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LiveJournal User Documentation's LiveJournal:
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Tuesday, April 2nd, 2002 | 6:34 pm [smileloki]
Proposed Directory FAQ What is the directory? Why can't I use the directory? Will I ever be able to use it? The directory search is a search that enables users to search for other livejournal members by location, time last updated, age, interests, and friends or any combination of the five. At this time, only paid, early adopter, and permanent account holders can use the directory due the strain it causes the servers. There are plans to bring back partial directory functionality in the future for free users, but full functionality will be reserved for paid, early adopter, and permanent account holders. Any changes in directory policy will be announced in livejournal's news area ( - This can be split up into two FAQs or the first part can be cut out completely. Since the return of the directory I've seen a fair number of requests about free users in the directory and think it would be easier to have one standardized FAQ. | 5:58 pm [arieanne]
| Wednesday, March 27th, 2002 | 9:28 pm [mandicat]
Proposed FAQ I've just recently actually become more than a watcher in the support system and I noticed that there's a question people seem to be asking more and more often. That is: why their journal switches to 'previous/next day' mode instead of 'previous/next number of entries' after a certain amount of entries. I didn't know myself the answer to that, even though I knew it happened so I posted a query in helpscreening and got this. So, I made an attempt at 'writing' a FAQ (with the help of maltor's answer) that would be helpful. Here it is: Why does it suddenly say ' previous day' instead of 'previous # entries'; is there something wrong with my journal? There is no problem, that's simply how it works. The recent events (main) page is built from a cache of your 75 most recent journal entries and the earlier/later links are used to navigate through that cache. Once you reach the end of that cache the earlier link changes to a direct link to your calendar/day views. Current Mood: curious | Monday, March 25th, 2002 | 4:01 pm [braindrain]
| Friday, March 22nd, 2002 | 2:52 am [girl_from_mars]
FAQ 99 Can anyone help me create or edit my user picture?As a guide has been written specifically about this, I think a link needs to be included in the FAQ. A lot of the information can be removed from the FAQ, as it is all explained more fully in the guide. The guide links back to the FAQ for details of how to contact volunteers, so perhaps just remove the other section (behind the lj-cut). ( Read more... ) Current Music: Des'ree - You Gotta Be | Thursday, March 21st, 2002 | 9:19 am [rahaeli]
proposed FAQ: "Why can't I reply to comments in email?" Proposed for inclusion in either the Communications or Comments section of the FAQ, in response to a number of support requests dealing with this issue. [Edit 3/22/01 with additional information as suggested by generic and technodummy in bold] "Why can't I reply to comments in email?"The ability to reply from HTML emails is highly dependent on small details regarding what browser, email client, operating system, and Internet provider you are using. Because everyone's system configuration is different, LiveJournal does not guarantee this ability, and a number of users have reported problems with it no longer working for them lately. Small changes to any one of a number of system configuration details, some of which users have no control over (such as settings at your Internet provider) can cause this ability to stop working. Here are two things that you can do that may possibly get it working again. - Make sure that your web browser is defined as your default browser, both by your system and by your email client. Make sure that the browser is running, and that you are logged into LiveJournal when you are attempting to reply. You do not need to be at the LiveJournal site when you type your reply in email.
- When replying to the comment email, don't type your reply in the "preview" pane of your email client. Click on the email to open it in a new window, and type your reply there.
Also, please note that many popular email providers such as AOL and Hotmail "mangle" portions of HTML email, which can cause HTML mail to display improperly and the ability to comment from HTML email to stop working. Some symptoms of this include improper links, buttons that fail to lead to pages on the LiveJournal site, error messages such as "invalid password" or "could not determine journal from arguments", etc. LiveJournal has no control over this, as it is a function of the HTML cleaner used by these email providers.If neither of these none of this information helps to resolve the problem, you will need to reply to the comment via the LiveJournal web interface. Each comment email you receive includes a link back to the original thread, and clicking on that link will bring you to the comment for you to answer. Current Music: Dave Matthews Band, "Bartender" | Monday, March 18th, 2002 | 12:45 am [highway]
| Saturday, March 16th, 2002 | 8:07 pm [tribelessnomad] |
More Guides; testing needed There are now 6 Guides online—3 for end users: Requesting a Custom Userpic Mood Icons Where to Learn More …and 3 for volunteers: Volunteer Forums Joining a Volunteer Team Answering Support Requests We need to update all links to the Support Guide (and any other Guides listed here which may have been linked to while they were hosted on my goathack server). There are no such links in the FAQ pages, and I updated talkpost.bml?itemid=13435195 earlier today. leora can update userinfo.bml?user=helpscreening. The outdated "Important Notes" box near the bottom of each open Support Request (support/see_request.bml) will have to be updated by introducing a hook, I believe. I'll update the manual's Progress page when I can. If you find any more links that need to be updated, please comment. The other thing we need to do right away is test for browser compatibility. If you use anything other than IE5, I'd appreciate knowing how the page looks. In fact, I'd be really grateful if a few people would volunteer to test documents regularly, using Netscape 4.7 (Heaven help you), Opera, iCab, PDAs, and anything intended to correct for disabilities. I'd like to be sure that the documentation is usable under as many circumstances as possible. Of course, it can easily be made to look fine to 95% of users, but that last 5% is always where 95% of the work has to be done. This work should be discussed mainly in lj_sysdoc. If you're interested in testing pages as they're modified, and maybe sharing screenshots, please reply and join/watch lj_sysdoc for further information. | Friday, March 15th, 2002 | 11:00 am [leora]
FAQ Proposal - Banning someone from viewing entries I can't tell you how many times this comes up. I think I've put all the relevant info into this FAQ proposal, feel free to beat it up and make it better, just don't take its lunch money. Hmmm, LJ spellcheck for the web client doesn't seem to be working, sorry for any spelling errors. - Can I ban someone from viewing my journal? There is no way to ban a specific person from viewing your journal entries without using security levels (See the following FAQ ). However, if you want your entries to be visible to the world, there is no way to ban a specific person. If you banned someone by a LiveJournal username they could just log out. If you banned someone by an IP address, you would have to end up banning far more people than you wanted, and if they chose to get around it they could do so with other ISPs, library computers, or any other method that simply involved a different IP address. If you banned by LiveJournal user and limited your posts to be read only by LiveJournal users (not a currently available security setting but one that has been recommended), then someone could easily make another account and view your pages without you ever knowing. Since banning a single user will never be secure, it is not offered. What you can do is ban an individual user from commenting. To be effective you must turn off anonymous commenting (see ). And then you would ban the LiveJournal username of the person ( ). This will keep the person from ever adding a comment into your journal, and if the person creates new accounts to get around the ban, you will be aware of it and can report it to the LiveJournal Abuse team. | Thursday, March 14th, 2002 | 11:55 pm [highway]
Proposal to change FAQ: How do I change the font in my journal? Would there be any objections to the following changes to the FAQ: How do I change the font in my journal? (FAQ-12) with the change of:
There are hard and easy ways to change the font in your journal. If you have a paid account, then you might want to consider creating your own style. You can read more about that here : An easier way is to go to your modify journal page at: Then enter your username and password and click "Proceed". At the bottom there is a box where you can enter style overrides. In that box you can put in CSS as part of the GLOBAL_HEAD element of your journal, which will change the font on all of your journal pages (recent, friends, calendar, day). (Remember that font names need to be capitalized and spelled correctly, with any spaces included in the font name, in order to work properly) GLOBAL_HEAD<= <style type="text/css"> <!-- body, html, td, font, div, p { font-family: "Times New Roman", "Verdana", "Arial", "Helvetica", sans-serif; } --> </style> <=GLOBAL_HEAD If you would like to also change the size of your font, you can include this bit of CSS like so : GLOBAL_HEAD<= <style type="text/css"> <!-- body, html, td, font, div, p { font-size: 12pt; } --> </style> <=GLOBAL_HEAD Combined they would be : GLOBAL_HEAD<= <style type="text/css"> <!-- body, html, td, font, div, p { font-family: "Times New Roman", "Verdana", "Arial", "Helvetica", sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; } --> </style> <=GLOBAL_HEAD Current Music: Barry Williams - Real Greg Brady | 1:16 pm [idigital]
Modification to FAQ #6 To add a picture to your journal entry, use an IMG tag where you want it to appear: At this time, LiveJournal cannot host images other than your userpics. Your image must be hosted on a webserver that allows the pictures you store there to be referenced by other sites (this process is also called remote loading). Normally, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) will offer you some free web space as part of your monthly account. You should check with them and find out if they allow remote loading. If your ISP doesn't offer web space, or doesn't allow remote loading, there are numerous freehosts with differing policies. One good thing to try would be if you see a picture that you admire on someone's site, ask them! If you can't get their email address, just leave a comment in their journal; most LiveJournalers are happy to assist each other.
Thanks fionacat :o) | Wednesday, March 13th, 2002 | 1:53 am [girl_from_mars]
| Wednesday, March 6th, 2002 | 11:58 pm [tribelessnomad] |
Agenda for the introduction of Guides The next 5 Guides to be copied onto the site will be these: I expect all of those to be up within a day or two. As the introduction of Guides continues after that, the focus will shift to various aspects of the new documentation system, in approximately the following order: - completion of the re-design of the main Support page
- creation of the Volunteer Center.
- addition of navigational links between Guides and Contents pages.
- division of the Support Guide.
- Contents pages for the chapters in Part I of the manual: "How to Use This Site". (This is the "main" part of the manual, insofar as it will contain everything the majority of users need to know.) Yes, this means that Contents pages will go up long before most of the manual is actually in place. Links will simply point to FAQs or other pages in cases where Guides are not yet ready.
- documentation describing the documentation system itself.
- posts to this journal showing how Guides are formatted. From this point onward, I'll be looking to other members of this community to get more involved in the creation of Guides for inclusion in Part I of the manual.
- documentation for client programmers. This means I'll be starting to focus my own efforts more on technical documentation (lj_sysdoc) again.
| Tuesday, March 5th, 2002 | 11:40 am [gooner]
FAQ 96 updated FAQ #96 has been updated to include information about the new "Refried Paper" style that is now available to all users. (Tested at gooner2 to make sure the override works!) Current Mood: working | Monday, March 4th, 2002 | 9:24 pm [tribelessnomad] |
Relationship between FAQs and Guides FAQs will continue to exist alongside Guides, although much of the information that's currently located in FAQ answers will be moved into Guides over time. Guides will be sections of a comprehensive manual. Guides will eventually contain most of the documentation explaining how to use the site. Guides support better formatting than FAQs, and will be edited more rigorously. In time, Guides will be available in a variety of different formats (all generated from the XML-based source files), whereas FAQs will continue to be plain text for the foreseeable future. FAQs will supplement the Guides. Once the Guides are in place, the main purpose of FAQ pages should be to assist volunteers in answering common Support Requests. FAQs will sometimes do nothing more than point to Guides where users can find the answers they need. Other times, FAQs might contain new information which hasn't yet been added to the Guides. FAQs can also address problems like image hosting, which have more to do with other sites or network connectivity than with LiveJournal itself. (Those issues will not be covered in Guides.) The current FAQ situation is more muddled, of course. Many of the longer FAQ answers, which explain in detail how to do this or that, can be thought of as future Guides which haven't yet been re-edited and re-formatted. They will be converted when possible. Other so-called "FAQs" are actually "Help pages", which serve mainly to explain web-page features marked with a icon, and not so much to answer Support Requests. So far, no effort is being made to convert Help pages to XML, although it might happen in future. Few, if any, of the FAQs will be deleted altogether as Guides are introduced. In many cases, when material is moved from a FAQ to a Guide, the FAQ answer will be replaced by a link to the new Guide. Cross-linking and the drop-down listIn answers to Support Requests, FAQs will lead to Guides. The drop-down box used to answer Support Requests will continue to list FAQs; there are no plans yet for it to list Guides as well. On the main Support page, it will be the other way around. Most links to FAQs will be replaced by links to Guides, so a user who happens to need a FAQ will usually find it by looking in a Guide. However, the Support page will continue to link directly to certain "troubleshooting" FAQs, like "How do I get validated?". Troubleshooting FAQs are the ones where a user knows they have a particular problem, but they might not know which Guide to look in for the answer. FAQs can link freely to Guides. Guides can also link to FAQs, in two different ways. First, it will be possible to put a list of related FAQs near the top of each Guide. That way, a user doesn't have to read through the text of a Guide, when the answer they need is actually on a FAQ page. Second, it will be possible to link to FAQs from within the text of a Guide, if the Guide is site-specific. (Some Guides will not be site-specific; they will be written so that other sites like DeadJournal can use them, too. Those Guides can't have links to FAQs in the text, only in the page header.) | 2:34 pm [highway]
Request Modification to FAQ: How do I add a Background Image? Go to your "Modify Journal" page ( ) Scroll down to the bottom and use this override code in your "Overrides" box: GLOBAL_HEAD<= <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <!-- body { background-image:url(; } --> </STYLE> <=GLOBAL_HEAD Within the code, "" must be replaced by the actual URL of the image you want to use as your background. The image you use must be stored at a location on the web; if your image is only on your computer's harddrive, it must be uploaded to a webserver in order for it to be viewable via the web. The webserver that hosts the image has to be one which allows images to be referenced and displayed by other websites. This is a process called remote loading, which unfortunately many popular webspace providers (geocities, angelfire, tripod, to name a few) do NOT allow. Your internet service provider (ISP) likely offers some free webspace to you as part of your account, and they often allow remote loading. There are various Free webspace providers who do allow it as well. -FIXED backgrounds: On some newer browsers, background images can be "fixed," so that the image will not move as you scroll down the page. To do this, just add "; background-attachment:fixed" to the middle line of the above override code, like this: GLOBAL_HEAD<= <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <!-- body { background-image:url(; background-attachment:fixed; } --> </STYLE> <=GLOBAL_HEAD -TRANSPARENT backgrounds: On some newer browsers, background colors of tables can be "transparent", so that the image will not be blocked by table background colors. To do this, just add the following to the override code: GLOBAL_HEAD<= <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <!-- body { background-image:url(; background-attachment:fixed; } table, tr, td, .shadowed { background:transparent; } --> </STYLE> <=GLOBAL_HEAD Current Music: Nobuo Uematsu - Battle Strategy Conference | 2:59 am [tribelessnomad] |
Frabjous day For the first time in—what, ten months?—it's possible to move Guides onto the site. The first XML-based Guide to be released officially is the Guide to Mood Icons, now available at That query will take you to the actual location of the Guide. Please link to any new Guide using a /doc/find query, not the document's actual location. A link to the Mood Icons Guide has been added to the top of FAQ #64. The rest of that FAQ will be deleted in a day or two, if there are no objections. A link to the new Guide also replaces the link to the FAQ on the main Support page. Changes to the Support page haven't been sticking properly, so for a while it might revert to linking to the FAQ; Brad is working on that problem. I'll add navigation links to Guides once there are more of them to navigate between. I'll also work on improving accessibility/customizability by making better use of CSS, but that isn't going to be easy. If you see anything else that needs to be fixed, please report it here as soon as possible. I intend to announce the new Guide in lj_support after (i) members of this community have had a chance to comment, and (ii) Evan has confirmed that the new e-mail alias,, is working satisfactorily. However, I believe it's now safe to use the alias. Five more Guides should be moved onto as a group, within a few days. More about the introduction of Guides later ... | Saturday, March 2nd, 2002 | 5:54 pm [tribelessnomad] |
Image FAQs Would someone like to work on changing the image FAQs as discussed last July? I think the issues discussed there have been ignored longer than any others facing this community. We're about to release the Guide to Mood Icons, which, like FAQs #6 and #97, should link to a separate FAQ on image hosting. Right now, the Guide links to FAQ #6 instead, and the two FAQs repeat each other in explaining the image hosting issue. Also, see how FAQ #6 links to a fundraiser that ended nearly a year ago? That's harmless enough, but clearly inappropriate. I always figured we'd fix that and the missing ALT tag when we rewrote the image hosting stuff—I didn't realize it would take this long. Strangely, only one person ( gooner, in September) has ever mentioned it to me. Anyway, this is a good opportunity for volunteers interested in image hosting and the IMG tag to do some writing. | 11:05 am [ladydiana]
| Friday, March 1st, 2002 | 2:57 pm [gooner]
Proposed new FAQ This isn't particularly well thought out at the moment, hence not much detail (or thought) going into this post at present.
One request that comes up at least once a day (maybe more) is "how can I change my journal to friends only/private?". This is probably the most asked request that doesn't have a FAQ. I don't have any wording in mind, just throwing this out as an idea to get some feedback on whether it's thought of as a good addition to the FAQs or any possible wording for it. |
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