Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
7:13 pm - I'm on a binge!
Lord of the Rings survey sweetness... *_*
( Cheers )
current mood: thirsty current music: The song of the demons, whispering in my ears @_@
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6:10 pm - I couldn't resist!! What can I say? I'm weak.
I gave in to the Dark Side...
( Cheers. )
current mood: hungry current music: My stomach growling x_x Argh! It hurts!
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5:20 pm - Just boring chatter about my trip to the campus library
Sooo... I pop out of my morning MWF (Monday-Wednesday-Friday) ENG (English) class, and decide to stop by the library for a coupla minutes. I'm missing the novel we're currently reading for that class (Franz Kafka's The Trial), and I thought that I might be able to check out a copy over there.
Check e-mail, check the "usual" websites (a codeword known only to me, myself, and I... MUAHAHAHA!! ...actually it's nothing worth cackling over; just quick little peeks at friends' webpages), and then try to check out the book.
It's not there! ;_;
Well, correction. It was there. One in French, one in Spanish, and two in German. Guess how many of those languages I know?
(Pssst. If you picked "none of the above", you're the winner!)
Kafka strikes me as an... interesting and unusual writer, so I decided I'd check out some of his other works. I picked up a book of his short stories and then glanced around at the other books littering the shelves. Most were in German, so that kinda narrowed down my choices. Still... which one would find a home with me for the next 2 weeks? u_u
In class, our professor told us that Kafka asked one of his friends (or was it a publisher/friend or just his publisher?) to burn all copies of The Trial and The Castle after he died. He had been talking about this sort of thing for a while, and the publisher/friend has already told Kafka before that he could never do something like that. However, Kafka asked him to do it anyway (perhaps because he knew that the guy wouldn't go through with it?), his reason being that he felt that he had never truly finished those works, so he didn't think it right for them to be read by others. True to what he had told Kafka before the author's death, the publisher/friend didn't burn them. Which is why we still have them today.
Remembering this, I thought, "Hey... Why not read The Castle then?" There were several copies of it on the shelf, but one book in particular seemed to be unusually large. Thinking that it might have some more short stories related to the themes of The Castle, I picked it up and flipped it open to the table of contents.
Guess what?
The book was actually two books in one. Which books? The Castle and (oh, joyous joy!) The Trial!
So I walked out of there with the book I needed for class, and several others for light reading. ^_- Besides the two aforementioned Kafka books, I also picked up: A book on the care of reptiles and amphibians, a book about fallen angels in multiple religions, one book on Celtic mythology, one book entitled "On What Becomes of the Dead" (the title pretty much explains what it's about --> Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and what you might expect to see in each... particularly Purgatory), and a book on the Apocalypse as described in 10 of the major world religions.
Like I said. Just some light reading. u_u
Tee-hee. ^_^
current mood: peaceful current music: The Super Mario Bros. theme, performed by someone's beeper
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| Friday, February 8th, 2002
4:37 pm - I weep for our generation.
In Philosophy class today, a girl was giving a brief presentation on the 13th article of our book -- a brief "clarification" of utilitarianism by John Stuart Mills. (Everyone in the class chooses a different article from the book and, as we progress through the book, presents on their article at the appropriate time.)
During the presentation, she quoted a part of the article that said: "It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied." She explained this a little vaguely and then was poised to continue when the teacher interrupted to ask her a question.
Teacher: "So which would you choose to be? A sad Socrates or a happy pig (or some other "lower" creature)?"
Girl Presenting: Well, mm... I think we're all kinda in the middle... y'know? We're not Socrates or a pig, but in the middle, sooo... sometimes we choose higher, intellectual pleasures and sometimes we choose lower, animal ones. But... that doesn't make us pigs for choosing lower pleasures sometimes. I mean, if we were Socrates and chose high pleasures all of the time, it'd get kinda boring.
Teacher: Hm, yes, about Socrates... Who was he?
Girl Presenting: Ohhh... Socrates? Well, he was a big philosopher of the time who did a lot of work on utilitarianism.
Teacher: (trying not to chuckle) Oh, really?
Girl Presenting: (leaning forward on the podium; in a prim, confident tone) Really. Yes.
Teacher: Well, maybe at the end of your presentation we will go over who Socrates actually was. But at any rate, please continue.
Socrates was ALIVE in the mid-1800s??? And working on utilitarianism?!?! @_@
Just when you start to think that maybe the youth of today, my peers, might not be so bad... something happens that makes you wanna throw yourself in front of a mack truck. x_x
current mood: aggravated current music: "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park
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| Thursday, February 7th, 2002
1:27 pm - C'mon... You KNOW what it is.
C'mon, guess!
Guess what you're gonna see when you click on the link below. ^_^ C'mon... You can do it.
( Cheers )
current mood: crazy current music: "Crawling" by Linkin Park
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| Thursday, January 31st, 2002
12:47 pm - More survey-ish stuff. Why? Because it cheers me up.
For the sake of convenience (and less scrolling time for passersby or on other people's "friends" pages), I'm moving all of my survey result pics n' crap and my corresponding blither out of the way with a little lj-cut. ^_-
Neat n' sweet, no?
( Cheers. )
current mood: hungry current music: Pretending that I'm listening to Prince's "Let's Go Crazy"
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| Monday, January 28th, 2002
1:35 pm - Tons of random survey stuff... 'Cause y'know that I can't get enough!
What font am I? What Greek Goddess am I? What Hogwarts professor am I?
These questions have plagued mankind from the dawn of time.
And are now answered by clicking on the link below.
( Cheers )
current mood: pensive current music: "Hand in My Pocket" by Alanis Morrisette
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| Thursday, November 29th, 2001
5:43 pm - Oooh, I can feel my brain moving with the muuuuuusic....
My brain is liquefying itself.
My brain is liquefying itself inside my skull.
Liquidating its assets...?
Synonyms for "liquidate": settle, clear up, shut down, execute, eliminate, exterminate, assassinate, kill, murder.
MENTAL REMINDER: "Assassin" has the letter "s" 4 times, not 3.
Y'know what else has the letter "s" 4 times? Mississippi.
An amazing coincidence, or a clue to a deeper, more sinister connection?
You decide.
You decide in...
Turn to page 98 if you pick up the green stone and run around the corner. Turn to page 46 if you flash the mirror at the wizard. Turn to page 32 if you tackle the unicorn and try to grind its horn into powder.
98. 46. 32.
8 divided by 2 is 4. 4 divided by 2 is 2.
Pretty cool, the way the world keeps turning.
By the way, did I mention the fact that I haven't slept in the past 60 hours? Did I mention that only caffeine and the fact that my stupid roommate plays loud music and keeps the lights on all the goddamn time and talks shit about all of her friends behind their backs on the phone has been keeping me up?
More so the latter than the former, of course.
The former has been crutch solely so that I won't keel over while walking to my classes.
Did I mention that we're about to take finals now?
Did I mention that, somehow, my bank account is overdrawn by $25 and that I have no steady income with which to remedy this situation?
Did I mention that my art history teacher hates me and is determined to flunk me?
And no, that last one's not just one of those "oh, pssh, it's all in your head." She TOLD me that she doesn't like me, that I'm "an insult to her and to the class" and that she wishes I had never taken the course.
Maybe I just caught her on a bad day.....
Anyone got a bridge handy that I can jump off of?
Turn to page 13 if you are seriously unhappy with the way your life (most specifically, this past week) is going.
*flips through pages*
Ah, here we go. Let's see... It reads:
current mood: exhausted current music: "Linger" by The Cranberries
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| Wednesday, October 24th, 2001
2:41 pm - Short lil tester results
Nothing too special. ^_^ Just how goth, geek, and punk I am.
( Cheers )
current mood: bored current music: "Awake" by Godsmack
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| Friday, October 12th, 2001
5:04 pm - "And when he wakes up, he'll think, 'The pain is less than yesterday. And tomorrow may be better.'"
Since Monday, my tonsils have been swollen to the size of frickin' golfballs (or at least, that's the way they FEEL). ;_; EVERY time I swallow, I just feel agonizing pain constricting my throat. I can barely get swallow liquids... much less SOLIDS. e_e;
But NOW! At long last!
The pain is beginning to lift. ^_^
My throat is doin' much better, and the weird pain at the bottom/back of my skull is starting to fade as well.
I just hope that this isn't some sort of cruel trick that my body is trying to play on me... -_o;
Body: "Oh, look! You're finally startin' to get better! Your aches are fading, your throat can kinda swallow, and your neck is actually regaining mobility!" ^o^
Alyx: *gasp* "Ohmigosh! Really??" *_*
Body: "Well, actually.... no." u_u
Alyx: "WHAT?" O_o;
Body: "Bah, just shut up and let me shut down already." e_e
Alyx: *meep* ;_; . o O ( I don't wanna die.... )
Stomach: "Hey... both of you need to shut the hell up already . FEED ME!!" -_-;
Alyx & Body: *meep* "...Yes, sir." o_o;;
Off to the cafeteria, I go! ^_^
current mood: sore current music: "I Remember You" by Bjork
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| Wednesday, October 3rd, 2001
4:21 pm - Many Happy Returns of the Day
Two "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"s goin' out to Kendra and Wesley.
One a little belated, but hopefully the other is on time. ^_-
And now, a birthday story from the delightful A. A. Milne. u_u
( Cheers. )
current mood: contemplative current music: "You're Not Alone" by Olive
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| Sunday, September 30th, 2001
5:28 pm - Oh where, Oh where has my dear wallet gone? Oh where, Oh where can it be? o/~ ;_;
I'm getting ready to rush out the door to go pick up my little brother. I transfer my things from my little "going out" purse into my bigger "ready to take on the world" bag... and realize that my wallet is not among the items I'm pulling out of the little one. O_o;
I can't find my wallet!!! ;o;
I came home at about 4am last night from my very first outing to a nearby club called "The Kitchen". I was dead tired from dancing and just hanging around and talking... so I'm not sure if I still had my wallet when I left the club and got to my room, or if it got stolen at the club. ;_;
Personally, I'm reeeeeaaaaally hoping that it's just somewhere in my dorm room and NOT in some dirty lil thief's pocket. -_o;
I don't wanna have to cancel my checking card and go get a new driver's license. x_x
Not to mention... what the hell would someone else want with my banged up Sailor Moon wallet? @_@;
But that's enough for now. c_c I must go forth and seek it out again! It WILL be mine once more!!
current mood: worried current music: "Crawling" by Linkin Park
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| Saturday, September 29th, 2001
7:42 pm - Say WHAT?? I've actually got some free time? O_o
So I get off of the phone with Faust (Note: that's a nickname, not the guy's real name ^_^; ). Glancing at the clock, I realize that he's not going to come and pick me up for another half hour, hour... and I don't really have anything I need to do to fill in the gap of time in between.
Can it be... No.. It's impossible....
Yep, yep, yep. ^_^
And what better way to fill the time, I ponder, than by putting in a new entry in my long neglected online journal? ^_^ Tee-hee.
Here's the short n' dirty update on my life: In my sophomore year of college, 19 years old now, never have any damn time to myself, hate all of my classes (except Japanese), went to AWA 2001 last weekend, feel like my life is mostly stuck in a rut and have been honestly unhappy for the past 3 months but haven't let anyone around me know about it, occasionally working at a local anime/comic shop, just got about 7 or 8 Ranma 1/2 tapes from the Martial Mayhem series for free, blah blah blah.
Gah. -_o; Not enough happy stuff mentioned in there. Which is why I plan to start making some drastic changes in lifestyle to fix that.
What evil does this foreshadow for the future? Only time will tell... u_u
*cough*hack*wheeze* x_X;
Did I mention I have a cold too?
But I will survive. u_u
current mood: moody current music: "Crucify My Love" by X
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| Monday, July 30th, 2001
8:06 am - Flim flarm, flibbity blargh, curse the world! x_x;
Dammit. x_x; For the past three days, I have been unable to find where in the hell I put my glasses. ;_;
I took 'em off right before taking a shower and then put my contacts on, thinking nothing of where I had put the damn glasses.
And now I can't seem to find them anywhere. ;_;
Curse those damn dust bunnies. c_c This must be their handiwork.
Well... they shall rue the day that they crossed ME!! *_*
Bring on the dust rag, The new vacuum bag, And feather duster, 'Cause I'm a DUST BUSTER!!
I need more sleep. c_c;;
current mood: annoyed current music: My dad screaming that it's time to go x_x;
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| Thursday, July 19th, 2001
8:17 am - As Genma would say: "Curse those evil mosquiti!" ....or something to that effect x_x;
For the past few days I've had a rather unpleasant headache, dry sore throat, and occasional hot/fever flashes.
Then yesterday, Pedro told me that mosquitoes are beginning to carry disease again. Guess which one?
Noooo, not malaria...
Encephalitis! ^_^
In Northern Florida, they've had numerous cases of persons contracting encephalitis (of varying severity) from mosquitoes. Apparently the mosquitoes are picking it up from dead birds and then transferring it to humans when they bite 'em.
They don't THINK that it's moved south yet (I'm in South Florida... Miami to be exact). However... -_o;
And on top of all that, to help keep my fears alive, we had three baby birds die outside on our playground (I'm working at a summer camp) over the course of the past week.
And guess who got to get 'em and bury 'em? c_c;
And guess who is covered in ant and mosquito bites from working there over the summer?
Well, and the kids too. But they haven't lived long enough for it to matter if they die. u_u
Juuuuuuust kiddin' there, folks. c_c
But still.......
Waaaaahhhh! ;_; I don't wanna get encephalitis!
Stupid bugs. x_x
current mood: anxious current music: The hum of the dryer (Volume 3!)
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| Sunday, July 15th, 2001
8:04 pm - Birthday rantings ^_^
It's finally my birthday. u_u
I'm 19, now embarking upon my last teenage year. *_*
So, what's been goin' on over the course of my birthday weekend?
Well, my second to last necklace broke.
Oh, that's bad.
No! That's good.
Because my mom then bought me two beautiful necklaces for my birthday. ^_^ Yay! One is a large decorated cross made of silver and marcasite (I know I misspelled that word c_c; ), and the other is a little piece of jade with silver kanji written down it. Actually very simple, but still pretty. Just my style.
I went out and bought a watch and a wallet for Eric (his birthday is on Tuesday). His old wallet completely fell apart, so he's been carrying around his cash n' cards in his pockets for the past week or two. x_x; So, of course, he loved it when I gave it to him on yesterday (Saturday)! ^_^
Oh, that's good!
No! That's bad. @_@;
Apparently his best friend Ruben ALSO bought him a wallet, and his mom bought him one too. ^_^; So when he showed off his gifts to them, both of them got annoyed with me for getting him a wallet too AND giving it to him first ('cause I gave mine to him early) because now THEY have to go get him a new present.
Then, one of my fish died. ;_;
Oh, that's bad.
No! That's... well, yeah, it is bad. c_c; But it also had a good part to it.
To help ease the pain, Eric got me a 20 gallon fish tank with hood n' light for my birthday. *_* I can't decide whether I should get fish for it now, or wait until I move into my dorm on August 18th. c_c
At least getting that fish tank was good... right?
Ah, but it naturally had a bad side too. u_u
He didn't get a filter, heater, or anything else for it, so I naturally had to run out and buy all of that stuff so that I could start preparing the tank for its future inhabitants. I won't even say the total price of all of THAT, but... well, it definitely cost more than the tank-hood-light combo. ^_^; Oops.
Anyway... time for birthday cake. ^_- Yummy homemade goodness! Woohoo! ^_^
Hope the rest of you all had a good one too. u_u
current mood: thankful current music: "Asshole" by Dennis Leary
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| Saturday, June 30th, 2001
5:15 pm - Belated Well-wishing x_x;
Oops! I just realized that I've missed several birthdays in my delay/absence/hiatus. x_x;
I'm so sorry, you guys. ;_; But now at least I'll say a big ol' Alyx-style HAPPY BIRTHDAY with lots of pounce-glomping antics. u_u
So, without further ado....
o/~ Happy Birthday to You
o/~ Happy Birthday to You
o/~ Happy Birthday, Dear Friends
o/~ Happy Birthday to You
Followed up by...
o/~ How old are you now?
o/~ How old are you now?
o/~ Uhhh....
Damn. I can't remember the rest of the words. x_x Are there any more words? c_c; Or does it just keep repeating "How old are you now" over and over?
Curse my old age! I'll be 19 in about 2 weeks myself... I can feel the years slippin' away from me. ;_; Soon it will all be dentures and hair dye and wrinkle cream.
Ah well...
I s'pose I'll just have to be the only granny in the nursing home with vampire fang dentures, purple and blue streaked hair, and sculptable face putty wrinkle cream. u_u
Hell yeah. ^_^
current mood: indescribable current music: "Surreal" by Ayumi Hamasaki
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5:08 pm - Boo! Surprise! ^_^
The moral of the week: "Don't let your mouth write checks your body can't cash."
Yep, that's it. Nothing else. No explanations why that ended up being the moral of the story in my absence.
Because I like being spooky and mysterious and vague.
And because I always get so annoyed when people write stuff on their webpages (or online journals as the case may be ^_- ) that is rather vague, but alludes to something more involved and interesting... and then they say something like "But I won't get into that" or just leave it at "Oh, randomperson'sname, YOU know what I'm talking about" or "Hey, somepersonoutthere! I gotta talk to you later and tell you more about this!"
I feel like such a shortchanged voyeur. ;_; Like I saw the lady next door strip down, and just as she was about to remove the last lacey undergarments... her phone rang, and she got distracted with the phone call and went into a non-peep-into-able room.
Or something to that effect. c_c
Second moral of the week: "YES, there IS such a thing as too much of a good thing. Particularly when it pertains to cherry sno-cones."
current mood: weird current music: "Rhythm Reflection" by Misia
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| Sunday, June 17th, 2001
4:21 pm - "I LIVE ONCE MORE!!!" *_*
Yes, my adoring fans, I have returned at long last. u_u It took me many days and much hardship... but the Messiah has returned to her people! Let the festivities begin! *_*
Actually, I have just been busy beyond belief for the past two weeks. x_x; The summer camp term at the daycare center just started, so my days have been filled with far too many kids, incompetent co-teachers, and lots more fun. Not to mention the upper 90 degree heat....
Every day, I would come home and just flop down on the floor of my bedroom, using up the last of my energy to press "Play" on my Eva BGM CD (the one with 3 renditions of "Fly Me to the Moon" and several selections from Handel). There really is nothing quite like lying completely motionless on a carpeted floor while listening to classical music and j-pop renditions of Sinatra songs. Your mind transcends your prone body, quietly escaping into its own little patch of empty space.
Anyway... in "celebration" of finally getting my ass back onto here, I decided to redo my color scheme (I like the layout jus' fine, so plans on changing that yet) and get some new icons. ^_^ Seeing as my only icon-making tools on this hunk-o-junk computer are Paintbrush (yes, the crappy little thing that comes automatically with Windows) and MS Photo Editor (which also came with Windows)... I don't think I'm doin' half bad. Once I get a new keyboard and some floppy disks, I can actually make nicer ones on my computer with Adobe Photoshop and then upload 'em from this computer. Yay! ^_-
Speaking of which, what IS that little font I see on so many people's icons? c_c It's white... and uh.. a little blocky.. hrm. Anyone know what I'm talking about?? @_@;
And now three things to close on...
1.) Happy Father's Day!
2.) Happy Birthday, Ace! ^_^
3.) Thank you, Ailynn, for the little comment on missing me and urging me to come back. ^_^ It really lifted my spirits. *hug* Wai!
current mood: creative current music: Olive's "I'm Not in Love" (Trance Club Mix)
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| Monday, June 4th, 2001
8:58 pm - Peering about in my mind
Disatisfied with my current religious "life", I am looking into Druidism and Mahayana Buddhism.
From what I have read about each, it sounds very interesting... and in some ways, very similar to my own personal beliefs about the form and nature of the universe, etc.
Hmmm... anyway, we'll see. c_c Further research is needed! However, any information/experiences that anyone has had with either religion would be most appreciated. ^_-
current mood: thoughtful current music: American Hi-Fi's "Flavor of the Weak"
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