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Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
8:33 pm - Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Stayed up way too late last night listening to old cassettes that I found while cleaning out my office. Ahh Styx, Moody Blues, various Irish and Renn Fest compilations each cassette came complete with a flood of memories, nothing like staying up late in candlelight listening to good music. Only thing missing was company, but even that did not seem to matter much.

Woke up in the afternoon and turned to Sci-Fi Channel to be greeted to an 80's flick called Electric Dreams, not much of a plot but the music was incredible. Best piece was called "The Duel" and was a duet between a synth and cello. Currently searching Limewire for it,and not having much luck, maybe will get a copy of the soundtrack at Wherehouse Music tomorrow.

Went by the office to do more cleaning and packing. It is shaping up nicely and the new design will fit into the smaller space of the new office.

Currently watching Fist of the NorthStar Live Action on Sci-Fi, it is hard to follow since I have not seen the Anime version of it.

Considering just staying home tonight, it is the first weekend since the first of the year that I do not have anything set in stone to do. Figure that I will do my workout in a bit and run through the Tai Chi video that arrived from Amazon yesterday. Tomorrow perhaps I will finish the Anne Rice book that I have been working on the last week.

current mood: content
current music: Fist of the North Star - Sci-FI

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1:32 am - A night in review
Today was pretty much a loss as far as work went. Managed to be slightly productive in the morning by working on my job description for the Accounting Department meeting a week from Monday. FIgure that making it an entertaining presentation will keep the rest of the company from falling asleep. I have to work in a cat being on fire and "Your a damned Liar" into the presentation since that seems to be a running gag from the past few presentations.

Actually I have enjoyed the previous departments presentations over the past 3 weeks, have learned a great deal about how the books are put together that I had not known before.

My exercise today consisted of moving my desk out of my cube, packing boxes of books and starting a remodel of the cube. Not typical exercise, but it was a workout. Does that count JerseyGirl?


So fast forward to North Dekalb Mall at 7:30 on Friday night. Our intrepid hero meets up with several friends and a complete stranger to go brave the Applebees for dinner before descending into the vampire decadence that is Queen of the Damned.

Alas we were thwarted in our attempts to gain the required sustenance at this bastion of large portions and inexpensive meals. So our merry band set forth to find a new place to satiate our hunger. And thus we arrived at Buffalo's where we swapped stories of the past while dining on the finest chicken that North Dekalb Mall could provide.

Once the hunger and stories were finished the brave adventurers boldly set forth to the depths of the mall to the final destination, the darkened cavern called North Dekalb 16, where we hoped to be met by other fearless adventurers.

An advance party was sent in to secure places for the rest of the group while the rest of the party waited to for the others to arrive. Alas and alack, the rest of our party was detained by the constables of the adjoining shire and they were unable to attend. Undaunted by this setback the rest of the crew joined the advance party in the cavern and awaited the beginning of the adventure.

The adventure began well, we were shown scenes of things to come that whet the appetite for future adventures to the caverns. We waited with anxious anticipation for the real adventure to begin and when it did there was much excitement.

One hour and 40 minutes later however, the party left the caverns to the refrain of how could they have cut that, I don't understand and the music was great. Much discussion afterwards came to the conclusion that it was not all bad and that yes it could have been better.

The final tally of the evening brings to mind the saying that it is not the destination that makes the trip exciting, it is the adventures along the way that make it worthwhile.

Thanks to everyone that showed up tonight, I had a great time getting out of the house and seeing old friends and hopefully making new ones. Yes the movie was not all that, but the company rocked.

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1:08 am - A lemming moment

What kith are you? Find out here.

Musicians, sages, and creatures of lust; satyrs both live for pleasure and take pleasure from life. Emotional dilettantes, they float in and out of love, hate and sorrow, never staying with any one thing or feeling for too long. Satyrs delight in new experiences; they're always looking forward to the next romance, the next party or the next battle. Thanks to their never-ending appetite for pleasure, satyrs have excellent stamina. No one else can handle week-long drunken revelries the way they can. Satyrs are also notorious for their impulsive behaviour. "It seemed like a good idea at the time," is almost a way of life.

On the other hand, satyrs deeply prize wisdom. They've been known to pass up a party if a truly interesting conversation has attracted their interest for the moment. Passion, to them, includes intellectual passion; indeed, they believe true wisdom is found through the things one holds passion for.

current mood: amused

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Thursday, February 21st, 2002
11:29 pm - Wherein our Hero is exhausted
First of all, welcome to all of the new additions to my Friends of List. I hope that you are never bored when reading here.


What a day, let's see, managed to get a deep sleep going last night so I woke up early and was in the office by 7:30. Started going through emails for the fan club, shot off over 100 or so emails by 9:00. Phone calls to the International Distributors, reminding them that wires should not take 3 weeks to get from France to Atlanta. Oy

Managed to get my report finished in time for my 11:00 A/R meeting with the Boss. Covered many areas, past dues, EDI, and Disputed short ships from the Book Trade. Managed to make him mostly happy with my ability to get the regular work done in addition to the other duties that I have inherited over the past few weeks.

Quick trip to the bank and Mrs. Winners for lunch, yummy chicken.

More phone calls and sending invoice copies (has to be the oldest line in the book), of course now that I have Acrobat 5 on the iMac I can e-mail them the copies (you know that they hate that).

Get out of the office around 6:30, head home and dive into the next project. Assigning numbers to pending members, processed about 70 and then started into answering more e-mail questions.

Contemplated working out, but since it is almost 11:30 decided against it.

Post in LJ

Oy, I need a good backrub.

Various Updates:

Worked out upper and lower body on Tuesday and Wednesday, TaiChi for 1 hour on Tuesday. So today can be a break day.

Found the Yang Short Form TaiChi video, goddess bless

Did not practice guitar tonight, but did finish the tablature for one of the practice songs.

Have not meditated in a few days, can feel that I need to.


current mood: accomplished
current music: Fire in the Head (on repeat) - Emerald Rose

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8:56 pm - Plans for Friday
Here is the plan for Friday Night.

7:30 - Meet at Applebees at North Dekalb for Dinner
9:30ish - Head over to the theater to get seats for 10:05 Queen of the Damned

All are welcome, would recommend that if you do not let myself or tinuval know you need tickets to call ahead and reserve them. Even if the movie is bad, they hype will draw big crowds.

Hope to see some friends tommorow night

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5:24 pm - Queen of the Damned Part II
Okay did some checking and here is what I found. AMC North Dekalb 16 has a 7:25 or a 10:05 showing tommorow. I like the 7:25 show, but 10:05 gives time to get off work and eat beforehand.

If your interested drop an email to me.

current mood: annoyed

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4:49 pm - Queen of the Damned
Anyone up for seeing this Friday Night?

current mood: rushed

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Monday, February 18th, 2002
10:45 pm - Guitar Class
Went well this evening, though the D Chord is still kicking my fanny. Assignment this week is chords for Leaving on a Jet Plane and practicing playing 2 notes at once to a tune called The Old Song. I forsee much practice this week as we are starting to play all 6 strings in combination.

Need to find a video tape of Yang TaiChi Short Form so that I can practice during the week, looks like time to hit

On the exercise front I did not do any organized weights this weekend, however spent a good part of Sunday playing monsters at NERO, so I got a bit of a workout. I will be starting the revised schedule tommorow which will be alternating upper and lower body.

Well off to bed, going to try and make it into work early to continue answering the emails that have been coming into my mailbox over the weekend and today. I have managed to reply to most of the questions, and now that the mail server is working again, the problem with activation codes not getting sent should be cleared up.

current mood: sore

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7:03 pm - Oy
Had a decent weekend, missed SR and After-Party though on Saturday though. But turned out to be a good thing since the Ex (Planty) seems to have found the SR. I am hoping that she is not going to make a habit of coming since I am really not comfortable with her, no contact or speaking to me attitude and how that will affect me hanging out at the Chamber. Grrr, just wish that she would not keep turning up at things that I like to do. Yes the Chamber is a big enough place to not run into her, but the After-Party is a smaller gathering and I really do not want to have to watch out for her. Just wish that she would get over being pissed and treat me like a human and not a blank space.

Off to guitar class now, may post more about the incredible NERO weekend when I get back.

current mood: discontent

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7:02 pm - Oy
Had a decent weekend, missed SR and After-Party though on Saturday though. But turned out to be a good thing since the Ex (Planty) seems to have found the SR. I am hoping that she is not going to make a habit of coming since I am really not comfortable with her, no contact or speaking to me attitude and how that will affect me hanging out at the Chamber. Grrr, just wish that she would not keep turning up at things that I like to do. Yes the Chamber is a big enough place to not run into her, but the After-Party is a smaller gathering and I really do not want to have to watch out for her. Just wish that she would get over being pissed and treat me like a human and not a blank space.

Off to guitar class now, may post more about the incredible NERO weekend when I get back.

current mood: discontent

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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
11:22 pm - Been a while since I posted a Horrorscope

G R E E T I N G S Virgo

Even if you can see that the current leader isn't doing things
correctly, this isn't a good time to step in and try to take over.
Don't be too anxious to step into the spotlight, Virgo. For the
moment, it's better to detach from something that's too big to
control. Eventually it will be your turn to give everything for a
difficult cause, but for now you have to be content with standing
toward the back of the line. While you're waiting, work your magic
with a charmed crowd that hangs on your every word.


An appropriate one

current mood: hopeful
current music: Lucky Man - Emerald Rose

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8:07 pm - I am going to feel this in the morning.
Exercise 14-Feb
Weight Rep
Triceps Press Down 75 lbs 2 @ 10
Triceps Extension 75 lbs 2 @ 10
Underhand Lat 75 lbs 2 @ 10
Lat Pull Down 75 lbs 2 @ 10
Ab Crunch 75 lbs 2 @ 10
Bench Press 110 lbs 2 @ 10
Leg Extension 115 lbs 2 @ 10
Side Bend 115 lbs 2 @ 10
Crunches 2 @ 20
Oblique 2 @ 20
Leg Lifts 2 @ 20
Overhead Pull Down 3 @ 10
Chest Band 3 @ 10
Overhead Extension 15 lbs 3 @ 10
Hammer Curl 15 lbs 3 @ 10
Flys 5l bs 3 @ 10
Straight Arm Pullover 15 lbs 3 @ 10
Walk 1 mile


Now off to practice Chords and Aura Lee on the guitar.

current mood: hyper
current music: The Voice - Moody Blues

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2:28 pm - Yippieee #2
Just went up to the front of the office and found that Laws of the Hunt and Laws of the Ascension Companion just made it into the warehouse.

current mood: geeky

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11:30 am - Yipieee
Just got off the phone with my adopted niece Amber. The cutest little 6 3/4 year old ever.

I have not seen her in over a year, but she still remembers her "Uncle" Charles. I used to go by the name of "Daddy" Charles, but that ended when Lori and I broke up.

Hopefully I will get a chance to see her if I make it to the UK National, just have to convinence the boss to send me,

current mood: bouncy

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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
8:45 pm - Exercise
I have been spotty in my exercise regime over the last couple of weeks. So I am resolved to post the progress on my LJ since it seems that when I put something down here it becomes a part of my life. So here goes.

My goal is to lose a 2 inches on my waist, tighten my Abs, tone my arms and legs. and of course build up my cardio.

So starting tomorrow I will be posting my progress. Wohoo.

current mood: Resolved
current music: Enterprise

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3:24 pm - Warning Bad Puns Ahead
So I am playing with LimeWire to add to my MP3 collection and somehow get sidetracked onto this gentlemans website. His name is Tom Smith and his website is Tom Smith Online . This one is now a bookmark on my Favorites list.

( Enter at your own risk )

current mood: amused
current music: House at Pooh Corner - Indigo Girls

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11:28 am - Astrology tidbit
Should make for an interesting month as far as communication goes.

Mercury enters Aquarius 11.20 am cst
Mercury enters Aquarius today, symbolizing creative
thinking, flashes of insight, and revolutionary
ideas. Mercury, the planet of communication, mental
ability and correspondence, is colored by the sign
of Aquarius: independent, innovative, unconventional
and even eccentric! Aquarius is the sign of the
humanitarian, idealistic and futuristic. With
Mercury in Aquarius, we can all expect these issues
to come to the forefront now ... you can expect
many to be talking about these concerns, including
the media! A time for activism and sharing ideals
of a global nature.

current mood: hungry

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10:07 am - Flame
Source: 365 Tao

Enter the Cavern with its
Walls of tangled strands.
Find the living flame
That burns on blood

current mood: working
current music: Tiny Dancer - Elton John

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
9:54 pm - MindBody
Happy Chinese New Year
Happy Lunar New Year
Happy Mardi Gras
Happy Birthday Abe Lincoln.

Think that about covers events happening today.

The day breezed by today. Work was pretty much stress free and much was accomplished. Managed to reconnect with a friend that had dropped off the radar during my depression. It was good to talk to her and will do my best to make sure she does not drop of the radar again.

TaiChi Class was incredible and is the source of the title of this post. Spent 1/2 the class going over stress, it's sources, benefits and drawbacks. The instructor pointed out the interconnectedness between Mind and Body and how thoughts trigger responses in this mortal shell. Quote for the evening, thoughts are smooth water, emotions are disturbances in the water, the ripples caused when Energy is put into motion, i.e. emotions. Went through 4 movements and my legs were sore by the end of class, so more practice to build up the endurance.

After class went up to Discover Mills to go to a Mardi Gras Party, oops it was from 3 to 7 so I missed it by an hour. So I wandered around the mall and bought a new jacket at the Wilson Discount Leather shop.

Now it is off to exercise and then to practice guitar.

Tomorrow is Enterprise and if any of the Atlanta LJ crowd want to come over and watch it, I am throwing the house open for visitors.

Night all

current mood: content
current music: Song of the Candle - Stan Rogers

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3:58 pm - Couple of Songs for the Day
Been pulling MP3s off of LimeWire and wanted to share some Stan Rogers lyrics. Two guesses the mood of the day.

( Stan Rogers Goodness )

current mood: Guess
current music: Make and Break and Harbour - Stan Rogers

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