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cait and em

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[22 Apr 2002|12:52am]
last week was definately one worth erasing

and judging by the fact that it's almost 1 and that means i am going to sleep through all of math class again tomorrow morning, which will mean that i have to learn it all by myself tomorrow night, and stay up late again....

this week will be worth erasing too.

can i cancel my subscription to time for a couple months? PLEASE? just STOP COMING

- emily.....i guess
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i'm being massively attacked [17 Apr 2002|10:15pm]
[ mood | unexplainable ]
[ music | massive attack ]

So now that everything is fucked up
Because I have skewered it in my mind to make it that way
I'm looking at the grey viewscreen of fucked up ness
and i really want to break away

- a little ditty by emily
which sums up the continuous cycle of my life

1 comment|post comment different times.... [15 Apr 2002|02:52am]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | ani difranco ]

EmDaHappyChica: melissa so hows your scandalous life
melissy463: well... in a word? scandalous


she is my mentor. she is my rock of ages. i would write a song for you melissa but sasdly it would not do you justice, oh wise old one, so i can only make another livejournal entry in your honor.

do you guys think i'm too young to be having sexual relations (not like i'm gettin any up in here, but what's the opinion?)

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[14 Apr 2002|12:40pm]
should have been apparent i'd say, but that was emily in that last entry...i always forget to say that. even though i was talking about how "emily had a good weekend" ya know, it always could have been cait talking about how I had a good that was emily. over and out
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buy me an SUV lucy [14 Apr 2002|12:18pm]
[ mood | annoyingly saying a lot ]
[ music | Link 80- Verbal Kint (i'm thinking its meant to say "king) ]

So I'm having a good weekend...for those of you who aren't having good weekends, at least maybe the fact that emily's is ok should make you a little bit happy possibly? betsy's house is so cool and i want a frikkin media room thingie for my house! If I ever become a billionaire, i'm going to make a room that is dark with the most comfortable couch in the world and the best possible surround sound system, the kind where you can just go into after a bad day, put on your favorite song and have it be so SURROUNDING you that it is INSIDE of you and it would be impossible to think of any of your problems. If I was a billionaire i would also buy a skateboard. I would get a stairchair for my dream house, like basha smolen's , and a sliding ladder thing like in betsy's house. My dream house is going to be SO cool you should ALL come visit me when I have it. It's going to have like, fireman poles to slide down to different floors, and lots of trapdoors, and vines to swing on to go from place to place and little tarzans all around...

So yesterday, I had a lot of fun me and andrew had like, the funnest day ever...we went to the mall, harvard square, the fleet center where we scalped some hockey tickets for spending money (sweet yo), then we went to the cambridgeside galleria, but mostly just walked down to the harbor and walked around there for a long time and it was SOOO nice ahhh the wheather was just AHHHHHH wheather. I got a mighty mighty bosstones CD, this "cinema beer nuts" punk mix thing, and some old NOFX cd. I also got PEZ, duck tape, (with which we tried to fix my shoe), a whole bunch of glue at CVS for like, no reason, chocolate cigarettes, a couple new pins, and we got japanesse food at our favorite place in newton center...

we met a cool kid named brendan who was really funny from belmont hill who wanted us to go to some party with him but i didn't let us.

i'll shutup now.

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no diggity [11 Apr 2002|04:53pm]
why is the world so filled with craziness? I got so bored in WAR today that i wrote a comic strip for my pet rock, sparky. many of you who go to csw have had the privelege to be introduced to sparky.

i am so happy to have sparky. i now have a constant companion for when my other companions are not around. you know who is my GOD my IDOL? MELISSA ABRAHAMS

she inspires me
melissy463: dude
melissy463: listen
melissy463: i can officially committ statutory rape

today was one of those days that seems really warm and it is in SOME places at SOME times but just not as warm as it looks.

umm whats the point of like making a whole school fast? when its voluntary its more meaningful. and i know we could sign up to eat or something and i signed up to go out cuz i was gona go with dan but then i had to jam with arlo and that was fun
but i starved
so i got some pop tarts later hurrah
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"YOUR HAIRS ON FIRE," says Emily...and Taryn keeps rambling [10 Apr 2002|12:00am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | dave matthews and tim reynolds "seek up" ]

- so you can love multiple people but can you be in love with multiple people...i need help?

- emily's age old question, newton north or csw? my vote is for csw, but whatever that's my biased opinion.

- i'm still in dmb denial :'(

- it was in the seventies today, yay, for warm weather!

- hhmm a guy in dunkin donuts gave me a susan b anthony dollar, random

-and RIP three old newton resident

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more monkey business [05 Apr 2002|09:55pm]
[ music | FNX ]

in case anybody couldn't figure that out that was emily btw people seem to appreciate it when we say who we are so that was me! :-)

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monkey business [05 Apr 2002|09:47pm]
[ music | FNX ]

I'm feeling accomplished...i had absolutely nothing to do tonight, so i slept for a whole lot of hours...i didn't even let my dad wake me up to go to dinner, and for me that's something because i definately one of the people in this world who eats the most. So it took me WAYYY too long but i FINALLY was able to load three pictures for our livejournal. hurrah! the only bad thing is that we can only have three at a time-cuz i found the best one god its so confusing because my computer must have a hundred photo programs and only some of them work in certain ways and it has to be all figured plans for tomorrow either...give me a call every1 if you feel like talking...i might be sleeping though so i might yell at you.
Hope they are havin fun at wills thing! He's a great bass player...
YES! money has been TURNED IN! i'm GOING TO PRAGUE BABY!!!
now all i have to do is work on costa rica...and my schedule for next year...and i'm all set.
if anybody cares i've pretty much decided to stay at will put my parents in the poorhouse but from my standpoint, its just so much easier

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la dia de los muertos [04 Apr 2002|11:55pm]
[ mood | coffee ice-cream thats my mood ]
[ music | ani difranco ]

this is caitlin...and after a long conversation with emily we have concluded that we know everything and we, yes we -- dun, dun, dun, RULE THE WORLD!! actually, no that was just one of my lame jokes, but we did figure out who does. aragorn -- mr. "guitarmageddon"! and therefore the meaning of life, is to play guitar, accept for us becuase we aren't good. and what the hell is this arlomathews thing? family circus you suck you got to cutesy "if we have to eat breakfast today how about jelly beans on toast," courtesy of billy. what if the hokey pokey is all about?! also zippy the pin head disturbs emily and makes her feel unhappy, if anyone else also experiences an uneasy feeling after reading zippy the pin head please respond to emily! oh zits, that's a good comic strip, but bad name zits aren't good. the boondocks is a good comic strip although sometimes the political undertones are too deep for my level of understanding because they mention celebraties i've never heard of. hhmmmm the kids page, that's terrible...oh lame joke time kids! "so why did the football coach go to the bank? answer: to get his quarter-back!" oh that was bad, yeah and im listening to ani, i don't think she thinks it's entertaining either well nevermind i guess that's just the song. have you ever had a pet rock, have you ever known what it is like to love a piece of gravel so much that it hurts? hahah anyone seen almost famous, eh? okay something scary...when i wrote ani i accidently typed an l at the beginning but luckily i observed my spelling error! okay well hope for sunshine tomorrow, have a good night everybody! one day till the weekend, peace mwah later :)

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ET lives in my closet and eats a lot of reese's pieces [31 Mar 2002|01:55pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | belle and sebastian- the wrong girl ]

I don't want to be an angel of doom type of voice person but guys we only have ONE MORE DAY..waaaaa actually ONE MORE AFTERNOON. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!! sorry. its just that i haven't practiced guitar much at all, and aragorn will hate me, and i havent even taken my geometry book out of my bag. now i am in trouble! esepecially since i HAVE been here the whole time and i've had lots of spare time at home. oh well...hope you all had kickass vacations and for those of you who aren't on vacay, i expect you to all come over and bother me and call me a lot while i'm doing my homework while YOU have vacation to be a nice distraction.

so people at CSW guess what? now i have an eyebrow ring, i shaved my head but it already started growing back just a little bit of fuzz, and it's dyed green... i also got two more piercings in each ear, but hey thats not a big deal. i did get a bull ring at the beginning of vacation but i got sick of it so i'm not wearing it right now, its hella uncomfortable. but i LOVE my tongue ring!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! and guess what else i did? BUt shhh keep it on the dl cuz of parents...i got a TATTOO!!!! YESS!!! its the cutest thing ever, it's a tazmanian devil holding up the flag of thailand with one hang, and putting up the middle finger with the other! i'm not going to tell you where it'll just have to find it. so umm get ready for me to be quite a bit different looking when you see me.

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"hello, hello, i am stuck in the elevator" - Mixed Nuts [30 Mar 2002|05:21pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | jimmy eat world ]

(this is cait) hhmmm...the first time i went sledding was on 1/8/87 -- just watched it on video! aww, sour patch kids and peanut butter m&ms; remind me of cnn "home, home on the range!" :'(. today it's in the sixties, yay! oh and the ending of "panic room" sucks, but otherwise eh it's alright. dude, yeah i sat through a movie other than empire records and almost famous! csw people only one more day of vacation -- get psyched for sixth (<--?) mod! jb, cr, and kw: i love you guys so much...haha, yeah im a loser -- sm i miss you! i hope ya'll have a great weekend, peace *mwah* later :)

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[29 Mar 2002|06:30pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | dispatch: time served ]

this is cait...


2.) oh and whoa a 1950s beatnik-red danelectro -- i'm in love!!

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the good the bad and the argyle [29 Mar 2002|02:12am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | phish-fee ]

I am feeling very happy tonight...i'm sorry to all having problems with family, isn't it just so fucked up? A few of the people on my friends list sounded pissed at their families for various reasons, families are so hard to deal with...i'm just lucky that mine has been overall pretty sucks when you grow up and have to learn the hard way that parents don't know everything, and that they might not like each other...and other things...i don't know.

So seder was good tonight, a lot more fun because it was our to hang out with a couple cousins,aunts uncles...and of course grandma. just being surrounded by people who love you is great even if you are bored or embarassed. And i had such an "almost famous" moment with my cousin sam who goes to hampshire and came up for the night-
we were talking about music and he hands me this bouncing souls CD- the good , the bad and the argyle, and he goes "this CD was passed on to me when I was 15...and now I feel it is time to pass it on to you..." I've listened to it a little already it's awesome i love this kind of music that just pumps me up so much.
Then julie and becca and max came over , but becca had to go pretty quickly. Oh and we were skateboarding around on max's skateboard a little bit. The skateboard is still at my house...i'm SO going outside and trying to skateboard tomorrow! Won't i look silly. Oh but i will make julie come over because they have no school. We painted my lamp- fun! I hope they both had good walks home, and especially max because he is probably still walking home and he is probably cold, and I hope julie doesn't get in trouble! And plus i just got in trouble with my landlady. She said SHHHH!!!!!! through her window at she will tell my parents because she's so annoying like that. But ya know gotta love her anyway

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true business [26 Mar 2002|11:45pm]
I feel bereft, I truly do............

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so, all.... [26 Mar 2002|12:37pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | unsung zeros-fall ]

Hmm so. I was informed at eleven fifty today that we were having company at twelve fifteen and i had to clean my room and make myself presentable...mostly by my grandmother...she is so old fashioned! Presentability is a thing of the past! messy and gross is all the rage nowadays! So I went to newton north was interesting. I like it a lot as a school, and i know poeple there, and i definately wouldn't mind having to go there if I had to for whatever reason, but at this point i want to stay at CSW...even though north has just as good opprotunities for english stuff and art, there were all these kids painting murals and its like wtf?? CSW is an art school and I see no people painting murals on a daily basis as i walk through the halls! And then last night hung out w/ben and max, i couldn't hang out for that long, but it was fun. We met these girls. They scared me.

OH an newton north people prob won't agree but there are so many hot guys!

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YOUR MOM [23 Mar 2002|05:13pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | gorillaz ]

Actually speaking of mom's , caitlin's probably totally hates me now hahaa (she got kinda wierded out by a background i put ohn caitlins computer that was a little bit um not great for a mom to look at i guess) caitlin you say she doesn't but come on she can't think that all the corruption in me is solely your fault for doing the corrupting? that was the most confusing sentence i have ever said. Well my last two days have been entertaining and pretty busy...Lauren and I spent all of friday helping out at the hebrew rehab center nursing home, it was really funny ....there was the funniest old man who took us to his room and showed us stuff - remember laur? "now behave yourselves girls...there ARE two of you..." lauren was a little freaked out i think but it was all kind of funny. And one person said "DON"T THROW THE BALL IN THE HOUSE!" as they wheeled by us. haha. So mostly in the afternoon we painted their nails which was a very interesting experience...And we must have gotten lost in that building what, eight or nine times? It's friggin huge and confusing and has like eighty wings....and the lunch ladies were mean to us. I don't think they like volunteers there. Last night was cool chillin with thursday what the hell did i do? Who cares. My grandma is here now, and she turned from like hard of hearing to almost deaf so you have to yell and keep sentences simple. I love her but its a pain and we can't have normal conversations in my household now, we scream so she knows whats going on. so tonite- goin w/dave to buddha's ! should be fun! :-) thank god somebody is rescuing me from this scary home of people!

Oh and about what i said before i changed my mind- all of the corruption that has ocurred inside of me is all the fault of them damn burkes!


Don't wanna use this as an annoying message boardy thing but laur i bet you will read it so in case i don't talk to ya- wanna go tomorrow?

i love you all each and every one of you taht is reading this yeah even you!

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dun, dun, dun [20 Mar 2002|02:57pm]
haha, dude "telephoney" i invented a word!! haha okay maybe not, im probobly not the first person whose ever said it...FOILED, foiled again!!!
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[20 Mar 2002|02:55pm]
[ mood | telephoney! ]
[ music | haha empire record soundtrack ]


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[20 Mar 2002|02:31pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | dashboard confessional "the swiss army romance" ]

hhmmm yeah okay so someone from georgia keeps crank calling me. i doubt i'm like being stalked, so the anonymous caller most likely isn't reading this or anything...but if you are, dude stop calling before eleven -- god dammit! oh, this is cait(y) by the way, yup yup i'm actually posting an entry...whoa! oh and emily, about tonight, call me -- i can skip drivers ed but that would then mean i wont get my license and be able to haul my ass out of cow country or drive to newton, ahhh this is such a debaucle! yeah the whole snowing thing the other day was a total conspiracy. oh and i read half of a book today, perks of being a wallflower, it was wicked good...damn im a loser, oh well! and emily...what's up with that scarecrow icon thing??

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