Friday, September 27th, 2002
8:58 am - bleh
| Wednesday, September 25th, 2002
8:37 am - Ungh
my site is down. the server has been kinda wird lately, i might have to look for hosting elsewhere if this keeps up. i'm not even a high traffic site, it shouldn't be overoaded. thats bullshit. but what REALLY irks me, is that some other girl who is hosted on the same server, has her page up right now. i mean, even e-starr.net won't load. *pissed* i need to upload my work, this is such crap.
BTW< i need an LJ code. I'm deleting this account.
| Thursday, September 5th, 2002
10:30 pm - More idiots on AOL than I imagined?
MJ23B2: age? XTrancedx: what? MJ23B2: how old r u MJ23B2: im 32/m from old lyme XTrancedx: old enough to make a complete sentance. MJ23B2: wow XTrancedx: if you're looking for a peice of ass, here's some advice, get off your computer. MJ23B2: lol MJ23B2: your so plesent XTrancedx: and for an alleged 32 year-old male, you have horrid skills. MJ23B2: ok ......bye im sick of u MJ23B2: your bitchie XTrancedx: and you are incredibly stupid. MJ23B2: lol MJ23B2: u must be hot to be like u r XTrancedx: weren't you in the process of cancelling the IM? MJ23B2: no MJ23B2: i like u XTrancedx: I'm sorry to hear that. MJ23B2: lol MJ23B2: whats your name XTrancedx: Bob. MJ23B2: lol MJ23B2: im Kim XTrancedx: my condolances. XTrancedx: what kind of horrid mother would name her son Kim? MJ23B2: lol..well are u a female ? XTrancedx: no, I am a male. And i find it perturbing that yoru gender is dependant upon mine. MJ23B2: ok bye MJ23B2: your profile says female XTrancedx: This is my wife's screen name. XTrancedx: She is sitting in the room. Laughing. Hysterically. MJ23B2: ok tell her i wanna do her MJ23B2: again XTrancedx: sir, she is 70 years-old. XTrancedx: im sure when you're young and idiotic, these pranks seem funny. XTrancedx: but really, you are quite an idiot. MJ23B2: lol MJ23B2: i thought her boobs hung a bit low XTrancedx: boobs? XTrancedx: you obviously do not know my wife. she lost one of her breats to cancer. MJ23B2: ok your killing me XTrancedx: i only wish. MJ23B2: ill leave u alone..i did have fun chating with u MJ23B2: take care XTrancedx: I hope you move out of your mothers house soon XTrancedx: farewell MJ23B2: lol i make more cash then u would ever know now be nice XTrancedx: so why are you spending your time online? shouldn't you be out wooing the ladies that don't want you? MJ23B2: na i have a wife...just looking for some pussy on the side XTrancedx: and is the lack telling you something? J23B2: nope XTrancedx: oh, of course. i wouldn't expect you to posess common logic XTrancedx: its been fun and games, but i believe i'll be turning my IMs off now.
and so i turned my IMs off. If he e-mails me, my GOD....
oh yes.. and feel free to harass him.
current mood: amused current music: Sadness - Malice Mizer
| Saturday, August 31st, 2002
11:54 am - blah
I need to redo my personal site. I've been fucking around in photoshop, but I havent made anything worth keeping yet.
I work 3:30 to 9:30 tonight. I have sunday off, and then I get to work on labor day. Which to me, defeats the purpose, but i get paid time and a half, and i just got a raise so i make $7/hr. so thats like, 10.50 an hour on Monday. So i can't complain too much.
Jenny's sleeping over tonight, I dunno if Amanda is, but whatever. There's room. Not in my room, but in the basement. I need to type up the Senecon lease and get my room semi clean so I can go pick up Charlie tomorrow. Yay!
current mood: tired current music: To Sheila - Smashing Pumpkins
| Monday, August 26th, 2002
11:31 pm - to all you superficial assholes
current mood: cynical current music: Call Me Alice - Rasputina
| Monday, August 12th, 2002
2:10 am - nuevo
i redid my personal site.
i'll be postin gthere instead of LJ from now on.
current mood: sleepy current music: The Night - Voltaire
| Saturday, August 10th, 2002
11:45 am
| Friday, August 9th, 2002
4:13 pm - I hate computers
My modem died. I no fuck clue wht is wrong with it. I'm on an old peice of shit computer on the lower floor. So if i'm not online, thats why. I know it seems a bit impossible, but try fuckign CALLING me. I do have a phone. My numbers is 9415. Complicated, I know.
My "hey eveyone forot my birthday" party is tomorrow. Show up arond 1. Leave before 10. No, you dont have to buy me something. I already think yure an asshole for forgetting in the first place :)
But yes. This pice of hit is annoying me, nd the keyboard sticks. So CALL me. E-mail me if you EALLYhave to bt dot expect a quick reply.
ow, this keyboard REALLY sucks. I cant believe my om does accounting on this peice.
And god damnit... bah. I hate people. But I'l smile anyway, now won't I?
current mood: bitchy current music: God Thinks - Voltaire
| Sunday, August 4th, 2002
12:35 am - *insert random sounds of exaspiration here*
I need to work on my website
I need to clean the bathroom
I need to clean my room
I need to talk to Charlie
I need to wake up early this morning
I need to eat something
I need to take a shower
I need to sleep
I have 8 hours.
I need a clone.
current mood: tired current music: Echoes - Pink Floyd
| Friday, August 2nd, 2002
11:38 am - ay,, chocolate...
Working at the A&P; is like... sex with a laxative junkie. you do all the work, and have to put up with an insane amount of shit.
i'll be back tonight : /
current mood: annoyed current music: Better off alone - Alice Deejay
| Thursday, August 1st, 2002
9:58 pm - una dia mas
EEEEEEEE!!!! 3 more days!
and i get most of next week off! thank god. i need a pseudo vacation. especially before school starts back up.
boreeeeeeedom.... someone entertain me.
current mood: bored current music: Dead Girls - Voltaire
| Wednesday, July 31st, 2002
11:04 pm - uh oh...
now, who's that naughtly lil fucker lounging on the couch? not my baby...
current mood: amused current music: My Cat - JoJ
10:43 pm - oy, tengo sed
YOU 001.name: Brittani 002.d.o.b.: May 17th 003.location: CT 004.religion: n/a 005.occupation: Cashier/webmaster
APPEARANCE 001.hair: black, subjected to extensions/falls 002.eyes: green 003.height: 5'6"
STYLE 001.clothing: dark, romantic, comfy 002.music: ambient, ethereal, trance, celtic 003.make up: eyeliner, glitter, lipgloss 004.bodyart: i make glitter designs :)
RIGHT NOW 001.wearing: black bondage pants and my white faux-corset shirt (work clothes) 002.listening to: Jack off Jill 003.thinking of: my website
LAST THING YOU 001.bought: Snapple and pizza 002.ate & drank: potato chips 003.read: my LJ friends page 004.watched on tv: Family Guy
EITHER / OR 001.club or houseparty: houseparty 002.tea or coffee: coffee 003.achiever or slacker: eh, depends on my mood 004.beer or cider: smirnoff ;) 005.drinks or shots: Drinks 006.cats or dogs: a cog! or a dat... 007.single or taken: taken (happily) 008.pen or pencil: sketching pencils 009.gloves or mittens: armwarmers. i dont like having my hands restricted. its a piano player thing. 010.food or candy: isnt candy food? (good point Ria) 011.cassette or cd: CD 012.coke or pepsi: ...Sobe 013.hard or mild alcohol: Ummm... the drinks I like or mild 014.matches or a lighter: lighter 015.sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: ummmm.... 016.rickie lake or oprah winfrey: haha.
WHO DO YOU WANT TO 001.kill: my manager 002.hear from: Jai 003.get really wasted with: Charlie 005.be like: Bettie Page, only not old 006.avoid: people
LAST PERSON YOU...AND WHEN? 001.touched: Charlie 002.talked to: Akuma (I know, i'm a dork) 003.hugged: Charlie 004.instant messaged: ....I wonder ;) 005.kissed: Charlie 006.who broke your heart: Eh, I've gotten over them all, so they can KISS MY ASS!
WHERE DO YOU 001.eat: wherever i want to 002.dance: by myself :x 003.cry: wherever 004.wish you were: Hehee.. oh, the detail i coudl go into
HAVE YOU EVER 001.dated one of your best friends? Yeah.. fucked things up. 002.loved somebody so much it makes you cry? *nod* 003.drank alcohol? duh 004.done drugs? yeah 005.broken the law? awhile ago 006.ran away from home? no 007.broken a bone? nope 008.cheated on a test? haha. i can barely read my OWN test *blind* 009.skinny dipped? no 010.played truth or dare? yes 011.flashed someone? yes :x 012.mooned someone? no, my ass would kill them 013.kissed someone you didn't know? yeah, but then i got to know them :) 014.been on a talk show/game show? nope 015.been in a fight? yup, some little 7 year old thought it would be "bad ass" to break into my house. I was 10, so it was fair game to beat his ass for it. 016.ridden in a fire truck? yes 017.been on a plane? yes 018.come close to dying? Not really.. i've gotten pneumonia, but only mildly. and i almost got hit by a car once. 019.cheated on your boy/girlfriend? yeah. but not Charlie. 020.gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride? yep 021.eaten a worm/mud pie? no 022.swam in the ocean? yep 023.had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up? nope
WHAT IS 001.the most embarrassing cd in your collection? nothing is embarrasing. its music! okay.. spice girls, lol. 002. what is ur bedroom like? painted pink, lots of weird stuff, closet full of black clothes,m booksheplf full of edgar allen poe and occult books, computer desk, invader zim pillows, my fishie 003.your favorite thing for breakfast? I hate eating in the morning. but i love breakfast food int he afternoon, specially cinnamon buns and muffins :) 004.your favorite thing for lunch? lunchables, fer shure 005.your favorite thing for dinner? burritos 006.your favorite restaurant? chilis
ARE YOU 001.a vegetarian?: no, but i refused to eat any pork product for 4 years after i saw Babe ;X 002.a good student?: i'm smart, but i hate doing work. it annoys teachers 003.good at sports?: fencing, nothing else. maybe volleyball. 004.wakeboarding/snowboarding...etc?: i can ski 005.a good singer?: i guess. people say i am. 006.a good actor/actress? see above 007.a deep sleeper?: yeah 008.a good dancer?: i suppose. i'm kinda overweight though. 009.shy?: around certain people 010.outgoing?: around certain people 011.a good storyteller?: yup 012.last words?: come mierda ;)
current mood: drained current music: American Made - JoJ
| Monday, July 29th, 2002
2:10 pm - Cambios y trabajo...
I changed my LJ. i got tired of the monochromia. now i get to get ready and go to work. what blithe!i might be getting a new volvo soon. its teal, lol. me in a teal car. classic. but hey, as long as it moves.
Haha, i was at my dads store a little earlier, and two guys came in for beer. and so we were all talking about how hot it is, and one of them was like "yeah, i was in here yesterday, i had blonde hair and blue eyes" (He's black) I found that quite amusing. Having a snobby wineshop, we dont get very many cool people.
But i got to drive my moms 960 today. yum. drove in the mroning with mr rayder, went to the ortho (my mouth fucking HURTS) went to the PO, got the money order for those pants, and now here I am. fun fun. I have tomorrow off, so i need to clean my room and work on the site (and charlie's coming over! yay!)
but yeah. you peoeple need to call me sometime. just because i have a job doesnt mean i dont exist anymore, fuckign christ people.i dont even put in 30 hours a week. great friends i tell you, great friends. 6 more days until alaina gets here! Now theres someone who's never screwed me over.
current mood: bitchy current music: Have a cigar - Pink Floyd
| Sunday, July 28th, 2002
11:38 am - que mierda
Today was.. interesting. Well, actually, it was a rather good day, seeing that I was with Charlie :) We went out to the King Buffet (I havent been there in forever) and then we went to the Mall. I went to CLaires to get a stuffed Babaa (hehe!) and then we went up to Hot Topic. They were having a huge sale, so all the stuffs on clearance was an additional 50% off. So i bought charlie a cute outfit, then i got some stuffs, including a Zim pillow. I was gonna buy that burgundy gown, but i dunno.. the last gown i bought from hot topic is kinda.. yeah. and its even by lipservice. HT never carries the good lipservice stuff.
So then we went back to my house, and my grandpa tell sme my dad got into a car accident. I asked it he was okay, and he's all like "i dont know". thanks grampy. So i called my mom up on her cell phone. my dads okay (he drives a volvo.. go figure) but he hit the back of a truck. the truck has a scratch. my volvo? my poor, abused volvo? lets just say.. theres not much of a grill. the plastic shattered, and the hood got fucked up. the engine and all that is fine, but the grill is gone. the bumper is fine too. so it just needs some minor body work.
The good thing? my dad says after he repairs it, I can have ait and he'll probably get a new one. Which saves me about 2 thousand dollars.
So then he asked me and Charlie to go to the store and do some work on the computer for his wine tasting tonight. So we did, then we took charlie's truck over to the place to bring some tables. Then charlie remembered to ask me if i wanted to go to his house for dinner (dumb question ^_^) so my dad said sure, and off we went.
On our way there we drove past nikki and joey on the highway, so we got off at the mall exit and talked to them. then of course, being the great friend he is : / joey went to go get jason and some other stupid looking chick. now, if youre reading this and know the jason story, you know how he's the last person i wanted to see. so of course, after begging for me back over the phone, he's completely rude to me in person probably because hes trying to get with the ugly acne covered chick in a marilyn manson shirt (eye rollage) so after talkign to nikki (and being ignorred by joey, who noticably has the same hair color as jason.. hmmm) I left with Charlie, who's probably the only actual friend I have left around here : / But whatever, fuck people. Im moving out of this state in 2 years anyways, who cares about them. Its really not worth getting angry over when theyre such a minute part of my life.
So then we went to charlie's and had dinner. And we watched family guy n stuffs. but then Rich decided I had to go home, so we went home the long way since there was a traffic jam headed south. And yeah. So here I am. I miss Charlie. Its striking me pretty hard how I have no fucking life. I either work, or spend time with Charlie. And I dont even get paid that much : /
current mood: cynical current music: Ex Lover's lovers - Voltaire
| Wednesday, July 24th, 2002
10:39 am - Mmmm... XTC
nothing like salsa fries and XTC in the morning.
no work today, thank god. that means one more actual workday until payday! I gotta send a MO to canada for these nifty black pants I won.
But yeah. Charlie should be coming over today. I wonder where he is. If i actually had the energy (give me 20 minutes) i'd get off my ass and call him.
Mleh.... i feel wasted. i need sleep.
current mood: awake current music: Dead Girls - Voltaire
| Tuesday, July 23rd, 2002
11:55 am - Another night on uscan....
Last night, I swear to god I missed being on a normal register.
So i'm on uscan. again. now, for those of you who have seen those, you probably know that it was made for 20 items or less. Some people aren't blessed with the sign reading skills.
So this obviously overstressed soccer mom type with her 3 kids (around 7 years old or so.. i'm a bad judge at age) Come in with a cart LOADED with grocieries. That pissed me off, cause then the lines back up and its hell when theres a crowed and theres all these credit card slps coming out the printer, and 5 peopel waiting to sign, and you need to figure out whos is whos.
but thats only the beginning.
She'd obviosuly never used the thing before, and she starts bagging, but she held a bunch of stuff and tried to scan something else, and asked for assistance because her eggs wouldnt scan. i calmly told her she had to put the stuff she had in her hand on the scale, because it was for security. she does this about 5 more times, and starts getting mad at ME (hello, uscan.. as in YOU scan)
And of course, her kids start fuckign around with the scale. more alarms, more dirty looks. she yells at ME instead of her stupid kids.
So her groceries strt piling up on the scale. So she grabs some bags and puts them in her carriage. alarm. so i clamly tell her that she has to keep EVERYTHING on the scale until her order is done. she starts screaming at me about how its impossible (i can override it, but i had enough of her shit). So i pointed out how this was made to be an express lane, so she tells me there are no signs. i pointed behind her to the sign that says "EXPRESS yourself". now, to most people, it would be fairly obvious. but apparently not.
She finally manages to get all of her children sedated and groceries bagged. so then she asks me to put in the store courtesy discount card for her. so i do. i'm that nice, yes. then i totalled it up for her, and she starts screaming that i added money on. I looked at the screen, and there was nothing on sale, and when you total it, it adds tax. so i told her. "THERES NO TAX ON GROCERIES!" she had a bag full of childrens books, toys, crayons, etc.. all taxable. so finally, she pays in cash. $131 worth of groceries, in all ones and fives. Thank GOD it was a monday evening and we werent busy.
So finally she left in a huff. the other people came up to me and gave their symathy, and my manager was just like "this is why i put YOU on uscan instead of me."
current mood: exanimate current music: Where's the girl? - Voltaire
| Monday, July 22nd, 2002
12:08 pm - Que olio?
After 20 minutes of trying to find out what that horrid smell is, i remembered i had to bring my garbage downstairs. So i weighed my options, and decided to sit here and deal with it. LOL.im gonna go get the mail in 20 minutes anyways, i suppose i could bring it for the long, hard trip (hey, i have a big house.. not really, but sorta).
Mmmm.... everyone go download anything by LoveSpirals. <3 them.
Eww.. work tofay. the same old 3-9 bullshit. hopefully i'm either u-scan or express. i cannot stand those fucking mothers with 2 shopping cars full of shit that her 6 kids will have eaten half of by the time they leave the building. Gah. I need my liscence :(
current mood: crazy current music: Our Nights - LoveSpirals
12:04 am - Mi pelo negro
This time its blusih black.. still looks black ot me. but those damned brown roots are gone! yay!
current mood: awake current music: Love Survives - LoveSpirals
| Saturday, July 13th, 2002
10:24 pm - nuevo