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[20 Mar 2002|05:00pm]
i've slept from.. 6:40pm last night until now.. 6:02am. i love the power of pills. i woke up at 2:00am, looked at the cable box and said to myself fuck it, back to bed and i actually fell asleep.

i haven't been on much, blah i know some people are mad at me. don't be, i mean, you can be but i'm saying you shouldn't be, i dunno i'm too tired to type about this, lol.

how am i? i'm.. alright i guess, i'm more careful then last time, i've became semi-popular i school and more people then ever know me. i can't wait till spring break, i'm going to own manhattan beach, i'm going to florida sometime soon i've spoken to my mom and i'm going to be in dania or miami, well we'll see how that goes. i'm going to go to miami if not the army, why the army? if i'm fucking up and doing nothing with my life here, ny, fl, wherever.. what will anything make a difference? i wouldn't mind going to the army, infantry, i'll fight and die like a man rather then run from my problems.

speaking of problems, i solved all of them, lol.

family problem; solved, me and my momma are cool. we fight, but we're cool.
friends problem; fuck them, i got no friends, and it's good, remain having associates and you'll get hurt less.
social problems; see above.
health problems; i'm treating my skin cancer, i take those meds, go for shots and take that extra shower. :)
women problems; i'm online but i'm not, and i don't see jenn as much, i do miss her, i mean i can't type i love you i love you and blah blah because i'm not like other peoples when i use the word love it'll be special so i can;t cry and bitch about it, i hope jenn isn't mad though but i don't see her any differently then i did a week ago or before that. ;)
love problems; well after ALL those infatuated ephisodes and e-mails about people asking me about nessa and shit, ah i dunno what to tell you really, this is more of a question for myself that i have to answer to the mirror. all i have to say is what comes around, goes around. and that she's seeing what i have, and i can't hate that others do better then me one person's loss is another's gain and another's gain is another's loss, only i'm not to be replanished. soo i have a feeling my wish is coming true. so after all that explaination i can honestly say i have a certain ammount of love for the girl, but do i really love anyone? no, will i love anyone? depends, am i planning on finding love? fuck love, let it find me.

so i guess that fixes up everything, lol.


Quien es esa nina, who's that girl
Senorita, mas fina, who's that girl
Quien es esa nina, who's that girl
Senorita, mas fina, who's that girl

i have a very demented musical sense, but that song man, along with many others. i really do like, i'm glad today is thursday because that means i have no school tommorow, saturday & sunday, a 3 day weekend begning in 5 hours.

i don't wanna go to school, but i'm gonna, lol. i mean, it's a bitch to go out in this hsitty weather and hop on the bus with 235906209572 more people, then i actually have to go through with it.

NOTE, i haven't had a cigarette in 13 hours, i'm about to break that, lol. note that i went 13 hours and the only way for me to break it again is to take those tylinol pms again and sleep so my body will filter nicotine and pass time.

well, time for me to head to the shower, a cig and a shower. i'll be back later on, see today i dunno what i'm doing none so ever which means i could be home at 12:30pm or maybe 1 to 3 in the afternoon, but that depends, it's thursday and the weather is garbage. i dunno, i hate being bored but i dunno, I STARTED OUT A NEW BLAH BOOK, for poetry, doodling, and just writing, heh it kicks ass man. blah books rule.

and on that note, i shall dissapear as you all wanted me to do to begin with. :op
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[16 Mar 2002|09:10pm]

this is just for you, you wanted an idea. )
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[16 Mar 2002|08:37pm]
[ music | Faith Evans - I love you ]

what a cracked out weekend. everyone was on something and at 5:00am we all pull out chairs to a middle of a basketball court in 52, we preach to each other and smoke the entire day, we break night and then go home. which leads to the next day, re-up on the erbal and then spend it with eric, lana, ira, and oxy which we ended up ditching and got home too late to remember.

crazy weekends, this by far has been the best friday i've had recently, i'm more out there or right here then i am with myself sorta speak, i don't think anyone understands, lol.

spring break is coming, everyone is leaving, my ass is the only one staying alone. i'm gonna keep hustling, ownage@manhatten beach.

i miss jenn, i haven't spoke to her in yet another 4 days, it sucks bearly taling, at least we don't fight yanno, i respect that more then anything.

i juts finished reading nessa's journal, lol it's very odd to see her in her situation because i was in it, yanno the whole "so inlove o0o foreva!" thing, and i held, and then i lost and then i cried and cried and cried, well, not cried, last time i cried was july 28th (actually remembers) i had on a white addidas shirt and red addidas pants, lol. well i'm just saying it's funny how karma works, i mean there i was thinking i was going to be cursed forever and shit and i was grimey enough to feel so bad for myself that i didn't want to see anyone else happy and everyone was. as soon as i stopped giving a fuck i noticed how everyone's life turned to a peice of shit too, which doesn't leave me alone much you know but it makes me think that things that happen to me, happen to everyone else, and everyone who i ever thought was perfect isn't. i'm not too good with relationships as is but bah, june's coming soon, i'm actually feeling this whole going to PR thing for a night but i dunno, everyone calls me an idiot why would i do this for one night just to see an ex who will probably most likely will be with a date and just bounce, well a promise is a promise no?, and love's love, and i make the money, lol the same reason she had hated me to begin with is now supporting me to do this but i can.

i woke up not too long ago so you really must not mind --.. i just came back from downstairs, i saw mo i had to give him something, so i lost what i was going to say, lol.

anywho, i dunno what i'm doing today. i never know what i do, i just need a shower soon and i'm set to rest and relax,

i have everything i want, i don't have anything i need.
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[13 Mar 2002|02:06am]
another day, another dollar,

i'm home. i got off at 10:10 and it's 3:19, i was in oxy's house, she called me again for bagles. it was sad, thank god johnny stopped by, i aided lana about her situation which i'm too lazy to type about and um, had a 3 hour convo with this chick i don't even remember her name, cause she wasn't important enough :)

i know i'm "cold", i'm just really tired actually, yesterday i went to the doctors and i have skin cancer after all, mom made me go. they gave me 12 shots + 1 more for anesthetic er whatnot. they shaved off the cancer growth and told me i do have a posioned liver, wee.

no one ever listens to me, lol. i'm almost full of good intensions and shit but no one understands.

i'm all blah i can't feel the keys on the keyboard so i dunno what i'm typing, lol. i just feel like shit, i'm sure you people have felt like this before.

well, time to take 4 tylinol pms and try and sleep, bye.
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[11 Mar 2002|02:25am]
i'm not asking for much by asking you guys to download this one song, i would really like to share it. the beat and faith's voice is so amazing that it puts me in a different world when i listen to it..

download the song by clicking here.

the lyrics follow;

My heart belongs to you
So what could I do
To make you feel I'm down with
You see me hangin around
But you don't know how you make me feel for you, and

Each and every day, I try to make some sense of this
What you mean to me, I know it could be serious
Each and every nite, I dream about just holding you
Loving you like this, what is a girl supposed to do

I love you
I want you
You're the one that I live for
And I can't take it any more
I love you
I need you
What can I do to make you see
You're the only one for me

First time I saw your face
My heart just erased
All the guys I knew before
You walked into my life
I was the type to never want for nothing

Each and every day, I try to make some sense of this
What you mean to me, I know it could be serious
Each and every nite, I dream about just holding you
Loving you like this, what is a girl supposed to do

I love you
I want you
You're the one that I live for
And I can't take it any more
I love you
I need you
What can I do to make you see

again, download this song simply by clicking here.

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[10 Mar 2002|06:54pm]
[ music | Faith Evans - I love you ]

school's soon, 20 more min and i'm out. i'm not even going to write about my weekend, wasn't even worth writing about, lol.

i'm looking forward school, hopefully a good day will turn around.

my highlights till now;

um.. i got none, lol. nessa won her forensics compitition. which makes me feel happy, knowing she's doing well makes me feel good also, she deserves it.

i don't have many friends yanno, i found out yesterday kids i hung out with in high school are half gone.. mike lowery got shot infront of his house.. jamal is in jail for rape.. antonio is in jail for rape.. it makes me upset to think of this you know, makes you think when you're time is coming when everyone around you is dying slowly or are already dead.

again, i consider online to be my only good friend, and seeing how someone i used to know did well, makes me feel well also.. so.. congrats nessita, may you conquest more! lol.

i'm going to get offline and get dressed, quick note.. download Faith Evans - I Love You, when i come back i'm posting the song and lyrics on here. i fell inlove with the song, much more for the artist because of who keeps fucking walking in my head when i think faith evans lol.

you should really get this song though, and i should really get to going. so i'm gone.

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[09 Mar 2002|06:11am]
deon started being my middle man, note that he had gotten arrested for possesion of a gun with one bullet loaded. this is not a good thing, i just picked up 5 hits, he.. FUCK..

mo just paged me, he wants me to go to oxana's party..

here goes another fucking night of depression psychosis.
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[08 Mar 2002|09:40pm]
man i feel like shit, i don't even feel like writing but whatever, last night just sucked. i realize everyday how much i hate hanging out with these people. oxana became an addict to marijauna, cops came, valery thinks she's pregnant, leah is a dick and vlada is a complete moron. mike and david are probably the only 2 normal ones in the whole group.

i saw mo on the way home last night, him and eugene and that little fucker sho sells weed who jipped me for 2 bucks before (that i got back) were all hanging out for someone's birthday and i was like "god damn man, you couldn't give me a call?" fucking fucks, he's supposed to page me to go to this party tonight at 8:00pm, and the way i see it right now it won't happen.

i'm supposed to sleep over, you know what i'm gonna do, i'll get me a bag and just spend the entire night in manhatten beach, i'll sleep on the sand, it's been a while since i did that. the weather is actually nice.

i don't wish bad on people man, but these people, they all about fun and games with minds and body. wait till one of them catches aids or something.

daily i am being driven to my insanity, i was watching blow and girl interuppted last night.. in angelina jolie's words "didn't anyone ever tell you NOT TO POINT YOUR FINGER AT A CRAZY PERSON?"

i'm this " " close to snapping soon.
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[07 Mar 2002|08:00pm]
friday, i just got my phone line working again. which explains my absence for 2 days which sucked badly. i didn't get to talk to none of my friends or jenn which i wanted to so bad. ;/

i'm back now, i've had an interesting fucking 2 days man. well yesterday was the main highlight of the 2 days, you have no idea. on the way out from my last class, a girl who sits next to me, names brooke, she was sick as a dog right. we were on a field trip to the gym in health class to show us the pool, sauna, weight room, hand ball courts and all that other crap i could give a rat's ass about.

she was walking out when i was walking and she stopped me and asked me where's the m building, i told her and i said yanno you don't look too good and she said i know i'm sick.. SO.. we ended up walking all the way to the m building, i had to carry her bookbag which was heavy as fuck because she could've fell and i had to knock on her teacher's door, ask him to come out, tell him she's not going to class, she's going home, got her our of class, got to her car, i put all the shit in the car (her bookbag), i give her a kiss on the cheek goodbye yanno the usual (i felt good doing a good did) SO, she stops me and says "want a ride?" i said ok..

during that ride, up to the point where we double parked by my house, we spoke about EVERYTHING.. well, she spoke, i just listened. i have nothing to worry about though, she's orthadox, i'm not, she hates my kind of faith keepers she only likes good boys.

while we're talking, alan comes up to the car with a huge ziplock bag fill of gunji, tosses it on my lap, "roll this". dude, first 45 min i'm ever talking to my new friends, and she has to see me roll. i was so embarassed.. oh man.

well fuck it, the highlight was night time, when me, denis and alan went to manhatten. me and denis ended up poppin halfs, we both felt fucking good we were walking all around sheepshead talking, and talking, playing hakcy sac, and talking, went to el greco which is a diner to order 2 cappachinnos and chill for about 3 hours, just talking, about everything fro aliens to women.

what a a day..

today i got up, my momma paid off the phone bills and such, everything works well. i'm so burnt it's weird, i feel dizzy, but i'm ok. i got purple potato chips. heh, i'm gonna have a cig and relax for a bit.

tommorow is saturday, i have a big big party to attend.. oh man.. excitment!
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[06 Mar 2002|02:42am]
Yet another odd day to add to the book, i got home about 3 hours ago i was just too lazy to get online. it was pretty normal but yet exciting;

the highlight was to talk to G, a good friend of mines who got arrested not too long ago he just got out after 4 weeks. this guys did everything man, from a hurt company to running a woo house to selling yeayo. he gave me his best and wished me to be good, even gave me tips on how to be safer. he's smart for an italian thug. he told me how you shouldn't trust people or blow up any of your spots, never to shout your goverment, make frineds with garbage people because sanitation trucks are never suspected, also explained to me how to cook and cut right grams.. i mean it was crazy, i just sat there like 'holy shit' he's one hell of a person man, even though these are all bad aspects i've learned a lot from him. i gave him several cigarettes and wished him well, we shook hands, hugged, and off on my way i went while he had to take care of his biz.

liz and i spoke today, i think she likes me, it's not a good thing. her and yan stopped talking, so now she comes to me, i dislike that. she's the rehab chick, she was upset today becuase she found out her major (to be a teacher) can't be completed due to a bad record. she can't get a city job as a teacher because she got busted in fl with all those xanaxies. i felt bad for her, she's a good person, good eyes, just no direction.

my mom keeps making round trips to the doctor and back out, to the doctor and back out, driving me crazy. she got me scedualed for the driving test prep course which she wants me to take so i won't be like buck (and hit every single car in the back of me when i back park).

after school i met up with d, he's an idiot but eh.. him and his 'boy' who happens to be a complete fucking retartd started selling trees infront of the pizzaria. this fucking kid sold a nick to one of my friends, and he waves it in the air and shit for the world to see. i snapped at him, if cops would have came it's me violating my probation for being around drug dealers. i wanted to kill that kid, i told d that boy is gonna get arrested and if i go down with him i'm knocking his teeth down his throat, they're already bent and busted.

i ended up duffing out before i went home with this kid i don't even know, we just met at this house and all of a sudden we started talking. his name is unknowen to me. oh well, my classes were kinda simple, i really didn't do any work.

we spoke about god in history of napoleon and hitler class, panthiests and deothists.. oh man what a topic, i think i was jumped in the class because i have faith in paganism and they kind of didn't like it. everyone but this girl who looks like a complete drug addict, geez.

i miss my phes-ed class.. i get to go to it tommorow! lol which is something i can't wait too, i've became so excited to go to school becaise i hate being in my house. for example i have no ide what i'm doing tonight and it's gonna be boring and i know i won't leave the house, as usual because i don't want to do nothing too bad, not today at least. it's only wednsday, thursday tommorow i have school and then a 3 day weekend because i have no school fridays.. FUCK man.. i'm gonna be extra bored, lol.

notice, i'm life less, and will remain to be life less until some event happens to make my life alive. i can't even go to the city because by myself after 1000 times it gets boring.

lol.. i'll find something to do, and if no, then there's always my old bitch.. the internet.

I Will Take my own life!.
After going through with your own well thought out version of columbine you finally turn the gun on yourself... the thick coat of brains and coagulated blood was a bitch to get off the auditorium wall. You sure showed them!
Find out how you will die, Take the Death Quiz now!


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[05 Mar 2002|09:01am]

i really do feel happy man, me and my mom never do any constructive things.. this is so rare, it's amazing. i'm happy for this one second. :)
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something i've been in dark with for a while.. [05 Mar 2002|03:31am]
more bad new to add.. never have i really admitted to having any diseases or anything.. but i have to let one secret out..

i have an extremely bad pigmentation disorder with my skin, it attacks my back like crazy and it's starting to spred.. now i can't go to a doctor because i have no insurence and i refuse to get cortazon shots in my back every week, i have to get up to 17 shots of cortazon, i DON'T want it so i'm not going..

now from my research, methamphetamines causes the liver to die. as you know the liver is the vital part in the body which filters the blood.. now i've had all kinds of junk in my system and my liver isn't functioning all too well.. as a matter of fact i think it's dying.

just a few minutes ago i took my shirt off and there was blood all over the back, i looked and what i saw is crazy.. my skin shifted, the color changed and cuts began forming and it's starting to travel upwards.. i don't know what to do but it's really annoying me.

it's running up my spinal chords and it's spreading out.. it hurts in a way but it bleeds like a bitch, the skin changed to a purple/red color and became extremly stiff and hard which makes it break easily.

for those who read my journal and talk to me on a regular basis (very few of you) if you wonder to why am i being quiet or upset it's because of this.

what you see on the outside of the skin is also happening on the inside, which means my body is begining to rot from the inside out..

god loves me.

---edit line--

had to say one more thing, those who say you're stupid and you should go to a doctor, it's not too possible. dermatologist asked me about drug use and i told him i don't do much anymore, and my liver is permanantly damaged. this is just one of the things i'm going through, i can't pay 160 bucks for a shot every day in order to filter out the skin and i can't do much about it. believe me i tried, i can't expose my skin to the sun for too long neither or it'll burn right through. this is just oen of the many ways i've managed to fuck up my life royally. i wasn't born with this, it was done by self damage mainly from methamphetamine and all that other crap. it fucking sucks man, i can't wear a tight shirt because it'll break the skin and i'll begin to bleed. it's horrible, i first thought it was a bad case of acne or pubirty, but i'm wrong because i'm 19 and according to what my dermatologgist said there's no way it's any of those because it would've been treated already. so no luck with the doc..

"Recent studies on rats and monkeys indicate that MDMA causes permanent brain damage in the areas critical to thought and memory and that it damages the neurons that use serotonin to communicate with other neurons. Users who develop an acne-like rash and continue to use MDMA are at increased risk of severe liver damage. MDMA may alter motor skills, giving the user the appearance of suffering from Parkinson’s disease."

enough said.. if you want to read more just click here.
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[05 Mar 2002|03:12am]
[ music | DMX - I Miss You ft. Faith Evans ]

I'm back home, i just got back from a very odd and yet long day.. so much has happened, well not so much, but for one day it feels like it..

first, denise found me, we bumped into each other in the halls and it was like.. holy shit, we hugged and the i miss yous and how the fuck you beens etc came on and off. if you don't know who denise is then you should go back on this journal. denise and i are best friends, or were, when i got arrested we stopped talking.

well, we caught up on times, after my last class.. oh wait, i have to mentiont his here, iw oke up at 6:45 to get to a 8:10am class, the class was canceled, i had to wait from 8:10 till 11:30 for my next class, IT WAS HELL. i was so bored i felt like shooting myself, i ended up singing while a friend played the guitar.

now back to where i was, denise waited for me and i got out of class, we hopped on the bus together (B1) to 86th street where we went shopping together for her wedding shoes. we ended up buying her future husband's shirt and this freaky ass porno thong and victoria secret's thing for they're honeymoon. she's getting married soon and i'm invited, i've never been to a wedding in my life.

i bumped into blowjob monica 6 times today with no intention, same stores, same bus, same side of the street.. it was fucking odd. i bounced off before her though, she went to brighton and i got off at coney island hospital to walk home. i kissed denise on the cheek goodbye, and left. i think me and her are starting to become best friends again. when we're together crazy shit always happens, no one has any idea. old people talk to us, like the 84 year old in mo's store. man.. too much to say, lol.

my mom is finally back, she brought 2 cartons of cigs from fl.. which is good, she also got me a driving manual so i'll know what i'm doing, heh. even though she's back home, she's going ot the doctors tonight and she "might have to stay overnight" for more tests. she denies to tell me she's very ill. she looks like shit, and she's doing nothing but lay down. i'm worried in a way but man, she comes so fast and leaves so soon.. it sucks..

denise told me the smartest thing i heard yet today..

"in this world, there are 2 type of women, there are hoes and there are ladies. you never treat a lady like a hoe, and you never treat a hoe like a lady. why? simple, because you never know who you want to spend your life with."

we discussed everything man, she asked me a lot about nessa, lol. she remembers when we went out and everything, she read the journal nessa had written me in the pink hello kitty book, so we had one of those depressing moments of silence. then she went on to speak about matthew and how he's a fucked up ex who doesn't want to be with her yet he wants nothing to do with her, go figure.

in school, 2 chicks eyed the fuck out of me today. i have a feeling i'm going to get approached by them.. they look.. ack.. just ack.

i'm very tired, i don't even know what i'm doing. i've went crazy in school out of boredom i really have nothing to do. my teachers respect me greatfuly though, especially my health teacher. he says i'm an "intelect". whatever that means.

yan and bobby also bumped into me today, traded #s.

deon also got my # and that fuck didn't page me, last time i deal with that fucker.

the bts kid wants me to get him a gun, i'm gonna tell him no, he wants 15 pills, i'm gonna tell him no. i'm not gonna fuck with pills much now, manslaughter per one and i know a few people are going to rat me. i'm gonna get to trees though, i mean i'll page mike whenever for vitamins whenever someone asks, but the trees and nicks is what will make me money.

my mom and i spoke about israel for a briff moment, i told her i might want to go to the army and do what i got to do, she asked why do i want to die so soon and destroy my future.. well, to be honest if my life doesn't work well here, which i doubt it will because of how my family is going.. gma just went to the doc, mom going tonight, and i'm getting 9 credits a semester and i need 60 to graduate so i can get a shit job that won't require half of what college is teaching me (sex ed and drugs, wtf does that have to do with computer science?, friday we';re taking a trip in health class to the "gym" to look at the "things" available for us.. pffft.) i don't really know. if i join the army i most likely won't make it, but i like the odds.

that all depends man, i don't even know.. if i don't die here first, lol.

all my life, all my life.. there's only one moment i can currently think of that if i had to do everything over again just for that moment i'd do that and more, it's a moment i shared with someone a long time ago. if i don't feel it within the next several months i'm going to admit myself somewhere. my mom is close to giving up, my gma is, and me and my sis are the "sole" survivors so it's kind of hard to understand what am i supposed to do with my life.

you know what's the fun part though? taking risks, laughing, and feeling safe.

if you don't do that then you have no life..

25% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?
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[04 Mar 2002|12:03am]
I just got back home from school, i feel so tired, it's like i can bearly even move but then again if i try to lay down i'm just gonna stay there, did it ever accure to you, when you lay down with your eyes closed but you're still blinking? i don't know i think i'm going crazy, no one i spoke to about this today had yet to encounter this problem, i lay down and i close my eyes and i try to fall asleep yet i'm still wide awake and my eyes blink while my eye lids are shut. i hate that feeling, it makes me think, and i can't wonder to the fantasy world as i used too, not peacefuly at least.

Today was a pretty good day at school, i've proved out to be one of the most intelligent kids in my classes by the way i made my presentations, spoke and based my facts & opinions on. i think i'm pretty bright, i feel good knowing teachers look up to me as well as other kids, like my friends in my phes ed class, that girl brooke and her friend, they both look up to me and the teacher also listens and evaluates everything i say and it makes me feel good someone actually pays mind to what i have to say.

i was so bored in the ending of the class, i took one of my notebooks, the one i didn't need because i had one too many. i started sketching and tagging it and writing gfx so i named it the "blah book". from now on all i'm going to do is write random words, sentences and draw pictures that appeal to me at the time. i think it's a good way of expressing myself and it's fun.

on the way home from school a homeless lady, who happens to be the queen of the homeless people asked me for a cigarette, i gave it to her and she told me "my name is dian, if you ever need anything at all, just come up to me and ask me, i can never forget these eyes.". i feel REAL good knowing i was able to help, see, everyone here passes by the homeless for the simple fact they don't respect them or they fear them. just happens ot be one of the biggest groups (gang related) are the homeless, and now they're on my side.

i've been feeling mighty protected, i've realized i have more back then most people. no one can really fuck with me in school because everyone knows me, if i get in a fight people i don't even know would jump in for me. now i even got those homeless people on my side, so i guess that's a good thing if i ever have any problems, i love the secure feeling. i shouldn't really worry about fighting because i usually end all my scuffles within the first week alone by myself but summer is coming and i know there's going to be times when i'm going to need someone to be there for me and i have it now and it makes me feel good.

yan is back in school, he's on probation, he can't hang around me and i can't hang around him because we're both on probation for trafficing, i have a feeling this won't be the first time i'm going to encounter yan and i also have a feeling our probation acts are going to.. cross, if that's the term i'm looking for, if you understand.

tom is registering for spring semester, he's the drummer for siad's band, samsara. he told me siad will no longer be attending college due to acedemic problems. he got kicked out and now he has no other place to go so he's stuck working a 5.50 an hour job for the rest of his life unless the band does good. i feel bad for him in a way, i'm also fearing this might be my faith one day.. one day.

it's only 1:19pm right now and i feel as if the day has been going on for over 24 hours, like i've been up ever since yesterday morning. it feels so weird.. i dunno, i'm a mental case i think, lol, i presume i should stop babbling with everyones mind including this journal so i'm going to go back to music and playing my sega genesis roms.

i might write later, if not then adios.

p.s. - i stole this from vanessa, cause i'm a thief like that, i'm just bored so i figured i'll register for one of these things too.. soo..

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[03 Mar 2002|01:02am]
after 5 hours of sleep, i'm wide awake yet i feel dead. i just came back from outside, alan called me and asked me to come out, and i said ok because i had to go to the tailor anyway to get the first modification of my jacket complete..

i got the collar complete, the neck has a pocket which is hidden and will never be found by no means, so now i feel much safer. i feel good, this is the smartest thing i had done.. in the past month.

i also bumped into max, he's amazed i got "better" because last when he bumped into me (if you had read my journal) he had critisized me and basically had said i would ammount to nothing, not only was he thankful for me cracking his software so now he makes money, but he's also shocked i make money and that i quit doing certain things.. made you look huh? fucking moron, if he's reading this, i still hold a grudge against you for saying what you said to me, you and i are not friends, we're nothing but associates who see each other once in a blue. my respect for you is bearly existent.

alan wants to go to the movies, at 5:45 40 days and 40 nights is gonna start, he wants to go watch the movie, which means i'm going to have to go take a shower, i'm too tired i had a weird night.. i did nothing.

i was watching tv and on pay per view the movie Scary Movie 2 came out, as soon as i saw 1 second of it i've been trying to avoid the tv due to bad memories, it's funny how the past sometimes comes to haunt you, but i let it do it no? i guess i do, so i have no reason to vent or bitch or anything.

mo, eric, eugene and buck were dusted last night, again, they're all sleeping right now because they can't move. i'm kind of happy i don't fuck with that shit, it's all fun and games until one of them goes to the hospital, and when that happens you won't see my face there. am i being cold? i don't think so, i called mo and said "so this is becoming a every weekend habbit no huh?" and he says "oh no, i just do it whenever i have the chance to do it and it just happens to be that recently i've had many chances.".. i hope something happens to shock him, not kill him, but i hope he has a 2% overdose just so he can see what it's like. then i might get my old friend back.

i rather him just smoking trees then do dust, i'd even go back to everyday smoking if he drops smoking dips. i'm that much of a friend no? to "sacrifice" myself, lol.

ok i think i've written a bit too much, i shall go now.. so.. bye.

i have to take a shower, but i am too lazy. school's tommorow, and my first big move is coming up, i'm going to spend 120 dollars to make 240 dollars, then use that 240 to make 480, and then 960 and so on and so on.. god please be with me.

i'm in need of a shower though.. so.. off i go, fuck, i had to re write the ending of this entry because lj was fucking up, go figure.

time to go, adios.
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[02 Mar 2002|05:50am]
[ music | Bette Midler - The Rose ]

ugly.. ugly.. very ugly..

I'll never understand why they pick such ack people to win titles, i'm anti contests like this because they make people feel as if they're not worth of wearing a crown.. the way i see it i see more beautiful people then those 3 everyday, i even been with a few, i don't think i'll ever get it but my guess is that it's all money oriented. people would do anything and everything to earn something.. Jenn's prettier then all those put together, shit Nessa could snag those titles too, too bad the both of them weren't admitted into that contest, they'd sweep they crowd away.. So would half the girls i know here in brooklyn.

enough about that, now to more importent things.. like me, lol. uhm, it's been several days since i've written, i guess i just lead a very very boring life. i have to go to school again, i go all days but fridays, i had my first day on thursday and it's not as bad as i thought, as long as i shut the fuck up, listen and attend the classes i might pass.

i'm going on with my plan to make major money though, today i went to the tailor and arranged that special pockets and a sling/vest holster will be embaded in my jacket(s) secretly so i may go on to bigger and higher things, mo, who has originally wanted to be apart of this had proved to me that he's not too much of a good friends, i take all the risk in what i do as well as put in the most money.

oh well, i guess you need to invest in order to earn, no? i know i'm right, no one's going to tell me otherwise.

my money level is so/so, i can't complain really, but i could be happier. i really want to go on with my dreams and plans but they're none existant also, i have to go through a lot of shit man, half the people who i came up too just for the alterations for my jacket want nothing to do with it because they're scared of getting in "trouble" or dealing with a "gangster". fucking idiots man, least i got a few good connects that'll come through.

hey if i break the fucking law (a man made law which i might add), while i go to school, do my thing and work, that doesn't make me such a horrible person. many people percieve me as the "bad guy" though i am not, i have nothing but good intentions, for myself, for whomever i plan to put in my heart, and for our future.

a few nights ago i had spoken to my grandmother, first time ever we had actually sat in a table and had a conversation and i noticed something i don't usually notice.. how old she is.. she became more in weight, her skin is like paper.. hey verins are out and her eyes are knitted in.. i love her so much.. i do.. god i do.. she still warns me about how she might pass soon.. and i don't know how to handle it. i'm so scared, but i'm greatful she's my grandmother, because she is the best grandmother anyone could ever have. her love to me is more love then god had for his creations, and i love her so.. i'm not comfortable writing about this, but i can't stop thinking about it, ever since that one night.. things have changed during the years.. her eyes, hair, her size, her looks, even her voice.. she's becoming older, i have to adapt to it as well. it's just hard to let go, one of the many things i'm very bad at, letting go.

my mother still isn't here, after 2 weeks of saying tommorow, she's not here. i've adapted to being on my own now, i really do have nothing. my friends have abendoned me to msoke dust every weekend and because i stopped smoking dips and i've became less hooked on marijuana (i never smoke alone anymore, i'm not a self-addict anymore) they decided that it's not good if we hang out anymore.

i miss hanging out with them, laughing and enjoying myself.. they tell me my friends are bad influence and leaving them would be the smartest thing, well.. i've left drugs, and my friends have left me.. and now i am alone. i dislike this feeling.. boredom, having nothing to do, no one to talk too but a computer screen.. i really hate it. i hope to meet other friends, but those who i've introduced myself to in college who DON'T do drugs are the most BORING people i have ever met.. so i'm stranded, i no longer know what to do.

it's 7:05, saturday night, i haven't left my house.. nor will i, yesterday i done nothing as well, i HATE being like this.. i want to do something, but i refuse to call them, if they don't want to chill with me because i won't comply to what they do, then so be it, i won't speak to them neither. it's just hard because when i do nothing, i think, and because i'm pessamistic, too much thinking is bad.

whatever.. we'll see if i last through the night without dying of thinking, boredom, or anything else.

i'll go make me some coffee, have a cigarette and relax off for a bit.

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by
peacefulchaos !

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

Which tarot card are you?

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[27 Feb 2002|02:29am]
Inspired by shrewsie, I've decided to take several more pics from my window. Many people don't live around this area, not to mention this is New York, most people live in houses, shared homes, complexes and town houses while I can't say the same, lol this is probably one of the most drug trafficing buildings.. I wish I had a digi cam so I could show you what the staircases look like, or the back downstairs.. You wouldn't like it too much, but this is my home. This is my window;

Project Window )

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[26 Feb 2002|10:48pm]
[ music | Nas feat. Ron Isley - Project Windows (Looking out of my Project Windows) ]

Looking out of my project window, oh I feel.. Un inspired.. Looking out of my project window.. Oh it makes me feel so.. Tired..

I just woke up and just happens to be that it's snowing for the last time this year here in NY. I adore this moment, god knows how many more like this am I going to have.

I really don't have much to say, I'm more relaxed then yesterday. Talking to Jenn on the phone calmed me down, I needed to talk to her, her silly voice and ditzy attitude and "suck my dick" comments made me laugh and feel good, a lot of things I've yet to enjoy naturally, least now I have someone. Amazingly, I feel loved.

Most of my plans are kind of torn due to the snow, no reason to go out and I can't go slinging right now because I doubt anyone would be outside looking.

Tommorow I start school, first day of the semester, I'm not excited none so ever. I hate school, I don't want to go. Though I will, I don't have much choice. I have 3 classes only, and friday I'm off school, so back to another 3 day weekend.

My classes:

Sociology.. wee..

History of Napoleon & Hitler.. I'm gonna condamn that class.

Mental Health.. required for my major for some odd reason, I'll fail this one like there's no tommorow.

My mother isn't coming today, not a big suprise. It's been a week I've been expecting her now. I have to get used to being let down, you know what I'm.. not scared, but more aware to not try and make it happen? I don't want Jenn to conspire against me, that's all I need. Finally I rest at someone's arms rather then fall boldly on the ground, I hope those arms will remain open.

Right now, I'm probably going to listen to some music and attempt to chat, which means I'll get bored and offline within 15 minutes. I'm real tired but not sleepy, I just woke up and had a cup of coffee and a cigarette by the window, doing my usual daily morning thinking.

I do need a shower though, might take that now, or later.. I'm speechless, this song makes me think too, lol, makes me want to shut the window to be honest.

Well time to go, nothing more to day. Adios.
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[26 Feb 2002|12:03am]
The American dream.. to have what, education? wife? kids? a little dog? in god we trust? lately it feels as if the american dream is a mirage and more less a nightmare.

i've been having good and bady ups and downs lately, you know, i feel so dead but i feel alive.

i haven't seen jenn in a while, i missed her last night, i'm a bit upset about that i kind of, well i do, miss talking to her.

i think i'm over going some kind of a weird breakdown, it's sad to admit shit like this you know, but it's true, it's recently that i started thinking what the fuck has been going on and pin pointing shit that crawls out of a rock out of no where.

i'm going to florida in a month, month and a half to get my car. only thing i'm excited about is that, i also have to go for myself to take care of some business, jenn is in florida i'll most definetly come by her way if possible and say hi, she at least deserves that.

i realize many things... i miss my country, i miss my brother, i miss my mother.. they never here, always gone and doing something or working. nothing good has been happening lately, school starts on 28th, thursday, am i ready? i know i am, but i also know i'm gonna learn bullshit.

friends have been turning there backs on me, and talk about trust, they trade me, over drugs, over money? and ask me who do i trust?

they don't fuck with little shit anymore, everyone thinks they're big boys now, they don't smoke weed only, they moved on to yae yo and dust, guns and cars.

all i know is i'm getting fucking mad, i swear on my life, if i keep feeling like this for very long, i'm gonna start living like there's no tommorow, i got a connect for something that can make me a lot of money, and if caught it's manslaughter, if caught, i'm tired of bullshit.

you know it's funny.. how everyone try and get what they want, put everything and everyone aside just so they can have their little fucking lives, so they can sniff and smoke and play cowboy.. how women lie to themselves just to be happy, the land of make belief, it's getting tiring.

everyone keep tell me, "do good in your life, go to school, you can make it, you don't need anything, just education" and no one takes there own advice.

you know what fucking will get you through life man, it's the right people, at the right place, at the right time. i'm going to either burn or fade, doesn't matter, i'm just begining to open up more.

all of you who read this who think you live a happy, content life, that you have one of a kind objects, things, everything is nothing..

and i take my advice, the world is mine.
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[22 Feb 2002|11:47pm]

Feb 23, 2002.

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