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Argh [25 Feb 2002|12:44pm]
I've got a 24hour assignment, argh argh argh. What to do?

Well, I'm researching typography but getting distracted by doing some stupid tests... )

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This weekend [24 Feb 2002|10:21pm]
[ mood | knackered ]
[ music | Clint Mansell - 2 pi r ]

I spent most of Friday morning taking photos for my Photoshop assignment: "Objects in a Landscape." Which is basically going to images of some of my toys (in various poses) superimposed into a landscape of some kind. There is a theme but I'm not sure how well I'll pull it off. And I might cheat and use some kind of landscape generator, as opposed to using landscape photos or another technique I'm thinking of: screwing up paper, scanning it and trying to turn it into rolling hills and things.

I went into town to bother the decks/drum shop to let me take shots of their decks and mixers for the project. But they didn't have any in stock so I've been told to go back on Wednesday. The guy was really helpful though.

I went into college and couldn't find the Photoshop class so went to the ceramics block and pestered Lucy and Becky. I ended up doodling a cute little raver thing though, in a DR-inspired way.

Later I went to the pub to see some ex-Stratford college friends back from uni. It was a good night and I got just enough drunk/stoned that everything was funny. Even when we got pestered by this really scutty drunk raver who was still stuck in 1992 at the train station. Words can not convey the comedy in motion at that station - it was just surreal.

Saturday - work. Then I went into Leam again to meet Penny. And that night in the Well was amazing, the first it's been that good in about 6 months - it seemed like the good old days, where I knew most of the people there. It was really good seeing Penny and Alex turned up as well, so it was a little ALS reunion ;) I was really nervous before she turned up but I think things went well.

Got home at 3am and crashed, before going to work for 9 on Sunday. Argh, I was still pissed until about lunchtime. And I had to deal with ex-girlfriend Donna and her fiance. I don't mind the ex but he really annoys me. But he's terrified of me so it's not as if I have to deal with him too often. And I really want them to get married and settle into the lifestyle of the average couple on the estate where they live: get married, have kids, end up hating yourself and your partner but never leave them, working the same shitty job for years on end with no hope of promotion. Heh, Donna is half-way there - she's been at Homebase almost as long as I have and is still working the tills.

But she did try and talk to me today, so we didn't blank each other completely (like we do at college). And she's progressing further in her "I used to think I was the most alternative person to have ever existed because I listened to Korn but now I'm going to try and be respectable by alienating all of my friends and be that which I used to hate: trendy as fuck" plan. Not that I find this amusing at all ;)

Work was all right over all though: spoke more to Rob, who is the guy I have to spend most of the day with. I've known him for years (through being friends with Donna and Amy) but we've never really spoken. But he seems nice enough now.

I near-promised Devi that the SLZ events section would be finished tonight. It's not going to happen. I've been spending my time working on stuff for my vis.comm. project which I guess is more important. Actually that's all a lie. I've been fucking around in Poser 3 but by chance managed to create something that'll be perfect for the project :)

So now it's back to researching stuff for said project. Downloading anything I can get my hands on concerning Designers Republic... they still haven't replied to my letter asking for research stuff, grrr.

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[23 Feb 2002|06:23pm]
[ music | Prodigy - Their Law (Featuring PWEi) ]

I have to write about last night. But I don't have time now. Must rush to get ready. I'm going to see Penny, the girl I mentioned in my last post. The one from my old school.

Must stop reading MegaTokyo (damn you Lora! ;) )

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[22 Feb 2002|07:57pm]
[ music | Ulver - Lost In Moments ]

New LJ picture. You can literally see the angst bubbling underneath my skin.

Anyway. It raises a few questions:

  • Will I ever be happy with a photo taken of me? The only ones I tend to be happy with are the ones I take myself - a conflict of actual vs self image?

  • Why do I like blue so much?

  • Will I ever stop using those damn scan lines?

I should be getting ready for going out tonight - I'm seeing some friends back from uni, and some college people might turn up. I'm also supposed to be meeting someone I went to school with 6 years ago, back in contact with her through Friends Reunited. She's back in town for the weekend but because my e-mail service has been playing up, I sent her my mobile number. She hasn't rung or texted though.

All of this is irrelevant anyway. Mainly because I'm stuck reading MegaTokyo. And listening to two songs by Ulver. Maybe I shouldn't be so dismissive of "Scandinavian black metal" in the future, because if these are the results - I'm very impressed. I think everyone on my friends list should download them because they're certainly no Cradle O'Wank. More like some kind of jazzy/industrial/electronic hybrid thing. Definitely not black metal anyway. It's great. Get it.

I can't emphasise it enough. Download these tracks:

  • Lost in Moments

  • The Future Sound Of Music

Back to Piro + Largo (Largo reminds me too much of myself sometimes. Scary).

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[22 Feb 2002|10:06am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Bi-Girl - Chronolgy ]

I found this page linked from one of the pages I found on my Google image search for Vanessa Feltz (read my previous post if you don't understand why). It made me chortle. Lots.

*goes off to trim his nipple hair*

College later. I must finish taking photos of my Transformers and ask the deck shop in town if I can take some photos of their decks and mixers.

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[21 Feb 2002|09:17pm]
[ music | Bass Kittens - Zim Theme (Impending Doom mix) ]

I'd like to make it quite clear, once and for all, my absolute disdain for Vanessa Feltz.

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BBS meet up [20 Feb 2002|07:22pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Ubik - A Time of Waste ]

Yep, I'm asking about the BBS meet up that was scheduled for the Apop gig on the 2nd. Is it still going ahead? What's going on with it? If it's going ahead, please sign up here.

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[20 Feb 2002|03:43pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Prodigy - No Good (Start The Dance) ]

Until DM, I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed this tune :)


Diagnosis Murder + cameo by Quincy (although with scary pedophile voice) = Funtastic.

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[19 Feb 2002|10:17am]
[ music | Infected Mushroom - Release Me ]

So the beta version of the SLZ forums are up. It doesn't work fully (which is kind of driving me nuts) but it's hopefully going to be finished by the end of next weekend.

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[18 Feb 2002|12:02pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - Electrical Soul Wish ]

I couldn't find my research book when I woke up this morning, so I ran round the house frantically for about an hour. Before finding it buried under some of the stuff I'm photographing for my Photoshop brief. Duh. And it's my excuse for not going to college today.

With suggestions from Devi, we're launching Scanlinez Mk II sooner rather than later. Hopefully by tonight. I've got to finish off the forum functions first. Yeah, we're trying to cash in on the BBS being taken down ;)

Although I'd like to stress that Scanlinez is, and never was, meant as a replacement to Cybergoth.

Just got an e-mail from Amy, who's currently in Quitto. I have no idea where that is. Aaangst :(

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