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afrodity's LiveJournal
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Below are the 9 most recent journal entries recorded in afrodity's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, January 3rd, 2002
    8:51 am
    snow day!!
    wow its been such a long time since I have written guess I have been to busy and also I just got home from the beach!! It was so much fun, really it was! I am so sad that I didnt get to see Mike. And the worst part is is that the reason I wasnt going to get to see hm was because Lynn wanted to take Jennie, Gary and I to Key Largo so we werent going to be in Sanibel to see Mike the next day. And then- we ended up staying at Sanibel!! So I tried to call him over and over again and he never picked up so I had the chance to see him soon. And I got the impression that he was so mad that he didnt want to ever talk to me again or something, and I hope that thats not true! I emailed him last night to write me back once he got it so we could talk. I really hope things work out because my parents said that we could stop in Michigan while we were going to Chicago.... so I hope everything works out!! But Sanibel was so beautiful and we met some cool kids but I couldnt help but miss Mike. All the day that I was supposed to see him- I wanted to cry like every 5 minutes. I couldnt get myself to have fun that day- it was like everything I saw I kept thinking, damnit I could be seeing this with him. The rest of the trip in Sanibel all I could think about was how I could get him there and so everytime I would be having some fun I would think about him!! I know there was nothing that I can do I just cant stand the thought of him being mad at me now and ugh.... I hate this!!
    But besides that the beach was a really great time! It gave Jennie and I a chance to catch up and I got to meet 3 people who went to OA! When we were heading up north from Sanibel to stay in Rainbow Springs for a night, we stopped in Brandenton to visit her friend Alyssa. And at Alyssa's house was this Kid Evan who lives in Atlanta and this girl Lauren Dillan who lives in Gainesville, FL. We hung out at Alyssas house for a couple of hours and I got to know them. They are the nicest people you would EVER want to met!! Alyssa is so beautiful and she is dating this kid named Denton who lives here. Evan is so cute!! I couldnt get over him and Lauren was a little intimidating but really nice. So then we left Alyssas house and headed farther north the next morning and then as we were passing through Gainsville we stopped in at Laurens house. And we ended up spending New Years Eve there. Yah it wasnt the BIG party Jennie and I were hoping for but it was fun. So then we headed home to Atlanta. And when we got here it was SOOO cold! Jesus it was freezing!! But I stayed the night at Jennies and we woke up ot snow!! Then she came home with me the next day and we went to Lil' 5 and hung out. So I guess we are back to normal and its awesome!! I cant wait to met the other kids who live in Atlanta that went to OA. There was this kid named Wink that went to OA and ended up leaving early but he seems like the coolest kid! Sara- if it hadnt been all outdoorsy you and I would have been in heaven!! All of the 8 guys there were cute and had the whole preppy hippy thing going on. And the kid that Jennie got really close with, Noel who lives in Tennessee..... ummm all I can say is wow!! haha! But he reminded me so much of Mike so whenever Jennie would talk about him I'd get all worked up again. ugh this is so bad! Why cant I just be with him like I want to? Why does he have to live in Michigan, whats good in Michigan?! And if he hates me I will be crushed... but I need to stop thinking about it!
    Its snowing outside, and its a blizzard!! okay MAYBE not a blizzard but we dont have school and I am so happy!! And today I am going sledding! I have never been before I am so very excited!!
    Oh and about Christmas!! I got a guitar, and a digital camera. How awesome is that!! I got a ton of clothes and shoes and some beautiful jewerly so I am all set!! Well I need to go!!
    Sara- Ill talk to you later baby! I miss you so much!!
    Mike, lemme know whats going on and if I dont hear from you soon Im calling you and yelling! haha just kidding but I miss you so if you read this at least email me!

    Current Mood: disappointed
    Current Music: doc watson, widespread panic, oar, micky hart, guns & roses
    Tuesday, December 11th, 2001
    4:47 pm
    burr.... it is so cold!
    UGH why am I so sick?! I made it through umm 3 hours of school today, and made it through the first part of the Chemistry test! So tonight I get to worry about how I did and think about taking the rest of it tommorow! Wow it has been so long since I have written in here... been to busy I reckon! Well I am here now so I can write as much as I want! I cant believe that Christmas is almost here- I need this break, I need my presents and I cant wait to go to Florida!! Why do I wanna go to FL... umm maybe it is JENNIE B, or the sand, water, sun, hot tubs, or maybe its that tall kid... Mike I think! haha jk!! I dont like it that Sara is leaving me to go get drunk with her cousins in Aruba though- whatever will I do?! Sara and Jackson were are fighting today- I hate it when people fight! But I am so very proud of her for finally standing up for herself, he is really quite bitchy. She doesnt need someone like that, but still I hate that the Jackson 3 are on hiatus! haha like Phish... wow we are cool!! Well today it wasnt Pete I thought about- nope it was that other tall, thin, blonde.... umm I think his name is Mike. I cant really remember though... haha just kidding!! AHH the beach is so soon kiddo!! REMEMBER: sheets, camera and dont break something this time! I will actually kill you and the doctor who does surgery if you get hurt again. SO if your damn foot gets all infected again you are going to have live with it... believe me... living with a stub would be better than the pain I would inflict if you didnt go!! I was reading the want ad-s trying to find an old Chevy for me, and I found all of these Firebirds... and then I found Trans-Ams.... and then I found Camaros. GURR- I dont like Camaros for two reasons...
    1) Ty has a Camaro and Sara rode in it and could have been raped and that would have made me mad... and besides he roll down a hill in it
    2) Mike is selling his bad-ass completly wonderful Firebird that he has had since he was like 14 to get one...
    There are some pluses to Camaros though-
    1) FLIP SPICELAND probably was in Ty-Ty's car... SARA and I LOVE Flip (Mike- he is Ty's father who is the local weather man)
    2)okay I guess they are more Chevy than a Firebird
    3) and Mike will look REALLY cute in one

    Wow when you are sick and bored and the movie your daddy brought home from Blockbusters was fucking SUMMER CATCH! How the hell am I supposed to make it a cozy Blockbuster night with Freddie Prinze Jr. and his 2 facial expressions! But Gilmore Girls is on tonight... maybe some Tristan viewing!! OHH- I was watching the History Channel today and the history of the Chevy was on and guess who was hosting?! None other than Rory's Granddad! I about cried with joy!! I hate Martha Stewart- she is really quite annoying!!
    SO on that note.... MIKE! Jesus, I get to see you so soon!! Maybe we can see Jesus the Easter Bunny there!! I am hoping that you feel better, we are both sick today! Kinda cute... no wait really icky!! I hate that I cant be talkin to you right now, but I could call and talk to your SCARY mother... umm she is soooo scary. Lets do a little dialouge "Mike- it is time for you to go to bed, are you talkin to that little tart from GA?" or "Mike- Lisa is the best thing that you ever had, dont talk to that girl from Atlanta" or my favorite... lemme set it up... okay it is 11:30 at night "Mike I have to call Aunt Susan" what the hell?? okay well sorry I just had to express my anger!! So are you lying to me about you and Lisa being over... hummmm.... maybe you are... we'll have to see!! I hope that you arent because I dont like it when you lie- it makes me sad and then mad!! But your heart was in the right place so I guess its cool!! Did you tell Steve??!?!?!?!?! haha I REALLY wanna know what he said!! I still cant get over it... but oh well whats done is done! Whenever I saw Pete I was like Mike is better... and when Pete was running by today I thought to my self "self, Mike is a great kid... focus your attentions on liking Mike, not someone who LOOKS like Mike" But I do have to say Sara Petre did look quite fabulous today! haha!!
    well kiddos-
    I am getting tired!!
    Gilmore Girls tonight!!

    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: Garth Brooks, Lucky Boys Confusion, REM
    Sunday, November 25th, 2001
    2:07 am
    damn Christmas blues
    okay- so Christmas is the time for happiness, love, presents, giving and all that fun stuf... right? Well then why is it that this Christmas is making me so depressed? It all started today when I was flipping through the channels and I saw something that I never thought would depress me. I saw an American Eagle commercial, and who knows why that commercial hit me hard but it did. Maybe it was all the pretty blonde girls, and the girl in her cute sweater, which I have and for some reason just doesnt look as good on me as it does on her, run up and hug her beautiful boyfriend. And they kiss and cuddle under the Christmas tree.
    So what I mean its a commerical, it isnt real... right? Well then why the hell did it make me feel like shit? Maybe it was the fact that that blue sweater doesnt make me look that good, but I think that it was probably the fact that I dont have a guy this Christmas. I dont have that guy to kiss and cuddle under the misletoe. Lord I have always wanted to be kissed under a misletoe, cliche as it is. So I start to think- no one is really dating in my school. I mean besides Chris Hardy and that idiot he is dating, Gwinn and umm one of those Greenspan twins but they are pratically married.... Trammel and Bess, wait they arent dating they kissed but he jacked off West so what does that mean... so really no one. OH wait! Scott L and that weird freshman who likes death... am I forgetting anyone... nope I dont think I am.
    The fact that no one is really dating doesnt really comfort me though. The fact is is that Ms.McCrary teases me all the time about my amazing man powers, ask anyone and they will say that I am a huge flirt, lord do I get in trouble for those flirting skills... then why am I alone?? humm.... why is that I can never stick with anything? I mean I have had the opportunity numerous times date guys, but I get tired of them or I pick at them until they are completley undesirable. I have done that so much that I am afraid that all the boys think I dont want anyone, but thats the farthest thing from the truth.
    I get so sick of having to wonder about my every move, so sick of trying to figure out where this is leading... I want something steady and there. I dont want to have to wonder anymore. I want to be able to know that at anytime of the day I have a guy to call and tell them to come over. I miss kisses and hugs that mean anything. Im sick of pointless hookups that screw me over later. I want something that is not going to change tommorow.
    All this music I listen to, though they are not boy bands, but true good music deal with the boy who wants the girl. That damn girl... the girl that everyone wants, and the girl that is so self confident and the one that no matter what happens people like her... why cant I be her? I am not going to say I dont have friends and that people dont like me. Nor am I going to say that I dont have guy friends, I know I do,in fact I would say that I have more guy friends than girl friends... but why cant I be THAT girl.
    I think it all boils down to my constant lack of confidence. Ever since I was little, I have hid behind things. It started when I was little and I would behind my daddys' leg when I had to meet new people. That grew to transforming myself into some gregerouis person who is so in your face that you dont have time not to like. Someone who is always on and never has time to get mad or sad. Someone as Mike says is always wanting to please. It gets to the point where I dont give a damn about what I want but people approval means everything.
    When Jennie left me for Outdoor Academy the last thing she told me is not to get to down on myself. I have such a hard time dealing with the fact that thats a problem I have.
    I am so jubbled and confused right now. I know I need to go run around and meet new people and go Christmas shopping tommorow, and do my AP Gov. homework, and call Cydne tommorow and ask her about the beach, and mail Jennies package and talk to Katherine about whats been going on and tell her that my mom is cancer free and stuff like that.... so why is it that all I wanna do is curl up in bed and turn off the lights and listen to Jack Johnson and John Mayer. I know I cant though, and I know that its 2:30 in the morning and I cant sleep, and I know that Im tired and I want to sleep- but my mind is racing. Did one commercial do this to me?? Whats wrong with me tonight?! Maybe its the lack of Jennie, Mike, Sara and Cydne... hell ya'll are my support group and with of you guys gone I feel abondened.
    I need to get over the sadness and accept that hey I'm me and there is nothing I can do about that- and all in all I am happy with myself but for some reason tonight.... tonight is the night that I actually couldnt stand to be online because I didnt want to talk to anyone. That I was a bitch to Jeremy when he called to see if I wanted to hang out tommorow. Im taking comfort in the Simms though. Victoria introduced it to me and I am taking alot of happiness in planning these peoples lives- because right now I feel like I cant control my own. I cant make my self happy tonight- and lemme tell you I hate it.

    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: dar williams, remy zero, the calling, phish
    Wednesday, November 21st, 2001
    12:32 am
    GOD I AM HYPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    la la la- okay Thanksgiving break starts tommorow! PRAISE CHRIS HARDY ABOVE!! haha I just had to explain the re-interpretation of the Bible to Leah!! Leah... Leah who went to Chris HArdy's house, and Leah who is nice and wonderful and thinks Mikes evil friend is hot... tisk tisk tisk!!
    This LiveJournal is dedicated to the fallin' members of my group. To Sara who is in North Carolina and wont be here for a long time, and for beautiful Mike... Mike who is in Kentucky- a hella of lot close than Michigan, and still wont come see me!! So this LiveJournal is to you...
    Lets talk about Galloways STUNNING 50 pt. loss today. Westin played a awesome game... and Sara... BRIAN GABORI was there... ahh he has lost a lil weight! For some odd reason Eric, Mark and John were there and they said hi to me... which was odd. And Feldberg was there and he gained about 78 pounds... no joke!! AND KATHERINE WAS THERE! she told me that Jennie talks about me ALL the time, and it was really good to see her she looks so good!! So then Pinky Pete comes in, in all his glory. Even Leah had to drool! Okay Sara, Ms. McCrary was in full force tonight... in FRONT OF PETE AND SMACK MY BITCH UP she did the dance and the song and the imitation for Kat!FeMAc also gave Leah a huge and thanked her for taking pity on poor Arthur and dating him... I 'bout died!! So I finally make it home and wonderful Mike calls and tells me to call him back. So I did and we talked and I was so hyper and I started bouncing... and Leah watched Dismissed- which is now currently her new favorite show, although its been Leslies for a while ever since the gay gay eposide and Mike hates it...
    And I told Mike that I would write him a Live Journal while he is in Kentucky... which might I add is so very close to Ga. but were over it!! Tonight was a good night- saw pete, saw mark, saw brian, so CRAIGAFER score a pt!, saw Gwinn wearing funny glasses, saw a 50 year old fat midget at the game, saw Hisham TRY to score and Milan came out of groundedge to "work" on Stud Ass. Although he seemed to be flirting with Froshies more than working! Today Scott stripped in Lit. all because I asked him too... and my it was pretty... almost as pretty as Mike but not quite. Leah is tired and I wanna go party, and I am really hyper and I hate that you two are leaving me for forever.... and I am very saddened by it all. It is finally chilly outside and I got to wear a jacket and I was happy. And Murf and I are gonna go line dancing at Cowboys because we are southern and DAMN proud!!
    Well Leah is getting REALLY mad and will never want to spend the night with me again.... its almost one she says... screw that I wanna PARTY! maybe Ill call up Mikes FAVORITE boy... I think his name is Westin.... haha just kidding!!
    Sara Real World tonight was good- malik finally dumped jisela thank you jesus... (chris hardy)
    nighty night you too...
    sweet dreams....
    Sara get yur drunk cousins home okay...
    Mike absorb the Southerness while you are in Kentucky, I expect a accent and a couple of ya'lls outta this trip...
    off to bed!!!

    Current Mood: dirty
    Current Music: Llama, John Mayer, The Strokes...
    Monday, November 12th, 2001
    10:38 pm
    mike mike mike...
    okay I know I already wrote today, and Sara and I both think that people who update this thing like every day are kinda pathetic, but I need to vent! So I just got off the phone with Mike, and I am so sad! I mean I am not sad that I talked to him, but I am sad because we need to start cutting back on time spent on the phone!! What am I going to do! He is the only guy that gets me, and I have grown really attached to him!! Crazy as it is, I have... so I guess I will have to deal with not talkin to him as much! And it sucks because he is truly the only guy who laughs at my not funny jokes, loves my laugh, thinks Im Britney, loves my southerness and actually cares to talk to ME! Okay I am a total cornball, but lets examine my past relationships... Adam, Jeremy, Henry, Nahu, umm and tons of other hookups that are non signifcant, and it sucks that I have found this TRULY amazing guy and I cant have him! I want to kill Lisa, she doesnt deserve someone as great as him!! I DO I DO! haha!! I love the fact that he is independent and realizes unlike the guys I know, that life is life and tak things day by day. I can learn alot from that, and hopefully I will!!
    Well I need to go,
    nighty night

    Current Mood: crushed
    Current Music: lynard skynard (free bird)
    7:03 pm
    whew- what a day! what a weekend!! okay so I think I left off Saturday morning, where Cyd and Sara and I were spending the night at Saras house!! okay so we all lay in bed for for ever and watch the early episodes of the Simpsons, and hey what can I say, I LOVE IT! hee hee! Then Sara and I decide that we need to get started studying on AP Gov. so we all go out on walk, and Sara and I go through the notes and Cyd is in the back dancing with a big leaf... dont ask! ha! she is the cutest person I know! Anywho we are walkin and somehow we end up at petey petes house... lordy (Chris Hardy) how did we EVER get there?! haha!! Then we ran home and thank beautiful Chris Hardy above got to Saras the second my daddy pulled into the drive!! So today the BIG Ap Gov test started... and we finish tommorow! I am so so so so scared!! I dont know how I did, I am sooo jumbled!! But I have a E in math now which makes me very happy!! Today Sara and I went off campus with the new Jr. Mollie! She is so great!! We blasted Dave and drove this new funky way to Subway! It was the coolest way it felt like we were in the country or something!! So we get to Subway and this van saying Jesus (or Ty whatever) is a black man! So Sara and I got this random man to come and take our picture in front of it! haha!! I love you!! We have so much fun together... but hey I think the rest of the world thinks we are crack addicts!! haha!! So then today I was skipping through the halls with Bill telling him for the like 500000000 time that he isnt getting any,and Hisham gives me the funniest look! haha that kid is SO my new favorite ethnic friend! AND he owns the middle east and he wears Throw Dem Bow Shirts.... gotta love it!! I am so excited for Thanksgving to be here and for exams to be over... I need this break! And then the holidays will be here and I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS! Today daddy and I went to AE after school and I showed him what I wanted, and hee hee I am so excited! I am equally as happy about Jennie coming home! And I am generally happy about life, or I will be after I finish the AP. Gov test!! I dont understand how school can be so fun! I mean besides the work, I am having the best year! I have made tons of new friends and I am TOTALLY happy with myself! BIG step for me... and to top off my happiness... HARRY POTTER COMES OUT FRIDAY!! words can not express how incrediably happy I am!! I am so excited I basically live for the books! Well speaking of books, I guess its time I get to crackin' em! Till next time!

    Current Mood: anxious
    Saturday, November 10th, 2001
    10:32 am
    Friday Night
    Well- Friday night was one hectic evening!! First, Cydne and I went to the mall to purchase Saras bday gift, and for me to spend some serious cash! Went to AE and AF, dragged Cydne into Sephora and she was scared that I was going to make her a plum... some past Sephora experience I guess! So then at 5:30 we met at the Cheesecake Factory for Saras NONDENOMINATIONAL ALL INCORPORATIONAL BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION... for the record she is 15!! So we all ate and then Cydne Emily and I all took off for Emilys get together at her house!! Lemme tell ya... talk about weird!! It was the 3 of us, Bettina, Laura, Lauren and Adam and Adam... WEIRD!! So we all sat around and ate pizza... and listen to Emily SPAZZ out!! haha!! She is so funny she was so excited that she got a wee bit high strung! umm Adam L is such a strange person, he struly is a freak!! Well Adam W and I had a wee bit of a fight... he said something that he shouldnt have, and I got a WEE bit mad!! Actually it was REALLY mad and he felt really bad and then I told him about how vegetarians are bad hunters! Well this week was so hectic!! Chemistry test did okay, I have a AP Gov. test on Monday! LORD- why cant I start studying, why am I in denial that I dont need to study... I cant focus!! AHH!! So lemme tell you ALL about Hisham... Hisham Toqan... haha!! He is the funniest person alive!! I mean he'll wave to me and talk to me and make sexual connotations so to, and talk about sex... yet I dont think he is clear on my name, but maybe he is! Then one night he asked me if I did weed and I said no and he laughed at me.... gurrr... haha I hate it when guys do that!! So Sara, Brandon Walk-a-my-boob and I were talkin and he is the strangest guy!! he wants to have sex in a family bathroom.... umm count me out of that one kid!! So I am still crazy obsessed about well you know....
    God how can one man be so cute... and have like no interest in girls!!! I saw him checking out Murph's ass... Sara tells me I am imagining it because I need a excuse as to why he doesnt talk to me... but I am convinced!! He checked out his ass!! I swear... but I have to get to know him... and MURPHY AND LEAH ARE GOING TO HOMECOMING!! I HATE THIS! HE IS GOING TO RAPE HER!! SHE WENT TO CHRIS HARDYS HOUSE!! I HATE LEAH!! naw just kidding I love her... but CHRIS HARDY damnit!! And she was telling Sara and I about how she was sitting next to Murph and Pete and Tim and all the beautiful soccer team surrounded her!! OHH and Sara for her bday recieved Captain Planet rings!! So I am Earth,JO-JO is heart, Westin is wind, Sara is fire, Victoria is water and Lauren is wind too... and MULAN is CAPTAIN PLANET!! haha we have such a good time in AP gov.!! How is it that a school class can amuse me so much... maybe its Derek sitting in the corner next to Westin and Mulan and Mollie despertatly trying to talk to them... or Sara and I talkin to Westin and me having little mini side convos with A-bomb- we talked about captain planet! Lord he is so beautiful!! Well Cydne and Sara and I are all at Saras house, and I think that they are playing with the Slinkie in a inapropriate manner... need to intervene! SARA I LOVE YOU HAPPY 15TH LOVE!!!

    Current Mood: chipper
    Current Music: Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, John Mayer, JLC, Marvie (!!!),
    Saturday, October 27th, 2001
    8:53 pm
    wow... pretty men
    well hello- im at saras house and we are having much fun!! okay went to the soccer gamr today and saw that BEAUTIFUL junior again... have you ever seen anyone soe wonderful that he actually takes yur breath away, (sara has. So let me tell you all about him... okay well I never noticed him until this year... I dont know what it was that made me notice him finally but... wow!! Its one of those crushes that cant be called crushes because I have no emotional attachment, lets face it Ive talked to the guy like twice, but hey its all good! So anyways, it all started when I saw him pull up in his Urban Suburban this year and I was hooked!! He is so pretty.... REALLY tall blonde hair blue eyes, beautiful bod and he is so shy which is a TOTAL attraction because I am so not shy! And the reason why I like liking guys is because its the chase ya know? and this chase i dont think would ever end. So Sara and I are totally digging him, well she is into his best friend Ty, the weather man,. So then when I clued Sara into that I thought this kid was beautiful she was like no shit!! SO then I was kinda like wow I need to talk to him. And then my chance came when he dropped Logan at my house. See I called Log's mom to see where to boy was and she told me that he was with Tim and that they were on briarcliff and I was in my PJS and I was like shit need to get dressed!! So iget dressed in my new jeans which give me some what of an ass and I go to wait outside so I cant flag them over. Well I know Timmys car is a Passat and I saw this big Surburan rolling down the street! It was then I FLIPPED OUT!!! So I walked over to Log's window and he rolled it down. and Log got out and gave me a BIG log hug and I walked right past him and peered over hte window. So here I am looking right into this mans HUGE car and all I can see is that little light that comes on when the door is adjar. Then I looked down and I saw his face illumaniated by the light! let me tell you... he was so beautiful! And I was like hey Im leslie and I dont know whether he said I know or, Oh, but either I was happy. SO then we started talkin and he said that he wanted my number in case he got lost going home. So I was like umm okay... and I basically forgot my number but I remembered. Then the boobs started talkin again! haha!! So then Log was like we need to go by pete, and I was like BITCH! haha so we go into my house and I go into my room and start like convulzing... so I go into my office and I look and Log is online and I am like YOU FUCKER what if he is trying to call me... so who knows if he tried to call and it was busy... so then today... I saw him at the game and it was after our boys had lost and I walked over to Log and Murphy and was hugging them and congragulating them and I look over and there is Pete, changing pants. And I look up and I see him and he catches my eyes, and i shoulda said "hey good game" but can I talk... NO! haha! its so sad I am usually the most confident person alive... but its like since I dont have any sort of friendship with him I dont know how to talk to him. Its fun, Ive never liked someone solely on their looks b4 and its so fun! Its great to be able to get all giddy and happy... and act dumb! haha well goodnight!!

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Steppenwolf, Okgo, Marvie, JLC, Shakira, Jack Johnson
    8:51 pm
    wow... pretty men
    well hello- im at saras house and we are having much fun!! okay went to the soccer gamr today and saw that BEAUTIFUL junior again... have you ever seen anyone soe wonderful that he actually takes yur breath away, (sara has. So let me tell you all about him... okay well I never noticed him until this year... I dont know what it was that made me notice him finally but... wow!! Its one of those crushes that cant be called crushes because I have no emotional attachment, lets face it Ive talked to the guy like twice, but hey its all good! So anyways, it all started when I saw him pull up in his Urban Suburban this year and I was hooked!! He is so pretty.... REALLY tall blonde hair blue eyes, beautiful bod and he is so shy which is a TOTAL attraction because I am so not shy! And the reason why I like liking guys is because its the chase ya know? and this chase i dont think would ever end. So Sara and I are totally digging him, well she is into his best friend Ty, the weather man,. So then when I clued Sara into that I thought this kid was beautiful she was like no shit!! SO then I was kinda like wow I need to talk to him. And then my chance came when he dropped Logan at my house. See I called Log's mom to see where to boy was and she told me that he was with Tim and that they were on briarcliff and I was in my PJS and I was like shit need to get dressed!! So iget dressed in my new jeans which give me some what of an ass and I go to wait outside so I cant flag them over. Well I know Timmys car is a Passat and I saw this big Surburan rolling down the street! It was then I FLIPPED OUT!!! So I walked over to Log's window and he rolled it down. and Log got out and gave me a BIG log hug and I walked right past him and peered over hte window. So here I am looking right into this mans HUGE car and all I can see is that little light that comes on when the door is adjar. Then I looked down and I saw his face illumaniated by the light! let me tell you... he was so beautiful! And I was like hey Im leslie and I dont know whether he said I know or, Oh, but either I was happy. SO then we started talkin and he said that he wanted my number in case he got lost going home. So I was like umm okay... and I basically forgot my number but I remembered. Then the boobs started talkin again! haha!! So then Log was like we need to go by pete, and I was like BITCH! haha so we go into my house and I go into my room and start like convulzing... so I go into my office and I look and Log is online and I am like YOU FUCKER what if he is trying to call me... so who knows if he tried to call and it was busy... so then today... I saw him at the game and it was after our boys had lost and I walked over to Log and Murphy and was hugging them and congragulating them and I look over and there is Pete, changing pants. And I look up and I see him and he catches my eyes, and i shoulda said "hey good game" but can I talk... NO! haha! its so sad I am usually the most confident person alive... but its like since I dont have any sort of friendship with him I dont know how to talk to him. Its fun, Ive never liked someone solely on their looks b4 and its so fun! Its great to be able to get all giddy and happy... and act dumb! haha well goodnight!!
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