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annoyingly saying a lot |
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Link 80- Verbal Kint (i'm thinking its meant to say "king) |
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So I'm having a good weekend...for those of you who aren't having good weekends, at least maybe the fact that emily's is ok should make you a little bit happy possibly? jk...so betsy's house is so cool and i want a frikkin media room thingie for my house! If I ever become a billionaire, i'm going to make a room that is dark with the most comfortable couch in the world and the best possible surround sound system, the kind where you can just go into after a bad day, put on your favorite song and have it be so SURROUNDING you that it is INSIDE of you and it would be impossible to think of any of your problems. If I was a billionaire i would also buy a skateboard. I would get a stairchair for my dream house, like basha smolen's , and a sliding ladder thing like in betsy's house. My dream house is going to be SO cool you should ALL come visit me when I have it. It's going to have like, fireman poles to slide down to different floors, and lots of trapdoors, and vines to swing on to go from place to place and little tarzans all around...
So yesterday, I had a lot of fun me and andrew had like, the funnest day ever...we went to the mall, harvard square, the fleet center where we scalped some hockey tickets for spending money (sweet yo), then we went to the cambridgeside galleria, but mostly just walked down to the harbor and walked around there for a long time and it was SOOO nice ahhh the wheather was just AHHHHHH wheather. I got a mighty mighty bosstones CD, this "cinema beer nuts" punk mix thing, and some old NOFX cd. I also got PEZ, duck tape, (with which we tried to fix my shoe), a whole bunch of glue at CVS for like, no reason, chocolate cigarettes, a couple new pins, and we got japanesse food at our favorite place in newton center...
we met a cool kid named brendan who was really funny from belmont hill who wanted us to go to some party with him but i didn't let us.
i'll shutup now.