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Stolen from Liz [05 Aug 2002|12:42am]
[ mood | about to sleep ]
[ music | Morcheeba - Otherwise (a great song... download it... NOW!) ]

name a band for every letter of the alphabet. (For bonus points, name an album of theirs you own. If you own more than one, name your favorite)

[a] Air (moon safari)
[b] Bad Religion (the gray race)
[c] Coldcut (let us play)
[d] Dance Hall Crashers (honey, I'm homely)
[e] Esthero (breath from another)
[f] Fila Brazilia (power clown)
[g] Genesis (duke)
[h] Herbaliser (blow your headphones)
[i] I Mother Earth (scenery and fish)
[j] Jazzberry Ram (the sound that we make)
[k] Kravitz, Lenny (let love rule) his old stuff is so awesome...
[l] Lagwagon (double plaidnum)
[m] Morcheeba( who can you trust)
[n] Nine Inch Nails (the fragile)
[o] Offspring (ixnay on the hombre)
[p] Pearl Jam (vitalogy)
[q] Queen (a day at the races)
[r] Radiohead (ok computer)
[s] Stone Temple Pilots (purple)
[t] The Tragically Hip (day for night)
[u] Up, Bustle And Out (light 'em up, blow 'em out)
[v] Violent Femmes (new times)
[w] Weezer (weezer/blue album)
[x] Xploding Plastix
[y] Yo La Tengo (painful)
[z] Zappa, Frank (you are what you is)

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Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill? [02 Aug 2002|01:30am]
[ mood | blasee, tired, unemotional ]
[ music | Genesis - Duke ]

So I shaved my head. I'm not sure how to take it, becasue I've never really done anything like this before with my hair. I suppose "frustration" isn't the best word, but it's the first that comes to mind (for you Chuck P fans). I just got really annoyed with my long hair, becasue I just don't have any time to ever do anything with it, and when I show up for work in the mornings, it just poofs out into some frazzy hell of a head, and it just looks fucking awful on a guy, so to hell with it. It's nice and cool for the summer, and I'm letting it grow back in for the fall/winter. Whatever.

Also, I've been feeling quite detached from the world lately. I just can't seem to relate with anyone these days, and I'm not sure if it's on a personal level or a philisophical level, or both. All I know is that my tolerance for people has become quite nonexistant. I need an adventure. I need something amazing to happen, but I'm too busy/lazy/settled/broke/what-have-you to actually do anything.


In case you're wondering, Austin Powers: Goldmember sucks more shafts than a vaccuum in a mine. Which is to say, it sucks quite a bit of shaft. And by "shaft", I of course mean "dick". Which is a reference to just how bad the movie is. Becasue I'm mean that way. To movies, I mean. Not shafts. Well, most shafts. But the point is that the movie was shit.... yes... so.. uum... that concludes the shittiest movie review ever. Move over, Ebert.


I need a tent. This is not a metaphor. Please apply anywhere but in my pants.

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Holy crap for crap. [31 Jul 2002|10:10pm]
Woah, man. I sent my computer away to be upgraded like two freaking weeks ago, and I'm only getting it back now. I mean, really. Is it really that hard to get decent help these days? Aside from the fact that my father did it, and it was free... I really think it's substandard business practice to keep a client (ie: me) waiting that long.

In other news, i have no news. At least not right now. Other than the fact that Sandra is still in Mexico and I miss her so fucking much, I've been at work. For two weeks straight. So that I can make money. So that I can give all that money to Carleton University.

I am lame that way.
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For those of you who like to throw records at people... [16 Jul 2002|03:14am]
My fellow ninjas, we have urgent matters to discuss.

Tuesday October 15th, Babylon.
Amon Tobin & Bonobo will play what will be known as the greatest dj set ever to hit Ottawa.

I'll be there, and while it may seem silly to plan this so far in advance, you'd better believe be... trust me. You don't want to miss Amon Tobin. It will be big.
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Jose Cuervo is a mean, mean person. I mean, look at him: evil, unmerciless, pees alcohol... so wrong [14 Jul 2002|10:47pm]
[ mood | queasy yet fantastic ]
[ music | Tragically Hip - Fireworks ]

I just received a phone call from Sandra in Mexico, and my whole week went from shit to great.

I'm so in love with that girl.


In other news, the devil has assumed a liquid form. Tequila. It's really the devil. Satan, and all that. You know.

I'd post longer, but I'm feeling both sick (from the hangover) and amazing (from the phone call).

If anyone would like to discuss Satan in more detail, you can always give me a call and I'll describe in more vivid imagery my recent experience in a world of debauchery, juvenile machoism, and the amazingly recognisable smell of vomit known as Jose Cuervo's Urine

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I got a C in Religion without writing the midterm or final. How you ask? Magic. [10 Jul 2002|03:41pm]
[ mood | surprisingly good ]
[ music | something by Rev. Horton Heat.... I'm not sure which song. ]

I was originally planning on posting the following:
Unfortunately, the picnic I was planning for this coming Friday will have to be cancelled, due to the fact that I have been called upon to work on that particular Friday in question
...when I realised that it was being rather egotistical of me to think that just becasue I am not attending, there will not be a picnic. Fuck that. For those who are still interested in picnicing, I suggest you go right ahead, and please excuse my abscence. Apologies around for not following through on this particular idea, but I could also suggest that plans be made for a gigantic picnic in the near future. Everyone I know, mildly are associated with, or don't know at all are invited... but as for this week, I'm not as available as I thought I would be.

moving on...

Carleton released their timetable for classes this week, and if all goes to plan, these are the classes I will be attending this fall (in brackets are the departments of each class):

- Introduction to Sociological Research (sociology)
- Criminology in Sociology (sociology)
- The Development of Sociological and Anthropological Thought (soc/anth)
- Introduction to Social Psychology (psychology)
- Foundations of Developmental Psychology (psychology)
- History of Ethics (philosophy)
- Contemporary Ethical Theory (philosophy)
- Introduction to the History of Popular Music (music)

all courses except for Intro to Soc Research and Develop. of Soc/Anth Thought are half credit, but so far it looks like an amazing timetable.

In the fall, I have wednesdays and fridays off, and in the winter I have tuesdays and fridays off. Fucking A.


Sandra sent me an e-mail, and I've spent the entire afternoon watching The Royal Tenenbaums. Considering the circumstances, I'd say I'm having a damn fine day so far.

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the more I think about this, the worse I feel. [08 Jul 2002|04:35am]
[ mood | tired & crappy ]

As of about 7 minutes ago, I am officially sans girlfriend for 6 weeks, as she is off to Mexico on vacation until August 19th.

It's hard to describe exactly how alone I am right now, but I can assure you that if it were rated on a richter scale of sorts, the loneliness would register a 9.2 rating.

or something like that.

so yes. save me.

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Picnic Info & Invites? [04 Jul 2002|03:00pm]
if you're coming to the picnic on Friday the 12th, please post a reply to this post and tell me what you're going to bring. It's potluck, so show up with something.

Remember that whatever you decide to bring, it has to be enough to feed about 8 people.

I believe Zena has laid claim to Hommus & Pita, so that's taken. I will be bringing a big carrot cake. Anything else is open, so get claiming!

also, if you're planning on bringing someone to post their names here, and remember that everyone has to bring something
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picnic? I don't even KNOW nick!.... yay for lame jokes [04 Jul 2002|01:54am]
[ mood | picnic-y ]
[ music | me saying "picnic" alot to the tune of A-Ha's "Take On Me" ]

if the last post was a little harsh, it's only becasue I'm pretty dedicated in my contempt of idiots.

Anyways, on a lighter note, of the picnic I suggested a few posts ago (involving of course the ZenaTara group & their friends, and the ShannonAllyLiz group & their friends, and just anyone else who wants to show up)?

I suggest such a picnic happen Friday July 12th. I also suggest that it be a potluck picnic. Everyone should bring one dish big enough to serve quite a few people. I also suggest that we have tons and tons of fun.

Should we discuss dietary restrictions (as I'm vegetarian, and others may be vegan)? possible times on that friday? Is that day good for everyone/most everyone?

As they say sometimes, let's get Biz-Zay, homes!

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Yay. The retards are gone. Once again, idiots everywhere are shown that incompetence breeds failure! [04 Jul 2002|01:36am]
[ mood | glad ]

You know, as much as I really think that "the squat" (for more informaton, if you're in Ottawa, pick up your goddamned newspaper and read it for once. If not, then check the city webpage for details) was romantic and a wonderful story, I'm really against it. I suppose it's just going against the grain of the ideals that the squatters had, and I don't think they effectively gained any ground in their fight for more housing (in general) and shelters for the homeless (in specific).

I can try to explain it like this...
The squatters were trespassing. I mean, that's against the law, and as shitty as it may be, the house did have an owner, and when he officially stated that he wanted the premises evacuated he was within his full rights to do so. When they refused to leave you had to expect that officers upholding the laws being broken would intervene. If anyone thought that there wouldn't be some form of forceful reaction, they were dreaming.
I mean, wouldn't it have been more efficient to evacuate the premises before the ensuing raid? Then they could have made their statement to the press, shown that there is a severe housing shortage in the area, and maybe done something smart like move to another abandoned house. Think about it: there's an abundance of abandoned houses in the area... why not live in all of them to show the city council exactly how bad the problem is? No one would have been hurt, and it would be much more effective than holding a fucking house for ransom, ferchristsake. And that's basically what it was, becasue no one had any intention of leaving until certain demands were met.

Secondly, and this is the most imoprtant point I'll make here, is that the whole fucking "in the name of anarchy" bullshit was just that: a steaming pile of feces that showed exactly why the hell anarchy is so goddamned dangerous to the general public.
Of the few intelligent anarchists I've ever met and talked to (and I've posted on this before), every single one of them used the "enduring human spirit" theory to try to convice me that anarchy was the second coming of my cock. "Ooh, it'll be great becasue there will be no ownership of property, and we won't need peace officers because we will work together to create a utopian society built upon using our own resources and helping eachother". Fuck that. These so-called "anarchists", what do they go and do? They basically muscle their way in somewhere and take over, regardless of what others may say. In their minds, they're right, and no one can change their minds becasue in an anarchistic society, there's no one to challenge them, so long as they have a big enough group.
Sure, this time, the cause was actually very good. They were trying to show that housing was problematic, and that a solution was needed, quick. Fine. But what if next time they support an entirely immoral goal? And what if they have many, many more people?

So in a way, the anarchists proved why the movement itself is such shit. In muscling their way into the house (by force or by numbers), they showed why there is a need for organised government and public protection. As I've said, it was nice that this time around the cause was good, but when delved into anarchy, instances like these would be common, and shows how easy anarchy breds seeds of dictatorship and authoritarianism.

So yes, I like their cause and support the housing for poor/needy/homeless, but the way they went about it was actually incredibly stupid. Fucking anarchists. Idiots.

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you see, they're hip, but in a way involving calamity, suffering or in extreme cases, even death. [01 Jul 2002|11:31am]
[ mood | exuberant ]
[ music | Tragically Hip - Gift Shop ]

July 11th
The main event? Sarah Harmer and The Tragically Hip.

When attending this concert, you either a) buy a general admission ticket, or b) are cool and get a Gold Circle pass (a chair, table, eats, drinks).

Oh, my, what's this? A gold circle ticket? In my hand? For Sarah Harmer and The Hip? Why thank you, good friend of mine. I will use this ticket to see a concert and get my rock on.

See you all there.

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Vanilla Ice shouldn't sound like this. No, this is a bad thing. Hold me. [30 Jun 2002|10:43am]
[ mood | total exhaustion ]
[ music | Pearl Jam - No Way ]

Let me tell you all a story about a boy who spent 50 hours a week at work, and as a result didn't have any social life whatsoever.

Once upon a time, there was...uum... a boy who, you know...worked... alot, and... kinda... uum.... didn't get out too much as a result of... the working alot thing... yeah...and he... uum... well, he was pretty cheesed off about the whole thing. Yeah.

Ok, so that was a crappy story, but it holds some truth in it. Fuck, I've been working so fucking hard at IKEA that I've barely seen my own family let alone anyone else who matters to me. You know how it goes: boy goes to university; boy realizes he doesn't have enough money to afford university; boy works ridiculous ammount of time at place of employment in order to make a enough cash to afford a few classes here and there, and spends what little time he has left getting used to the fact that the government are full of really nice people who give money away freely to good people, much like the way my neighbors gave their newborn kittens away to good homes who would love and nurture them.

But this whole insanity at work thing is about to end, since my hours at work are taking a sharp cut from around 48-50 hrs a week to about 27-30 hrs a week. This means amongst other things:
-spending time with friends/la femme
-enjoying my summer
-making shitty falafels from shitty falafel mix

Also, i just realised that my girlfriend leaves for Mexico a week from today, and she'll be gone for 6 whole weeks. I don't even know where to start. I'm going to have SO MUCH free time, it's scary.

Thus, I suggest a picnic. For all fo you who know me/of me, (which would include both the Zena/Tara group and the Ally/Liz/Shannon&gang; group, and anyone else who has nothing to do and happens to walk by), I suggest we go out and have picnic-like fun. You know, with the peanut-butter sandwiches, and the frisbees, and the plaid blanket that attracts ants for some unknown reason, and the Tang & rice krispie squares, oooh, it's fun. And we can bring stuff like Barrel of Monkeys and fun games, and we'll make a whole day out of it.

Anyone interested?

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They wraped it up, stuck a bow on it, and gave me a free stick of gum. Damn them. [14 Jun 2002|12:34pm]
[ mood | disgusted ]
[ music | DJ Shadow - The Private Press ]

You know, I sat through the agonizingly bad Transformers re-hash.
I barely made it through countless attempts to re-market my childhood.

Now I give you: The Last Straw.

ps: I love you Penny Arcade. Yoo-hoo! *blush*

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MEMO [13 Jun 2002|11:39pm]
[ mood | quite annoyed ]
[ music | Herbaliser - Something Wicked This Way Comes ]

TO: annoying kids who are puking on my lawn
CC: Anyone thinking about puking on my lawn
RE: Puking on my lawn

Just a quick memo to all of you teenie-shits and prosti-tots who are outside my house right now; I find it highly unnecessary that you have to puke on my lawn. I have never heard of any new vomit/fertilizer technology, and even if I did, I'm quite sure that I would order such services from trained professionals. Trained vomit professionals. Not you.

In accordance with the possibility of me hitting all of you with a shovel, I would highly advise you to disperse from the immediate vicinity that constitutes my property, and keep a healthy 50ft distance from such holdings and capital investments that are under my ownership or are under the proprietorship of my family and associates. This means go away.

Anxiously Waiting With a Pitchfork,
Brad Caya

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I gots all the IKEA you'll ever need, bay-bee. [10 Jun 2002|12:27am]
psstt... you looking for some coupons at IKEA? Yeah, you are, aren'tcha. Well, just you wait till I show you my own "private stash", imported straight from the xerox machine in the hall...

*opens trenchcoat*

You see this? This is prime goods my friend, prime. Spend $50, get $10 off... hey, you know I'm good, you know my stuff's fine, homes.
What's that, you want some stronger shit? Oh, I've got your medicine, Doctor Slick. Spend $100, get $20 off? That's what I'm talking about.

I tell ya, you look like I did when I was your age. You've got that look, kid. That look I like.
So this time, I'll give it to you for free, see? I guarantee you'll fly with my deals, sunshine. They be the best in town... but next time, it may not be so cheap (ain't much cheaper than free, knawhatimsayinG?), so git all you can now.

Aah! The five-O! Gotta split!
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It's about Lesbians. Well, it's actually about sad, fake lesbians. But still, lesbians, right? Heh? [07 Jun 2002|12:32am]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | White Stripes - White Blood Cells ]

Want to hear a story? Good. Gather round then, becasue this is a must-read entry...

First off, let me tell you that Blockbuster usually isn't my cup of tea as far as movie rental outlets go, but I've got a friend who works at one, and he's great to use as a screener for movies. All he does really is watch movies, and becasue he gets to rent them for free, and since he's spent 6 years in a 3 year B.A. program at a bad university (Carleton, naturally), you can only imagine that he's seen pretty much every movie not called "Patrick Swayze's Midnight Ballet Boogaloo" or "Ernest Does Something Predictable, Then Gets A Random Body Part Cut Off By A Machine, And Thus Somehow Saves Christmas/Festival/Styx Concert/Pree-school Graduation Party/Orgy". So naturally, when I havn't seen a movie, I'll ask his opinion. He's good that way.

So standing in Blockbuster, me and Gene were going off on all the movies we either liked or hated.
Rush Hour 2? hated.
The Man Who Wasn't There? loved.
Artificial Intelligence? hated.
You know how it is. So on and on we're bantering, calling eachother names (as guys usually do), and catching up on good times when all of a sudden, he asks me a question that I'm sure will haunt me for years. The type of question that you will try to put out of your mind, but subconsciously will attack your sanity, leaving you a man of no substance, like a shell walking amongst the other fleetingly short lived carcases of past experience.

"Dude, have you seen Lost And Delirious?"

Now, I thought this was an innocent question, so I inquired about his momentary object of affection.
"No... is it any good?"
"Are you kidding? It's about Lesbians, man. Lesbians"

At this point, I should have seen a flashing red light, warning me of what was to come. He's a guy, the movie had lesbians. Naturally, he'll reccomend it.

Wait, for the female readers reading, let me explain a rather important point to the story. Guys like lesbians. Or more accurately, most guys like lesbians. It's one of those taboo things... I can best explain it as something we know we can never, ever have, which naturally only makes us want it more. Plus, there's the whole double everything involved, but mostly it's us guys trying to think we are actually needed in the sex act(which sadly, in most cases, we're not). Girls-on-girls is mysterious to us. Have you gals ever seen us tinker with gadgets? It's becasue we want to know why. It's a big facination with us. Now, introduce sex and women into that equation, and you've pretty much got the Triumvirate Of Everything A Guy Ever Cared About.
Anyways, now that you've indulged us, let's get back to the story.

He starts talking about plot lines (and ladies) and characters (who are all ladies), and how "that one chick from Coyote Ugly is in it" and the whole time I'm wondering why he's not saying anything about the quality of the movie itself. But I disregard it, becasue usually he's got great taste in the cinematic arts. So I rent it.

Whoo boy.

Basically, this was the worst thing I've ever seen. Aside from the fact that everyone in the movie couldn't act their way into a puppet show, it was a sad day in film history. It was as though twelve heterosexual aging film producers sat in a room and decided that since being gay is "hip", they would make a movie. But wait, that's been done... let's mae a lesbian love story. Yay! So being as detached from the real world as they could possibly be, they hired some Film Studies dropout to hack together some script that sounded as though it were the love child of a bad Highschool Production of "Romeo & Juliet" and a 13 year-old's dream journal. But, you know, about lesbians.

And the shit they tried to make you believe! Piper Perabo! Good God!
"look, I'm fencing without a mask at a private girls school! Aren't I such a lesbian?"
"We sleep in the same bed! We're such good Lesbians. We even kiss sometimes! We're so Indy and risquee!!!"
"Hey, I'm nurturing an sick eagle I found with my amazing mutant Lesbian healing powers!"

Jesus fucking christ, this is some petty slap in the face to the gay community. I think so, and I'm not even a member of the goddamned gay community! I mean, would someone in Hollywood have the fucking balls to produce a movie that doesn't have to hit every stereotype raw with it's attempted "hip" feel? According to pop-culture, all lesbians: are artists, show angst, wear goofy-ass sandals, hate men, think they're not lesbians/then think they are/then are confused/then think they're lesbians but with hesitation/then are convinced by some great heroic or tragic act that they really were lesbians all along.
Maybe someone could make a movie with a plot and dialogue where the characters just happen to be lesbians?!? I mean, not every movie with lesbians in it has to be solely about the fact that they like T&A; as much as I do. Damn, that gets old, fast.

Oh, and the movie was Canadian. Maybe that should have been the first sign that it wasn't going to be any good.

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Star Wars, Episode 3: A Giant, Constipated Rectum of Ego-Driven Horseshit [03 Jun 2002|01:36am]
Contrary to previous posts that may have stated otherwise, I have come to terms with the fact that I hate the new Star Wars movie. I tried to like it, I really did, but while there are some kick-ass scenes that are wonderful to watch, and aside from the whole history/stormtrooper/empire thing, it really is an awful movie. Great concept, wonderful storyline, but that's it.

In summary:
1) George Lucas should stick to writing plots and overseeing accuracy of continuity in his little end of the galaxy.
2) Hayden Christiensen should never be allowed near film ever again. This includes Hi-8 and home christmas movies for grandpa
3) Someone else had better damn well write Ep. 3. The dialogue in Clones was by far the worst I've come across since that night I watched three Troma releases in a row.
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we will be happy to assist you with any heavy items you wish to worship. [03 Jun 2002|01:18am]
[ mood | waiting for Croatia vs. Mexico ]
[ music | Pete Yorn - For Nancy ]

Could this weekend get any better? Let's see...

World Cup Soccer
Party at Brayden's sat. night
Trip to the Hershey's Chocolate Factory today (sunday)
Cuddling w/ la femme

Yessiree, I think it has been a great, great weekend.


The party was actually really good, and looking back on it, I think I really needed it. I've been going through a wierd phase where I'm coming to terms with the fact that I don't like everyone I meet. I used to have a half-assed notion that everyone was special, and that if I didn't like someone, it was my fault. I can tell you with wholehearted conviction that I can't really see the logic in that line of thought anymore. Maybe it's the fact that I work retail, and that I have to deal with customer complaints as a major aspect of my job, but over the past few months I've realised that there are some people out there that are genuine fucking jerks. I'm not sure if it's a genetic thing or a product of socialization, but the fact of the matter is that there's a certain percentage of the population that I just can't stand being around. Even their presence causes me to squirm uncomfortably. That said, I've adopted a maxim of refusing to tolerate idiocy or general ill-will in my colleagues and social peers. I've simply decided that I will remove myself from any activity that would foster ideas or actions that involve idiocy or maladjusted morality. I just don't want to be a part of it, thankyouverymuch.

Being at the party last night and spending time with some really great people served as a wonderful contrast to the types of people I have to talk to/work with on an everyday basis.

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This is me breathing. [31 May 2002|11:40pm]
Best movie line from any movie, ever made, in the history of mankind:

Father: So what are you doing for a living?
John Cusack: I'm a professional killer.
Father: Oh, good for you, it's a growth industry...

-Grosse Pointe Blank
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I'm not dead yet, but I'll make darn sure I take this hunk of metal out with me when I go. [29 May 2002|11:30pm]
[ mood | incensed madness ]
[ music | me... kicking the shit out of my computer. ]

I bought a cd burner last week, and apparently it ate what was left of my computer's dignity. For a week now, I've been getting evil messages whenn I start my computer. Messages like "We have detected new hardware... let's install it, shall we? Oops, no hardware. Fuck you" and "Well, wouldn't you know? Every system you seem to be running has crashed simultaneously, and as a result, I have decided to erase all of your important files" and "I'm not even going to get into what the hell is wrong with your Ram, but let's just say after I'm through with it, you'll be spending quite the pretty penny, big boy. Yeah, I'm talking to you. Bitch."

My computer is now a sassy, ball-licking paperweight.

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