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Below is user information for Alex. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:quaesta (16149) Paid User
Location:Sacramento, California, United States
AOL IM:quaestak (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN: 34830122 (Add User, Send Message)
Memories:23 entries
Interests:abnormal psychology, altered states of reality, american beauty, androgyny, angelina jolie, angst, anne rice, antisocial, apathy, avoidance, bad girls, balance, bast, beauty, bells, bitterness, black, body image, body modification, bodyart, books, boots, breasts, bubble baths, candles, cats, chakras, chaos, confusion, courtney love, crimson, cuddling, cute chicks, cutting, dancing, dark angel, darkness, depression, details, doc martens, dolphins, douglas adams, dykes, egyptian gods and goddesses, egyptian mythology, energy, erotica, faeries, fairies, fairy tales, feeling alive, freaks, free time, gender, gillian anderson, girls, glitter, good food, goth, goth chicks, gothic, grace, hair dye, hole, hugs, individuality, infinity, insecurity, integration, intelligence, intensity, introspection, irony, kate bornstein, latex, laziness, learning, leather, lesbian, lesbians, like water for chocolate, logic, long philosophical discussions, magic, martial arts, math, meditation, mermaids, metaphysics, mountains, mythology, nipples, open-mindedness, pagan, pagans, passion, philosophy, piercings, polyamory, procrastination, psychoanalysis, psychology, purple, queer theory, rage, rainbows, rambling, razor blades, reading, reality, red, reiki, relationship theory, roses, sacramento, sacred and profane, san francisco, sarcasm, self-actualization, sensuality, sex, sexuality, shamanism, shamans, sleeping, smart people, social psychology, solitare, solitude, spirituality, strong women, superstition, surrealism, swaggering, symbolic logic, tarot, tattoos, the desert, transgender, transgender theory, vampires, vinyl, vision quests, warmth, wind, witches, women, women's studies, x-files
Friends:49: androgyny, anotherflavor, bodyart, darkmoon, demona22, devafall, dreamcatcher, fey, genderoutlaws, glbt_pagan, graphxgrrl, kitchenwitchery, kmo, lasquared, ljoverride, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, magicwithin, mathematics, meganisaloser, moonechilde, mstorm, mulaki, myredself, om_bodhi, pagan, paidmembers, paleblueeyes24, pentacle, piercing, practicalmagick, psy, quaesta, rr, runofthemill, sacramento, sacto_eats, sacto_queers, scearley, sfljbash, sfraves, shera619, sheyrena, snugglebug, solitas, tiggrrl, transgender, trick, whorlpool
Account type:Paid Account

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