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Mehr über mich, oder "TAG 2" [03 Apr 2002|06:24pm]
Woke up this morning at ~6am, totally awake. Damn jetlag. :-)

That was 12 hours ago. In the meantime I went to the Goethe Institut and checked in with 5 different people, took a test, then went and moved into my apartment, which is totally sweet. I was expecting small, dark, and no kitchen. Nope... it's big, tall ceilings, all white, has a kitchen, porch... totally sweet.

But no phone service, even though there's a phone jack. I can't get phone service hooked up because there's a 2 week delay to get it, and then the Telekom would only have me as a customer for 6 weeks at that point, which they don't find worthwhile.

So I'll just steal Judith's net access more. I don't need it in my room anyway... I'm so much more productive without it.

I have my own room, but share the kitchen and bathroom with another dude from around Tokyo named Toyota. Wir müssen auf Deutsch sprechen, will er kein Englisch kann. Well, I asked him if he spoke any languages and he said English, but I get the idea that it's worse than his poor German. So this'll be rad.

The balcony door is so cool! It can open like a door or a window. It's too cool to describe. Judith says they're so normal. I've never seen one.

Judith's having fun correcting all my pronounciation. I'm having fun making her use articles in English. No, she's not too bad. I only correct her about once every 5 minutes, whereas she corrects my German about every 5 seconds.

OTHER INTERESTING THING! Judith and I went to the Patentstelledortbüroetwas oder so and filled out an application to do a European name search on "LiveJournal", which is a prereq to registering the name as reserved in all of Europe, which is pretty cheap. THEN... the plan is to setup a German company, which will then be able to accept over the web EC numbers which everybody has (how people pay for purchases and stuff, like a debit card), and then get a merchant account for that company, and have the company wire money to Oh, but who would use it? Judith's going to translate all of LJ into German. But my FreeVote translation plan was half-ass. I'm doing redoing it all, with a better design, so every single damn part can be translatable. Really, this is for fun, learning the process and doing the research to talk to so many different people, but if it makes money... das ist auch gut.

Went to lunch earlier with Judith... where you want to go, she asked. "German food! Kein Pizza!" She said Germans just eat Turkish food, so we had Turkish food, and damn was it good.

Having dinner soon with: Judith, Tony, Nina, die mir Blumen schenken wird, und auch: Peter, der über Deutsche Firmen zu machen weiß. We're making pasta, I think.

Bis später!

GODDAMNIT... Judith just read this and started laughing. That's how good my German is. But she's making me post it anyway. hehehehehe. :PpPPp ICH ESSE BRATWURST!!
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Hello again [03 Apr 2002|08:28am]
I woke up this morning about 5:30am. Not bad at all. I was afraid I'd wake up at 3am or so. So I think I conquered this jetlag thing by staying up 30 hours or whatever I did.

Cool things of note that I forgot yesterday:

-- I got a bus pass for a month. Ich kann irgendwo gehen!

-- Tony is lending me his old cellphone to use while I'm here. I didn't think I needed one, but he insisted. I just have to run to a store and add minutes to it (pre-paid). He added two numbers to it: "TONY" and "Judith". Großbuchstaben für dich? Wir wissen, wer mehr important ist. "Ja", er sagte. :-)

Judith's taking a shower now and dann gehen wir irgendwo zu frühstücken.

I can move into my room at 9... in 40 minutes. (time conversion from PST: subtract two hours and flip AM/PM... until you "Spring forward", then subtract 3 and flip)

While Judith showers I steal her ethernet wire. Mwahah. I have a location setup in OS X now called "Judith" which does the PPP over Ethernet required for I tried setting up NAT on her laptop, but Win2k doesn't seem to let you share a PPPoE connection, as it thinks it's too transient to act as a gateway, and insists on changing your IP address. (so it won't let you share a connection that's DHCP, also? oder so... es war auf Deutsch und wissen wir, wie gut mein Deutsch ist. :P) So for now, we just swap cables. An alternative is to NAT on OS X and have her go through my laptop, but that's kinda lame and ass-backwards, since this is her place and her internet connection. If Windows let you switch network configurations as easily as OS X then it wouldn't be bad, but I digress.

Tschüß! (hhmm... where is avva? Israel's at war now, right? I hope he wasn't called off to the Army or something. I don't even know how old he is...)
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hi hi [02 Apr 2002|11:35am]
I'm here. I'm alive. I've been awake for... 30 hours now?

Awesome flights. Awesome day.

The setting: Dresden, Germany.
The cast:
Judith (calliste) -- my English translator
Tony (tigerentchen) -- so funny. looks sooo much like evan
Nina (dninawars) -- Tony's girlfriend. Speaks Latin, but no English.

First plan trip was cool... Lufthansa rules. I thought it was just because it was an international flight, but the second Lufthansa legged ruled too. Sat next to German people and talked to them and stuff. Heh. And in the airport... "Wissen sie, wo eine Bank ist? Ich brauche Euros." Heh.

See cast above. We all walked around the city like 5 times all over and went to tons of coffee shops and churches and parks and stuff. I can't wait to start running around here... tons of cool places.

MUSS ERFORSCHEN! (neues wort für mich!)

Pizza's on its way. Then I think it's sleepin' time. See above.


P.S. I will refrain from German in this journal. If you want to laugh at me, add bradaufdeutsch to your friends list.

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tick, tick, tick... [31 Mar 2002|07:24pm]
All packed.

Flight leaves tomorrow morning.

Enjoy my finals hours of posting in English while you can. Mwahahhah.

18 (real) hours of in-air time and layovers. Supplies to fight boredom:
  • 2 laptops; 3 batteries
  • mp3 player; 10 AAs
  • 2 novels
  • 21 page printout of some code i want to study (no batteries required!)
  • Deutsches Wörterbuch
Maybe from Denver to Frankfurt I'll sit next to somebody cool that's chatty and speaks English as poor as my German. Heh.

Just took a 1.5 hour nap. Now what? Pretty bored. Dina gets off work in an hour... maybe I'll go chill with her.
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Note to self [31 Mar 2002|08:02am]
Dear Brad,

It's been awhile since I wrote.

Just wanted to remind you to pack today. You'll have like 19 hours of flights and layovers tomorrow to program. But you can't pack once you're already on the plane. Something to think about it.

Lovingly always,
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:-) [30 Mar 2002|09:33pm]
This no school thing rocks.

I've got more done in the past couple days than, like... a lot of other time before that. :-)

On a related note: very little feels better than debating a problem for days and then finding 3 progressively better solutions until you're absolutely fucking happy with the last one.
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what's love got to do with it? [30 Mar 2002|08:32pm]
[ music | What's Luv? - Fat Joe, Ja Rule and Ashanti - J.O.S.E. ]

you say you got a man
and you're in love
well, what's love got to do
with a little menage..a
after the party
me and you
can just slide for a few
and she can come too

heh. i'm making calliste a mix CD of the current pop/rap/crap on the radio. some of it's pretty good, actually. well. no. but funny. :P

i want a beat makin' machine.
i'd have so much fun.

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Beach [30 Mar 2002|03:44pm]
Back from the beach.

Allergies started to kick in on the way home. I took a magic pill and they went away, though. Mwahaha.

I went to Radio Shack and bought 220 to 120 power converters. I'm set.

Tomorrow I pack.
Today I hack.
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fun with Cole [29 Mar 2002|04:35pm]
(Cole is my 13 year old brother)

Cole: shouldn't you be getting ready to go to the beach?
Brad: shouldn't you be eating my ass?
Cole: touché!
Brad: what's that mean?
Cole: you don't know?
Brad: no, do you?
Cole: no. look it up.
Brad: Interjection. Used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or a successful criticism or an effective point in argument.
Cole: Well I ripped ass, so I'm outta here, see ya.
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Living alone [29 Mar 2002|04:31pm]
I've never lived alone.

Summary of my living situations:
Feb 1980: live with 2 others (parents)
Apr 1982: up to 3; brother ryan
Sep 1988: up to 4; brother cole
Sep 1998: down to 1; just Rode
home for summer: back to 4. ahhh.
Sep 1999: down to 1 again; Eli.
home for summer: back to 4. ahhh.
Sep 2000: 11... OMFG.
Apr 2001: down to 2; kenji and chuck
Mar 2002: back to 4. ahhhh.
Few hours ago: family left for baseball game. Inner peace!
Few minutes ago: back to 4. ahhhhh.

Next Monday: Ich werde allein wohnen. Nachdem, auch.

I just like my quiet hackin' environment. I don't really hate people. Honest! ;-P
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polls are fun [28 Mar 2002|04:00pm]
Poll #25211: Do I reply to your email?
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

What percent of your mail do I respond to?

View Answers
Mean: 42.26 Median: 52 Std. Dev: 34.18
127 (30.3%) 27 (30.3%)
1811 (12.4%) 11 (12.4%)
354 (4.5%) 4 (4.5%)
5212 (13.5%) 12 (13.5%)
6914 (15.7%) 14 (15.7%)
8621 (23.6%) 21 (23.6%)

Does it make you sad that I don't reply to more?

View Answers

37 (40.7%) 37 (40.7%)

54 (59.3%) 54 (59.3%)

Should I find a monkey to reply to my mail and feed him bananas to pretend to be me?

View Answers

81 (82.7%) 81 (82.7%)

17 (17.3%) 17 (17.3%)

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done! [27 Mar 2002|11:32am]
all packed. leaving within minutes.
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U-Haul's here [27 Mar 2002|09:42am]
Wo ist mein scheisses Bett?
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where to sleep? [27 Mar 2002|02:06am]
my bed's covered in crap:
and i'm tired
dante's was rad
i need to sleep
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[26 Mar 2002|10:19pm]
packing's boring.

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Okay, now it's official. [26 Mar 2002|08:56pm]
Two important things happened in the last few minutes:

1) I checked my grades online and I passed the general studies class for which I wrote my first LJ paper (technical infrastructure growth)

2) I submitted the final draft of my second LJ paper (business/community/technology interactions) for which I'd already got my grade.

So, lookie here:

Cumulative Summary through Winter Quarter 2002

Graded Credits
Grade Points
Grade Point
UW Credits
Extension Credits
Total Credits
152.0 525.90 3.46 155.0 25.0 180.0
And not a credit too many! Over-achiever am I! :-P
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Seattle [26 Mar 2002|06:29pm]
Back in Seattle, finishing packing.
Parents bring up the trailer tomorrow morning, then I load and leave.
If I didn't say bye to you (and you care), sorry, I'll see you again soon enough.
Small world, etc, etc.
Off to Safeway Deli one final time, I guess, since I have no food here.
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evening; grades [25 Mar 2002|11:34pm]
Hung out with Megan tonight. Hadn't seen her in awhile.
Afterwards I drove around randomly, seeing things I hadn't seen in awhile. Old house, old streets.

Checked my grades online... did terrible (2.4) in German, but I knew I would. I refused to do all the lame homework that just wasted my time. I was there to learn and have fun, not to get bullied about by homework. But whatever; I'm done.

I got a 4.0 for my LJ paper, but I haven't really even turned it in. I've only turned in drafts. I need to re-read it all and submit it. I have an ending on there now, but it may need a few sentences here and there to polish it up a bit. It's still nowhere near where I'd like to have it. I figure I'll work on it on and off over time.

I should sleep. So much I want to do, though.
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grower... [25 Mar 2002|06:08pm]
best expression ever. well, at least until i hear something else funny to replace it. :P
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My incredibly exciting day [25 Mar 2002|04:22pm]
Today I...

Didn't go to school. this by itself is just rad.

Went to the dentist. perfect teeth! i'd smile purty and show y'all, but i haven't a camera here. oh, wait... i do. scratch that. i'm lazy.

Decided to stop using bold. okay, all done.

what else? i'm going to miss my car while in germany. nothing beats crusing around with the top open, music loud, sunglasses, and driving way fast. i'll have to rent a car there and drive on the autobahn sometime. if they let me. hmmm.

i was going to head back up to seattle tonight but i have to get a mole removed off the back of my leg tomorrow morning, since that's the only time that'd work. my dad had some cancerous moles or something, so the dermatologist is all being careful and recommending that this dark colored one i have be removed. *sigh* no dante's. sad.

gonna pay some bills now and transfer crap out of mine and into kenji's, since he's gonna keep livin' at the house.

and some other stuff.
entertain me.
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