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Sunday, April 21st, 2002 | 6:47 pm |
Swim like lions through the crest... ..and bathe yourself in zebra flesh. Today's sunday. Two days after the Andrew WK concert. I wore my screaming Andy shirt to work on saturday, with no voice at all due to my concert screams and the virus that's been ravaging my throat for the past week. So I worked past that, letting rob do a good heaping amount of the talking. My voice would come and go, so I could do some talking. One thing at work, these two hippies came in with a truckload of disorganized shit, so we gave them boxes and mother shells and they worked on it in the parking lot. It was still a mess when they brought it back, so me and rob spent near 45 minutes just sorting through their bottles. We ran out of time, but the people the next day got it. I got to use the car today. Driving is losing its fun quickly. I think it's the cold weather, I like driving when it was 80, but now that we're back to 40-50 degrees, it's cold again, and I cant have the window open. Good thing I have the Dead Kennedys ad Andrew WK to keep me company with the shitty car stereo I have, that buzzes when theres a bit of bass. Tomorrow is school again. When I say I don't care because nothing seems to matter after that concert, I mean it. It was a totally killer expierience. It'll take alot to get me down. And I'm sure the world is ready, but I'm ready too. This summer, I'm going to have some fun, because WE WANT FUN! Pictures I took of AWK in concert Current Mood: contentCurrent Music: Primative Radio Gods - Stading Outside A Broken Phone | Saturday, April 20th, 2002 | 12:28 pm |
Don't stop living in the RED!! YES!!!
Last night was the Andrew WK show, and it was fucking amazing. I got tons of pictures, too. The crowd was nuts... he was the first act, but he got the biggest audience feedback and was probably the most popular guy there. There was so much energy from both sides, it was incredible. My girlfriend is wary of mosh pits, so I was on the side most of the time, but a few times (including during "Party Hard" which got an absolutely insane reaction) I got in there. Andrew himself stage dived a few times. Sometimes, someone would get to the stage, and AWK would fight the bouncers for the kid. A few times, some people got up there, he even let some guy sing part of "New York City" for him. There were these kids in line before the show in front of us, and during the show, one got on stage and AWK actually took the kid on his shoulders and was singing the song with the kid up there. After the show he was shaking hands with people and was signing autographs (more like paragraphs). I got everone in the band EXCEPT andrew's signature, but just as well. It was an amazing fucking show. I can't wait to see him again.
I need to get tickets to ozzfest.
Current Mood: living in the red Current Music: Andrew WK- Party Hard | Friday, April 19th, 2002 | 3:00 pm |
Half days, stealing, and Andrew WK Today I got another early dismissal to go to the doctor's to see if I have strep throat. The test was negative, so I just have a virus that will go away soon. Hopefully. I went to taco bell after, and then cam home. I've just bveen at my house with nothing to do since then. Tonight is Andrew WK. The tickets and all are paid for, and me and my girlfriend are heading out about ten to six to pick up tix (I'm stupid) and the show itself starts at 7. I've read in different places that different bands are the openers and closers, so I dont know who is headlining this deal. I'll find out later, I'm sure. I'm pretty excited. On friday next week I have to give a demonstration speech in my Speech and Communication Class. I decided to do it on stealing things. I can talk pretty well on that, when I'm really not much of an accomplished pilferer. To Read it All Click Here Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: "Bite The Big Apple" (a porno) is playing in the background | Wednesday, April 17th, 2002 | 10:43 pm |
GOD BLESS AMERICA Bush's Orwellian Address Happy New Year: It's 1984 by Jacob Levich Seventeen years later than expected, 1984 has arrived. In his address to Congress Thursday, George Bush effectively declared permanent war -- war without temporal or geographic limits; war without clear goals; war against a vaguely defined and constantly shifting enemy. Today it's Al-Qaida; tomorrow it may be Afghanistan; next year, it could be Iraq or Cuba or Chechnya. No one who was forced to read 1984 in high school could fail to hear a faint bell tinkling. In George Orwell's dreary classic, the totalitarian state of Oceania is perpetually at war with either Eurasia or Eastasia. Although the enemy changes periodically, the war is permanent; its true purpose is to control dissent and sustain dictatorship by nurturing popular fear and hatred.
The permanent war undergirds every aspect of Big Brother's authoritarian program, excusing censorship, propaganda, secret police, and privation. In other words, it's terribly convenient.
And conveniently terrible. Bush's alarming speech pointed to a shadowy enemy that lurks in more 60 countries, including the US. He announced a policy of using maximum force against any individuals or nations he designates as our enemies, without color of international law, due process, or democratic debate.
He explicitly warned that much of the war will be conducted in secret. He rejected negotiation as a tool of diplomacy. He announced starkly that any country that doesn't knuckle under to US demands will be regarded as an enemy. He heralded the creation of a powerful new cabinet-level police agency called the "Office of Homeland Security." Orwell couldn't have named it better.
By turns folksy ("Ya know what?") and chillingly bellicose ("Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists"), Bush stepped comfortably into the role of Big Brother, who needs to be loved as well as feared. Meanwhile, his administration acted swiftly to realize the governing principles of Oceania:
WAR IS PEACE. A reckless war that will likely bring about a deadly cycle of retaliation is being sold to us as the means to guarantee our safety. Meanwhile, we've been instructed to accept the permanent war as a fact of daily life. As the inevitable slaughter of innocents unfolds overseas, we are to "live our lives and hug our children."
FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. "Freedom itself is under attack," Bush said, and he's right. Americans are about to lose many of their most cherished liberties in a frenzy of paranoid legislation. The government proposes to tap our phones, read our email and seize our credit card records without court order. It seeks authority to detain and deport immigrants without cause or trial. It proposes to use foreign agents to spy on American citizens. To save freedom, the warmongers intend to destroy it.
IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. America's "new war" against terrorism will be fought with unprecedented secrecy, including heavy press restrictions not seen for years, the Pentagon has advised. Meanwhile, the sorry history of American imperialism -- collaboration with terrorists, bloody proxy wars against civilians, forcible replacement of democratic governments with corrupt dictatorships -- is strictly off-limits to mainstream media. Lest it weaken our resolve, we are not to be allowed to understand the reasons underlying the horrifying crimes of September 11.
The defining speech of Bush's presidency points toward an Orwellian future of endless war, expedient lies, and ubiquitous social control. But unlike 1984's doomed protagonist, we've still got plenty of space to maneuver and plenty of ways to resist.
It's time to speak and to act. It falls on us now to take to the streets, bearing a clear message for the warmongers: We don't love Big Brother. | 1:17 pm |
I'm a TV Star On subday night, I got stuck doing some volunteer work at a telethon to be airted locally. I was supposed to be moving pieces of paper from point A to ppoint B, really easy basic stuff. Suddenly, they needed someone to work on the phones. So I volunteered, they trained me, and off I went. I was on TV alot of the time, for 2 hours. I called alot of my friends, which I'm sure I wasn't supposed to be doing, but I did anyways. The first hour I was working with HSBC bank volunteers, so I got a free shirt. The second hour I worked with Rosa's people, and they didnt give me a shirt. The first hour I was on phone 7, so I didnt get many calls, but then I was on phone 3 so i got lots and was on camera alot more. And I promoted Drew with a quickly made sign. Then today, I wake up with a killer sore throat and a pounding headache. It's fucking 80 degrees out, and I get sick. i was able to stay home, but I still have to go to work. It might be a bit tough, considering I can barely speak. Hopefully I can just work with someone else who can do the talking and I can do the other work. But aside from that, it's been a fairly boring couple of days. Well, not boring, just normal. I hate my throat. Current Mood: sickCurrent Music: Group X - Cheese | Saturday, April 13th, 2002 | 10:00 am |
| Thursday, April 11th, 2002 | 8:28 pm |
A quandry I had a crazy thought come to myself. It's weird, and does not cease to fuck with my mind. Okay, here's the situation. Somehow, you and your girlfriend/boyfriend switch bodies. Yes, switch bodies. Besides the obvious benefit of having a field day with my own boobs, there'd be some strange things. See, I would be in my girlfriends body. What if she (in my body) came over. Do I call her "Mark" or "Sara"? Because while the mind is the same person, the body is different. But the main thing is, would you kiss him/her (or rather "it" because of its hermaphroditic personality conflict) even though it looked like you? I mean, it'd be like kissing another guy.. YOURSELF for fucks sake.. but it wouldn't be gay because you're a girl. This is like, fucking with me to the max. I don't know, if I could maybe get a comment (just one'd be nice..) about what you'd do, it'd be great. As for me, I'd probably not kiss me, her, it, whatever, but I'd watch some porno and find out how much fun it is for a girl to get off. And then I'd play with my boobs until I died of malnutrition. But then SHE'S fucked because she has to mentally become a Lesbian because her body is dead, but her mind is. Away, devil! Current Mood: quixoticCurrent Music: LowPass - Rip It Out | Wednesday, April 10th, 2002 | 2:48 pm |
Guess Hey, guess who got his Drivers License today? c'mon, guess harder. Current Mood: ecstaticCurrent Music: WWF Piledriver - Strike Force - Girls In Cars | Monday, April 8th, 2002 | 10:22 pm |
It's a shame my binoculars don't work at night People say that lifting weights is supposed to relieve tension in your muscles, and relax you. I just finished lifting in my basement, and I don't feel any less wound up. I'm still needlessly angry, and I feel stressed as hell, like if someone just says something to me... or I can find some music that isn't totally obnoxious, I'm gonna flip out. Not the "grab your trenchcoat and shotgun, let's head to the schoolhouse" type flip, but something small. Anyways. First day back. Tiring as hell, because my schedule was so off that I could barely get to sleep by midnight even with the help of a sleeping pill. It was just like being back before, and I remembered why this year isn't really worth it. Ah, well, It's my last year, I need to stick it out so I can head to college and hopefully complete my goal of changing the world one day. But probably not, I'm too much of a slacker (in the bad sense, not the "duuuude lets party! we dont have jobs but we have money somehow!" hollywood version) to ever do anything. I just need to do what I'm capable of, I suppose. College. Looks like I'm off the NCCC, the only place that didn't reject me. Brockport, Plattsburgh, Buffalo State, and Fredonia all told me no, your grades suck. NCCC pretty much accepts you if you have a pulse, so no problem there. People say its a good school for the first two years, but still it's got a pretty bad stigma on it. As long as I go somewhere else I should be okay. Got my check from work today, made me a cool 140 bucks. I'm sticking 100 of it in the bank, I just need to find the info on my account so I can get the number. I'm considering never carrying more than 20 dollars at any time with me, because honestly, if it's important enough, I'll head to an ATM and come back later. If I don't feel like making the trip, then why the hell am I buying it anyways? I've better things to spend it on. Ways to save money: I've made decision. This summer, I'm going to bike to work. That's right, bike my fat ass all the way to Niagara Falls every day. I'll probably be killed by some drunk motorist, but at least I should be in some sort if shape. Also, it's a fun way I can not contribute to the horrible mess that is pollution. Every time I ride a bike, I swear up and down the assholes who are too fucking lazy to ride around on what is the most efficient form of travel ever invented. Need to get to work? it's called a bus. Conversely, when I'm in a car and I see a biker, I get really depressed, knowing I'm contradicting myself. So whenever I can (read: when it's not a torrential downpour) I'll be biking to work this summer. "You can't be cool when you're walking somewhere" -a certain idiot. Yes you can, you just can't be cool walking with a bunch of dumb friends acting like frshmen. I hate freshmen. Anti-Racism and Environmentalism. My causes for the month, until I get so blasted by my own uselessness to any cause till I give up. I'll do my best. I'm off to.. do something else. I'm sick of writing things nobody reads. Current Mood: angryCurrent Music: kompressor - YOU GET SALMONELLA | Saturday, April 6th, 2002 | 2:07 pm |
Please stand by | Friday, April 5th, 2002 | 10:33 pm |
It comes back You know... Just when I'm going through this great period of my life when I just want to be nice to people and I don't want to be consumed with anger and racism and hatred, I go and I search random LJs. It used to be that I had this dream where I was the dictator of somewhere, and I could do anything I wanted. I pictured my life still as it is now, except filthy rich with people at my every whim. I would go out into public, discreetly nodding at which people I wanted to have killed. I would search the internet, then find people, and have my agents dispatch them into the next world. Every time I argued with someone, I could just imagine myself pointing an accusing finger at them, which sealed their fate to a bullet to the head in a dark cell. I could imagine all the people who opposed me publicly destroyed, everyone I felt the slightest twinge of hatred towards would be cut from life. I would have power. My name would be associated with fear. People would be afraid to think badly about me. Big Brother is me. I could have totalitarian control, people would have to listen to me, actually listen to me. If they didn't, they would die. Everyone who dared challenge my godlike status, they would be struck down, swiftly and painfully. All my insecurities washed away in blood, millions to my name. The Great American Genocide. But then something clicks. Anger sucks. I dont like being full of hate. I want to be able to like someone, to not be this asshole all the time. I realize that racism is really stupid. The hate begins to wane, the world looks better. I no longer look at people all the time and say "he's a fuckin nigger asshole". I now look at someone, and think "eh" and shrug my shoulders. It's not my deal. I regained that there are good people, that most of the population of the world is not deserving of a painful death at my command. But then I browse random live journals. And the wish for genocide returns. Nothing changes. I hate this place. Current Mood: angryCurrent Music: Pantera - Walk | Thursday, April 4th, 2002 | 12:50 am |
Why I want to change the world I found this online:
Hi. First of all, you are fat. You are ugly. Your breath stinks. You are unpopular. Your car sucks. Your house sucks. Your life sucks.
You are not witty. You are not smart. You are ignorant. You are stupid. You will never make it in this world. You are unpopular. You will never amount to anything. You are nothing.
Your diet is poor. You have low self-esteem. You have cellulite. You have ugly toenails. You have blackheads. You have body hair where it just shouldn?t be. Your eyeballs are not white enough. Your teeth are not white enough.
Secondly, you are fat. You should go on a diet. You should eat more hamburgers. Your tits are not big enough. Your tits are too small. Your tits aren?t small enough or big enough. Your dick is too small. Your nose isn?t right. Your ass is too big. You should make yourself sick. You should eat more hamburgers.
Your dress sense sucks. You have no style. You are one of the crowd. You are a follower. You are a freak. You don?t fit in. You are a lah-hoo-ser. You have no charisma. You are not sexy enough. Your favorite band sucks. Your favorite brand sucks. Your clothes suck. Your shoes suck. You are retarded.
You don?t have enough money. You should work harder. You don?t have enough things. You are unhappy. You need more. You are unsatisfied. You are not moving forward. You are not keeping up the pace. You are lagging behind. You are one step behind the rest.
You are doing it all wrong. You need to change. You need to see that change is good. You need to follow us. You need to be individual. You need to fit in. You need to think outside the square. You need to stand out. You need to know the rules. You need to know the secrets. You should be yourself.
Thirdly, you are fat. Your legs wobble too much. Your teeth are crooked. Your face is wrong. You are not thin enough. You are too thin. You need to eat more hamburgers.
You are lactose intolerant. You are iron deficient. Your cholesterol is too high. Your calcium level is too low. Your blood pressure is too high. Your iron level is too low. You need to get liposuction. You need to lose weight. You suffer from premature ejaculation. You are far too dependant on drugs. You need to buy more drugs.
You are bipolar. You have attention deficit hyperactive disorder. You have post-traumatic stress disorder. You suffer from depression. You are manic. You are not happy enough. You suffer from road rage. You suffer split-personality disorders. You suffer marriage problems. You are not right. You need to buy more drugs.
You should stop smoking. You should buy more cigarettes. You should stop smoking. You will get cancer. You will die anyway. You should have fun. You shouldn?t have fun. You should be fashionable. You should keep ahead. You are lagging behind. You should be individual. You shouldn?t care about what you do. You are free. You should go your own way. You should follow us.
You watch too much television. You need to stay tuned. You are fat because you watch too much television. You should watch more television. You should be individual. You are going to be a star one day. You are nothing. You should eat more hamburgers. You should drink more syrup. You are too fat.
You should not be who you are. You have to change.
My name is Marketing.
Now buy my fucking product. | Monday, April 1st, 2002 | 7:56 pm |
Let's drink, drink, this town is so great So here: It's 11 pm, I'm loaded, and my friends are dropping me off at home after I got drunk and they didn't. So as they're dropping me off, my mom pulls in. I have a bag of beer in my hand. I'm drunk. So she knows I'm drunk, she yells, my dad yells, my friends get pissed, and I'm fucked. They tell me I have to tell my boss I stole from him again. So I go there the next day, thankfully without a hangover. I tell my boss, he gets mad, almost fires me, then just tells my parents he needs me to work but stuff will be different, But I've been grounded, still am, so that's whats happening. Current Mood: boredCurrent Music: Queen - Save Me | Tuesday, March 26th, 2002 | 11:26 pm |
Moral Majority One, two, three You call yourselves the Moral Majority We call ourselves people in the real world Trying to rub us out, but we're going to survive God must be dead, if you're alive
You say, "God loves you. Come and buy the Good News" Then you buy the President and swimming pools If Jesus don't save till we're lining your pockets God must be dead, if you're alive
Circus-tent con-men and Southern belle bunnies Milk your emotions and steal your money It's the new dark ages with the fascists toting bibles Cheap nostalgia for the Salem Witch Trials
Stodgy ayatollahs in their double-knit ties Burn lots of books so they can feed you their lies Masturbating with a flag and bible God must be dead, if you're alive
Blow it out your ass, Jerry Falwell Blow it out your ass, Jesse Helms Blow it out your ass, Ronald Reagan What's wrong with a mind of my own?
You don't want abortions, you want battered children You want to ban the pill as if that solves the problem Now you wanna force us to pray in school God must be dead, if you're such a fool
You're planning for a war with or without Iran Building a police state with your Ku Klux Klan Pissed at your neighbor? Don't bother to nag Pick up the phone and turn in a fag
Blow it out your ass, Terry Dolan Blow it out your ass, Phyllis Schlafly Ram it up your cunt, Anita Cos God must be dead If you're alive God must be dead If your're alive.
Current Mood: moral :-p Current Music: Dead Kennedys- Moral Majority | 1:03 pm |
You're hidin in a mask, takin fun seriously... Finally for an update.
So since I was drunk, I've done alot of nothing. I got my laptop working, and thats cool. I brought it to school all week and played nintendo games and took notes and stuff. Yesterday, I got it online with the help of lovely old AOL 3.0. It's slow as molasses, but what the hell, its a computer that goes online. A shout out to my nizzigah rob for the modem. It might come in handy today.
All this week I've been working, thats since friday. Then I work from wednesday to saturday, and we're closed this sunday, but im working that monday. I dont mind, Im gonna get like 150 bucks in my next paycheck, so I'm happy. So today is my day off, and I thought I could spend the whole day laying about doing nothing.
But... no. Some neighbors that are friends of the family had a death in the family, and today is the funeral. Turns out they've seen a car scouting the house a few times, and crooks are notorious for using funerals as a way to coordinate an empty house, so they want me to house sit. It's really not a big deal, I'm gonna bring the laptop and just talk to people online or on the phone. I just will lay around and watch TV probably, so looks like I get my wish anyways.
I'm supposed to call chuck at about 5 today to see if he wants to go out today.
Friday was two years with Sara. I love her so much, it's been an amazing two years. If you're reading this. I love you! We went to the movies, and wednesday we had gone to dinner at fridays. Then I visited her at Evil McDonalds on saturday, and I'm gonna see if I can reach her today.
And it really ISNT the jews' fault about Israel and palestine. It's our fault for putting it where it is. Although, I AM pretty impressed I was able to carry on a political discussion with Kyle, who's evidently been reading some nazi news services.
We laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh at your lives
Current Mood: eh Current Music: Dead Kennedys - Terminal Preppie | Sunday, March 17th, 2002 | 2:21 am |
Fuck all GFDuxck, I have to say that sucne I agve started drinjking beer, that Tququiza is by thafar the best ftewating beerthat Iveerver gad iun my life. Id rank a six pack anbd whacked off, and boty, do I feel great./. I sgot a sic pack of Tequiza from work a dn rob goy a six pack f smitrnoiff ice, and I doyn know what he did yto it buyt I bought a cieo game caled DEus Ex. Then oi pulled 0ut the CDs that sam gavce me with all of yhew pirbono nopj them and so whr4 you 3whajck ogff and drink (well not DRUNBK DRUNBk but drunk enough to be funnny) Well inmys time tpo aprythard ladies and gengle ment so :LETS {ATTY HARD PATTRY JARD P{ART^Y HARD {ATRT HARD P{AETT HARD!!!!!!! Current Mood: drunkCurrent Music: Andrew WK - Party Hard | Thursday, March 14th, 2002 | 5:44 pm |
Pensioner has eyes plucked out in attack A pensioner has allegedly lost his sight after his eyeballs were torn out of their sockets by his gay lover. Police say the gay couple from Germany had a row in which the younger man blinded his much older partner. The victim's eyes were found in the street outside the house. One man is under arrest and in custody in Munich. Police say an argument erupted between the 69-year-old man and his 25-year-old lover. Officers were called to the scene by a taxi driver who noticed the young man walking down the street naked. Witnesses say they heard screams coming from the pensioner's flat. When police forced their way in, they found the old man, his face covered with blood. He was rushed to hospital but doctors say he will never be able to see again. The younger man is still undergoing treatment for injuries to his eyes and a broken arm. Police investigating the incident told the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper they were shocked by its brutality. Police have not released the names of either man. Current Mood: amusedCurrent Music: toy dolls - livin la vida loca | Monday, March 11th, 2002 | 9:17 pm |
It's been a while since that song, hasnt been played 2 billions times a day. But also since I updated my journal. I just haven't bothered, even though I've had more than ample amounts of time. I was sick for a few days, just on the tail end of it now (I hope). I stayed home on thursday due to an inability to stand or walk. The weekend wasn't that much fun, just alot of working and lying around. Another... shit. it's gotta be nearly a week since I've seen my girlfriend. Hopefully we can work something out this wednesday or thereafter. Saturday night was strange. Me and rob were supposed to go to see the Time Machine with some other people, but due to a momentary lapse of... something, we didnt go on the thruway, and drove way out into nowhere. Then by the time we found our way to the theater and went inside in howling 60 MPH winds, the lady told us not to bother because it was like 30 minutes in. So we went to his car, then blockbuster, then home. People bitched at us later, but oh well. I've been in a trancelike state with my cold, not really being aware of anything more than usual. It's just easier to fade off when everything is blurry anyways. So I'm bound to slam a few bottles of nyquil back, pass out, and wake up somewhere near Beirut next weekend. See ya. Current Mood: blankCurrent Music: rahowa - Race Riot | Sunday, March 3rd, 2002 | 12:57 am |
Arg? Its been a weird few days. I go from nearly inexplicable blinding pain in my whole body to being really good and advancing 2 gym hockey teams to the finals, then putting on a (shitty) radio thing in the aud, to hanging out with sam and his friends in Mario Park and then Dennys to drivers ed to something to the play again to a really boring day. It's not been weird. Just dumb. Current Mood: boredCurrent Music: rahowa - third reich | Sunday, February 24th, 2002 | 4:29 pm |
Weekends These are the times when you wonder if there really is a reason for existence.
I woke up at 1:30 after a late night, ate breakfast, talked on the phone with my girlfriend for an hour or two, then just sort of sat on my computer. I've been reading things, downloading things, killing all sorts of time. I cant even tell you what I've been doing, because I dont remember. I downloaded some new ROMs for Nintendo, but most sucked so I havent played them much. I started audiogalaxy a while ago and I've been fucking with that and downloading. Nobody has been on. Aktually, they have been, but the way the day has been going, it's not even worth talking to them.
So last night. I worked, 3-9. My parents went to dinner all the way down in ski country, and so I had to get Sam from work to drive me home. He showed me where "Beer Club" meets. My parents came home at like 9:40, not as late as I thought. Then I walked to mcdonalds to see sara, where they had to do a bunch of extra cleaning, so I didnt get home till about 2 am. I stayed up until 5 am (once again, I can't really remember what I did because it was so useless).
So that leads us to today, which has been nothing but phoning and Toy Dolls and Dead Kennedys and computer and making up racist names for eachother with pat online.
It's been a wholly useless couple days.
Current Mood: useless Current Music: angry aryans - Nigger Loving Whore |
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