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Aging Spinster

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It's still early.......... [23 Aug 2002|07:20pm]
[ mood | buzzed! ]
[ music | The Shocking Blue ]

I just came back from Linda's and the Adobo where i had drinks with some friends. Jenni was supposed to show at the Adobo but never did. hmph.

There is a belgian beer convention/show (whatever they are called) down at the seattle center which i think I'll go to at some point this weekend. There is also a bunch of skate boarding stuff and free shows down at the EMP on Sunday. Well the skate boarding and shows are going on all weekend but it's only free on Sunday. Free=good. My girlfriend Jamilah is coming down from Bellingham and we will attend this function! (:

The Angry Samoans are playing in Olympia tonight....i haven't listened to them in a while....some friends of mine are going.....i think they also play in seattle tomorrow or sunday. After Vegas last weekend..i don't feel like doing much at all. I think I want to stay home tonight and watch TV.

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[23 Aug 2002|07:28am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

I am still sick from partying in Vegas last weekend with laurabxox and monique and chris.

Vegas was way too fucking hot. 118 degrees one day. You can't walk far in that weather without fearing you may pass out.....We had to duck into the Casino's a lot....and we spent an hour in Walgreens on Monday to stay out of the heat!!

Upon arriving it was really surreal for me...and almost overwhelming...with the slot machines in the airport and it being so loud and just weird!

I took a cab to my hotel and when we pulled up, there were 2 pamela anderson types walking out and i said to the cab driver "Oh my god, those are strippers, aren't they?!" and he goes "No honey, those are called prostitutes!!" ha......

We barely slept all weekend...drank a lot, spent a lot of money, went to cheesy clubs....At one point this guy on his bike with a cart attached was giving us a ride to the next bar we were going to.....and he gave us a whip to slap his ass with if he went too slow. It was hysterical...lots of fake tits.....
Laura and my friend Chris never came home the first night we went out. Me and Monique decided to go back to the hotel at around 6am....I woke up at 10am...and Laura and Chris were still gone! Well, that's what I thought until I looked out the window and they were down at the pool. I had such a hangover and couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to go down and join them.

I didn't win any money..i lost $70. Which isn't bad....and you get free drinks the whole time you gamble.

That about sums it up. I'm not sure if I would go back.....but it was really good to see my friends!

Should I ride my bike into work today?? I never know if excercise is good or bad when you are sick?

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[23 Aug 2002|07:27am]

I am linus

Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz

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hmm...i don't believe this true...I need to take this again.. [21 Aug 2002|12:06pm]

What Kind of Relationship is Right For You?

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[21 Aug 2002|10:51am]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | Electro Group - La Ballena Allegria ]

I'm too lazy right now to write in this and talk about my weekend in Vegas.
We'll I guess I will just say it was fun but hot as motherfucking hell!!
118 degrees one day..110 the next! It barely cooled down at night.

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Alcohol! [16 Aug 2002|01:58pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Bikini Kill-Reject All American ]

Me and my co-worker Stacy went out for sushi for lunch....I had some sake with my lunch and now i have a slight buzz...I can honestly say that it's helping me stay more focused and concentrate on the work I have to do.

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Duh!?! [16 Aug 2002|11:11am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Talulah Gosh-Beatnik Boy ]

I just missed my Dept. meeting....I was sitting here wondering why it was so quiet and then everyone just came back and were like "Where were you!?!?!"

ha ha...
Those meetings are so boring anyway.

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yayayayayayayayayyaa [16 Aug 2002|09:18am]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Elvis rules! ]

So I got a manicure and pedicure last night....That was my first...i don't have nails..they peel off, so the woman was basically filing down my finger tips at times....ha ha..
no but even though they are short it looks pretty.
pretty pretty....
Then me and traceee went to my gym....I ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes...i can run a 10 minute mile....not that good but i guess it could be worse.

i leave tomorrow for's about time and i hope to god it doesn't fly by b/c i need to get away from here for a few days...especially this pain in the ass job and my god awful manager.

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[15 Aug 2002|10:16pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Take the Purrsonality Quiz!

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[15 Aug 2002|03:28pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | The Castaways - Liar, Liar ]

My good friend Libby elizabeth_eon just started a live journal (thanks to jmg77)! Everyone say "Hello Libby!"

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[15 Aug 2002|01:58pm]
[ music | Jane Birkin Serge Gainsbourg - Je T'aime Moi Non ]

These ships:
are parading by my window here at the office.....they are on their way to lake union.


I don't know why but i hate it when people spell "kewl" this way!?

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I'm advertising for my boyfriend again...and i'm not even going to be here! hahaa [15 Aug 2002|12:33pm]
[ music | Brian Eno-Burning Airlines Give you so much more ]

Kick this Saturday!!!!!!
In effect this weekend with Larrywood and Monsanto at the Twilight Exit, Saturday 8/17 @ 10PM. Garage, Psych, Soul and R&B; that's sure to make those hooves stomp.
We'll be there till closing time, so even if you find yourself at one of those 'other events', come on by for a nightcap!

Twilight Exit is located at 2020 E Madison.

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[15 Aug 2002|12:31pm]
[ mood | evil ]
[ music | Boyz II Men ]

Can anyone hook my friend Libby up with a passcode to do a free journal!?!
Thanks, Thank you and Thanks!!!!

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[15 Aug 2002|09:53am]
[ mood | sad ]

My eye has been twitching for a fucking hour......

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my eye will not stop twitching..... [15 Aug 2002|09:26am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | beulah-when your heartstrings break ]

I'm so bored.....I'm so bored....I hate my job. Help!
What should I be when I grow up!?

I leave Sat for Vegas for the weekend. Meeting laurabxox and Monique there.
None of us have ever been there before.....
If anyone has been to Vegas and has any suggestions...Please!!!!!! feel free to give them to me.
I printed some stuff off but I'm afraid to use it as a guide!!

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On my way to work... [14 Aug 2002|06:54am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Smiths ]

I met lazereyes and some of her friends at the beach yesterday after work. Then went home to a big dinner, a friend wants to open a restaurant so he is experimenting recipes on us! Yum!

I didn't make it to the Screamers show at the Re-bar. I'm bummed b/c I really like the Screamers and a lot of people I know were going so it would have been great to see everyone....but I feel like i'm getting ill......achy/feverish/headache....and I'm going to Vegas this weekend so I thought it might be better if I stayed in and got my rest. I need to find out how that show was though!!

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The Lord of the Rings! [13 Aug 2002|09:46am]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Bilbo Baggins ]

For 60's Bilbo Baggins (The hobbit) enthusiasts!! ha ha......

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Bellingham, WA [12 Aug 2002|11:18am]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Aqua-Barbie Girl ]

I went to Bellingham on Saturday night. Saw a very interesting band. Captured by Robots (
This guy Jay created all of these robots and programmed them to play his songs. Pretty clever. It was also pretty damn funny. If they are coming to a city/town near you, you should go see them!

We stayed at the sketchiest motel in the world. There were some real interesting characters there. We got a knock on our door at 7am from some guy saying "Nick, are you in there? is that you?!" ha ha...who the hell is Nick. There were no screens in the windows either....and we were afraid to sleep with the windows open, but it was also too hot to keep them closed.

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Lunch time! [09 Aug 2002|01:04pm]
I'm so hungry I think I could eat my tongue.
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*KickBall* [09 Aug 2002|10:50am]
spread the word (if you live in Seattle), kickball is happening again this Sunday at 3:00 - Garfield- 25th and Cherry. Bring beer!
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