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2002.01.24 08.59 These two came in close... |
2002.01.18 11.47 Yeah, right... Which David Lynch character are you most like? |
2002.01.16 16.05 LOTR pardoy If you haven't heard yet, this is pretty funny. The earlier journal entries are the most amusing. |
2001.10.29 11.39 According to the Buffy Test: Silly, I know. I barely even watch the show. |
2001.10.12 17.10 Spent all day reading about cutting. Or, in technical terms, self-mutilation. Knives. Cigarettes. Boiling water. Broken Bones. Fun shit like that. Some might consider this education unwise: a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I know. It's odd to see yourself in someone else. |
2001.09.26 15.28 I used to enjoy sex. It would be funny, If it weren't so sad. It ought to be more enjoyable, Like everything else 'bad'. My mother always told me, That it was something better, Something more. I'm thinking I'll regret this, As he pushes me forwards, And my cheek touches the floor. I think of the story, the laughter, bitter as bile and bubblegum sweet. Lately, cynicism replaces passion, I feel fear instead of heat. His hands pass over me, Blind to my distance. Another sensitive little shit, Tainted by this whore. |
2001.09.21 15.29 I can't stop thinking. Am I supposed to be able to? Am I supposed to be able to stop, to listen, to learn? There was peace once. Or maybe quiet. Now there's liquid noise drowning my ear-drums and constant urge to scream, dulled in a sea of confusion and second-guessing. The world is wet and my thoughts are tangy, sharp and alien. There's too many of them. Too little time to concentrate. Maybe the ship is sinking and I've just been hearing the rats fleeing the ship. Do they call it a breakdown if you're still functional? Do they call it a breakdown if it never stops? |
2001.09.19 10.38 Crocodilia The air yellows with the energy of grief. He touches her eyes, almost humming. What are those depths to which we all disappear? Seas advance and recede. Ebb and flow. Mountains are lifted and leveled. Ebb and flow. A mosaic of tiny bones shifts a bit in the heat. There are two kinds of time, side by side; tears bind them. His finger rests on her lips, then goes in. Extinction sucks the tip, softly biting. -- Larissa Szporluk |
2001.09.17 21.08 I'm breathing. This is me breathing. And bleeding. |