hooray for the undergRound's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
hooray for the undergRound

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NEW JOURNAL [15 Feb 2003|12:59pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Hi, you have reached my old journal.

My new username is aquabats.

C ya!

1 // glimmer

FRIENDS ONLY [22 Dec 2002|07:23pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | five iron frenzy = suckerpunch ]

This journal will now be friends only!

I took off several people from my friend's list. If you're not on my friends list anymore, and you don't want to be added back, please take me off your friends list.

I don't go online nearly as much as I used to, so I won't update as much. I probably won't post in your journals as much, either. But when I have time, I definetly will!

Oh, and when I do update my journal, it's usually just to vent, complain, or to write something important. Just in case it seems like every entry is depressing or I seem like a bitch.. I'm really not. Livejournal is just my way to vent.

If you want to be added, just leave a comment. I will only add you if I like you and I like your journal. I like unique journals.

If you get added, you have to comment on my journal every once in a while. You can comment as often as you want, but please comment every now and then.

If you don't get added within 2 weeks of you posting in my journal, then you probably won't be added at all.

If you still want to be added to my friends list after reading this, feel free to comment! ;D

<3 Danielle

15 // glimmer

ohhhhhh shitttt!!! [22 Dec 2002|05:12pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | billy idol = white wedding <3 ]

I'm back!

Wow.. I don't know many people on ujournal. Hopefully I'll be able to talk to some people again on Lj. I still have my Uj, and I will update both journals. I'll probably put the same entries in them. I put my Uj layout in this journal also. My computer has a virus, so my paint program doesn't work. Therefore, I can't make my own layouts anymore. Which really sucks.

I'm going to fix up this journal a little bit- I'll be back later. :]

PS- if you want to look at my other journal, go to ujournal.org/~3eb <-I like that username much better, but oh well. You might want to go read it. There's been a lot of stuff going on in my life.

4 // glimmer

hey, kids!!!! read this! [01 Sep 2002|02:44pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | ozma + domino effect :D ]

Hello guys and girls.. well it's a boring Sunday afternoon, and I decided to make a ujournal. I won't be using this journal anymore! Only ujournal. I was going to make the new journal friends only, but I want all of you to still be able to see it! So if you have a ujournal, please add me!


Thanks, kids! <3

Oh yeah and I went through this friend's list and deleted all the people that I never really talked to anymore.. no hard feelings, ladies and fellas. Well don't forget to comment/visit me/add me on my ujournal! ;]

6 // glimmer

bye [10 Aug 2002|05:55pm]
Okay I'm done. There's some shit going on and yeah I don't feel like writing in my livejournal anymore. I officially HATE people. Sorry guys. It's been great, but I'm done.
6 // glimmer

i miss pizza day- the best day of the week! [06 Aug 2002|09:04am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | the aquabats + pizza day <333333333333333 ;D ]

Well my computer has a virus! The colors are all messed upppppp + stuff. Well, at least I can still use it

Before I update on this thing, I just wanna say that I think I'm taking a break from the whole Lj-thing for a little while. I don't know how long though. By the way, sorry I haven't commented on your journals since I've been back.. well anyway here's what I did in Maine::

*-Thursday was the day that we arrived.. we did pretty much nothing lol.

*-Friday we drove to a place that was really weird.. it was like a new road or something so it was deep in the woods and then the road just ended on this point where the water was. We took the kayaks out of the person's shed and took them down the stairs. It was me, my mom, dad, auntie Debbie, auntie Lorraine, uncle Mark, + my cousins Eddie and Michaela. We took the kayaks in the water + paddled 20 minutes to Biel's Island. Ahhh it was so hard to paddle.. we were in one of the salt water rivers off of the ocean =/ But anyway, so we went on Biel's Island which was very beautiful and in the middle of nowhere. We ate lunch on this huge rock next to the water and then we went for a hike. My dad got bit by a spider and his whole ankle swelled up- I thought he has to go to the hospital but he didn't. Everyone was like... "Pete, you're gonna turn into Spiderman!!" lol. So then we came back around 5 and drove to a restaurant near where I was staying [in my aunt Debbie's cabin]. Since it's.. hillbillyville around there.. we walked into the restaurant and everyone like dropped what they were doing + were just staring at us like we were aliens. It was really annoying and actually kind of creepy but I just laughed it off.

*-On Saturday, everyone else came. My cousin Eileen showed up with her 2 friends Katie + Jen [I think that's what their names were]. My uncle Tom, uncle Mike, auntie Sandy, and my cousins Sean, Mike, + Kerri came up at separate times. Some of us stayed at my uncle Mark's cabin which was 20 minutes away. So they all came to my aunt's cabin for the day. My uncle Mike told me that his son Mike fell asleep in the car w/ Rollo's in his pocket and they all melted.. so when he came to the cabin half asleep, his pocket was all brownnnnnnnnnn hahaha it was wicked funny. We had spaghetti.. and some other people had chicken for supper. Then we had a fire + cooked marshmallows. I played Cranium w/ my cousins and then Mike + Sean fell asleep so we had to stop playing lol.

*-Sunday, we went to my uncle Mark's cabin. They had this annual lobster feast.. which I don't take part in hehe. I had steak w/ my dad + Kerri and some other people who didn't like lobster. We played a bunch of games.. I learned how to play the cardgame Spit [my new favorite game]. My aunt Ellen came up late because her mother was in the hospital. Around 3, my uncle Tom left to go back home to Mass w/ his daughter Eileen and her 2 friends.. and my Auntie Debbie + my cousin Mike left then also. Kerri, Sean, + I went for a walk down the dirt road where I befriended a stray cat who looked very evil, but he was a little sweetie pie. ;D Then we came back.. played some more games and I went outside to the campfire to listen to The Aquabats cd that Kerri was letting me borrow at the time. Now I must buy this cd. It is the greatest. I like the Myths + Legends one better than their other cd. =] I downloaded some songs by them to hold me over until I get the cd lol.

*-Monday, we were supposed to go to Popham Beach but it poured like crazy in the morning.. so we though it was gonna be like that all day. But it wasn't- it cleared up. We just stayed at Debbie's and swam for a little bit and then I layed out in the sun. [: [1st attempt to get a tan]

*-Tuesday + Wednesday.. I seriously don't remember what we did on these days lol. I think I was zoned out or something. But I know we went to Elmer's Barn + Hussey's one of those days. It was only me, my mom, dad, Kerri, + Lorraine still at Debbie's cabin.. and Mark, Eddie + Michaela were staying at Mark's. We just relaxed most of the time + went swimming in the lake. I made my 2nd + 3rd attempt to tan.. I got a burn and then it turned into a little tan haha everyone celebrate because I never tan!!!! lol j/k about the celebrating thing. My mom + dad went to Popham Beach on Thursday but the rest of us didn't feel like going haha. We were too lazy.

Yeahhh there was a bunch of other stuff that happened but I don't feel like typing. We left on Friday at 3 and didn't get gome until 8. There were tons of traffic jams + it was horrible but we got home and my mom ordered pizza. My brother told me my hampster Elvis was dead.. and yeah he was right. RIP Elvis! lol we had a little burial for him and my dad made a gravestone out of a brick. I'm not sad really because I didn't like him that much but I still feel bad that he died. Oh well. My brother walked off of his job + quit. hmm what else..

Well I didn't see Brandon Friday, Saturday, or Sunday because he was at his dad's. I saw him Monday though. Finally. We spent the whole day together hehe I hadn't seen him for like 2 weeks. =/ But everything's great now hehe.

Well I woke up at 8:30 today to mow the lawn to get it over with.. but the grass is wet. So I have to go do it now cuz it's dry. >:/ Bye!

1 // glimmer

[24 Jul 2002|10:21pm]
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm going to Maine tomorrow ! !! ;D I'll be back August 2nd! I'll miss you all hehe bye bye
14 // glimmer

it seems that things could've been different.. but i can't change you. [22 Jul 2002|01:04pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]
[ music | 3eb + allright caroline <3 ]

Errrrr I'm so fucking bored. I think I just had the worst weekend. Well Saturday wasn't so bad.. I did fucking nothing the whole day lol but then I went to the movies + saw Minority Report. I thought it was really good. A little weird, but really good. Brandon took off to the Weezer concert in Connecticut with Brett. Brett was gonna bring someone else but they canceled on him and then he couldn't find anyone at the last minute so he dragged his brother along. I didn't get to ask Brandon how it was yet. I dunno if he even likes Weezer lol.

Sunday was the worst. Before I left, I tried calling Brandon just to see how the concert went but he was like "hi I g2g bye". So, I went to Connecticut. With my mom, dad, and grandmother. My brother got out of it somehow. My "aunt" Christine, "uncle" Chris, and my "cousins" Mike + Eric live down there. I just call them my aunt, uncle, + cousins.. they're really not. My uncle Chris is really my dad's cousin. Our families used to be wicked close. Especially my mom + Christine. But yeah.. they got into a fight like 4 years ago and it hasn't been the same since. I practically never see them now.

But anyway.. so we went to Connecticut yesterday for Eric's 21st birthday party. My mom didn't even want to go, so I don't know why we went. I only knew about 7 people there.. there were like 20 other people I had no clue who they were. Mostly Mike + Eric's friends and their parents or something. I spent most of the time sitting at the table w/ this crazy old Polish lady that kept saying my name was Danielle Poetic + this other old Polish woman named Stella which is Christine's mother. Just wonderul. They were talking to me in half Polish half English and I was just like ooooooooookkkkkkk. Then my mom + gram came to sit. Then some neighbors came over w/ their son Rob. He was hot lol but he looked like he was 18 or something. He came + sat right across from me at the table and his parents sat down too. So they were trying to make small talk w/ me and I did NOT feel like the social butterfly at all yesterday. I felt like fucking shit that day and I was just like yeahh.. hi... my name's Danielle. And then my gram kept saying stuff like "Danielle there's a lot of young guys here.. go have fun" and I was like "Grandma. I'm taken." Lol my mom was saying the same thing. And then Rob started like staring at me and smiling and he was trying to start a conversation. His dad was talking about getting driver's licenses or something and my mom said so Rob are you driving and he's like no I'm not 16 yet. And I was thinking holy shit this kid isn't even 16? He looks like 18 haha. And then someone said Danielle are you driving and I said no I'm still 15. And then Rob kept smiling at me and I was said uhh I have to go to the bathroom.. and I went in the other room to watch a movie w/ Mike + his friend. LOL. :x I hate being around tons of people I don't know and I hate trying to make small talk w/ people and being polite. It's so retarded. And it makes me so nervous..

So yeah I felt sick most of the day.. my shoulders hurt wicked bad and I have this weird lump near my armpit now and that hurts too. My stomach was doing flips all day.. I thought I was gonna be sick. All I wanted to do was go home.

So FINALLY we left at like 7 or something so we didn't get home until a little after 8. I still felt like crap kind of.. so I called Brandon's cell like 5 times + he didn't pick up. I really needed to talk to him, too. I was so scared last night about something.. ;[ I was crying so badly.. I've never cried that badly before. All I wanted was for Nicole to be there for me right that second. I don't remember when I feel asleep.. it was late.

Today.. I got my period. I wasn't supposed to get it until next week and I'm usually ALWAYS late. This is really weird but I'm not complaining. Now I won't have it on my vacation to Maine lol.

So today I'm just.. sitting around. Brandon called + his phone was all static.. and I was like uhh where are you and he said ooh I'm at the Cape. I was like ooooookkkkkkk well have fun and he's like I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm coming home today in the afternoon. And I said uh don't be sorry go have fun. Call me later bye. He's been acting wicked weird lately.

Okay and one more thing. I am so fucking SICK of people talking about me + Brandon's relationship and what goes on in it. I mean I couldn't care less about what they say.. but I mean come ON people get some lives and talk about something else other than worrying about if Brandon is being whipped or not and what we do. And I'm not talking about my friends. I'm talking about some other people and I won't mention their names [even though they won't read this] because I think that would be rude of me to put their names. If you really want to know who said these things I'll tell you if you IM or e-mail me.. but I dunno why you'd care lol. Anyway, I was talking to my friend Alyssa [she's going into 8th] and she told me that *someone* told her Brandon gets up at 7 in the morning to come straight to my house. Come on that's fucking bullshit. I mean I'm not even up by then LMAO. And then she said that *someone* cough cough said I treat Brandon like a dog on a leash and I drag him around or something. Ok that is bull, too. I let Brandon do whatever the fuck he wants. I'm not "whipping" [god I hate that word] him, he "whipped" himself, lol. I want him to go hang out w/ his friends cuz I know he hangs out w/ me too much but he WANTS to be with me. And I don't mean that in a conceited way, I'm just saying what he says to me. So if he wants to be with me, I guess he's happy. And I'm happy being with him. So people, get some fucking lives and stop talking shit because you have no idea what goes on here. The end.

10 // glimmer

gahh [17 Jul 2002|11:05am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | alice in chains + rooster ]

Mmmhm.. so yesterday Dayna + I had plans to go to the mall. I only had like $43 [and $20 of that, I was keeping at my house to save for my dad's birthday] so I asked my mom for $20 because she owed me allowance. I wanted to buy back-to-school clothes at the mall. Well she started flipping out on me.

mom: when are you gonna pay me back for that concert.. you haven't planned that out yet.
me: well.. I wish you would've said this yesterday. I already made plans w/ Dayna + everything. I guess I'll just give you all the money I have. and I thought that I didn't have to give you all my allowance for it.. I thought I could do some chores, too.
mom: well I told you to pick up the rocks in the garden and you haven't done it yet.
me: you never said when it had to be done! I asked you and you said "I dunno."
mom: well I guess you don't have time for it out of your BUSY SCHEDULE
me: I don't get it.. you always make fun of me because I "sit around the house".. I don't get why you say that because I don't but now you're saying I have a busy schedule??!
mom: well whenever dad asks you to mow the lawn, he has to wait a couple days to do it.
me: well that part is true but he never makes fun of me. only you do.

Then I went upstairs cuz I was so fucking mad. She's so stupid. So I put the $23 on the table and wrote: there. now I only owe you $37. And when I did that, she wasn't home. I dunno where she went but she came back w/ $20 for my allowance.

mom: where did this $23 come from??! you said you didn't have any money.
me: what are you talking about.. I never said that
mom: you said "I wish you would've said this yesterday cuz I already made plans w/ Dayna. now I have no money"
me: omg I never said that!! you always do this. you always say stuff I never said!!! I said that I'd give you all the money I have.
mom: no you didn't. no you didn't. here is your $20 allowance.
me: well now I only owe you $17 then. keep it. I'm not going to the mall I canceled my plans.
mom: well frankly I think you should go to the mall.. I don't feel like seeing your ugly face today.

So yeahh.. I just felt like getting that all out. After that I called Brandon and we sat on the railroad tracks for a while. I was pretty pissed off but he made me feel so much better. <3 Then a train came so we went to the side on the little hill + I waved to the conductor lol. Then we went to Brandon's. We were going to go swimming but as soon as we got there, there were clouds over the sun and it wasn't nearly as hot anymore. Then later we watched The Others on pay per-view. Nicole + Steph came and they watched some of it too hehehe they're so funny. ;]

Today people are coming to my house. Like Steph, Nicole, Brandon, + Nick. We're gonna watch a movie and then go catch tadpoles or something across the street from me at the pond. lol. Well bye for now!

15 // glimmer

what happens next? i dare you to move.. [14 Jul 2002|12:25pm]
[ mood | relieved ]
[ music | switchfoot + dare you to move <3 ]

Last night I went to the movies w/ Brandon and I we saw Mr. Deeds. That movie is great haha. Before the movie, we were watching the previews.. and there was this one w/ like a weirdo guy with a strange voice.. and he got to become a detective or something and he had all these disguises.. and he started clapping + saying "I'm going to beeee a master in disguise! I'm going to beeee a master in disguise!" lol it was wicked funny the way he said it and I started cracking up so fucking loud.. I was the only one laughing in the whole theater lol everyone was looking at me. I couldn't stop laughing- I had to cover my mouth! Oh my.. I can't wait until that master in disguise movie comes to theaters. It looks great haha!

So then we went to Ronnie's after w/ my parents and we got ice cream and there was this weird girl that kept staring at me. I swear- I was ready to like scream at her. It was so annoying. Even when I was walking away, I turned around and she was still staring. So many people do that around here and I think it's extremely annoying. It's like I have 3 heads or something..?

Nicole's sleepover was soo fun. It was really nice to see everyone again. [: lol I got a piece of pizza thrown at me by Alicia.. it was funny hehe. We watched A Walk To Remember 2 times. I love all those songs on the soundtrack- especially the song I'm listening to right now.. I just downloaded it. So yeahhh anyway.. we were gonna sleep in Nicole's camper but we all got a little freaked out so we went in a room in her basement and slept there. So we all talked for a long time + stuff.. and I didn't get to sleep until like 4 haha. :/ I <3 you Nicole.. thankyou for helping me. Oh yeahhh and another thing! Her kitties are adorable heheee we all had our legs in our sleeping bags and we were moving them around + Idget [one of her kittens] was attacking them lol she was like jumping like a grasshopper it was so cute. ;P

Dayna, Nicole, + Brandon are coming on a walk with me + Dan tomorrow heheeee ;D This should be verrrry interestingggg..

By the way, thanks Chelsey [/~nuskool] for our talk yesterday! You're so great! <3

My brother is here w/ his best friend Chris.. I haven't seen him in so long it seems. He got in a car addicent a little while ago.. and he has cancer but I think he's recovering. I hope so. He's such a great person.. I'm going to say hello to him now hehe so bye bye!

20 // glimmer

what i've felt.. what i've known [12 Jul 2002|02:57pm]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | metallica + the unforgiven ]

I'm going to Nicole's birthday party today hehe.. ;D even though her birthday was on the 2nd. It should be fun.

Hmm so I think I'm seeing my friend Dan on Monday.. I haven't seen him in like a year. :[ I miss him a lot. It's gonna be great seeing him again.

I got one of my summer reading books at Barne's + Noble the other day. I got Night and I was gonna get the other one but it wasn't there so I ordered it instead. I think it's called... Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic or something like that. I also got this origami making kit where you can make these awesome little origami boxes. ;D hehe so I've been making those all week. They're coming out pretty good but damnnn they're hard to make!

Guess what came in the mail yesterday?!? The Third Eye Blind and Goo Goo Dolls tickets I ordered!!!!! *jumps up + down* YAYY hehe. So yep I'm going. I dunno how the hell I'm gonna pay my mom back though. We got 3 tickets for $35 each and the total somehow came to $130 dollars. :/ They charged like $20 for just mailing them to us. That's a fucking joke. If I knew they were going to be that much, I would've gotten them some other way than Ticketmaster.

I just want to say.. thankyou to Nicole. For being there for me. I know it's probably getting annoying to have to listen to me all the time complain about how scared I am right now about something... I'm still scared because I'm just paraniod but I try not to think about it. Thankyou for helping me and finding things out for me. I love you! =] <3

Brandon came over my house for a little while today.. I knew something was wrong the second he steppped into my house. I guess he hasn't been wearing his glasses for a while and he put them on today and he started feeling weird. By the time he skateboarded to my house, his eyes hurt wicked bad. Omg I felt so bad for him. ;`[ My poor baby.. I've never seen him in so much pain. He like.. couldn't see really. I don't think it's his glasses I think it's something else. Then his stomach hurt + he thought he was gonna be sick so he was in my bathroom for an hour or something. I was really worried. He thought he was gonna throw up so me + my mom took him home.. I hope he's allright. I dunno what's wrong w/ him.

18 // glimmer

new layout ;D [07 Jul 2002|03:56pm]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | 3eb + good for you ]

Aww hehe look at this awesome layout that /~dreamiish made for me! And she's making me an icon right now hehe I'll have it up later. She's so great. [: Thanks again<3 Oh yes and thanks /~humanxerror for the 2 icons! hehe everyone's so nice. ;D

So yeah I'll update later maybe.

much love<33

21 // glimmer

i still got your face.. painted on my heart [06 Jul 2002|07:58pm]
wanna see something funny?! :x go look at this: /~yelliezbelliez. it's my old journal.
5 // glimmer

[: [06 Jul 2002|12:04pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | bush + glycerine ]

Which Of Our Beloved Movies Are You? by Hannah & Rachel

you're Cyrus!!

which crazy NFG member are YOU?
created by [info]xviciouslypunkx

I'm Benji!  Which GC guy are you?

Which Good Charlotte guy are you?


I'm bored so I wrote a lot. [: [03 Jul 2002|12:04am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | the get up kids + i'll catch you ]

Yeah I've been back since Sunday, but just too lazy to put up an entry. [: So here's what I did in "Ba Haba" lol.. if you even wanted to know. It's rather amusing, if you care to read all this.

Well.. we left a day early. So we left Thursday at around 3:30 and didn't get there until like 10:30. Dayna was joking the whole way about if we were going to get a "shithole" for a hotel lol it was pretty funny. Well, it turned out to be a nice place.

The first night, we had to stay in a different room since we came up a day early. Me and Dayna got our own separate room. LOL we re-organized it and got all settled in.. not thinking that we weren't keeping that same hotel room the whole time. =P

So on Friday, we moved into our little cabin thingyyy. It was cute hehe but the people upstairs were so fucking loud. They had like 38475398475984 little kids that were stomping all over the floor. lol I wanted to get a broom and hit the ceiling! That same day, we went on a tour of Acadia National Park. We went to Thunder Hole and Cadillac Mountain. Roger backed the truck up into a dumpster and broke the back windsheild. :x It was kind of scary.

Dayna's mom got us these little Motorolla walkie-talkie thingies.. so we could go where we wanted haha and keep in touch w/ her mom or something. Well me + Dayna were sitting in our room in the cottage thing and the walkie talkie starting going off. It wasn't her mom. It was some lady going "Kriisttyyyyy.. Kristy?" I guess the lines crossed w/ someone else. I picked it up and I was like "Yeah?!" and the woman said "How many ya got left, Kristy?" Dayna + I started cracking up and I said to the lady "FIVE!!" and she didn't answer lmao! So then there was no answer. About 15 minutes later, the thing started up again and there were 2 ladies talking to each other on it and they said "Hey Judy how many rooms do you have left to clean?" and the other one said "I'm almost done" or something like that haha! It was the maids at the hotel. =X I hope they didn't find out it was us the first time- lmfao.

So I kind of forget what we did after that lol.. I think we went out to eat. Omg it was so funny.. Denise + Roger got lobsters and they were making the lobsters walk across the table!! Dayna's mom was talking in a little voice pretending to be the lobster. I was dying lol! Then Roger took both the lobsters and he put one on top of the other and he said "hey give me a ride!" and then the other one said "you ain't half bad" And I started laughing even more!! We were so loud and all the people at the restaurant were looking at us.. oh goodness.

So then on Saturday, it was the whale watch. Well.. I'd rather not get into it. Let's just say that it was cold, windy, and we didn't see whales lol. But we saw seals and a bald eagle! woo! haha and there were people puking everywhere but yeah anyway! :P We got back from that at like 1:30 since it was an early whale watch and Dayna + I felt so sick.. we fell asleep and didn't wake up until 6:30! Later, we took a walk on this trail thingy next to the shore. I can't really explain it but where the trail was, it was right in front of these people's houses on private property. Well actually they weren't houses. They were MANSIONS. My god.. there was this one gray house.. I wish I had my camera. It had like 4 floors and every kind of addition on it you could possibly think of. They had a fvcking helicopter in their front yard! There were these 2 guys that were walking on the rocks like 300 ft away from us.. and this one guy kept falling on his face hahaha. He waved at us and then they started to walk faster. Then they climbed up onto the trail and were walking faster and I don't know why but we kept walking away lol. We're such geeks.

That night.. we were so hyper from soda haha. One word. SHERMAN. ;D Oh yeah and I was laughing so hard, I hit my head on the dresser and I made Dayna laugh... nevermind. :x

So on Sunday, we packed up and were just walking around to the shops and stuff. I bought this cute little notebook thing and a pair of socks. What a great souveneir. A pair of socks. lol.

I got home around 6:30 or something.. and yeah that's about it hehe. Yeah sorry I wrote so much. I'm just wide awake and extremely bored.

7 // glimmer

[26 Jun 2002|09:32pm]
I'm going to Maine tomorrow afternoon.. I'll be home sometime on Sunday. Bye bye. [;
7 // glimmer

and i guess that i just don't know. [25 Jun 2002|10:42pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | third eye blind + heroin ]

Hmmmmm. Today was an ok day. My mom + I went to this weird store and she bought a whole bunch of clothes for herself hehe she's so funny. I didn't really see anything I liked, so I just got this one pink shirt. Then we went to Fashion Bug.. and she got some stuff for herself and she bought me these star pajamas. It was kinda weird that she was willing to pay for me because she doesn't usually do that! haha but thanks momma! <3

Ahh.. it's finally here. I've been waiting for this to happen for like.. a year and a half. My chance to finally get to go to a Third Eye Blind concert! <333 I love them so much.. they've been my favorite band since the 6th grade. And plus, they're touring w/ the Goo Goo Dolls. They're coming to Mass on August 11th.. and I think my mom's gonna let me go!! ;D But I doubt she'll drive me or bring me. She kind of wanted my brother to take me but.. my brother doesn't like that kind of music. I have to call him tomorrow and ask him.. I hope he will be a nice brother and take me. It would mean the world to me hehe. I'll beg him if I have to. So I have to wait until I get his answer to even buy tickets.. wish me luck. =/

8 // glimmer

[updated] hmmmm stinklyFANK. [23 Jun 2002|01:40pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | mustard plug + freshmen ]

Which store are you??

This quiz was made by Carly

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Well I got my period Saturday morning.. the day of Danielle's party! =/ So I couldn't go swimming. I went in for like 15 minutes.. but that was it. So I was a little disappointed but the party was a blast anyways hehe!

We called Jamin' 94.5 and asked them if we could be put on the radio.. it took us forever, but we finally got through! We said Happy Birthday to Danielle and we said everyone's names at the party and we were yelling and all this stuff hehe. The dj's name was Master J and Nicole thought his name was Master P so she was yelling "I LOVE YOU MASTER P!! YOU'RE SO HOTT" or something like that hahah it was wicked funny. So we waited and waiiiiiited for them to put our shoutout on the radio. And they never did! Instead, they put this fucking lady talking about her cell phone on there.. well I was mad so I kept calling back and I asked them why they didn't put us on and they hung up on me!! =/ lol oh well. Danielle's leaving us to go to Arizona for 2 weeks. ;'[ I'm gonna miss her but I know she'll be having fun down there so it's okay!

Brandon's ex-girlfriend Jen IMed me outa nowhere today.. and I usually ignore her now when she IMs me cuz she's so fucking annoying but... this time outa friggin nowhere she says "where's Brandon today?" And I said "uhmm.. at his dad's. what's it to you?" and she's like "ohh cuz I need to talk to Brett." [Brett is Brandon's older brother] And I was just like yaaaa okay. I dunno why she would need to talk to Brett.. because I don't think she even talks to him and he's a senior and she's a what... 8th grader?! Grrr.. sorry guys, I just really don't like her so I hope I don't sound retarded writing all this. =/

Ehh I felt like crap all day.. ;'[ I dunno if it's because I didn't get much sleep or what.. but I just feel so alone ahh. I almost forgot I had a boyfriend today. I just.. forgot. I dunno. I haven't felt this way in a long time and it kind of scares me.. I hope it goes away soon.
8 // glimmer

swimming through the void [20 Jun 2002|11:40pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | system of a down + aerials <33 ]

Hehe I made a new layout. [: I think it's cute. Yeah so anyway.. I can't believe it's summer already. Ahh.. =] I love it.

Saturday is Danielle's birthay party. I got her a card today haha I tried to pick out the weirdest one I could find.. I had this Toy Story one picked out but then I saw this otherrrrrrr one.. lmao! Ahh she might be reading this, so I'll shut up now. :x And I also watched some of Corky Romano today.. ROFL.. that movie is great.

Hehe I'm going to Maine next week with Dayna. I think we're leaving Friday morning. I have no clue what we're doing there haha! Well actually I know one thing we're doing.. we're going whale watching. Which should be fun! ;D Except I need to make sure I take motion sickness pills, lol. I went on a whale watch in like.. 5th grade and I was ralfing on the side of the boat the whole time. I missed a good whale watch cuz there were tons of whales.. hmm. :/ Oh well haha. I won't miss it this time I guess. Yeah I just thought I'd share that with you. ;]

2 // glimmer

[19 Jun 2002|10:07pm]
I use boomspeed.com to host my Lj backgrounds. I don't think the site's working anymore, though. Does anyone know of any other free picture hosting websites out there?? Please help, lol. I just made a new background and I can't even put it on my Lj! =/
3 // glimmer

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