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Sunday, June 30th, 2002 | 1:24 pm |
Curious Why do we tend to take advantage of those people who always do what they say they will do, and always mean what they say? On the other hand, why do we continually trust those people who never do what they say they will do, and never really mean what they say? I am really glad that I've replaced a few of the latter with a lot of the former. I only hope that I can be as good to them as they have been to me, and not take advantage of them. I also hope that I am never again fooled by someone who will only disappoint me. Current Mood: thoughtful | Saturday, June 29th, 2002 | 11:56 pm |
The Trip, Part I If I tried to fit everything I wanted to say about my trip in one post, no one would read it because it would be too long. So I'm splitting it into the two parts, Phoenix and SoCal. ( For Phoenix, click here ) Current Mood: exhausted | 12:12 pm |
Friends I'm up to the 100-friend level. How did that happen? I had no idea when I started that I'd get to the century mark. I'm a friend of 88, which is also much higher than I ever dreamed. Current Mood: loved | 11:51 am |
The Birds Toby has discovered the birds that like to fly around my balcony. He keeps going over to the sliding glass door, looking out, then looking over at me like, WTH is that??? ( Wanna See? ) Current Mood: amused | Friday, June 28th, 2002 | 5:39 pm |
Errr, ummmm Well, ya see. I was gone for a week, if you remember.
There are 651 posts on my friends list before I get to the last post that I remember reading.
There is no way I'm going to try to read 651 posts.
Therefore, I would really appreciate it if you posted something really important, that I need to know about or would be especially interested in, etc., please comment or email me with a link to it.
Thanks!!! | 4:42 pm |
Hey Izzi Guess what we went through a lot of trouble to do, then forgot to do?
Current Mood: D'oh! | 4:30 pm |
Humidity Oh
The South was angered by my leaving and has decreed that I pay. It is soooooo freeping humid. I got too used to the weather in Phoenix and SoCal too quickly.
Current Mood: hot, what do you think? | 1:23 pm |
Toby I just went by the pet store to get Toby a new (non-pink) leash and collar, and some toys to play with. I'm really hoping I can leave him to roam free during the day because I hate to think of him locked in a kennel all day, and the big kennels are kinda costly.
I'll be going home shortly (yes, this is a short day, and was planned as such - shut up) to play with him, and maybe go show him off a few places. | Thursday, June 27th, 2002 | 11:54 pm |
All I can say for now is .... WOW!!!!
I had THE most incredible time out west. I promise to have a recap posted soon. It may take me all weekend to gather my thoughts and remember everything that happened. It feels like I've been gone for 3 weeks.
Toby and I are going to go to sleep now. Well, Toby's beat me to it. See y'all laters. | Friday, June 21st, 2002 | 5:20 am |
Buh-bye I'm off! (on my trip :-P )
See ya in SoCal on Monday! | Wednesday, June 19th, 2002 | 7:55 pm |
Babysitter Needed OK, to make the changes to my flight, it would cost $120. That would make a flight to Phoenix and back cost $520. I don't think so. Sooooooo, that means ... I'm back to being L. A. bound. But since my little sister has gone and found gainful employment, I'm going to need a substitute babysitter next Tuesday. Any volunteers? Poor lost little Southern boy out in cold, cruel L. A. by himself?? Anyone? Anyone? Current Mood: dorky | 7:20 pm |
On hold I'm on the phone with Delta, finding out what it would cost to change my tickets and fly back home from Phoenix on Monday. Apparently having a portion of the ticket on AmericaWest is a problem. Not really sure why. Just in case ... **UPDATE** $120 to make the change. That's a $20 fare increase and a $100 ticket change fee. Current Mood: confused | Sunday, June 16th, 2002 | 9:12 pm |
My present Actually my present wasn't really for me. Molly and Stacey got their new little brother Toby a bed for when he gets here. ( Wanna see it? ) | 6:27 pm |
Cheese!!!! I have Spongebob Squarepants Cheese Nips, and you don't!
Current Mood: cheesy, what else? | 6:26 pm |
Fathers Day, Part II Feeling much better now, and I did get quite a bit done in my spare room.
The energy level is dropping rapidly now, so I may have to call it a day soon. If I do a little bit each night, I should be ready to leave Friday with no problems.
Meredith just called. Apparently Molly and Stacey have a Fathers Day gift for me, I'm supposed to go over in half an hour or so. | 5:02 pm |
Fathers' Day I have spent most of the day today unpacking stuff that I got from Meredith's house last weekend, filing, throwing away, putting in boxes to store. etc. I ran across a folder my mom put together for me with memorabilia about my dad after his death. I grew up in a small town, and my dad was a leader in the community, actually serving one term as mayor, but refusing to run for a second term. There were proclamations from our bank (he was the chairman of the board of directors when he died), one of the civic clubs he was in, an editorial in the local paper, and a copy of the eulogy from the funeral. I am now sitting here, bawling my eyes out because I miss him so much. There has been so much that has happened to me in the seven years since he died that I could have used his advice, guidance, and love. I miss you Daddy. Current Mood: sad | 11:59 am |
Flag Day There's an '80s Spring Break movie on TV. Gawd those things were terrible. How many movies were made using the exact same script? The Flag Day party was last night at Mike and Jennifer's house. Everyone really had a good time, although it was completely different from last year's drunkfest. It was more of a cook-out type thing. I think the major thing that made it different was that we controlled the guest list better this year. OK, that sounded really snobby. *shrug* Angie brought a couple of her friends, and a couple of Mike and Jennifer's neighbors came over. I had met one of Angie's friends before, and heard stories about the other one. They were both hysterical. No pictures this year, sorry. Nothing photo-worthy really. At some point at these gatherings, it's mandatory to start telling what grade you were in when certain things happened. Everyone always looks at me. I was born too early. All of my friends are 6-7 years younger than me. Oh well. So be it. It keeps me young. I'm a 32-year-old kid. I really need to get some stuff done around the house today. It's kind of cloudy out, so I won't be tempted to get outside and play again like I was yesterday. I wanted to have the majority of my packing done today so I won't be running around like a maniac Thursday night. But for the moment, I'm going to finish my coffee, read the paper, and eat my chocolate chip muffins. Current Mood: peaceful | Saturday, June 15th, 2002 | 3:24 pm |
I started out this morning with the realization that I had missed taping MST3K today because I never labeled the tape with last week's episode, and I already had three episodes on that tape. Grrrrr. I hope aubreystar got it. I watched (or tried to watch) 13 Ghosts on DVD last night. One disadvantage of buying a very cheap DVD player is that if there is even a remnant of a smudge on the disc, the picture freezes and stutters. Blerg. Too many things to pay off for now to get a decent one. I'll "suffer" through, I suppose. I went to the gym this morning and got some cardio exercise in. I started the Green Mile on Audio Book today. That should last me for several weeks. It's 16 cassettes or so. I had this incredible surge of energy when I got home. I took out the garbage and scrubbed the kitchen clean while listening to some really cool 80s music on DMX. (Debbie Gibson - Lost in Your Eyes *swoon*) I want to get the living room straightened up a bit now, then hit the showers. I have some stuff to do out in the world before the party tonight. By the way, it is absolutely gorgeous outside today. It's not very hot (for Alabama in June, anyway), there are one or two clouds in the sky. I saw some people touring the complex and looking at the model apartment, and it made me laugh to remember that it was snowing on the day I came here to look around. Oh well, I hope everyone is having as great a Saturday as I am. Toodles! | Friday, June 14th, 2002 | 8:43 am |
Happy Flag Day!!! Happy Flag Day everyone. It's raining today, so I don't know if we'll do the gathering at the flag pole this year. We will, however, be holding the second annual Flag Day Extravaganza tomorrow night at Mike's house. OK, technically it should be tonight, but Angie's out of town, Jason had a scheduling conflict, etc., so we're observing it on Saturday. Let me know if you want to come, I'll email you directions! Today is payday, and the payday that our delayed raises were to take effect. No raise for me. Whatever. Nothing was mentioned in what passed for my review, so I was expecting to not get one, but it's still another slap in the face. But anyway ... One of the principals (the level below partner) walked out the door yesterday. He had been here forever - long enough to make partner at most places - and was one of the hardest working people in the place. Not that I have ever questioned my decision to leave, but that made me feel even more confident that I'm making the right choice. This place is seriously screwed. It's so top heavy it's unreal. They refuse to make the older partners retire, and the ones who do retire still come into the office and work every day. Good riddance. I'm really tempted to just say to hell with it when I get back from my vacation, and resign. If I can be sure that it won't affect my recommendations to future employers, I have to give it serious consideration. On that note, have a great weekend!!! Current Mood: apathetic | Thursday, June 13th, 2002 | 9:02 am |
*grumble* I just got an email from a friend. "Heya!! I'm in Puerto Rico this week for work. Whatchoo doin?" Current Mood: jealous |
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