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Hufflepuff House

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Okay, Huffs... [04 Mar 2002|11:03am]

[ mood | artistic ]

Can you all pull it together for me? I need a favour...

I'm looking for good pictures of the girls Hogwarts uniform from the movie. It's for my costume for the upcoming aunt and I are going to make me a Hufflepuff-based Hogwarts uniform. So far the only picture I've found that shows off the uniform without robes is here...if there are any more, can you please post them in reply?

I'm also looking for good full body shots of the uniform with the robe. I'm going to have to make one of those too...I already have the Hufflepuff crest secured, so that isn't an issue. The rest, however, is...any and all help will be appreciated, and I will post pictures of the completed uniform here.

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ftp problem [02 Mar 2002|12:30pm]

[ mood | confused ]

okay, I just downloaded my FTP but how do i use it? can anyone help me?

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[23 Feb 2002|07:31pm]
click to find out if you are obsessed!

I am! Dude coolness!! I never knew!!*says in an innecent tone*
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[22 Feb 2002|06:29pm]
So does anyone know why our masscot is a badger? Sort of odd compared to the others.

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[22 Feb 2002|05:51pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

As the graphic says, you're sweet, hard-working, and loyal. You believe in justice and you're not afraid of sticking with something for a while. You're determined; once you set your mind to something you'll work as hard and long as you have to to achieve that goal.

Get Sorted!

hey have you taken this test it is really cool!!! Hufflepuff's forever!!!


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[20 Feb 2002|08:41pm]
[ mood | happy ]

hey yall!! I just joined and would like to say *hi* to all of you and *What up Huffles!*
Well I gotta run!


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Hey guys? [19 Feb 2002|06:44pm]

[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Blur - Charmless Man ]

Just me, the local butt-kicker again...

Okay, because of my last post in here, I'm now posting THIS one...and I want ideas, Hufflepuff! It's been decided that we need a group project to solidify boyfriend said a D-20 rpg version of Harry Potter, I think something as simple as a memorial page for Cedric Diggory...something to show that we Hufflepuffs are indeed as alive as the rest of the Hogwarts LJ people!

Anyone else have any other suggestions? Ideas? Come on, Hufflepuffs, I know we're just as good thinkers as the Ravenclaws... :)

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Okay guys... [18 Feb 2002|10:52am]

[ mood | irritated ]

This isn't funny.

Where are all the Badgers at? Come on, I see a huge list of you in the community information page. So where are you? Why don't you post? Why aren't we a tight community?

Come on, Hufflepuff! No wonder we haven't won the House or Quidditch cup in...well...centuries!

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[14 Feb 2002|06:55pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | jewel - please don't say i love you ]

Hiya guys! I haven't posted here in a while but I'd like to say how much I LOVE Hufflepuff! I absolutely love it! Happy Valentine's Day everyone! ^_^

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[13 Feb 2002|04:49pm]


Happy Valentines Day to ALL!!! Hope you get lots of love! .. and candy :d
From: Christina

I know the image isnt working right now (i have NO clue what's wrong with the host!) but it should be up sooner or later! so be patient and wait for it to show up!

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Well, it's done. [10 Feb 2002|11:07am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Wildchild - Renegade Master (Fatboy Slim remix) ]

My Quidditch site's finally finished and online.

It doesn't have many pictures as it's more of an informational site, but if you want to have a look it's at

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Hello :) [04 Feb 2002|07:23pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Greetings, Hufflepuff! I thought I should get in on this, being as pretty much every Sorting Hat test online sorts me to Hufflepuff (exception, I think, which said I was Ravenclaw), and I am particularly fond of Badgers. So I think this will work out nicely.

Anything I can do for the community at large, other than get back to work on my Quidditch website (I'm a fanatic, have been for years now...)?

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Anyone in any of the same classes as me? [30 Jan 2002|02:00pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Hiya everyone, I'm new to the Hufflepuff house. ^_^ I thought I'd say hi and leave you with some of my quiz results. All of these can be found on in the arts and literature section. Have fun with it! ^_^

Quidditch position
# 1 Seeker
# 2 Chaser
# 3 Keeper
# 4 Beater
# 5 Fan

Animagus Form
# 1 goat/sheep
# 2 dog
# 3 cow/bull
# 4 dolphin
# 5 wolf
# 6 bat
# 7 cat
# 8 horse
# 9 monkey/ape
# 10 rabbit
# 11 rat/mouse
# 12 snake
# 13 wildcat (lion, tiger, etc.)
# 14 bear
# 15 deer/stag
# 16 elephant
# 17 ferret/weasel
# 18 fox
# 19 frog/toad
# 20 insect
# 21 owl
# 22 shark/fish
# 23 wild bird (any non-raptor bird from doves to parrots to ravens)
# 24 falcon/hawk/eagle
# 25 lizard

Hogwarts classes
# 1 Care of Magical Creatures
# 2 Herbology
# 3 Muggle Studies
# 4 Astrology
# 5 Charms
# 6 Ancient Ruins
# 7 Flying
# 8 History of Magic
# 9 Divination
# 10 Transfiguration
# 11 Potions
# 12 Defense Against the Dark Arts
# 13 Arithmancy

Hogwarts houses
# 1 Hufflepuff - patient, hardworking, loyal
# 2 Gryffindor - brave, bold, daring
# 3 Ravenclaw - smart, intellectual
# 4 Slytherin - cunning, ambitious, machiavellian

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^-^ alas, another quiz!! [26 Jan 2002|04:13pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Take the Which Hogwarts Professor are you? Quiz!

Rank #1 equals your best match

# 1 Professor Albus Dumbledore
# 2 Professor Minerva McGonagall
# 3 Madam Rolanda Hooch
# 4 Madam Irma Pince
# 5 Poppy Pomfrey
# 6 Professor Filius Flitwick
# 7 Rubeus Hagrid
# 8 Professor Sibyll Trelawney
# 9 Argus Filch
# 10 Professor Gilderoy Lockhart
# 11 Professor Remus Lupin
# 12 Professor Severus Snape
# 13 Professor Quirrell
# 14 Professor Alastor (Mad Eye) Moody

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[21 Jan 2002|04:46pm]

does anyone know how to get rid of the the grey bar in frames .. i know it's on but she only tells you how to get rid of them when you're only doing a left frame...i have a top AND left frame..please help me! =O
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New Community! [12 Jan 2002|04:43pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Linkin Park - In The End (In my head) ]


i just made a community and its all about the music...the user name is 'TheMusic' and just go look and it basicly says what its about...although i suck at explaining stuff i might get my sister to type the Bio becuase shes like a writing genious!

anyway please go join if your a music lover! you can be any kind!

thanks so much!

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[11 Jan 2002|09:41am]

[ mood | awake ]

i havent really posted in this journal in awhile so i decided i would pop by and say alittle 'Hi', nothing much has been up in my life...i started College kind of...i have 3 classes and two labs so it's real fun but right now im only doing performing art classes! which actually kicks becuase i love performing!

i think i mentioned i'd seen Harry Potter again...*smiles* i really cant wait for the 2nd movie to come out, i mean how much will that rock

and a bonus is that Ruperts in it haha

well i bets be off


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[05 Jan 2002|06:33pm]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Tripp'n Daiseys ]

Okay I need some answers.........
Are we gonna screw around and HALF-ASS do this, OR are we gonna do this and really be a tight bunch??????
Cuz the way I see it, we need to get the word out on the street that we are HUFFLEHUFFS and we stand together and we are creative......

So who's with me?????? We need a game plan, we need some stuff addressed.....

So lets get Crack'n.............. So how can I help..........

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[04 Jan 2002|08:02pm]

[ mood | full ]
[ music | Funniest Home Videos - TV ]

hey hufflepuff people!

whats up? im writing cuz i felt know one EVER wrote in here so here i am

tum de dum...


so whats up with everyone? any one heard anything about the fifth book yet? when its coming out? i've heard three

June, January or March...someone is very sure its March but then also says its January and i dunno where i got June from but i remember someone saying June.


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hello . . . [30 Dec 2001|04:40pm]

[ mood | cold ]
[ music | "historijime" from the cardcaptor sakura soundtrack ]

hi there, everyone.. uhmm i took the sorting hat test, and i turned out to be a hufflepuff. and i joined, and im writing here.. and yeah. hopefully things can go on from there. i hope this isnt an abandoned community.. eek. that would be ermm.. embarassing.. me talking to myself.. *wakes up* well just wanted to say hi.. so there i go, out the door.


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