~~~~~~RuMz~~~~~~w/ the BiG D*cK's LiveJournal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in ~~~~~~RuMz~~~~~~w/ the BiG D*cK's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, July 19th, 2001
    12:11 pm
    hey wussup?...well I'm at my internship placement at the museum of natural history ...and I am soo bored...I was sitting here and reading some journals of some people...i was very intereted in the fucking and sex parts and shit...reading them journals kinda turned me on and all...and currently i feel somewhat horny...well anyways not like any of ya females care...well so far it's been some what of a koo day...well imma be out..maybe i'll call this gurl and see what i can do tonite...lol..lataz

    Current Mood: horny
    4:38 am
    fuck yo...i wonna have some good sex allready....i swear i promise any female w/ the best time ever...shit....if only i found a gurl that can offer some really good sex...fuck.....i swear i would give her the time of her life....well i gotta be out...
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