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Manifesto. Written by a jock hating young man. [19 Feb 2002|07:38pm]
[ music | The sound of a train. ]

this is the anti adolescent male manifesto. written in three articles.

preamble-we feel that the immature actions of young pubesent males must be stopped before the hearts and minds of any more young teen girls are destroyed. this horrid display of the male psyche cannot be allowed to continue.

body-men in their natural state tend to be indecisive, and insensitive. they will pretend that they are intrested a girl just to feed their hormone driven carnal obsession, then the next day will say that they fear any kind of commitment for various reasons. the solution to this problem is none other than chemical castration. but only after their second offense. everybody needs a second chance. but if they blow it, off with their nads.

conclusion-womens rights have been compromised on this issue for far too long. the end is the ultimate solution.

rejected women of the world unite!

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[15 Feb 2002|01:50pm]
i live in the land of social security, i feed off the tube of culture, i pay for my food, i eat it and take it for granted, im a product of a failing system, this system is the american dream. the dream is gone, only the sad reality is left. to view the dream as still existing is total insanity.

the end falls,

i cant believe i used to think that. its completely unbelievable how quickly i change..........
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[15 Feb 2002|08:06am]
make your own decision.......
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The Decision [14 Feb 2002|02:02pm]
yes jesus?
what are you doing making one of your sub-gods head of a system that has to be run by women?
she had a good idea. i thought it might introduce some kind of peace unto the earth.
well you failed miserably. why have you summoned me to olympus?
im holding a confrence.
for what, and for who? since you summoned me, why havent you summoned all the others?
ah slow down jesus, they will each be here in their own time.
-enter yaweh-
zeus! have you gone mad?
dispense with the nicities yaweh, we have business to tend to.
what business.
you shall see yaweh, you shall see.
-enter buddah followed by allah and the great spirit-
-in unision- zeus!
hold your tounges, you shal soon know the reason for my invitation.
-enter confucius, the great sage, satan, athens, hades, ra, osiris, and pharoah ramses II.
for what honor do we owe the privilige of this invitation!
you shall see confucius, as you all will. great godesses of near and far, i have summoned you here today to pose this question, does the human race deserve to exist on the face of this earth which we created, and if not what is to be done. do not give me your answer yet, we will retire to the great hall and commense the discussion.
-all exit-
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Zues And Posidon [14 Feb 2002|01:29pm]
yes posidon?
i am tierd of being the god of the sea, i want a promotion!
what do you want me to do?
well, you are the supreme being arent you?
yes, but i cant just promote you.
because why?
because i cant.
just because i cant.
ok, ill compromise with you, let me give you a job description and you tell me if it will be suitable.
-sigh- alright posidon, tell me what you want to do.
ok, i want to be the god of the government!
think about it. if i occupy the minds of all of the top aides to the various heads of state, ill be a shoe in for many major decisons.
thats a good idea posidon, come back tomorrow and i will have made my decison.
-exit posidon-
-the next day-
great posidon, god of the sea, keeper of the waves, i hereby declare you, god of the government.
thank you o great zeus.
now, do your work, persuade the heads of state to fit our best intrests. and have a little fun as well.
-months later-
posidon! you have surrounded your title with a vile stench. since you have come to power, the world has come apart at the seams! expalin yourself!
it wasnt me, all i did was offer my opinion, but nobody took me seriously, i fought for peace, they fought for war. dear zeus, i prostrate myself in front of you, i beg your forgiveness, please please, destroy this species, destroy this which you created with so much love. for it will not be long until they destroy themselves.
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Why.......... [14 Feb 2002|07:33am]
3 minutes to post.
3 minutes to live.
off, off to school i go.
down, down to hell i sink.
but school is hell......
so im here already.
not in a fit of depression,
not in a bout of sadness,
just at school.
the modern day gulag.....
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Insanity...... [13 Feb 2002|02:14pm]
"im mute but not blind" said the blind man to the deaf old woman.
"im blind but not deaf" said the deaf woman to the blind old man
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Dick+George = One idiotic figurehead, and an intelligent heart palpitation [13 Feb 2002|02:05pm]
jesus dick.
that axis of evil is really getting on my nerves!
yeah, worser than a porcupine on fire!
yeah, they say they want them weapons for pretection. but thats not true.
well, they want em to target at my ranch and blow all my pretty horseys to the moon!
to the moon george?
to the moon dick, to the moon!
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Nikolay Soltys [13 Feb 2002|01:58pm]
hi, how are you?
im fine.
what are you in for?
who'd you kill?
my family.
are you serious?
yep, all 6 of them.
whats your name?
nikolay soltys.
sad, so sad.........
yes, i feel the same way.
well, do yourself a favor, give death a rest and kill yourself.
maybe i will.
(both exit)
did you hear?
that soltys bastard hung himself last night.
well, i guess thats the way they fall.
i suppose, but he did deserve it.
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[13 Feb 2002|07:24am]
i dont care about what i look like.
im so happy about that.
i used to care,
but now all that's left is
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gibberish. [07 Feb 2002|07:40am]
whistle, thistle,
bump dog
i cant let the cops
get ahold of my ass.

concrete sunlight
if that dog catches me
it will tear me apart.
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[07 Feb 2002|07:30am]
wow. i was sent to in school yesterday. i was sent for insubordination.
i was sent for over stepping my bounds and telling them i could do what i wanted.
so when i was there, i wrote a song.
a song making fun of country bumpkins.

the song is sung to "the devil went down to georgia"
here we go.

the texan went down to georgia,
he was lookin to make a piggy squeal,
he was in a bind to fuck some swine,
so he was willing to make a deal.

so he went down to the auction,
to buy himself a swine,
but when he got there,
he thought it fair,
to buy them ten at a time.

woo hoo a piggy orgy he thought
as he shelled out his hard earned pay,
he almost started crying
because he was buying,
some pigs to fuck today.

so he brought em all back to texas
after havin his late night fun,
his cock was red and so was his head
because he porked on every last one.

dont get scared of me because i wrote this.
i was so bored!!!!
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EMO MAN [05 Feb 2002|11:09am]
Im queer,
Im white,
Im lame,
It drives me insane,
Nobody cares about my pain,
But be sure Emo Man is here,

Chorus-ooooh emo man, emo man do us a favor,
And kill youreslf while you can.
Kill yourself tonight.

The pain I feel,
Cant be constdered real,
Im rich/middle class
And all i do, is sit on my ass.
My conformist glasses and garb cant get me very far.
Play my sad sad ballad on the radio.
But no one can know,
That im completely full of shit. ooooohhhh ah.

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[05 Feb 2002|07:28am]
Im so tierd. so very tierd.

The Superbowl!!! One big commercial holiday!!! And all of you know that i love commercial holidays. OOOHH!!! Did you see the e-trade halftime show, what a crock. But it was sponsored by e-trade so its ok.

Also, at the beginning, they showed a computer generated video that contained a sprawling futuristic urban wasteland. fi thats what we are striving twoards, we are fucked.

Im tierd, so very tierd, so i dont know what im talking aout.
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[01 Feb 2002|01:57am]
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[01 Feb 2002|01:55am]
fine then you stupid fuckers. in going to sleep. good fucking night.
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[01 Feb 2002|01:54am]
suck me
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[01 Feb 2002|01:54am]
im so lonely! nobody is onlineonlineonlineonlineonlineonlineonlineonlineonlineonlineonline
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[01 Feb 2002|01:53am]
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[01 Feb 2002|01:53am]
cablahh gooblahh
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