God of Lighting!'s LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
God of Lighting!

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Big Boy! [11 Jan 2002|01:19pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]


Went to my dad's for Christmas.

It was totally kewl!

I've grown so my mother says.

I can even say more words now and I am still as cheeky as ever.


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[20 Nov 2001|09:04am]
[ mood | mischievous ]

I'm driving my mom up the wall, Another romp on her bed and to make sure the sheets are off the bed rather than on!

Crikey nana just told me Off!

Better Run..Laters

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[18 Nov 2001|05:34pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Still cunt can't say cock Sock!

It's Annoying me!

Buddy bugs been biting muh legs. I got red bites on both Legs!

I pass as Spot!

had my hair checked for headlice and I fell a sleep on my mom. She is so soft and cuddle.

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[14 Nov 2001|09:21am]
[ mood | content ]

eh oh!

I still can't say cock,

Ohh I mean them darn things that go on muh feet!

my bro thunder_god is being a pain won't share his toys with me, makes me cry!

I cry and cry until My nana or mother can help me! *WEG* It works too!

I've got the Biggest baddest grandma in town,
One swing and your'll all be down!

Not much else to chat about.


BTW, mom deleted her LJ. but she's still watching our LJ's.

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[07 Nov 2001|05:23pm]
[ mood | quixotic ]


I wanted socks on so i got socks on.

However mother asked me "What are they?"

Because I can't speak correctly instead of saying after her "Sock"

I said "Cock"

I now have my mother in a laughing fit!

And I still can't figure what is so funny!


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[07 Nov 2001|03:52pm]
[ mood | energetic ]


I'm the youngest of nightvixen my siblings are nightpixie my eldest sister, primrosefaery the second sister, She really bossy! and my big brother thunder_god.

I'm currently running about teh house driving all crazy! My mother could jus about pull her hair out!!

Well this is my first lil' entry.


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