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Paul Wright's LiveJournal:
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Wednesday, September 4th, 2002 | 9:45 pm |
On the roof at NEHS It was great to play some songs at my old high school tonight. Just me and the guitar and lots of people. Here is my set list:
Microphone Check, Fly Away, Who is this Woman?, I Wish (Skeelo Cover), Freestyle (bannanas and pajamas), Sky Falling Down, and There She Goes.
Saw some familiar faces, past teachers, sold some CDs, and made some connections for some more shows coming up.
Always making moves, Paul | Sunday, September 1st, 2002 | 9:07 pm |
TOMFEST/ Portico 2002 I played at 1 in the morning. Need I say more? Nah, it was cool. A lot of my friends from Washington were there which made it worth it. It was on the hip-hop stage but I plugged in my seagul acoustic guitar and we had Pauly Paul show for about an hour. Nickels was beatboxing, DJ Because was on the turntables, Omega and I were freestyling and MG! came up and sang some songs with us too. It was very creative. An intimate way to end a rather loud night. I was glad to go because of who I met there. Perhaps more shows will bring inviting faces to the front again. Goodnight. - Paul
Current Music: Jack Johnson | Tuesday, July 30th, 2002 | 8:51 pm |
Creation West If you've never been to Creation West let me paint a picture of what it's like. Imagine being in the middle of Washington surrounded by nothing but open land at the Columbia River. When the sun sets it turns orange red and the temperature cools down. 30,000 people watching some of the best bands in Christian music lay it down. There is a main stage, a fringe stage, and a northwest artist stage. The main stage acts included Pax217, Toby Mac, Supertones, Staci Oricco, Newsboys, Jennifer Knapp, and more. The Fringe Stage acts included Bean Bag, John Reuben, TFK, Superchick, and yours truly: Frunt Row Joe. Our performance went really good. We had a great time slot: Friday, 6pm. More people were drawn in as the show went on. Check out the set list: Microphone Check Smoked Out South Beach Summertime Interlude Flip-Flops Life After Death Fly Away Freestyle Track (4 words shouted from the crowd to write a song about: Tillamook Cheese, Pickles, Honey Bucket and Mexican) Nick's Jam After the show we got to meet a lot of people that were there, sell and autograph CDs. Creation West has encouraged me to follow my dreams even more intensely with a new desire and passion. There is something electrifying when we stir up the gift God has given us and make a connection while using it. After all, God's calling is often where our deepest desires and the worlds deepest hunger intersect. Until next show, Paul Wright Current Mood: rejuvenatedCurrent Music: John Rueben | Friday, July 19th, 2002 | 10:04 am |
USBA (United States Basketball Academy) So, I got the awesome opportunity to sing some songs for a high school girls basketball camp. Yea, I started out freestyling to microphone check... the acoustic version- just me and the guitar. Then I sang "Fly Away". I had a bunch of different people tell me they'd buy a CD once I record that one. I will... Then I spoke about following your dreams. "If you believe in what you concieve you will have the ability to achieve your dreams." It's true... some people have it and some don't and they still make it because they think they do :) Confidence is a good thing as long as it is balanced with humility and a sincere desire for the best in others. So, the campers wanted me to freestyle again and so I asked for words we can use to build the song around. Peanut butter. Gum. And Stacey's hands (they are really small) ... somehow the song started with me talkin bout sneakin into my sisters room and puttin peanut butter in her hair but it was because she had gum in her hair and i was being a good brother helping her get the gum out... because peanut butter gets gum out of hair - uh yea! anyways, it took a turn for the best when i talked about jif peanut butter that is creamy without nuts. ahhhhhhh yea. ok, so i sold a bunch of the new FRJ CDs and the next show is tomorrow night in Corvallis with the band. I'm pumped. L8ter, Paul Current Mood: relaxedCurrent Music: Frunt Row Joe, "FRJ EP" | Monday, May 20th, 2002 | 4:58 am |
Camp Harlow Harlow Sunday with First B... It's always good to see familiar faces, especially those that are encouraging. I was happy to see so many new people there which means that those in the youth group brought some of their friends. It was cool to meet some new people and hear what they thought of it. It was me and my acoustic guitar and over a hundred highschool students. First thing they wanted to hear was me freestyle. So, I wrote a song on the spot called "microphone check"... ok, i wrote it a long time ago but I freestyled the verses. I sang a new song I haven't played before and got an ok reaction. I might need to tighten that one up. Here is my set list: 1)Microphone Check (freestyle) 2)Stutter 3)Fly Away (She's Got Dreams) 4)Open My Heart a little side note I shared: "God's will is behind God's word. I believe His will for our lives isn't primarly what we need to do but who we need to be. For when we are who we are supposed to and created to be we will know what to do." peace, Paul Current Mood: contemplative | Saturday, May 18th, 2002 | 1:06 pm |
EMU Ball Room I just played a short acoustic set at the Asian Pacific Student Association bash. It was really cool. I got invited a couple nights ago and wanted to play an acoustic show this weekend. I just wish I could have seen the faces in the crowd more though. I was encouraged to meet some new people afterwards... Here is my set list: Microphone Check (freestyle) Stutter Fly Away (She Has Dreams) South Beach Tomorrow I play at Camp Harlow! Ahh yea, Paul Current Mood: pleasedCurrent Music: Jack Johnson | Friday, April 26th, 2002 | 3:20 pm |
Extreme Skate Party The show lastnight was cool... we were missing Nick our bass player but still managed to rock the crowd :) I enjoyed watching the people from boardsports skate on the ramps and rails... they rock! We have been recording the past two weeks so it was good to get out and play in front of people again. Peace, Paul | Sunday, April 21st, 2002 | 3:12 pm |
Shows Ok, I know I know... it's been too long since I've updated this journal. We have played a bunch of cool shows since I last wrote in here. We played April 12th in Creswell. Austin gave me his Emerald Hoops sweatshirt cuz there was a group of about 12 of them that had them on. It's sweet. April 13th was the WOW Hall show in Eugene and that rocked! I'll have pictures up of that show in a little while. Then April 14th we played up at the Varsity House in Corvallis. So, now we are busy in the studio recording our first CD as a band. So far we are very pleased with the progress we are making. The music we are producing is our best stuff yet! To check out the behind the scene details click hereOh, and lastnight we played at Lifegate's Prom. It was cool. We played an acoustic type of set. Ryan played acoustic guitar and Erik had only his kick drum, snare and ride cymbal and Nick was jammin on bass. We enjoyed hanging out with those beautiful people from Lifegate for their prom. I just wish I had a date! What a memorable experience! Until the 25th, Paul | Monday, March 11th, 2002 | 8:15 pm |
Frunt Row Joe Oh yea, at the March 3rd show we made it official: Our bands new name is "Frunt Row Joe"... you can check out our website at Why did we change names? Our desire is to have the names emphasis be on the band as a whole and not just me. I enjoyed the Presidential Campaigns as "Pauly Paul 4 President" and we played a lot of good shows but now it's time my band grew into a collective unit and went with a band image. I will still go by Pauly Paul, but it will be more of my solo hip-hop stuff w/ mg! and the buffoon cyrkle. We got some exciting news and plans coming up so stay tuned! peace, paul | 8:09 pm |
March 3rd Show I just got the pictures back from the March 3rd show where my band "Frunt Row Joe" opened up for All Together Separate. There is some good crowd pics we'll be throwin up on the site soon. I realized once again at how much work goes in to throwing a show. I helped set-up and realized how important the sound man is for making the show a success. So much goes on behind the scenes that most people don't realize. It's a great deal to be able to come and enjoy 4 great bands (3 of which are national acts) for only 5 bucks and then get to leave not having to help take down. I think we all do it because of the enjoyment we recieve from it. Concerts can be such a good time and I hope they are continually good for all who come to ours. Thanks to all the people that came out and supported us! It was a blast rappin with the Bufoon Cyrkle (MG! the Visionary, Lojique and Acts 29). Cadet was great too! And of course, ATS brought it lovely that night. Catch ya'll next time around. peace, Paul | Thursday, February 28th, 2002 | 10:48 pm |
Wild Duck Show It's good to be home... but we barely made it! From Florida to Seattle I had a great time with MG!, Othello and the rest of the buffoon cyrkle but I knew I had to get back to Eugene in time for our show. So, Nick, his mom and I drove down from Kelso and got there just in time to catch the band before us and then plug in and rock it. It was different playin for this ska crazed crowd than our last show w/ switchfoot but we felt pretty good w/ the crowds reaction. I thought the other bands that played did a great job. Hopefuly we'll get a chance to play w/ them again and in front of so many more new faces. Until next time...
peace, paul
Current Music: Lojique | Wednesday, February 27th, 2002 | 11:58 am |
Agape Fest Ft. Lauderdale, Florida is a comfortable change from the cold breeze sweeping through the northwest. We met so many cool people with great hearts in Florida. We played a couple times while we were there. First we played in Ft. Meyers for a youth group that blew me away. The size of the group was big but the facility and the equipment they had was cutting edge. Then we played the Agape Fest which was a total blessing for us. About 700 people were there packed in close together by the outdoor stage. The weather was just right (as is the case for tourists who come to Florida seeking a warm climate) and the crowd was hype. We took a bunch of pictures so we'll throw those up on the site soon. Much love to Isaac and Circle Productions, Sue and Calvary Chapel, all the crews reppin' Christ in South Florida and the warm sun for darkening my skin as I layed in the sand on South Beach. Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Ugly Duckling | Thursday, February 21st, 2002 | 1:58 am |
switchfoot the show on feb. 16th at the mcdonald theater was AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, HUGE AND AWESOME! uhhh, a lot of people showed up (around 1,400) and not all were able to get in cuz it sold out. to share our music on such a dynamic platform was a great opportunity for us. we are extremely grateful and honored to have the chance to open for switchfoot and hope to again sometime. they were down to earth guys and were real cool. i can't wait to get the pictures back of the show. once i do they'll be posted on our site. now i'm in florida with mg! the visionary and othello from lojique. it's real nice weather out here so i'll hopefuly bring some sun back to the northwest! we're performing this saturday so i'll post my thoughts of the trip afterwards. see ya, paul | Tuesday, February 12th, 2002 | 9:13 pm |
the buzz Saturday night was a good show. I have to admit, I was kinda tired and didn't really feel like playing especially when I heard that the sound equipment wasn't put together. But, as time went on things started looking better. We got the sound up and running and Shawny Mac played a nice set. By the time he got done the place was packed and there wasn't enough seats for everyone. I love playing in that kind of environment. I might have been tired before the show but by the time I was on the mic I had so much energy. I thought the crowd was especially cool this night. They definitely were a part of the show. There was even a girl there wearing flip-flops. Shoot! How cool is that? :) I'm pumped for this next show with Switchfoot. It's gonna be big time! Catch ya'll later, Paul. Current Mood: awakeCurrent Music: go for broke | Saturday, February 9th, 2002 | 2:54 am |
Varsity House Show The show tonight was unbelievable. It was everything we had hoped for. The troops of people there were rockin to our songs. The sound was great. The atmosphere was dynamic. This was definitely a breakthrough tonight as a group for "Pauly Paul 4 President"! Thank you Dan Hayes and everyone at the Varsity House and in Corvallis! I am really looking forward to another show in Corvallis and rockin the place like it was tonight. What's even sweeter is we play a show tomorrow night and then we open up for Switchfoot on the 16th ... plus more!!! I am definitely looking forward to the next couple weeks. peace, paul Current Mood: lovedCurrent Music: Switchfoot | Sunday, January 20th, 2002 | 7:52 pm |
New Shows Come check us out:
(*BAND SHOW) Feb. 8th Corvallis, OR at the Varsity House with Shawn MacDonald; admission; info: (*ACOUSTIC SHOW) Feb. 9th Eugene, OR at the Buzz Coffee Shop on the University of Oregon campus with Shawn MacDonald and Ryan Stevenson; 9 - info: (*BAND SHOW) Feb. 16th Eugene, OR at the McDonald Theater with Switchfoot and Shawn Lewis; doors open at 7:30 show starts at 8pm...$5 Admission. info:
Current Mood: ladebak Current Music: Beastie Boys | Tuesday, January 15th, 2002 | 8:12 pm |
Fun The show at NCC was tons of fun. I felt right at home in front of the crowd playing the new songs I wrote while in Martha's Vineyard, MA. I loved the "mullet" request ... yea, I freestyled a whole song about mullets. One of the lines that came out was "I used to have a mullet back in junior high/ never had a girlfriend maybe that's why!" Oh and then there was the monitor almost blowin up during my set right after "microphone check" ... how timely was that??? It cracks me up man. One time I was in Mexico and I was performing "Microphone Check" and the mic stopped working so I went to a different mic and that mic stopped working! I went back and forth between the mics like 3 of 4 more times until finally one started working solid again. Well afterwords I found out the crowd thought that I made the mics stopped working as a joke, as if it was part of the song. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. I give credit to God on that one cuz there's no other explanation! (unless ol' Juan behind the sound board was playin a trick on me!) Oh another funny memory of the NCC show is the "P.P.P." freestyle with Shawny Mac. If ya weren't there ya better ask somebody cuz I'm not tellin! My band (Pauly Paul 4 President) has some shows coming up so get ready to rock! I'll be lettin ya know when and where real quick! Stay up, Peace. Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Thousand Foot Krutch | Friday, January 4th, 2002 | 1:31 pm |
Concert - Jan 10th Come see me play my acoustic songs with Shawn McDonald, Shawn Lewis and Gene Newbold this Thursday, Jan 10th at the Northwest Christian College Chapel. Shows starts at 8pm and costs $5.
Northwest Christian College is located in Eugene, Oregon next to the University of Oregon on the corner of E. 11th and Kincaid Street. See ya there! | Saturday, December 1st, 2001 | 12:45 am |
How do you look at it? "Seeing is not believing ... believing is seeing!"
Current Music: G.Love and Special Sauce | Tuesday, November 20th, 2001 | 12:34 am |
Boston I went to a George Clinton and P Funk concert in Boston on Friday. Spent Saturday checking out downtown Boston (bunker hill national monument, paul revere's house) and the last couple days writing and reading. I am learing web design so I can manage and more efficiently. I got a lot of good ideas ... "courage is the bridge between ideas and action". Yea, courage, knowledge and experience. There is so much to learn in the music industry. It is always evolving and changing. I want to make a message board so you can respond to my thoughts and have a forum where others can discuss all kinds of topics. Does that sound cool? Well, have a happy thanksgiving!
Current Music: Pigeon John Is Clueless |
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