twice blessed man's LiveJournal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in twice blessed man's LiveJournal:

    Friday, June 15th, 2001
    2:31 am
    affliction ?
    i have just been diagnosed with a immune disorder called Sarcodosis. It is a Hyper Immune Disorder.
    Basically my body's immune cells keep on attacking.
    This sounds very cool, but the draw back is that my lymphatic system cannot handle this hyper drive immune system.
    The Lymphatic system is "clogging up" and in about 10-25 years they(lymph nodes) will calcify. Only 5 percent of people die, but 50 percent of us have major organ damage.
    While mine is only in stage one, some people have different areas of affliction.
    Skin, Organs, even the eyes. Any soft tissue.

    Why me ? I think I have an idea but I must research this before I make any further predictions.

    peace be with you, my friends.
    be vigil and always be watchful.
    Sunday, November 5th, 2000
    1:02 pm
    day one
    today i created my journal.

    why ? i don't know, but i'm compelled to do this.

    i'm going to start off by saying the truth and always the truth. my past in littered with deceit, lies and stuff that goes bump in the night. i cannot take back my past, so i must accept it and go forward.

    no, i'm not a recovering alcoholic, drug user,
    or anything else of that nature. i am human.