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The Samurai Sidekick

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"Run Run, As Fast As You Can..." [22 Mar 2002|02:47pm]
[ mood | Bitchin' ]
[ music | The Selling of Souls. ]

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
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Word. [20 Mar 2002|10:15am]
[ mood | Unproductive ]
[ music | Snoring from Javier's room. ]

Take the High Yield Killing Method Test Now!!
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War. [18 Mar 2002|10:25pm]
[ mood | solidly invincible ]
[ music | Sal fucking Lilly next door. ]

I'm arguing with Judas, who is nagging me about some non-descript, irrelevant tight-arsed subject that I do not recall. His voice is raspy and transexual like a dirtier version of my neglected conscience only much less intelligent in vocabulary. He picks up the ming vase Abdullah and I picked up in a London Flea Market and hurls it across the room. It predictably smashes into an infinite number of pieces, fine white porcelain shattering on the expanse of the black marble tiles, tiny particles disappearing further and further into a shiny silent abyss. I stare at him, nonplussed. He continues this tantrum for about 5 minutes, destroying valuable bric-a-brac, china, furniture, and basically just making a mess of the place, which will be an absolute bitch to clean. I yawn and stare out the window. He grabs my wrist and I lunge at his throat. I tighten my grip until he releases his hold on me. I gently pick up his wallet and take out the small passport-sized photo of his wife and 3-month old daughter Magdalene, then set it alight. He cries silently to himself. I smile and Abdullah enters through the front door and reciprocates the greeting.

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Totally. [16 Mar 2002|09:39pm]
[ mood | contemplative? perhaps. ]
[ music | Judas doing his thing.... ]

Victims are tied into you and stretched inch by agonizing inch, until they are either rent limb from limb or they confess. Or hey, maybe both. Not as bad as some people, someone tells you what you want to hear you'll feel better.

What torture would you be?
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its a cold and its a broken hallelujah [13 Mar 2002|01:11pm]
[ mood | nonplussed ]
[ music | Veronica giving Olaf a sponge bath ]

One hour and $1500 worth of psychiatrists appointments later I'm free from the asphixyation of human misery that suffocates me in the doctor's waiting room. Its been almost a year since I've been seeing him, and I think that there have been enough breakthroughs and illicit (two way) drug exchanges between us for me to completely sever this strictly doctor-patient-cum-drug-supplier relationship. There is no couch in his office, only a few pieces of IKEA furniture that scream Alcoholics Anonymous. When I'm not in the mood to tell him much or there's simply not much left to tell, I stare out of the window facing west, then close my eyes and assume silence for a while. I think I've fallen asleep a few times, not to his liking, although I doubt he pays much attention to what I say if and when I do tell him anything important or profound. He snorts the coke right there on the table in front of me as I recite a well rehearsed diatribe I ripped off from a Time magazine I read in the waiting room about the world and its six billion criminal inhabitants. The cover story about the Gammorra's monopoly of organised crime in Naples reminds me to contact Luigi over the whereabouts of six million pounds worth of dope that seems to have disappeared between continents during shipment. Although this matter has no profound effect on my circumstance, I need to keep an eye on him in case he decides to disappear with the money entrusted in him to pay for the goods upon arrival in the Greek Isles. I'm paid to clean up the mess, but I'd rather avoid a spillage to begin with, especially when its costing me this much in psychiatric bills in order to supply this rather addicted PhD weilding quack who still forces me to pay him despite my more-than-generous favors. I tell him all this while he finishes his line and looks up at me, and for a moment I think I spot a glint of recognition and maybe even appreciation in his eyes before he calls me Carrie and asks me to fetch him a cup of unsugared coffee. I pay the receptionist who smiles coldly as I exit. She hates me, but is civil only because she knows that my appointments pay her measley wages and keep the doctor's hands out from under her skirt. The world revolves around favors for favors, but I can't help but wonder why I keep getting the short straw.

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Instinct with a 33mm cocked against my thigh [08 Mar 2002|09:01pm]
[ mood | nothing is static ]
[ music | Luis... ]

Babysitting Marcello's 15month old son, Luis, gets me into a semi-maternal mode. Luis is a beautiful baby, his features derived from his mother's prominently Dutch background, with very little of Marcello's Portugese-Italian influence. In any case, a very anglo-European looking kid. If all goes well, he'll have his mother's looks and his father's sass. I doubt Johanna would approve of Luis following in his father's footsteps, very few mercenaries can lead successful private and professional lives without coming to some sort of compromise, with more often than not, fatal outcomes. Luis practices karate in his sleep, kicking and punching with as much grace as a 15 month old can. I leave him to his nocturnal sparring and arm the front and back doors of the house, and head to the guest room where I can monitor Luis and the grounds outside via close circuit television. I don't trust the guard at the front gate, who I can tell by the penthouse in one hand and the limp dick in the other, has fallen asleep after very hard and fast work. I remind myself to mail the jacuzzi photos of him and the maid from last week's "security conference in Las Vegas" to his everfaithful, slipper-fetching jesus loving wife as I continue reading some tabloid trash giving off the dreadful stench of celebrity tragedy. In the tarnished pages I recognise old friends, an ex-lover and a college classmate turned B-Grade porn star. I spy Marcello's limosine quietly crawling along the gravel of the driveway from the front gates. There is blood on the inside of the back passenger window. I don't wait to see whos blood has been spilled. I lean back into my chair and close my eyes. I sigh, stroke the skin that covers my empty womb and breathe along to the gentle rhythm of Luis' snores through the baby monitor that is the metronome keeping this placidity in time.

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How come it's the illiterate that know every rapper's words? [24 Feb 2002|11:35am]
[ mood | - - - - - - - ]
[ music | javier dances to some junglebunny homie hip hop rap shit ]

Kill Yourself Now And Avoid The Rush.

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Take the test, bitches [18 Feb 2002|12:03pm]
[ mood | nonchalant ]
[ music | Eugene and Javier playin mahjong ]

I am Patrick Bateman

Find out which American Psycho character you are

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Revenge is a dish best served cold [16 Feb 2002|05:46pm]
[ mood | less i think, more i can forget ]
[ music | Javier listening to a phone sex operator ]

Lulu and I are sitting in a lounge in soho, I'm nursing a lemon stoli and she's giving slow, languid head to a half-finished monte cristo cigar. There are indiscrete flecks of blood on her cream Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche blouse that she does not make an attempt to conceal, but instead, postures herself as if wearing newly pinned badges of honour. She crosses and uncrosses her legs hungrily everytime the young tanned waiters pass by, who briefly acknowledge her flirt with a blush of recognition, then scurry back into the kitchen to unload dirty dishes, jerk themselves off for a few seconds, then bring out our entrees. She greedily snaps up the crab and caviar on wholemeal while I nonchalantly prod my baby squid salad, bored of this whole replayed charade. Outside, an ugly baby is carted around in pram and designer overalls by a malnourished hispanic nanny who accompanies an emaciated blonde woman who looks like Jodie Foster, but is taller by about 5 inches. I notice that the woman, probably a model in rehab, hasn't covered the track lines on her legs or arms properly, the fake tanning solution she's smeared herself with has instead yellowed the injection sites which horrified mothers sneer at as they briskly evade her path. On the other side of the street a homeless man harasses a shop girl smoking outside the store on her break, she ignores him initially, then when his demands for a cigarette persist, she takes a small flick knife out of her purse and discretely lunges it into his abdomen five times before extinguishing her cigarette onto his forehead and re-entering the store. I turn my head to face Lulu, who I see staggering from the bathroom, looking slightly flushed. Our waiter Anton, exits the stalls after her, re-adjusting his belt buckle before returning to the kitchen. I activate the timer strapped underneath our table as Lulu returns and continues to suck on her cigar, occasionally sipping the glass of Cristal champagne that is smeared with her neon-pink lipstick. I drop money onto the table for my unfinished meal and head for the door. Lulu ignores me and fingers her untouched lobster bisque. Sean picks me up outside, and in the rear view mirror of his Audi TT I spot the perplexed look on her face as she sees him, and panicked, she begins to rise from her chair in protest but is interrupted by thousands of shards of timber, fabric and glass that impale her face and body from the explosion beneath the table. The light, smoke, fire and debris make it completley impossible for me to see the consequence of the detonation clearly, especially from the rear-view-mirror of a speeding sports car that barely escapes the wrath of hurtling shrapnel and charred body parts. We park in a near by underground car park and dust ourselves off, I pick pieces of wood and caesar salad out of my hair and Sean finds an intact Cartier watch, still attached to the owner's hand, resting on the backseat of his convertible.

In his apartment I light a cigar and lie on his bed while he takes a shower to rid himself of "that horrid chanel no. 5 smell" from the restaraunt. I flick through mindlessly through cable tv channels and while sucking on the cigar I suddenly find myself craving Crab and Caviar on wholemeal.

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And Just like the movies, we'll play out our last scene [12 Feb 2002|05:07pm]
[ mood | you won't cry, i won't scream. ]
[ music | Betrand & Abdullah watching American Psycho ]

Been busy polishing bayonets and making travel plans for Asia in the next coming months. Had to divert Abdullah from those horrid Thai Sex Tour brochures simply because I'm so sure that he'd catch some veneral disease from one of those ratty whores and father a few generations of Thai politicians in the process.

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Ayatolla sings the blues [03 Feb 2002|09:45am]
[ mood | F Minor ]
[ music | George W. Bush, the whiny bitch, on the tube. ]

In clubs, predatory revelers armed with rohipnol and disarming smiles swim with the tide of swaying bodies that dance along to the rhythms resonating from vibrating Amps and pulsating strobes. You can't help but nod in agreement with the translucent melodies and pop beats that hypnotically engage attendees into faithful submission. The silent shark swims through the crowd, catching the scent of your fear that hemorrhages onto the dance floor despite your distance from it. Spotting the sleek grey fin only once the jaws have broken the surface and abduct you with fearsome strength and piercingly acute agility, submerging you head first into a perilous whitewash of fright and elation, as he leans over the bar to buy you a drink.

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How circus families come about. [01 Feb 2002|10:11am]
[ mood | very non maternal ]
[ music | Magabi crowing happily on the front porch ]

Javier has taken Magabi under his care. Magabi doesn't seem as distressed as a rooster-in-mourning-over-his-owners-pending-death should be. In fact, I've never seen him happier. Even though Adolf isn't dead (yet), Javier has taken a liking to his next door neigbour Saul, while engaged in an affair with Raoul and his 14 year old girlfriend, Nikkita. Nikkita is pregnant with Pedro's child, though I suspect that Raoul has not the faintest clue of his girlfriend's condition. Pedro is fucking Anthea who is fucking Roberto who is fucking Maria who is fucking Juliette who's daughter's son's wife is having a homosexual affair with Marco and his twin brother Alejandro who also happens to be fucking Nikkita along with the rest of the district's 16 to 24 year old male population.

A true example of contemporary inbreeding practices.

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I'm sorry if my heart breaking ruined your day. [30 Jan 2002|09:55pm]
[ mood | concerned but powerless ]
[ music | An intuitive Magabi, scratching the straw of his pen. ]

Adolf was shot in the head today. He's in intensive care at the moment. I doubt he'll live past Friday. If he did I think he'd prefer to O.D on morphine before he ever accepts major reconstructive surgery which will leave him more hideous than he was to begin with. Besides, he's a lover, not a fighter. Bless his soul.

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Only kisses on the cheek from now on, and in a little while we'll only have to wave. [29 Jan 2002|09:14pm]
[ mood | ravenous ]
[ music | supermarket beeps resonating in my eardrums ]

This hideous woman standing next to me at the supermarket checkout is wearing a poor imitation fur coat, undoubtedly texas highway roadkill, and is reeking of Chanel no.5, cigarettes and cheap champagne. She seems familiar as I examine her with disgust. She flamboyantly flirts with the 16 year old boy at the register who resembles my cousin Marcus, except that this boy has an overbite, an irrepairable posture from years of slouching over a radiating television set/computer monitor and seems to be missing one of his front teeth. The woman hunches over and leans on the conveyor belt while counting the cash in front of the boy, who stares dumbfoundedly at her sagging cleavage while his left eyelid twitches involuntarily at the sound of crisp notes shuffling between her scarlet finger nails and leather palms. Her raspy voice scratches like nails upon blackboard, snapping me out of this suburbia-induced trance. In my basket lies two lettuce heads, a bottle of French salad dressing, three tomatoes (tomatoes? i hate tomatoes), a stick of stale french bread, chicken mince, and a box of condoms. The woman turns around to reach for her last bag and we make eye contact. She flinches and a look of terror etches itself upon her greasy makeupcaked face as she hurridley grabs her change from the boy and makes her way clip-clopping in black 80's pumps to the parking lot. She has a bloodstain on the back of her coat. I suddenly remember her. Or at least, her balding late husband. I don't remember her name, or his. I remember a green Cadillac, a car jack, golf clubs and his dirty fat hand clutching my thigh as he drove clumsily toward a gas station on some highway heading west. I remember the blows of the clubs to his head in the restroom as he tried to swindle me. I remember the toupe soaking up a lot of blood when I left him propped against a urinal, in a slumped stance. I remember listening to some song by Cat Stevens on the drive back, and singing terribly along to it.

Paying for my goods and winking at the checkout boy, I remember that I still have the car in storage.

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Depart. Arrive. Never on time. [28 Jan 2002|10:01pm]
[ mood | between time zones ]
[ music | Raoul and Anton playing table tennis ]

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I have thorns like any rose [24 Jan 2002|04:46pm]
[ mood | etc... ]
[ music | Javier's daughter Rosa, torturing Magabi with a tiki torch ]

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Love is hate's bitter humiliation [24 Jan 2002|11:31am]
[ mood | jetlagged ]
[ music | The ghost of Peggy Lee singing 'Fever' ]

I leave Paris via Concorde at approximately 22:35, with the hope of a safe landing in NYC. My hopes are fulfilled. After a typically horrific traffic run from JFK, I stand amongst the rubble at ground zero, front row and centre. The traffic and reporter noise camoflague the rendevous. I exchange lude polaroids of the Mayor and his mistress in various Sado Masochistic positions for an exorbitant cash sum handed to me in a discreet brown paper envelope by a tall, modest-looking, Armani-clad secret service agent with a penchant for designer drugs and political blackmail. Later they will find his body in his father's penthouse apartment overlooking central park, slumped over two dead prostitutes with their knee-caps shot off and their hands crudely clutching empty syringes thanks to abnormally fast rigor mortis. The polaroids scatter the floor of the apartment, with names of various underground contacts scrawled illegibly on the back of each. By this time I have already distributed copies of the polaroids to several local and national tabloids who print the story for morning release. For the remainder of my stay I do touristy things. I take photos. I eat hotdogs. I see Les Miserables. I buy an 'I-heart-NY' t-shirt and wear it on my journey to Amsterdam via LAX on a civilian flight at 16:45 after two days at the Four Seasons. I buy DKNY Perfume for PJ and a box of MonteCristos at the airport terminal for Adolf and Javier, who are particularly fond of cigars despite being chronic asthmatics. I decide to drop by Tokyo and purchase a new minidisc recorder and "Love Hina" Div-X's for Mitchell. I experience an earthquake.

I fly home, greeted by a haggard-looking Abdulah. He explains to me that the house was subject to yet another raid during my absence and that the public servicemen body count had reached triple figures. We only lost four men in the confrontation, but four men too many says Abdulah. Despite his stress he manages to kiss me warmly and asks about the trip. I say, so-so, Coming home is better.

In a world of turbulent variables, Abdulah remains my universe's steady constant.

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droll unfiction. skip. [21 Jan 2002|09:52pm]

This arachnid lives in my bedroom and emerges from the darkness at night, feeding on whatever insect carcasses it finds and creating some of it's own. it's a baby at the moment, i'm sure of that because of it's size. it is about half the size of a standard business card which is comparitively smaller than it's parent which is about the size of my fist. I cannot find the nest, I've cleaned the bedroom during the day several times over but have neglected to look behind the heavy furniture such as the bookshelf and the dresser due to their size and weight. I'm hoping that they bred in a different room and that my bedroom is merely a hunting ground at night, although the insect population in this room is sparse, as far as I know. I won't kill it as long as their presence is discreet and they don't attack me with radioactive toxins at night, and that they continue to kill whatever other insects reside in the house, mainly renegade crickets that get trapped in the house and scare the hell out of me twice as much as the spiders do.

I have greater respect for natural processes in 'primitive' creatures like these than evolved human behaviour. At least life-forms who act upon survival instinct rather than refined so-called 'intellect' don't aspire or pretend to be something they will never be.
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\\\\Axis\\\\ [21 Jan 2002|09:29pm]
[ mood | uninterested ]
[ music | Bertrand and Adolf playing charades ]

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Vanity, Vanity, All is Vanity [19 Jan 2002|09:21pm]
[ mood | disgusted ]
[ music | Adolf arguing with a Hermés shop-girl over the phone ]

The goon squad arrived just in time before Micky had any chance to rape me physically in the same masochistic manner as he was doing mentally. I did not slay him quickly, I made sure it was nice and slow to begin with, but impatience more than excitement took over in the last few seconds of his wasted, pathetic existence. I shuddered as I pulled the knife from the in between of two ruptured organs whose blood was spilling all over my newly acquired Hermés 'Grace' handbag. I do not detest the sight of dismembered human parts as much as I detest the sight of dismembered human parts ruining an expensive designer handbag only acquired after having stagnated on a two year waiting list competing with queue jumpers like yesterday's-'it'-girl-Giuselle, J-Lo and several members of the Robbie Williams Harem. Horny thugs with incurable barbituate habits, emphysema and small penises are expendable, but that bag was ONE OF A FUCKING KIND.

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