Monday, October 1st, 2001
1:22 am - MaY bE tHe QuEeN oF bRoKeN hEaRtS BuT i DoNT HiDe BeHiND tHe CrOwN..
Friday, September 21st, 2001
5:21 pm - HaPpY gRrL =-)
GuEsS wHo LeFt A LiL BiT aGo?
……BriAn AnD MaTt……
i love em both.. it was lossa fun.. matt wouldnt stop givin me compliments.. but sh.. brian said imma cutie but he hadda leave cause he was goin to the game and stuffs.. so imma talk to him later .. buuuut what was i gona say? matt liked the house.. uhm.. they liked dewey max and sam were hidin.. what was i gonna sayyyy.. *gRr* and brian took a pic of me.. matt brought his camera but when i as standin up he took a ghink ov ig lgdf ghouhbwhooooa
ill think of it later ByEeEz
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Thursday, September 20th, 2001
8:07 pm - BiiiiiiiiiG DaaaaaY
woke up showered did my thing
went to school
mrs. magensky blah came home
my mom was mad
my dad found out about the bank thing
he went crazy
he drove over to katies here then katies
him and my mom fought
he kept calling her honey and tried to hug her
he was gonna have courtney testify against katie if it went to court
he said that he bought katie 'collectible art' or something
after my dad kept goin over to richies and once at 8 in the morning richie said he hated her family coming over
they fought
a whole lot
they broke up
she was moving out
she called my dad and mom to have them come get her and her stuff
she got in the car with my dad and he had her go to the bank
he kept saying 'do me this one favor and ill owe you'
and stuffs of that sort
she said shell sign the papers to get it over with
the lady wouldnt let her
she ended up hateng my mom after 20 mintues with my dad
then she went back home
she called my mom again to come get her and her stuff
she came
they got there and her and richie had made up
everythings fine..
my dads writing her a check of 12 thousand dollars
theres always something interesting going on here
current mood: stressed
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11:52 am - i WaS gOiN tHrOuGh tHoSe SaVeD eMaiLs..
aNd I hAvE wHaT rIcHaRd bAcH wRoTe AfTeR hIs DiVoRcE...StIlL..
Note: What you are about to read is pure fiction. Any similarity between the characters in the following story and anyone else, living or dead, is pure coincidence. The story is a fable, with a moral, strictly for those readers who enjoy fables or morals. It is not a true story. A FICTION STORY:
Once there was a husband and wife, Roger and Susan. Roger wrote a book about their adventures, part fiction but a lot of non-fiction, too. Then one day Roger and Susan discovered that each wanted a different future, he to continue to fly and write, she to rest from the constantly increasing workload of managing many books in many editions and languages around the world. She had the right to choose a quiet future, he had a right to choose an active one, and neither wished to force the other to live as they did not want to live. After careful thought, after countless discussions, and for reasons that at last made perfect sense to each of them, the two separated and divorced, wishing love and happiness to each other. Susan made one request, however: She asked Roger please never mention her name on his website. Unless she chose to write about herself, she said, and unless readers chose to buy her books, what she did in her private life was nobody's business but her own. Roger agreed. A reader's right to know a writer's personal choices stops at the last page of any writer's book. So Roger promised not to mention her name, and the two went their ways, each grateful to the other for powerful lessons learned from their long marriage. Most readers know that the end of a marriage is an enormously complex event, and his readers trusted that Roger and Susan probably had not taken this step one afternoon on a lark, for the fun of it, because they had nothing else to do. A tiny fraction of visitors to his website, though, did not accept the news, nor did they recognize that Susan had a right to live her own quiet life. These few badgered poor Roger: "Where's Susan? How dare you separate? We trusted you when you said that you loved each other, and by divorcing you have shattered our world! Your books, once truth, are now lies! We shall never believe in love again -- we hate you both, and everything you stand for!" While he realized that his readers were free to hate, Roger also realized his mistake. He had forgotten to remind that last one-thousandth of one percent of his readers that each is an independent person, responsible for her or his own independent choices. He had forgotten, in the book about his life with Susan, to insert one last sentence:
Everything in this book may be wrong.
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Tuesday, September 18th, 2001
12:42 pm - i DuNnO BoUt ThAt AcCeNt SoN.. JuSt WhErE dId YoU cOmE fRoM?
Sent e-mail message From: Date: Sun, Sep 16, 2001, 1:16am To: (Dank blph) Subject: Re: (no subject) i expect you to act like youre mine? where the fuck did you get that? i dont i told you do whatever yr the one oh dont you fuckin even talk to that guy even if he is yr best friend and da da da .. dont touch anyone.. dont go within this many feet of any guy even though you arent with me or i wont fuckin even think of gettin back together with you.. youre mixin us up ive never been possessive ive never been protective and youre the one who cheated and fucked around.. so dont push that off on me.. and you know what? it isnt easy for me to walk away and it sure as hell isnt easy for me to stay either.. my heart is breakin either way.. so dont start that shit with me.. youre the one who cant even fuckin talk to me.. and you say i make you feel like shit.. if i had ever fuckin told you 'oh dereks on imma talk to him night' you would have died.. you would fuckin accuse me of cheating and this and that and talkin to him the wrong way and that my friends are more important than you are and go on and on and then fuckin ask derek if i talked about you to him.. im not making this up either and you know it.. if i tell you i talked to so and so who is a member of the opposite sex while you werent on you give me the 3rd degree and question them.. even if i say theyre just a friend.. and i would never even think of interrupting the middle of our conversation to talk to any fuckin person there is.. especially if things arent goin great between us which obivously they havent been for a very long time.. so dont push this off on me.. not this time
.. thats from the last time me and gary talked.. i miss him.. gr..
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Monday, September 17th, 2001
10:09 pm - HeLLo JoUrNaL.. HoW aRe YoU?
yesterday katie got in a car accident.. shes fine but her backs hurtin and stuffs.. mandy ran into the back of her and smashed up the back of her car real bad.. its totaled.. psht..more on that laters..
today good day.. run through again.. 1-2-health test...nothin there.. mrs magenski walked with me to class and i told her bou katie... 3-4 i hate french.. i gotta 66 on my test.. woot better than expected.. 5-6 quiz again yayay.. 7-8i hate mrs. rote lunch was fun.. 9-10 biology was okkkay.. pats funny.. 11-12 english was ookay i hafta write 3 papers.. blah.. 14-15 mr. h jus talked abou tthe *war* and charrice wouldnt stop talkin bout how in love she was with my shoes.. jordan had me help her with everything.. and brandon waits for me everyday in there and gives me a biiiig hug.. *muah* =-)
dereks an asshole.. i dont wanna be friends wiff ya no mores anyhow dude.. go screw yrself.. go awayyy..
garys.. *sigh* i dunno i wonder if he still reads my journal..
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Sunday, September 16th, 2001
12:36 am
Saturday, September 15th, 2001
11:16 pm - iF yA rEaLLy WaNnA bE mY fRiEnDdDd
tElL mE tHaT yR nEvEr CoMiN bAck WHeN yR oUt On ThE tOwN StOp LoOkIn LiKe ThAt.. TeAr OuT yR TeLePhOnE JaCk In CaSe I gEt ThE uRgE tO cAlL i GoT mY wOrK cUt OuT tO gEt YoU oUtTa My HeArT..
what ta say what ta say..
i went to daniels soccer practice this morning.. theyre really good..
thats it..
boring day
way boring
i slept for a while
katie and richie are having problems
shes more than likely coming home
whichll be weird..
ill get used to it..
i dont like mfm as much as bruggers..
the tazoberry from starbucks is way better..
i wanna go to bed but i dont wanna sleep..
i wanna talk to gary too but i dont think i should .
i just wanna talk to him. about nothing about everything.
current mood: blank current music: Ty HeRnDoN cD.
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Friday, September 14th, 2001
11:46 pm - aNd iM pRoUd To Be An AmErIcAn wHeRe aT LeAsT i KnOw Im FrEe>. Do Be Do Be Do..
.. aNd GoD bLeSs ThE UsAAAA..
well.. mr. bush sent out army people today for like.. recruit?.. somethin.. cause my moms friends son hadda leave.. but congress gave him an okay to declare war.. im sure he will.. even if we didnt declare war and just went over and bombed the hell outta em.. itd be the same.. just not formalities..
we can either sit down and take the punches.. or get up and fight back and still take the risk of bein beat up.. *sigh*.. and for youuuu mister anti government people *coughderekimeanyouuuucough* .. with the whole 'well we bombed innocent people over in such and such at this time.. ' we didnt go runnin planes into buildings where *everyone* is innocent.. and were gonna kill innocent people.. but the right innocent people..
today was a good day despite that.. run through my day again.. haha. enjoyable for me.. maybe not for youuu 1-2: andrew was tryin to drink his .. 'coffee' heh well call it that.. all secretly.. stoopit boy knocked it off his desk.. hahaa.. 3-4: mrs. janini got mad at me cause i got mad at her and we 'argued' and she made me take the test earlyyyyy i so failed it.. aaarghh.. gotta do some major suckin up monday so i can retake it.. dunno if i can handle it.. 5-6: we just talked about the wtc.. 7-8: i went to see mrs. kramer.. i hate study hall witha passion.. 9: me and diane were walkin round.. she hadda get her english paper.. haha.. she wrote about bein an actress.. shes sucha ditz i know i have no room to talk *my experience makin cookies tonight haha* but she is.. so funny though 10-11: im too far ahead its borin.. stoopit boy beside me i dont like you.. 12-13: she made me take the quiz but i didnt turn it in yaya.. she doesnt know though so sh.. imma just do it this weekend.. put it on her desk monday? 14-15: only thing i got outta math is i hate boys.. and then we had the homecoming court assembly ...woot.. screwed things up leavin n junk soooo guess what? yeah i was standin there and waitin for buses to leave and manda was over dere so i went and talked to her and was havin losa fun and egg kelly.. er kellly lampe came over and was like 'omigod you look soo different?!?! eeeeeee!!' so me and amanda walked away.. haha.. and sara er i hate herrr.. came up and manda was like my ride left mee and all this junk soo i told her i was goin with katie and shes like ew i dun wanna go with her jokin around and junk so then stoopit bitch sara is all .. lets go da da da this led to that and they ended up drivin with us.. aaaaaaargh.. saras all dumb i hate her.. katie even said shes annoyin.heh.. then we went to the mall and there was this young guy witha baby and were both like *laugh* hes cuute.. and look at each other .. the guys probably like okkay.. and we went to starbucks.. da da da .. went to go to mfm.. and these guys in front of us thinkin theyre hot stuff.. ohh yeahh you rock.. were bein all stoopit so katie honked and they all looked around not knowin who did it haha then she did it a few more times like wihl ewe were behind em and they were like leanin out their windows tryin to knock down orange cones.. boys boys boys.. then they waved and blew kises.. =-)
we went to the store got stuff for cookies my mom swears im blonde.. more on the later.. heh.. *muuuah*
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Thursday, September 13th, 2001
3:12 pm - "iM fReE eVeRyDaY.. ItS iN tHe CoNsTiTuTiOn"
*muuuahs* i love you stephanie!! =-)
good day.. despite bein an american.. it was a good day.. okay.. hm. last night me and manda talked for a while.. it was funny.. she was all talkin bout goin off to war and junk.. and she was bein so dead serious and i was too.. inna sarcastic way.. she said she was crackin up.. but i wont say stuff i said last night here.. *smile* imma good grrl.. and a smart one too.. yep yep.. lets stay up till 3 in the mornin only to wake up 2 and a half hours later.. oh yes and last night i was declared president of wtctsd.. and mandas my vice pres.. woot..
anyhowwwwww onto today..
Health- haha.. mrs. coon i hate you =-) and i accidentally gave this kid in front of me a paper cut i like slid my paper on his hand owww.. but the rest of the class was me defendin myself.. psh.. that worked.. French- Mrs. janini ya hafta talkkkk.. shes the weirdest person.. w. history- yr a funny man mr. brown.. thats all i hafta say.. s. hall- i hate you too mrs. rote.. buut you know that =-) and i talked to mrs. magenski.. fun fun times..but she said imma make a great teacher and she knows her kids would love me and imma very beautiful grrl and everytime i smiled she told me how much she loves it =-) thank youuuuu lunnnnnch- so mcuh fun.. dianes sucha dork.. and ang.. who knows... science- mrs. warren i love youuu.. shes the nicest.. she came up to me and talked to me for like 15 minutes.. last night at open house my mom was explainin stuff to her and shes like 'i love ashleigh id love to take care of her.. let meee'.. heh.. but she said her daughter has the same thing.. and all this junk.. and if i ever feel uncomfortable i can come hang out in her room.. and shes there whenever i need her.. english-i hate my seat.. stoopit stoopit people.. math- i gotta sit out in the hall.. wooot.. and brandon who i havent talked to in agggggggges came over to talk to me.. yayay.. hes so funny.. i think he likes me though.. who knows? but mr. hlsjlfsjldjflsdf i dont like you.. and dude who sits behind me. i dont like you either.. i think thats ittt..
last night though i was cryin cause they had the peoples phone calls and stuff.. and the people showin pictures of their husbands or wives.. .sayin if ya see him.. lemme know.. but this one lady.. she said her husband called her and was like.. 'kiss the kids .. the ceilings falling down...' and the people on the plane called home.. the one rescue workers brother worked in the wtc.. and he died.. and his lil neice and sister.. died in one of the planes...
in the ever so smart words of katie... 'i say we blow up the whole middle east.. they dont do anything for us.. screw gas.. well manage.. '
yeahh.. proud to say shes my sis..
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Wednesday, September 12th, 2001
10:56 pm - i ThInK wErE aLrEaDy aT wAR.. JuST.. WiTh wHo?
Tonight on TV I finally heard someone in the Congress say something that made some sort of sense. He said that we live in a diverse society, and that Muslims died yesterday in NY along with everyone else. Speaking against and entire people is a mistake. Seek those responsible, but don't generalize who they are. Not all Muslims are extremists, just as all Christians aren't. The religion is as varied in philosophy as Christianity or any other religion is. There is one true fact, despite how I or anyone else feels. That fact is this:
Water is still wet, the sky is still blue, and the world will continue to revolve. Regardless.
You know how many lovers will never meet again, how many stories will not be finished, how many dreams will not be forfilled, because of this?
And yet... water is still wet, the sky is still blue, and the world will continue to revolve.
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10:56 pm - i ThInK wErE aLrEaDy aT wAR.. JuST.. WiTh wHo?
Tonight on TV I finally heard someone in the Congress say something that made some sort of sense. He said that we live in a diverse society, and that Muslims died yesterday in NY along with everyone else. Speaking against and entire people is a mistake. Seek those responsible, but don't generalize who they are. Not all Muslims are extremists, just as all Christians aren't. The religion is as varied in philosophy as Christianity or any other religion is. There is one true fact, despite how I or anyone else feels. That fact is this:
Water is still wet, the sky is still blue, and the world will continue to revolve. Regardless.
You know how many lovers will never meet again, how many stories will not be finished, how many dreams will not be forfilled, because of this?
And yet... water is still wet, the sky is still blue, and the world will continue to revolve.
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7:50 pm - wHiTe HoUsE aNd AiR fOrCe OnE iNtEnDeD tArGeTs ..
im sorry people who make decisons for americaaa.. that isnt what i think.. i think they hit what they wanted.. what *sadly* is america about?... money.. what is the only other thing america wants?.. security.. those things and weve got it made.. sad but true.. world trade center represented money.. and the pentagon represents security.. they hit us where it hurts.. thats what i think..and the celebrating thing.. at first i thought it was sick.. but now its not the most troublesome thing.. like .. theyre comparing it to pearl harbor.. we went back and attacked japan.. we were happy and cheering and celebrating.. its normal.. were just their japan this time.. i told derek that stuff and he said he was impressed.. =-).. he keeps emailin me and a few others these emails though how we deserved it and all.. i dont think that.. i dont think we should go to war.. even though like we have the *world* in a sense on our side.. cept afghanistan and those places.. and we for sure would win.. ya know.. its just.. its the whole farmers daughter mentality.. you impregnate my daughter ill shoot you.. you bomb us yr dead.. its only gonna make things worse.. i think.. *sigh* .. my days have revolved around the tv pretty much.. theres no gettin around it though.. blah..
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Tuesday, September 11th, 2001
10:47 pm - iTs ThE eNd oF tHe WoRlD aS wE kNoW iT.. Da Da da..
blahhhhhhhhh so scary today.. everything just.. geez.. so many people died.. i was watching the news and couldnt stop crying.. its like last night.. i was all perky kinda of and excited about life and this morning too.. and now everything has changed so quickly.. and like they said .. yesterday these people were in the city and now.. theyre gone.. it made me think of how my mom was when she went to work how upset adn mad and angry she was.. and how i didnt tell her bye or that i love her.. and these people.. just went to work today like my mom did.. and they arent comin home.. so many families are just destroyed.. and i get upset cause i hafta wear the same shirt more than once.. some fucked up priorities.. gave me a reality check.. i dont know those people and i miss them.. everythings so sad nowadays.. people need to grow up.. they planned all this.. who plans to go and blow up a bunch of people? .. and all the firefighters.. and police.. theyre like the people ya wanna be like.. ya know? like not the whole.. 'i wanna had britney spears abs and look like pamela anderson'.. 'i wanna be able to do that.. firefighter work.. and do it everyday.. without thinking' .. *sigh* i havent stopped crying all day.. and ya hear the fighter jets goin over ..
and earlier today the people came over to look at the house.. and they were nice to me.. and the lady said i was cute.. and all this.. they all thought i was in college.. but it was the weirdest thing.. cause maggie came too.. and she sat down here while they walked through.. and then went outside with em and i figured she left.. then she came back and she was knockin on the door and i opened it and she came inside and shes like.. 'ashleigh honey have you talked to your mom lately.. cause if not i have something to tell you' and my insides just went so crazy i thought we lots the house.. and im like 'yeah ive talked to her.. ' and shes like 'okay honey cause the stuff in new york i want you to be okay' and im like this is the same maggie that when i said hi she got on her ridin lawnmower and drove away? and shes like holdin my shoulder and cryin shes like.. 'im worried about you.. you call yr mom and have her come home.. and you fill up your car and have her mom do that with hers cause gas prices are gonna go up' .. and she went on and on... 'you take care of yourself and im gonna lock the door.. you need anything call me honey' .. *sigh* good to know some people care.. its so scary.. and sure enough.. gas is 4 bucks already.. by morning i dont wanna know..
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11:05 am - gEeEeZ pEoPlE..
the whole plane crashed thing i said last time... gosh.. jussa few hours and it was 2 planes.. both towers of the trade center are like destroyed and then theres this big part of the pentagon that all was exploded and junk.. and lossa people were all burned and stuff.. and its a whole terrorist attack now..
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9:03 am - A pLaNe CrAsHeD iNtO tHe WorLd TrAdE cEnTeR..
anyhow.. havent updated in a while...
um.. sunday the real estate guy came over cause there was an open house here from 1-3.. he wasa big prick.. he told me mom that an 'attractive woman like her should have a man to buy this house for her' its like.. dude maggie raised it 14 hundred over night and put up a for sale sign the next morning.. she has the money she just doesnt think the house is worth 200 thousand.. which it isnt.. blahh.. he was so stoopit then he all sits down and turns on the tv and everything.. were suppose to entertain you? i think nottt.. and hes like 'do you have fox sports?' and im like you want me to turn off the tv?.. then its like the things pose to be over at 3 so these people come at 2:30 and invite bunches of other people over to look at the house and my mom goes down like 5 till and the lady told my mom 'well be out of here in a while' then they were all playin the piano and junk.. but the other ladys like 'well maybe we shoulda asked first' derrr..
i havent been as depressed as i am now inna while.. it sucks.. and i havent eaten in like 3 days..
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Saturday, September 8th, 2001
11:09 pm - Do Be Do Be DoOoO
Dank blph says: hey aShLeIgH says: hey Dank blph says: whats goin on? aShLeIgH says: nothin you? Dank blph says: nothing much Dank blph says: trying to find somehwer to put that engine in Dank blph says: somewhere aShLeIgH says: oh Dank blph says: Endless battle it seems aShLeIgH says: we drove past the car show tonight.. Dank blph says: Really? aShLeIgH says: and this one person by us hasa red charger for sale.. =-(
aShLeIgH says: yeah Dank blph says: awWww Dank blph says: Ya should tell him to paint it pink aShLeIgH says: nooo aShLeIgH says: orange Dank blph says: orange? aShLeIgH says: yeah Dank blph says: like general lee? aShLeIgH says: the charger is orange aShLeIgH says: yessir aShLeIgH says: the duster is pink Dank blph says: Ah Dank blph says: But ya want it like general lee? Dank blph says: oR... Dank blph says: your own? aShLeIgH says: exactly Dank blph says: ahHHhHh Dank blph says: i c aShLeIgH says: well g.l. wiffout the 01 and junk on the top aShLeIgH says: but suicide doors and stuff.. Dank blph says: yeah aShLeIgH says: mm.. =-)
Dank blph says: I saw a red mistibishi gt 3000 the other day Dank blph says: so... Dank blph says: bLpH aShLeIgH says: really? aShLeIgH says: ya want it red? Dank blph says: yup aShLeIgH says: or nother color? aShLeIgH says: okie dokie.. Dank blph says: i got d/c aShLeIgH says: blahh. aShLeIgH says: oh okay aShLeIgH says: wb Dank blph says: actually it just powered off n shit Dank blph says: wtf is up with that? Dank blph says: ty aShLeIgH says: it didnt even say ya got d/c on here Dank blph says: I looked over those pretest...for the g e d... it looks simple in parts...and totally difficult n others Dank blph says: does it ever? Dank blph says: its gay like that aShLeIgH says: so it kinda is evened out... the test thingy.. aShLeIgH says: it does on the computer but not anymore Dank blph says: I think Dank blph says: i hope Dank blph says: I c Dank blph says: *snEeZe* aShLeIgH says: do ya want yr car in red? or another color? aShLeIgH says: *bLeSs YoU* Dank blph says: nother color aShLeIgH says: which is? Dank blph says: *glad you membered* Dank blph says: *tHaNkS* aShLeIgH says: *aLwAyS* Dank blph says: blue... aShLeIgH says: *WeLcOmE*
Dank blph says: with khaki interior aShLeIgH says: dark dark blue.. like black? or what? Dank blph says: lol aShLeIgH says: khaki? ... leather? Dank blph says: um.. a darker blue aShLeIgH says: but like almost black? Dank blph says: i dunno... Dank blph says: leathers kinda hott Dank blph says: um.. no Dank blph says: the shade before that aShLeIgH says: Ooh.. Dank blph says: like...almost dark dark aShLeIgH says: and no to the leather? Dank blph says: just...a nice blue Dank blph says: i dun think so aShLeIgH says: like blue.. where ya look at it and say.. that cars blue.. not the ones where its like.. that cars.. blue-purple-almost black.. maybe even a darrrk green.. Dank blph says: lmfao Dank blph says: blue aShLeIgH says: okays.. Dank blph says: Dank blph says: lol Dank blph says: nice ex. aShLeIgH says: huh? Dank blph says: never heard that one before aShLeIgH says: you dont do that when ya see cars? Dank blph says: lmfao... Dank blph says: well..sometimes yeah aShLeIgH says: cause we all do that.. Dank blph says: yeah Dank blph says: My car is white Dank blph says: with blue interior Dank blph says: no mistake Dank blph says: lmao aShLeIgH says: rosemaries mom hasa purple van.. like dark purple.. so if like we see her were all tryin to figure out if its her.. like or its a diff color.. aShLeIgH says: that sounds cool.. aShLeIgH says: like blue and white.. its sucha big difference.. Dank blph says: kinda cooL Dank blph says: yeah Dank blph says: thats what i wear Dank blph says: blue n white Dank blph says: preferably Dank blph says: not always Dank blph says: khaki... aShLeIgH says: i wore blue today.. Dank blph says: jeans Dank blph says: I did too Dank blph says: lots of blue aShLeIgH says: well yellow and blue.. Dank blph says: my shoes n shirt Dank blph says: i wore white n blue Dank blph says: it is on my msn aShLeIgH says: light blue jeans.. wiffa yellow and blue striped rugby shirt thingy.. and my pink shoes.. Dank blph says: never noticed that aShLeIgH says: hm? Dank blph says: pink? aShLeIgH says: yeah aShLeIgH says: well theyre those adidas.. Dank blph says: lol aShLeIgH says: wiff the three stripes aShLeIgH says: and the stripes are pink Dank blph says: my name blue...what i white..on msn messenger aShLeIgH says: adidas.. superstarrrs.. Dank blph says: ah... Dank blph says: those are tight.. on chicks of course aShLeIgH says: oh .. its not white thats green dear.. Dank blph says: LMFAO wtf? Dank blph says: i see blue and white aShLeIgH says: what ya type is green Dank blph says: your on the comp aShLeIgH says: its a black bg wiff like blue and green alternating colors for names and everything ya type is green aShLeIgH says: im talkin bout on web Dank blph says: shit is white Dank blph says: no doubt aShLeIgH says: im typin in *fuchsia* now.. and yr in black on here.. Dank blph says: your name iZ green aShLeIgH says: and yrs is blue aShLeIgH says: and what we both type is green Dank blph says: my typeing is white aShLeIgH says: are you sure? Dank blph says: lmfao...whate *WE* here... both type is white Dank blph says: lmao..yes mam aShLeIgH says: when you chat.. what color is it? Dank blph says: yours iz greEN? aShLeIgH says: on web yessir aShLeIgH says: when you chat its green too aShLeIgH says: or do you think thats white? Dank blph says: hen i chat its green aShLeIgH says: okay Dank blph says: when im on msn.. aShLeIgH says: so you know the difference.. Dank blph says: its white aShLeIgH says: its greeeen Dank blph says: lmao yes Dank blph says: on yours its green aShLeIgH says: oh you knwo what? Dank blph says: on mine its white Dank blph says: what? aShLeIgH says: its white on mine.. Dank blph says: lmfao... Dank blph says: HuH? aShLeIgH says: it is aShLeIgH says: its white Dank blph says: lmao Dank blph says: Mine too aShLeIgH says: but its a white close to green so anyone could get em confused.. aShLeIgH says: its just that shade of white.. Dank blph says: ? Dank blph says: really? Dank blph says: they are simular? aShLeIgH says: nooo im tryin to make it seem like im not *that* stupid aShLeIgH says: nto at all aShLeIgH says: green is green.. whites... white Dank blph says: *phew* Dank blph says: thought my white wuz turnin green for a minute aShLeIgH says: lmao Dank blph says: Im like... Dank blph says: wow... Dank blph says: right beforemy eyes Dank blph says: im color blind somehow? Dank blph says: o...n/m Dank blph says: lmao aShLeIgH says: lmao aShLeIgH says: color blind is red and green aShLeIgH says: adn blue and like sumfin else. Dank blph says: *PhEW* **whipes brow* Dank blph says: i know dear... Dank blph says: lol aShLeIgH says: like.. ya either cant tell red and green apart Dank blph says: i wuz kindin aShLeIgH says: and blue. and black? aShLeIgH says: kindin.. Dank blph says: with out one n aShLeIgH says: mmhmm Dank blph says: typeing disease aShLeIgH says: but what is color blind? Dank blph says: acts up n shit aShLeIgH says: lmao aShLeIgH says: theres a disease now? Dank blph says: lmao..yeah Dank blph says: shit jumps up in there aShLeIgH says: you probably are color blind.. Dank blph says: without you doin it Dank blph says: dunno how aShLeIgH says: its those quad thingys again Dank blph says: lmfao im not color blind aShLeIgH says: how do you know? Dank blph says: your color white is green Dank blph says: OMFG Dank blph says: i was thinking this the other day aShLeIgH says: lmao it was an honest mistake.. Dank blph says: ok... Dank blph says: listen...heres how i describe it... aShLeIgH says: descrive what? aShLeIgH says: be^ Dank blph says: What if... when you see green its the green you was taught to be green.... but other people saw it as red ..but they was taught it was green and you see re and green backwards? Dank blph says: red^ Dank blph says: now...tell me that dont confuse you? aShLeIgH says: like if yr parents were color blind and they just taught you what they thought? Dank blph says: NoPe Dank blph says: lik... Dank blph says: like even Dank blph says: ... Dank blph says: you dont know what green is... aShLeIgH says: okay like if yr lil.. and ya see a color and yr like 'green' but its red.. and ya just keep doin that? Dank blph says: and when everyone in the world was taught green...they really see red..they just call it green...and when you was was right? Dank blph says: lmfao ....kinda Dank blph says: yeah Dank blph says: exactly Dank blph says: really aShLeIgH says: ohhh Dank blph says: but... Dank blph says: n/m aShLeIgH says: youre talkin way back when they were namin colors.. they named em wrong huh? like.. whats red.. its really suppose to be green.. Dank blph says: im so confused Dank blph says: Dank blph says: yeah Dank blph says: but you see them correctly aShLeIgH says: just the names wrong? Dank blph says: like you really see green..and call it green..but they say its red aShLeIgH says: whos callin green red? Dank blph says: lmao... Dank blph says: i dunno Dank blph says: the people? aShLeIgH says: i dont get how you can be color blind with thsoe two colors aShLeIgH says: theyre soo different Dank blph says: i know Dank blph says: ANd when they taught you... Dank blph says: would you call it what they call it? Dank blph says: or not? aShLeIgH says: yes aShLeIgH says: ohhh aShLeIgH says: i get ittt Dank blph says: thats what i thought aShLeIgH says: like okay aShLeIgH says: youre bein taught colors Dank blph says: yeah aShLeIgH says: and yr like lookin at thinkin 'its green' aShLeIgH says: but theyre like .. 'now this is red' Dank blph says: yeah...cuz they say it is Dank blph says: o... Dank blph says: yeah Dank blph says: like that Dank blph says: they say its red.. Dank blph says: so imma call it red aShLeIgH says: then yr just gonna be a lillll screwed up.. Dank blph says: and think its red aShLeIgH says: but if its really green aShLeIgH says: then theres a problem Dank blph says: lmao yeah aShLeIgH says: is that what you mean? Dank blph says: its lik.e... they say..stop at red like... it would be the red light..but itd really be'd think its red Dank blph says: yeah Dank blph says: it is aShLeIgH says: so youd stop and not go.. Dank blph says:'d go..cuz you think red is green... Dank blph says: hmmm.. Dank blph says: yeah aShLeIgH says: ohh i thought it was green and ya thought it was red Dank blph says: lmao aShLeIgH says: then peopled honk at ya and yad go Dank blph says: you confused? aShLeIgH says: and when you go when its really red aShLeIgH says: people would be speedin at ya Dank blph says: youd die aShLeIgH says: so yad stop.. aShLeIgH says: no youd stop Dank blph says: lmao aShLeIgH says: we need positivity aShLeIgH says: youd stop yr car.. Dank blph says: i duno...dont you watch tv? aShLeIgH says: i thought we were talking abou driving aShLeIgH says: about^
Dank blph says: lmfao Dank blph says: we are aShLeIgH says: oh aShLeIgH says: then.. yes i watch tv? Dank blph says: look at people ..and how they drive on those cop chasese n shit aShLeIgH says: but they arent color blind aShLeIgH says: theyre purposely goin through the lights Dank blph says: chasees.or whatever Dank blph says: lmfao... aShLeIgH says: chases Dank blph says: o aShLeIgH says: my mom got pulled over for speedin today Dank blph says: thats what i said Dank blph says: lmoa Dank blph says: lmao even aShLeIgH says: and she was goin to daniels soccer game Dank blph says: really? aShLeIgH says: and shes like 'now im really gonna be late' and the officers like 'yeppp..' and took 15 minutes to write the ticket Dank blph says: She get a ticket? Dank blph says: wow aShLeIgH says: then hes like.. 'now you drive carefully' and shes like.. 'im even later now so dont follow me or yr gonna be writin tickets the whole way' Dank blph says: what a dick Dank blph says: lmao Dank blph says: and? aShLeIgH says: but anyways like those people on chases are like that has nothin to do with what were talkin about aShLeIgH says: and? she left.. lol.. Dank blph says: li know aShLeIgH says: but she did getta ticket Dank blph says: He follow her? aShLeIgH says: but like color blind people.. can thtey drive? aShLeIgH says: nope Dank blph says: yeah i think they can Dank blph says: i dunno thogh Dank blph says: can they? aShLeIgH says: so then you arent color blind? Dank blph says: though aShLeIgH says: i dont knowww i was askin you.. Dank blph says: LMAO no im not aShLeIgH says: i still think you might be aShLeIgH says: like ya like blue and white.. Dank blph says: i dont know either ashleigh aShLeIgH says: what if yr blue.. is actually.. black? Dank blph says: i think you are aShLeIgH says: you think i am? Dank blph says: its not aShLeIgH says: how soo? Dank blph says: yeah Dank blph says: what if your pinks blue? Dank blph says: lmao aShLeIgH says: i think i might be aShLeIgH says: can you be color blind with pink? Dank blph says: you are Dank blph says: lmao..prolly not aShLeIgH says: and i hope im not.. =-( Dank blph says: pinks knowable Dank blph says: your not aShLeIgH says: i think its red and green adn blue and black Dank blph says: k? Dank blph says: you know your not aShLeIgH says: but people make blue so dark that it *is* black so i dont think that counts.. aShLeIgH says: =-) okays. Dank blph says: Me either aShLeIgH says: so its just red and green Dank blph says: if you ask me...its kinda black to me Dank blph says: yeah..just those aShLeIgH says: pink? aShLeIgH says: pinks black? Dank blph says: lmao Dank blph says: no aShLeIgH says: whats black? Dank blph says: blue..can be that dark aShLeIgH says: but its not *blue* aShLeIgH says: its like *midnight blue* aShLeIgH says: so i dont understand.. Dank blph says: lmao aShLeIgH says: you know that color in the crayon box Dank blph says: oOooOoperfection aShLeIgH says: like carulen.. aShLeIgH says: lol thats how ya say it Dank blph says: yeah aShLeIgH says: i dunno what its caled aShLeIgH says: ya know whta i mean? aShLeIgH says: what^
aShLeIgH says: spell it .. i mean Dank blph says: yeah aShLeIgH says: well up until last year i always caled that color cholorine.. and i read it too.. its weird.. aShLeIgH says: so i dont think im color blind.. i just don tknow em.. er somethin Dank blph says: lmao Dank blph says: yeah Dank blph says: prolly not
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11:02 am - sHe DoNt LoOk LiKe HeR MoThEr
NoThInG LiKe HeR fAtHeR.. FoLkS rOuNd HeRe sAy It MuSt Be In ThE wAtEr..
thats a cute song.. anyhow.. last night my comp messed up.. then i went to get on web and that disconnected like a million times.. gary come on and he was saying all this stuff about how good of a person i am.. and all this and he needs to change.. and it was kinda awkward in the beginnign.. and then we just joked around .. back to normal.. and i wish that wouldnt have happened.. i didnt tell him.. well i told him i was honestly ready to walk away.. and then i told him that i dont think i can be with him anymore.. um.. i dunno i should email him to let him know but i dont want to.. i can barely talk to him anymore.. its like.. i dunno.. but its harder for me than it is him cause im the one who hasta walk away.. and im in love with him.. but leavin.. has nothin to do with that.. nothing at all..
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Friday, September 7th, 2001
9:07 pm - iMmA KiCk Off My ShOeS aNd RuN iN bArEfEeT wHeRe ThE gRaSs AnD tHE DirRt AnD tHe GrAveL aLL MeEt..
bLaHhHh.. sucky dayyyy .. i hope it ends soon.. i wanna just go to sleep till tomorrow.. or monday better yet.. tsk tsk tsk.. still havenet talked to gary.. my mom didnt wanna go tonight but she did..
absolutely nothinnnn is goin on..
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3:26 pm - ...BeCaUsE i GoT HiGh..
blahh.. that songs like the anthem to mandy.. anyhow.. i was tryin to find somethin to wear cause all my clothes are in the wash.. so i was goin through the back of my closet..and all my shirts from like.. last aug-feb are in there and theyre like huuuge on me.. like literally *huge* .. im like *arrr i wanna be that fat again so i can wear these* .. it sucks.. but anyhow.. its stormin here so bad right now.. i havent talked to gary yet.. which is a good thing inna way.. im kinda scared.. but um.. i dunno whats gonna happen wiff my probably just go out to dinner.. the gamell be cancelled if its still like this .. so that sucks.. but she didnt wanan go.. cause shes all stressed out.. daniels pose to have soccer practice and a game tomorrow too.. hmm.. stoopit rain..
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