Multigenre Role Players' LiveJournal
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Multigenre Role Players' LiveJournal:
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Sunday, April 21st, 2002 | 10:43 pm [ciderkid]
THANK YOU! I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped me out by participating with my surveys. The response was incredible and far exceeded my best hopes! Because of you, i know my project will be turn out great! THANKS SO MUCH!!!! Current Mood: impressed | Wednesday, April 17th, 2002 | 9:17 pm [ciderkid]
hi all Hi everyone, I recently have become very interested in MUDs and role playing games. Anyhow, I am doing a research project about MUDs and would LOVE it if you could help me out. I have put together a survey about MUDders. If you would like to fill one out for me, that would be great!!! They need to be completed by April 19. They only take about 10 minutes to complete. For those of you who are interested, just put your answers in the comments section. Here's the link:;=7378 THANKS!!! Current Mood: thankful | Sunday, March 31st, 2002 | 11:22 pm [starlitsorcerer]
Dragonlance I have started a Dragonlance RPG community for people to discuss their campgains and/or characters, ask questions, or whatever. Join! It's user name DragonlanceRPG . | Saturday, March 30th, 2002 | 7:59 am [ravencry]
newbie greetings hello all, i'm a new LJ user and a long time genre hopping gm/role player, and this looks like a good community to hang about in. Looking forward to having deeply insightful conversations, and of course weight debates about nonsense. and the best bit is I don't have to rack my brains trying to list the games i've played (long list), because it's cross genre free form madness! nice. Be Pure. Be Vigilant. (You get a cheap prize for finishing this one off...I apologise to non-UK residents, who frankly, have no chance unless they're well up on thier cult 1980's brit comics..) Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: Cannonball - The Breeders | Monday, March 18th, 2002 | 7:21 am [incendiary]
Haven't done a good rant in a long time. A lot of people have certain prejudices about other role players. This, obviously, includes me; however. One particular annoying prejudice, to me, is the way certain individuals have a contempt for people who play "prefabricated," "cannon," or, what I call, "fan" characters. The reasons often used are along the lines of "they don?t have the creativity to make their own characters" or "if the writer had WANTED more adventures with the character, they would have written more books." I think the only answer to "why" that I actually respect (though I don?t agree with the logic) is "you?re not the original creator, so you can?t know how the character should act."
Now, whether playing a fan character is WRONG or not depends on your perception of what RP actually is. There are two major schools of thought on the subject. The first school has it that RP is a form of writing. If this is the accurate perception, then yes, playing a fan character could be considered to be plagiarism at worst and unoriginal at best. Roleplaying is not, however, writing. From Dungeons & Dragons itself, RPG?s have been a mix of adventure gaming and acting. The evidence in this comes from the very name of the hobby.
Given that viewpoint, to say that playing a fan character is wrong is to, all at once, malign the entire movie and television industries, every Broadway musical, even the most ancient Greek tragedies such as Antigone and Oedipus Rex. Name one actor/actress who has consistently played a role only he/she has played. It is impossible to do so. To claim that you have issues with people, then, who borrow a character from popular (or sometimes even obscure) media is make an unspoken promise to never allow yourself to enjoy any nonwritten form of media again.
The question should never be "did they CREATE the character?" It should be "do they play the character accurately?" I have seen too many people who will, with even their OWN characters, flip-flop around as to how the character should be played. This is what is considered to be skillful playing just because they changed the name/history/details of some other character?
Yes, boys and girls, I?ll put my fist in THAT wasps? nest, too. Precious few so-called original characters are actually as original as people imagine them to be. It could be said that I am original for playing a drider. Anyone can make up a story about how a drow becomes cursed by their twisted and evil goddess. Playing the very epitome or the complete antithesis of a race is HARDLY creative. It has been said that creativity is only the learned skill of hiding your sources. Truth be told, some of those who scream the loudest about borrowed characters are often the ones who?ve hidden their sources the most poorly.
Well, I think I?ve vented my opinion on this particular subject. I?m sure there are going to be several people just waiting to tear apart my logic on this matter. Well, get to it. Current Mood: amusedCurrent Music: The World Needs A Hero - 1000 Times Goodbye | Thursday, March 7th, 2002 | 12:34 am [incendiary]
Relocating. Again. is the URL. We're located in a PR we've named The Nexus. So far, it seems a lot like ER. But, with two noted exceptions, far less dickheads. Current Music: Korn - Shoots And Ladders | Tuesday, January 8th, 2002 | 11:52 pm [incendiary]
A call to action The BB people at Ethereal-Realms need their own Realm. If not CT, then some realm with a BB person in charge. From what I can tell, the natives never really wanted us there, and they don't like us. For the most part, they'd be more than happy to get rid of us. Personally, what I'd like to propose is that BB people support Crossworld Tavern. That doesn't mean I won't support someone else's work, if they have something preferential. | Tuesday, January 1st, 2002 | 12:06 am [lippypop]
Alrighty. Never mind about that whole room thing. Events have happened in such a way that we no longer associate with Ethereal Realms - indeed, we are plotting their very demise at this moment.
Well, not really. But it's nice to dream . . . | Friday, December 21st, 2001 | 4:47 am [lippypop]
| 12:20 am [lippypop]
Welp . . . The room has been made. It's in Ethereal Realms ( ) in a private room called Crossworld Tavern. So now you all must go there and post, so I can get my monthly requirement of 150 posts. And, uh, tomorrow I'll have a description of the room and all up here. *has a panic attack and dies* Gaah! I'm a spaz . . . | Thursday, December 20th, 2001 | 11:03 pm [lippypop]
Here goes! Okay . . . for all of you who have made ER your new home . . . I'm thinking about trying to start a room, there. It'll be verruh much like Gen RPG in our dear, departed BB. So . . . ah . . . once I get it up, you should all, like, go there. Yeah. Er. *twitch* Current Mood: hopeful | Sunday, December 16th, 2001 | 4:49 pm [incendiary]
Bond. James Bond. I want to do an organized RP. Yes, that again. I've tried bringing it up here before, never with success, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up. And this will be my first attempt for ER.
What is the RP I want to organize? Well, if the title of the entry doesn't help, nothing will.
I need a James Bond,. obviously. And I'll need the various Bond girls and henchmen. Most of all, the cool villains. I claim, of course, the best villain for myself. Although, some others would dispute that. That's the point of getting to pick one's favorite.
My character of choice? Francisco Scaramanga from The Man With the Giolden Gun.
I want other interested parties to please respond to this post.
Current Mood: Adventurous Current Music: Duran Duran: A View to a Kill | Monday, November 26th, 2001 | 4:45 pm [incendiary]
Expansions? I've decided. I will not close it down. In fact, as we all move on, I'm requesting that we expand. As we've all moved on to other places, some to newer pastures, some to recreate the environmenty presented by Bigbob, it becomes increasingly possible to meet with new talented RP'ers who may or may not possess LJ's. Don't be ashamed to recruit them for the community. And don't be shy about using it. If you want to pull other players from their new "homes" for one or two RP's, this will be the easiest way to locate them and do so. | Friday, November 23rd, 2001 | 4:58 pm [incendiary]
Okay. BB is officially dead. For now, and probably forever. That brings me to the obvious question. Should I keep this jounral open? Will people continue to use it? I need everyone who's a member here to leave their thoughts on this matter. I can think of a few reasons to keep it up, but I want to make sure as to whether or not you guys WANT me to or not. Current Mood: depressed | Wednesday, November 7th, 2001 | 4:25 pm [incendiary]
Actually, THIS post was s'posed to go here. Well, it looks like General RPG is still moving slow as fuck. The temporary move to Nia's Tavern has been disrupted by the fact that for the time being, there IS no Nia's Tavern. That being so, I'd like to take quick stock of where we're going to go until Gen or Nia's are fixed. Where are you guys gonna be? | Wednesday, October 31st, 2001 | 1:34 pm [tansy]
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Current Mood: silly | Monday, October 29th, 2001 | 10:00 am [tansy]
...frivolous poll... ..okay folks, knowing how much we all looooove those little polls and personality tests, here's one for us rp fanatics. Which of your c's most closely matches you? and which would you wish to be more like? for example, Tansy the dryad's my match, as she tries to see the best in people, is never quite sure what's going on..and gets patronized alot. My ideal would be Jillian Sommers, human...who's very outgoing, good natured, and who would manage to have a good time even during the sinking of the Titanic. fun and tell us all about it...inquiring minds want to know! Current Mood: curiousCurrent Music: none, alas | Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001 | 9:09 pm [tarantules]
ohhh I guess I should have checked the page before posting a comment about the whole reading page thing *l*
Current Music: Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back | 7:29 pm [tarantules]
heh, is anyone posting in here anymore? or even reading thins? *l*
hehe most likely not...
Current Music: R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts | Friday, October 19th, 2001 | 4:30 pm [silverymoon]
Looking For...... This is an odd thing, but I'm looking for creative people to join an rp. I have about a few people so far, but could use more. I want people who will share their ideas and make them work. Who is all up on the free form rping, but knows the basic of C's. It doesn't matter if you are male or female. If anyone would like more info just email me or post me here :p Current Mood: creativeCurrent Music: Final Fantasy IX Music |
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