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Constant Dreamer

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(Kill the prez with a fork)

So I fixed it [19 Apr 2002|11:23pm]
I fixed my Interests and you know what... whatever I have on there now IS what I like. No discussing, no pointing, nothing just accept that yes I do like the letter p. Oh and bythe way if you get around to reading this HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN!!! I would have called you but who picks up a phone now days? I know I don't update that often but hey y'all have to know that if something really really important happened I would let y'all know. :) Basically what I am trying to say is that my life is boring *cheesey grin*

(4 wanna bes | Kill the prez with a fork)

i miss sex [14 Apr 2002|05:08pm]
i need to get out of here is anyone home!?

(6 wanna bes | Kill the prez with a fork)

update [08 Mar 2002|10:57am]
I haven't always been sitting on my ass doing nothing. I do a lot and I think a lot too now that I have no school. I would have to say that once I get my GED my mother is letting me move out when ever I can so *claps wildly* who wants me to move in with them *laughs to self*

Very cute, very pink, and very feminine. That's you.

Find your inner rubber ducky.

(2 wanna bes | Kill the prez with a fork)

[26 Feb 2002|12:27pm]
not being able to breath sucks... it isn't that i have a stuffy nose it is just that i feel like someone is sitting on my chest and i can breath because of it. also I have these sharp pains in my sides that make it hard to lay down... not to help yesterday I got new glass' and so i have big ol' headaches because my eyes are "adjusting" damn eyes! oh well $20 was given to me today must go shoping later *claps wildly to self* must go die now ta ta

(2 wanna bes | Kill the prez with a fork)

[19 Feb 2002|01:12pm]

(Kill the prez with a fork)

yeah go me [19 Feb 2002|11:47am]

Take the Which My So-Called Life Character are you most like? Quiz

(Kill the prez with a fork)

surveys [14 Feb 2002|04:10pm]

Huh, Punk? Do Ya? What about the HYPNOTIC Bunnies?

Find out what YOUR inner non-sequitur is!

quiz by A.V. Phibes

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Which Bring It On! Character Are You? by savesthegirl


You surround yourself with art and music and are constantly driven to express yourself. You often daydream. You prefer honesty in your relationships and belive strongly in your personal morals.

Find out your color at!

Which action filmstar are you?

Which action filmstar are you?

I'm the bean-loving James!!

You have a weird obsession with beans, and you won't stop until you have consumed them all.

Take the "What weird
obsession are you?" quiz

(Kill the prez with a fork)

You know what I want? [14 Feb 2002|03:58pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | kiss me - six pence non the richer (i think) ]

I don?t want a ?relationship? I want a romance, I think that is why I am so picky. I want a guy who is there when I wake up with a tulip in his hand just because he can, I want a guy who will laugh with me because pretty anything anyone does is funny if you make up a story to go along with it. I want to have him hold my hand and tell me that we?ll be together forever, I want a guy with more to him then side comments and an ego. I pretty much just want a guy for the time being, (since it is Valentine?s Day) but in the long run I want a romantic guy. You know what would be great? Not just any song but our song the song that we would dance to at our wedding. I don?t know it seems far fetched but? come on if that?s what I want shouldn?t I get it?

(7 wanna bes | Kill the prez with a fork)

bwah (says megan) [14 Feb 2002|03:44pm]

What is YOUR Highschool label?

(Kill the prez with a fork)

I have an obsesion! [12 Feb 2002|10:48am]
JOHN CUSACK!!! YUM!!! I love it! i rent two movies a night and watch em both and... just argh i want him! GOD i miss sex! But JOhn cusack... yum

(Kill the prez with a fork)

ouchies [11 Feb 2002|05:15pm]

(1 wanna be | Kill the prez with a fork)

*DING* I'm done turn me over [08 Feb 2002|10:58am]
I seem to have time. Massive amounts of time. What do I do with my time? I don't think that's for damn sure. Then what do I do since I have no school, I have no job, I have a car, and no money? I clean. I am a cleaning machine. Next week is going to be the longest week of my life. I wish I were two people :( Wait I take that back I wish it were June I've had a job for over 4 months and I am moving in with Sonny and Syam! *claps*

(Kill the prez with a fork)

[02 Feb 2002|08:44pm]

Take the Final Fantasy X personality test here! by thingwraith

What Kind Of Pokemon Are You?


Find out which band you are!

Hi, I'm Greg Brady!
Which Brady Bunch kid are you most like?

Burgundy Patent

I'm the badass burgundy patent Doc Marten...
I'm cool as hell, I'm deep,
and maybe a little dark

Which Doc Marten are you?
(by *coffeebean*)

Which John Cusack Are You?

the "which country are you?" quiz here
.  by

(Kill the prez with a fork)

more [02 Feb 2002|08:37pm]
M * A * S * H

You will marry LEGOLAS from Lord of the Rings, live in an ancient elven palace in the middle of the forest, and spend your days walking on top of snow and rowing ivory boats and just being beautiful.

What's YOUR M * A * S * H future?

Which Spice Girl Are You?

(Kill the prez with a fork)

[02 Feb 2002|03:57pm]

By Meeki

Take the Test now!

See which Greek Goddess you are.

Take the Which Powerpuff Girl Are You? Test.

Check it out, man! Are you a villain?

(Kill the prez with a fork)

[02 Feb 2002|03:39pm]

click to take it!

(Kill the prez with a fork)

*poke* [01 Feb 2002|07:23pm]

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite??

(Kill the prez with a fork)

Goodnight [30 Jan 2002|09:15pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | Incubus- make yourself ]

I miss summer... well maybe not all of summer, but I do miss my friends and seeing them ALL the time. I wish I could go hang with Brian and Jay again like it was normal but for some reason... I don't know (maybe the fact I don't have a car!) but one thing I do miss... gah sex!!!!!

(Kill the prez with a fork)

mucho quiz' [26 Jan 2002|06:55pm]
See what Care Bear you are.

i'm Jack!

click to take it!

You're slick, sleek, and you waste no time when there's a mission to be taken care of. You do what you're told, even if it sometimes means risking your life. You care for others to such an extent that you'd do anything for the ones you love. Not only that, but you're stylish, original, agile, and passionate.

You are...

(Kill the prez with a fork)

and i update as megan yells weird things aloud [26 Jan 2002|06:14pm]
if i had a tumor i would name it marla the little scratch on the roof of your mouth that would only heal if you would quit tounging it. Well yeah I am watching fight club if you couldn't tell. My feet are damn cold and as soon as I am done updating I am making god damned popcorn. LOUD! I want a lime green kitchen... wait no! I want a black and white kitchen. I want the floors to be black and white checkers and the cupboards to be white and the counters to be black marble... the sink a silver color along with the fridge. My bedroom will be... blue with cream I like that... my living room well that all depends if I have 2 living rooms like a den and a living room I would have one a dark purple and a burgandy. SNOW! well snow its snow! I am at megan's in the snow lala (do you like my song?) I am gonna make a slushie!

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