.miss nothing.'s Journal
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.miss nothing.

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Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

[23 Oct 2002|08:57pm]
[ mood | nervous ]

i've moved house....

time for a change, i've lost track of this one :

i will be taking more care of new journal, this ones been slightly neglected : add me if you want....or don't if you don't want to :P


bye byeeeeeee

[hugggggles and candyfloss]

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

....blue... [03 Oct 2002|09:53pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | *deftones//teenager* ]

blueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)

blue blue blueeee )

there you go...hehe...

i also made a new icon....its...me...yukkkkky....

jesus i'm so tired......dan college for being so far awaaaay

bed time....

lol....how boring....

Xlove me moreX

....go away.... [29 Sep 2002|09:04pm]
[ mood | angry ]

pats gig went really well...

i have pics ofblue hair i'll post tommorow...

for now i going to bed...

i'm to pissed off to type more.....

Xlove me moreX

[28 Sep 2002|04:23pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | *placebo//come home* ]

pats got a gig tonight...:)

so i'm all excited for him and stuff....its gonna be a good night..:)

its gone all cold :(....i want it to be warm all the time...


its really odd....i dunno what to write about...so i'll hush...and make some icons or something :P

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

....hereeeeeeee's spethels.... [24 Sep 2002|12:19pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | *people being bad and talking* ]


yessum...i'm sat in college feeling quite bad as i haven't posted on this thing for weeks/months...

but yea...i'm in college now..& spending the week at pats coz my ma and pa have fucked off to spain for the week....yey..

its been a mad month....hence why i've not really had time to get online and stuff....but after this week hopefully that'll change and i'll get to update more and stuff...

i've missed you all and its gonna be so much fun reading all your posts :P

anywho must scootles and stuffage....:)

I HAVE BLUE HAIR :):):):):)


[annies you better sodding come on saturday or i'll hit you...plus pats bands playing...hehehe....:) love ya sweetie]


Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

....me, my hair andmyfakeglasses.... [24 Aug 2002|01:23am]
[ mood | angry ]

yeyeye...meeting annies tommorrow + i've started pats bands website...go me..

pictures of me....yey

<green hairness> )

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

....my results.... [23 Aug 2002|09:36pm]
[ mood | jubilant ]
[ music | *onset // each to their own* ]


i passedall my exams....results as follows...

English - A
English Lit - A
History - A
Graphics - A
Science - BB [double award]
Maths - B
R.E - B [i was ONE mark off an A..ARGH]
Geography - B
German - C

i passed German and science when i was ment to get D's so yea...i'm happy with them :D:D:D

got to enrol for college next wednesday :)

yesterday was spent unsuprisingly getting very drunk...it was fun...

i also have picturesof hair....which will be uploaded now :)

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

....ARGH.... [22 Aug 2002|02:34am]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | *the commies // leaving me behind* ]


good luck to everyone who gets them tommorow...


*is very very scared*

can you tell? :P

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

[19 Aug 2002|03:06am]
[ mood | okay ]


i have green/blue hair....:)

the tips to about halfway up my hair and two streaks at the front are this kinda mermairdy green/blue colour....:)

i'm gonna get some plain blue dye before thrusday and dye over the greeny olour to make it a bit more blue and less greeny,tho it still looks pretty.....pitures soooon...

tired now....

Xlove me moreX

[15 Aug 2002|01:41am]
Temptations, they crumble by your side
You say you wouldn’t hurt me at all
Can’t be sure that you mean it
If it’s worth holding on to, we can’t stay in between it
I know you, hope I do now

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

....the owl and the pussy at went to sea... [13 Aug 2002|11:49pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | *rival shools // used for glue* ]

YEEEEY *excited*

meeting Annies on saturday....

gonna go shopping in manc and stuff...getting new labret bar hopoefully and inquiring about getting the corset peicing i'm after, maybe....then shes stopping at mine.. :o)


gonna have bluey/greeny/turquoise streaks in my hair to...yeye...much yeyness for Diretions and nice shop assistants talking about what colour she'd thinks is best....

tho i'm scared about bleaching my poor hair....epp

time to go make a start on pats bands website [they is named Rebekah..purty]....thjey got a gig soon...*is really impressed*

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

[13 Aug 2002|11:17pm]
and.....no sooner do i post *that* than all my pictures reappear..


Xlove me moreX

[13 Aug 2002|11:09pm]
*pissed off*

no sooner does my boomspeed acount stop being fucked up does my current srike9 account decide that it doesn't wanna show any pictures :\

*is really not happy*

evil evil evil strike9.....all my sodding poitures are X's....


Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

....bettie icons.... [12 Aug 2002|03:53am]
[ mood | ditzy ]

** **

<want more - clicketh me>  )

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

[12 Aug 2002|03:43am]
** **

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

....no more birdy.... [11 Aug 2002|10:32pm]
[ mood | super duper sad ]

birdy died :o(

hes nowin my grandpas garden....i went and buried him near a rose bush....


we were gonna phone the RSPCA people today as well...but..:o(

i think that it had a bad leg from birth tho, it looked seriously undeveloped...so i guess the poor little thing never really stood a chance :o(

oh well.....

*now has a stange desire for a bird....*

i'll miss your birdy......

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

....theres a birdy in my shower room.... [10 Aug 2002|05:10pm]
[ mood | sad ]


we have a bird in our shower room - i aptly named him birdy...

but...this morning our cat brought him in....not the kind of preasent i really aprriciate....

so there i was all going mad at my cat when we see birdy is still alive...oh dear we thought...

we hada few choies

A)kill birdy and put it out of its misery
B)put it back outside and let it fend for itself
C)try to make it comfy and stuff by putting it in a box and giving it a it of food and letting it sorta die 'comfortably' as we could
D)call a vet out who would more than likely put it to sleep[charging us a fortune for the privalidge said my father *pfft*]

A AND B we're both quickly and unsuprsingly dismissed....no one could kill poor birdy and i didn't want them to put it back outside coz sommet else woulda got it....proberly my cat/some other cat....yuk...

I wanted to do D.....but my was overruled by mother and father who said it was gonna die soon anyway.....all we could do was make it comfy and warm and stuff and just wait till it died....

so off i went crying and saying it was unfair and stuff.....i put it in the shower room with loads of bread and water and stuff abd towels in its lil box....all nice and dark and quite and away from stoopid cats

well all this was fine.....but now it seems lil birdy is recovering...the problem being i don't think we'll be able to put it back outside coz it'll never surive...coz....i think it's still *injured* but....better...*wishes she was a vet*

argh....maybe we should take it to the vet...but the car ride there might kill it..coz it might get super scared...:o(

i feel so mean...i really wanna help birdy but i dunno how...i'll just keep on cheaking it to make sure hes ok and stuff....

i just want him to be ok......*sniffles*....

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

....when you rub your eyes for to long they hurt.... [10 Aug 2002|03:12am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | *queen adreena // hide from time* ]

yes spethels

hmmmm..what is it with me and making icons at silly o'clock in the morning at the moment *wonders*

my latest offering isssss...katie jane....woohoo...

today i've done squat.....bugger all...i slept...thats it :op
tho i have made a pretty background for annnnies tho :o)

weeee yey....

it really sucks when theres no one online to talk to....might go to bed and watch moulin rouge, i haven't watched it for ages..


[wishes her father would get a new keyboard *sighs*]

Xanother broken heart <3love me moreX

....fight fight fight.....then eat toast.... [09 Aug 2002|03:47am]
[ mood | creative ]


me and patwere fighting....this went on till about 1...*not good*

he then came round [yes...at 1.30in the morning] he had ran...iwas mad.....but at the same timeall awwwwwwwwww with him

then we got sad...and sorted stuff out....then gothappy and ate toast and i made this...

Please join the community...please....or just admire the pretty purple thing i made

thank you and goodnight

[also me and annies [_beauty_fiend_] talked on the phone for 3 hours...:oD AND we are meeting up next saturday...yeeeeeeeeeeeeey]


Xlove me moreX

[08 Aug 2002|04:35am]
and what do you do when your hyper and bored.....

make a new icon of course


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