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Fading Wraith

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they made you grow up [07 May 2002|10:06am]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | Smashing Pumpkins - To Forgive ]

Ten times removed
I forget about where it all began
Bastard son of a bastard son of
A wild eyed child of the sun
And right as rain, I'm not the same but
I feel the same, I feel nothing
Holding back the fool again
Holding back the fool pretends
I forget to forget nothing is important
Holding back the fool again
I sensed my loss
Before I even learned to talk
And I remember my birthdays
Empty party afternoons won't come back
Holding back the fool again
Holding back the fool pretends
I forget to forget nothing is important
Holding back the fool again
I forget to forget me
I forget to forget you see
Nothing is important to me
I knew my loss
Before i even learned to speak
And all along, I knew it was wrong
But I played along, with my birthday song
Holding back the fool again
Holding back the fool pretends
I forget to forget nothing is important
Holding back the fool again..

Smashing Pumkins - To Forgive

(3Destructive Whispers | Probings)

behold, i am CD junkie [05 May 2002|12:50am]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | System of a Down - Chop Suey ]

massive attack - blue lines = 36
pink floyd - echoes = 66
fastball - all the pain money can buy &
chem bros - brothers gonna work it out = 54.90
kid a book/cd = 34.50
collective soul - disciplined breakdown = 22
john frusciante - only water = 30.80
batman and robin ost - 30.80
Cluessless ost - 22
5 cassettes = 10

Total = 307

plus other stuff i spent on today.. in excess of 500.
i am self-destructive

(4Destructive Whispers | Probings)

missed me? of course not [02 May 2002|03:47pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Doves - Friday's Dust ]

this spiral called working in tone magazine has got my balls up to my throat.
Sorry to all those i've been neglecting, living or dead, online or real life. Including the ones i haven't been mailing, chatting, calling, talking to, who have sites i haven't been leaving comments on, and even one who put the zip on her own site.
Do i realise i go back to class in 3 days? I do. Am i happy about it? Will get back to that one later. Maybe after i get back to class. The environment will be different, that's for sure.
I feel like a cheap hypocritical face-saving bastard and i'm trying to convince myself i'm doing it for my friend's benefit and just to keep the peace. Apparently, i'm not a good salesman.


see u in the summer [27 Apr 2002|10:46pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | Cake - I Will survive ]

football fever is this close to ending for me until june. see u at the world cup.

1. arsenal beats west ham 2-0 after west ham ha da goal disallowed.
2. liverpool lose 1-0 to tottenham after htiing the bar and having a shot cleared off the line.

mu's luck has gone to arsenal and hopefully it's come to us sometime.


am i sick or not??? [25 Apr 2002|02:20pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Incubus - 11am ]

fever, no fever, fever, no fever, sore throat, no sore throat, cough, bodyache, headache, altogether extremely sleepy.


this is just damn disturbing [24 Apr 2002|01:53am]
pretty boy and matrix dude )


stupid cops [22 Apr 2002|11:19pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Outkast - The Whole World ]

pple robbing, people killing, people getting away with hurting others.
thank you for the summons for something which didn't even cause anyone any amount of grief

(4Destructive Whispers | Probings)

i am... [20 Apr 2002|02:41pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Kate Bush - 32 Flavors ]

remember that 32 flavors song by alana davis? well it wasnt, it was a cover of a kate bush song.
In any case... what a great representation of the millenial woman.
on the other hand, i've moved from song to song searchnig for something that represents me. and i had soooo many and all of them were slightly askew.... still, i think, it's that one song which keeps rebounding back no matter how many other songs take its place for short periods.... i guess i can't help it, even if they're defunct.


it's over!!! i think... [18 Apr 2002|03:36pm]
[ mood | relieved ]
[ music | Moby - We're All Made Of Stars ]

yay, no more running to and fro with stupid shite.
but the weather is totally anal man. HOT HOT HOT! RAIIIIINNNNNNNN. HOT HOT HOT.. no wonder everyone's been getting sick


what a week [18 Apr 2002|12:42am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Moby - Jam for the Ladies ]

mon - fix car window, shift from puchnog to cyberjaya
tues - install car alarm, go to TONE, buy network stuff from sungei wang
wed - meet ol YQ friends, then church.
thurs - new IC, then fix power window which got screwed by the alarm system.....ARGHHH


singing softly [15 Apr 2002|11:17pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Kings of Convenience - Weight of My Words ]

red and bright yellow. somehow i feel that's a surefire way to wake me up.
but why would i go hurt myself like that.
oh i forgot, i just did.


body and soul... [15 Apr 2002|02:32am]

I'm strange!

How much of a freak are you?


had a bad day again..... [15 Apr 2002|01:42am]
[ mood | HURT ]
[ music | Sparkelhorse - Chaos of a Galaxy/Happy Man ]

it's become sorta tradition, nearly symptomatic, that every time i start a holiday, i come home, get some sorta nice welcome from my parents...then all hell breaks loose!
Rite now, i'm the lowest scum of the universe by the Gospel of MuM and DaD, and it was due to circumstance....
One day, i am going to grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless, hysterical and let down and hanging around....


half done only? [11 Apr 2002|11:32pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Kings of Convenience - The Weight of My Words ]

i cant believe it's been over 10 days and i'm only halfway thru my exams....ARGH!


i so solemnly swear... [11 Apr 2002|12:44am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Radiohead - Lucky ]

i wonder if it's more honest to be the kind who doesn't tell lies.
Or the kind who admits to telling lies.
Lately i've been getting messed-up in my head because on the one hand i know what people want to hear and i can very well tell them that. And i can very well try my best to justify that i'm also the kind of person people ask for, yet do not appreciate.
But yet, it seems more honest to me to tell people that i'm not, i'm not that kind of person.. but am i letting me off the hook, or them.


jolie jolie! [09 Apr 2002|04:58pm]
[ music | de ]

her tattoos? i didn't get lips? )


smashing pumpkins party... [09 Apr 2002|04:00pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Smashing Pumpkins - Bodies ]

host - the computer
guest - me
media - winamp (mostly legal mp3s since i have all their albums.. mostly)
beverage - chocolate milk
food - egg sandwich
dresscode - half-naked


[09 Apr 2002|02:39am]
[ music | Mogwai - 04 - Dial-Revenge ]

death becomes me )


[07 Apr 2002|11:46pm]
[ music | . Radiohead - Blow Out ]

you sexy thing... )

(6Destructive Whispers | Probings)

wont somebody take me home [06 Apr 2002|11:45pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | Dave Matthews Band - The Dreaming Tree ]

i'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me.....Queen
like they even knew what they were singing about, probably high on something.
what if maybe nobody knew what they were singing about.
what if everyone just wanted to be cool.

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