Core Endocrine Laboratory (CEL) - fully accredited reference laboratory that specializes in hormone analysis. affiliated with Penn State's College of Medicine.
ENDO Direct - featuring articles from selected journals. Includes author and keyword search, books, calendar, and links.
Endocrine - provides information on conditions, news, publications, treatments, and more on all aspects of endocrine surgery. - comprehensive guide to parathyroid, thyroid, and adrenal disorders. Drawings and text explain disorders and treatment options.
Endocrinology Health Guide - common language guide to the complex collection of glands that comprise the endocrine system. Includes details on the pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, and reproductive glands, and more.
Inter Science Institute - making many research procedures and tests routinely available for clinical testing and application.
Jamila Diabetes & Endocrine Center - discusses diagnosis, treatment, and complications of diabetes, as well as thyroid and other endocrine disorders. Offers weekly case studies for physicians.
National Diabetes Education Initiative - online resource for medical education programs on type II diabetes and insulin resistance designed for endocrinologists, diabetologists, primary care physicians, and other healthcare professionals.