really light!

I've felt so good this afternoon since I walked out of the salon, and I think it showed 'cos when I was driving out of the carpark, a guy who was driving past winked at me and I grinned :) (I would probably just ignore them, normally, but I haven't had a random guy wink/smile at me in ages so it was a real ego boost, hehe. Could you tell? ;)

I'm hungry!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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...now you don't [16 Feb 2002|01:39pm]
[ mood | happy ]

short as!

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now you see it... [16 Feb 2002|10:33am]
[ mood | nervous ]

long hair!

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2 Minute Noodles for Breakfast... [16 Feb 2002|10:07am]
Just got back from the Vet with Memphis - she had her first vaccinations and got a worming tablet. I didn't much like the vet (I had a voucher for free there), so I doubt I will go back. I will probably take her to Milford Pet & Vet next time, they are normally really good there with Russ. It is a bit of a trek to go to the shore just for the vets but I think it's worth it for good service...

I have booked in for a cut and colour at Rodney Waynes for 11am. I am excited! Currently my hair is about halfway down my back, and all different shades of dye from when I used to do it at home... black, dark brown, the works. I am getting it cut to about shoulder-length (perhaps even chin-length, I haven't really decided) and will get a browny-coppery colour put through it. I'm hoping it will look ok. I will probably post before & after shots up here this afternoon.

Pizza Hut last night was great. All of my family went and Joe's parents came too - thoroughly enjoyable to spend my birthday with all of them :). My family came back here afterwards and my sister wanted to kidnap (catnap?) Memphis, she just adored her.

My birthday was great yesterday too - I got spoilt! They put on a morning tea for me at work, one of the lady's baked a yumyumyum carrot cake, and we had savouries. We went out for lunch... for afternoon tea Yii brought me half a donut and a coffee, it was soooo good! Nicole got me some really cute candles, my parents gave me some cash for my haircut, and my sister gave me some Farmers vouchers cos I had said vouchers would be good.

All in all a great day yesterday - will post haircut pics later. :)
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Mr St Valentine [14 Feb 2002|09:18pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Alien Ant Farm - 'Smooth Criminal' ]

Less than 3 hours 'til I'm 20! Gosh I will be old :(

It's Valentine's Day! Yay! I had a really lovely day. I came home from work for lunch, which Joe had made for me. He picked me a dandelion out of the garden and put it in a vase - it was so cute. So I had noodles and chippie sandwiches for lunch, which was soooooo good.

Then I headed off back to work, which was really quiet today, I didn't have much to do and there was hardly anyone there. I just did credit control all afternoon, which sucked, but oh well. Then I came home after work and had a nap for a couple of hours...

After I got up we went out for our romantic dinner. We went over to Devonport and got some fish n chips, and headed off down toward the beach, sat on a park-bench and ate looking out over the water. It was so nice :)

So I've had a lovely day, and I'm looking forward to my birthday tomorrow. My family are coming up tomorrow night for Pizza Hut, which Joe's parents are also going to come to with us, so it should be lots of fun and I can't wait!

I hope you've all had a great Valentine's Day too :)

Love from Elly-the-teenager (for the last time!)

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[10 Feb 2002|11:11pm]
We just finished watching EdTV. I liked it. I like simple movies and romances and comedies, so it suited my tastes perfectly. None of this arty-farty shit thanks :)

Joe always mocks me for my movie taste but I don't care - I'm not gonna pretend I like something if I don't!
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Yesterday... [09 Feb 2002|07:07pm]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | Mr Bean in background (hey, it's saturday night tv ok!) ]

...I handed in my notice at work. What a great feeling! Everyone said they would miss me lots.

My last day will be March 8, and my first day at the new job will be March 11. I get my own little office instead of a partitioned off cubicle, and the people I have met from there seem really nice.

I had a 'meeting' with my boss yesterday afternoon to go over my reasons for leaving. It was great - I had typed up a page-long list of reasons (believe me, there were many!) and went over each one in great detail. I am relieved I have got all of that off my chest now - stuff I had been bitching about for months, now they know why. Hoorah!

It was really good yesterday, a lot of things were pissing me off in the morning, and I just kept thinking 'only 1 month of this to go! yay!'. The rest of my time there shouldn't seem so bad if I keep thinking that :)

Update on the cats: Memphis and Russ are getting along well now. They play-fight a lot, but they sleep together a lot now too, which is just sooooo cute! I am so glad we got Memphis, she seems to be helping Russ come out of his scaredy-cat shell. She met Grey Cat before too (that's Russ' neighbour-cat friend), they seemed to get on okay.

I had a glass of wine before (I don't drink that often anymore) and am feeling happy!

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[09 Feb 2002|07:00pm]
from this site:


mmmmmm, cherry red! i would have preferred blue but red is nice.
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Sick :o( [07 Feb 2002|09:23pm]
I had today off work sick.

Also: I got a new job today! I am going to take my new contract in tomorrow or Monday. I am handing in my notice at my current job tomorrow. How exciting!

Photos of kitty are up here: silence.co.nz/memphis.

Lalala I am tired and sick and have a little headache so bed calls for me now. Night!
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Kitten! [06 Feb 2002|09:42pm]
So, I got a kitten this morning. :)

It's a 7 week old girl, mostly black with heaps of brown tones through her fur, so she looks sorta like a chocolate-brown colour. Hence the name we decided on - Memphis - a tribute to my favourite ice-cream, hehe.

She is sooooo playful, heaps more so than Russ was when we first got him (he was 3 weeks older than she is now), and she is really brave and adventurous - not afraid of anything!

We're going to have lots of fun with her. It's a bit strange between her and Russ, but things are coming along slowly. At least they don't hiss and growl at each other now - I'd say by Friday/Saturday they'll be happy playmates :)
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blah mcblah [05 Feb 2002|09:19pm]
Why hello there. I have good news. I am getting a kitten tomorrow! I was supposed to get one for my birthday (next friday, yo), but I can't wait til my birthday and we're not very busy over the next few days, so I will get to spend heaps of time with it.

I will post pictures when we have the little cutems here.

I can't wait for tomorrow, I might go to bed in a minute so when I wake up in the morning I can start getting ready to go out looking :)

I am getting a cold which is no fun. I haven't had a bad cold in over 7 months >:(
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Bored... [02 Feb 2002|11:48pm]
I am about to start scanning over 350 concert photos for my other website.

I have a feeling I might be here until at least 3am.

Wanna entertain me? msn me. My details are in my userinfo page ;)
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today is your birthday and not mine... [01 Feb 2002|06:57pm]
it's my birthday two weeks from today! yay :)

but stink... one of the girls who has resigned from work (she's quite high-up in the company) is leaving on the day of my birthday... so they will have a big morning tea for her. i am guessing they will probably shame me out by telling everyone it's my birthday... i don't care if people know but i don't want them to ANNOUNCE it! ;)

anyways i'm just being paranoid. they did that to one other guy once you see, so i'm a little worried.

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Just to add... [01 Feb 2002|05:37am]
Thanks to everyone who has congratulated me! I am still surprised about it, considering I have been applying for the last 7 months and I am finally in...

I am doing it part-time out of work hours, which is supposed to take 6 years... ;)

The paper I will start doing this semester is Management, so I'm looking forward to that. We get to do the Mike's Bike's thing :)
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