o0TragedyAnne0o's LiveJournal
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Below are the 9 most recent journal entries recorded in
o0TragedyAnne0o's LiveJournal:
Tuesday, December 11th, 2001 | 9:02 am |
Edu-ma-cation time. deAr die-ArY, Ahhh, there is aboslutely nothing to do today...I'm sitting here in school bored out of my damn mind. All of the freshmen left for some field trip, so every class I have with them (which is just about everyone) is going to be just me and possibly one other person. I really have no clue why I'm even talking to you right now...just trying to fill the void of boredom...so..I guess I'll be frolicking off now. Later self. Current Mood: highCurrent Music: Just listening to J.R. bitch | Thursday, December 6th, 2001 | 3:24 pm |
Scrubba dub dub, Kylie bent over the tub... deAr die-ArY, I have just spent the last 7 hours cleaning my entire house. Why? I have no idea. Lori had planned on engadging in long lost family time, (Not that I minded though because I was getting kind of tired of Kylie/Lori weekends) and James was going out with his friends this weekend...so it's my moment to myself. Once again, knowing how frightening I become when I'm by myself...I decided to keep occupied with...cleaning. Oh hey...remember that band...No Assembly Required...and the lead singer with the baby, Rayna? Well the whole baby thing was a hoax...they just did it to see how many fans actually read their newsletter. I feel like an ass now...but I'm relieved. ...so uhh...anything new with you? Yeah, same here. Well since I'm obviously boring myself...I'll let you go. *kisses* Later self. Current Mood: boredCurrent Music: A Warm Place - NIN | Wednesday, December 5th, 2001 | 4:23 pm |
Well tickle my nippies and make 'em hard... deAr die-ArY, So "Live Journal" is finally working again. *Yawns* The past two days have been terrible. My stomach is relentlessly knotting. Ulcers suck. For once in my life I wish that I could handle things normally...and deal with situations without dissecting them into worse case scenarios. I've been so stressed over school, and relationships, and every other minuscule problem that I can't even concentrate. Eating only makes the aching worse, and I have no appetite in the first place. Yup, I'm dying. ...I would type more, but I honestly don't feel like sitting up any longer. I guess we'll chat later over some decaffeinated tea. Later self. Current Mood: crappyCurrent Music: Cold and Ugly -Tool | Sunday, December 2nd, 2001 | 9:00 pm |
Ahhh...vagina. deAr die-ArY, Jesus fuckin' krispie, I haven't talked to you in a long time. I believe the last time we were together I was discussing my visit to James'. Well, let me sum that up in a PG rated format... We went to see Harry Potter because it's almost a three hour long movie. We didn't actually SEE much of Harry Potter...there were a lot of slurping sounds and rubbing motions...and what not. Hehe. It was quite the lovely evening. 'Nuff said? I thought so. So uh, oh, and I've just returned from a weekend with Lori. We spent most of the weekend sitting on our asses, and falling asleep at 11. Heh. We did manage to bake Peach Cobbler today...which tasted like a giant ball of snot. We intended on baking it and handing it out to random passers by to see if they'd actually eat it...but when it was finished the dog couldn't even stomach it. Yeah, I know we're dorks, but who asked you?! I'm doing a project on Vaginitis. I have to make a pamphlet discussing the basic "Q & A" of the disease. Woo Ha. I've decided that I'm going to draw some basic attention to the pamphlet by creating a pop up vagina for the inside of it. I mean, don't tell me that wouldn't catch your eye! Just gonna use a little rubber cement and what not to give the yellow discharge texture and irritation...and viola...vaginitis. You like? I knew you would. : ) Ahhh, if I see one more commercial for a lame piece of overrated plastic with a shallow catch phrase disguised as a girls play toy, I'm going to vomit. What ever happened to imagination damn it?! Why do the toys have to interact now?! Alright so maybe I'm a little jealous...but that's besides the point! I had the dysfunctional Barbie. Ken was cheating on Barbie with Skipper, and Barbie's car broke down at work, the "Barbie Bordello". Now that's good healthy, wholesome, imagination for all ages. Now that I'm older, I realize how much cooler boys toys were than girls. I was such a prissy bitch when I was younger; I would have kicked my ass. Every toy I owned was in some way preparing me sit in front of my sink with a mini skirt on, holding a baby in one arm, a telephone on my ear, and washing dishes all at the same time. I'm not a feminist...but come on...what is the fun in that? Boys had the ul realistic toys that actually gave you room to express a warped sense of humor. The Stretch Armstrong, Thunder-catted, remote controlled, Spider Man action-ness of it all...damn if I didn't like being a girl so much, I'd swear I should have been a boy. Alright, I'm finished ranting for now. James is going to call me. Yay. :) He's so sexy...seriously...if you'd see him...you'd understand. *drooling* Ahhh, I'm getting wet just thinking about it. Heh. So I'm out...sorry James is just so much more entertaining. Later self. Current Mood: bouncyCurrent Music: My Name Is Mud - Primus | Tuesday, November 27th, 2001 | 2:53 pm |
*Chica chica bow wow* deAr die-ArY, I'm going to see James today. You are very jealous, no? I just returned from an ever-so-exciting day of Salts-ah-mah-burg edu-ma-cation. You can't help but love that school for it's ignorant, red-necked, white trash influence. I spent most of the day spectating the conversations about "Dat damn 8 point buck dat just wouldn't die after 10 shots!". ...Alright so I have to shower and what not. Clean time. Later self, sorry I wasn't as cynical and ammusing today. Current Mood: blankCurrent Music: God is Dead - Carnivore | Monday, November 26th, 2001 | 8:17 pm |
Drowning in a sea of self loathing... deAr die-ArY, Damn procrastination. One of these days I'm going to be organized...I'm going to complete tasks on time...I'm going to buy one of those little black planning thingys! So here I sit with about 4 hours until my body starts breaking down...and I've got two projects to do...two projects that I had 6 days to do. :) And see, it's not even motivation driving me to do the work now...it's obligation. James made me promise that I'd start doing my work...why did I promise...I should have just done that mumbling thing that I do and change the subject. I also have to squeeze in my James talk time...because my night won't be complete with out listening to each other breathe for hours on end. *Yay* It's not even out of habit, just because his breathing is so damn sexy! Hehe. So...yeah...didn't get to visit James either today. My brother fell asleep in the car again and wreaked. Why do I care so little you ask? Well, being that this is his ohhh 6th car accident...I think his body has just became immune to death. I was rather irate...but then I just came to the realization that I wasn't going up there...and if I go tomorrow, we can be together longer. *Joy* My head hurts...and my brother is busting ass right beside me...it has got to be the most rancid smell in the entire world. I'm so glad my house has partial ventalation...because if not, I would be dead from over exposure to methane gas. Damn hog. I wish something would have happened to his rectum in the car accident. I no longer wonder why people get recto-phobia. Damn procrastination...damn it....damn it...damn it...I'm going to buy myself one of dem dar smart penguins and have 'em do my home work for me. Yuuuup. Ahhh christ, the hick in my bloodline is starting to bleed through. Well, I'm going to finish talking to James. Later self...try not to hate yourself too much. :) Current Mood: rushedCurrent Music: What About Us - Ministry | 11:59 am |
Grrrrr If my father doesn't let me see James today...all hell WILL break loose on the Bartlebaugh household! I shall release the wrath of Kylie! Later self....grrrrrr Current Mood: infuriatedCurrent Music: So Low - Self | 11:59 am |
Woo ha. deAr die-ArY, Yay...James and I talked last night at 12:30, but I was in an extremely tactless state, and didn't feel like talking, so we hung up. Then he called me back...and didn't talk...so I hung up. Then I called him back...because I'm whipped. Then hugs, kisses, and Care Bear fun. Now every thing's peachy. So, today I'm going to visit him. My brother is trying to find every possible excuse to procrastinate...but one trait I've learned from my father that has it's positive points is my stubbornness. "But...but...but"...No Denver...you're taking me...alright...good, that's what I thought. I smell. Normally my fabricated OCD doesn't allow me to go one day with out showering less than twice...but I only cleansed myself once yesterday...the filth *Dramatic pause and gasp*...the filth! I need to dye my hair...Manic Panic sucks, but I keep forgetting to buy Raw when I have the money. From it's normal Ronald McDonald *shutters at the thought of that pedophile mascot* red, my hair has faded to a pastel pussy pink. I feel like I'm missing my blond boyfriend with no gentiles, and my bright pink house. :) *yawns* Alright, I've got frolicking to do...later. Current Mood: blahCurrent Music: Christ Don't Care - Deicide | Sunday, November 25th, 2001 | 10:14 pm |
Oh, pardon me Mr. Popular. deAr die-ArY, I was finally provided with the code to possess the great wonders of the, "LiveJournal", and my first entry is on a rather homicidal note. *Joy* Why doesn't this figure? I am absolutely convinced that my last name means "Everlasting Misfortune" in German. James and I were suppose to spend today together, but thanks to his ill motivation towards legal driving abilities, and my adolescence in the driving commmunity, we had no transportation. :) Then my mother decided to drag her poor excuse for a parental figure into my home and visit, forcing me to hop along to the "Great Green Acres". So, a disturbing four hours with the inbreeds who decided to pro-create...thus welcoming me into this super wonderful world...who could ask for anything more. We finally pull into my drive way, and I rush home and settle into my social life (Mmmm computer technology), with my fathers tired,and resentful eyes glaring at me from a resting stupor. Ahh, home. So I sign onto the AIM, with yet another 2 minute lecture about being late meeting him and then James and I share our cy ber hugs, kisses, and Care Bear Fun. 7:30 rolls around and my brother wanted on on line, so I figured he could get stay online until 9, and then James could call me. Sure...why not. 9 o'clock hits, and James calls me, we sit on the telephone, exchange a few mushy greetings and phrases, and he tells me he'll be right back...never again will I let him be right back... "Baby...my friends just came rolling into the house out of no where...would you mind if we play some Magic"...Oh no...of course not...we haven't had one decent conversation all day, and you've spent most of your vacation with your friends...please, oh please, engage yourself in hours of RP-ing fag fun! Am I dripping with sarcasm here? "I'll call you at 12:30 okay...are you mad at me....please don't be mad at me...you know I love you right...forever and always...please...don't be mad...are you mad...I'm sorry...I didn't plan it...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" says James. "Just go. I'll talk to you if I'm awake." Yes, I fall asleep before 12:30 on the weekends...I spend most of my hours in solitude...and I'm an extremely boring person. Ah, so comfy cozy I sit. You won't leave me for your much more entertaining friends...will you Mr.Computer? Adult Swim is on...I suppose that will keep me entertained for an hour. I guess I could add on to the lyrics I wrote earlier, "Pardon me Mr. Popular I'll sit back while you humor her I'll lay here and wait for you like it seems that I always do". Seems rather fitting, doesn't it? Well, Adult Swim awaits...I'll miss you, self. Later. Current Mood: cynicalCurrent Music: Stinkfist - Tool |