[nothin' but blue |driven by you |the dark]

[ go | back to the light ]
[ i'm scaredo | me ]
[ last horizon | calendar ]

(grab red special)

Someone is in trouble.. [Sat Mar 23 02 05 55 A]
[ somemood | in trouble ]
[ somemusic | POD - SouthTown ]

and that person is me. I'm still here and I got yelled at for spending to much time on th ecomputer... so god only knows when I'll be able to be online agian... *sigh* But I'm having to much fun!

(2 solos played | grab red special)

Dude [Sat Mar 23 02 04 54 A]
[ somemood | lazy ]
[ somemusic | Paul McCartney - Mull Of Kintyre ]

My mom just got up and then came and told me I still had a candel burning in my room. WTF? I blew them all out! ugh I have a demon candel now Sweet! not really.. but eh

(grab red special)

Geeze [Sat Mar 23 02 04 21 A]
[ somemood | blah ]
[ somemusic | Paul McCartney & Wings - Band on the Run ]

It's past 4 and I'm still up. I'm really not up for any real reason just here. Somewhat talking to Laura she's off doing other htings I think. Which is perfectly cool! LOL I'm just a loser and have no other friends online but her. So she gets to deal with my totaly harassing her. :)

Read some amusing LiveJournal tonight. Had a lil to much fun wiht muses. Nah you can never have to much fun with muses.

I don't know what is happening tomarrow mom is like not going to home for most of the day. But I'm going to be sleeping till whenever so it doesn't really matter now does it? I also THINK i might have figured out how to get hte last high score I need onTHPS2 So I'm gonna try and get that tomarrow. I know my dad is gonna be using the computer for god knows HOW long tomarrow so who knows when I will be back online once I eventauly get off tonight hehehe.

Also my over thinking is starting to come back. And I know I"M over picking shit apart and am freaking myself out over nothing. But ugh. I dunno... I'm geeked though about Tues! A lil nervous I'll admit but really excited!

I'm going through every one of my MP3s still I'm like maybe half way done. I'm trying to weed out the ones that are messed up like. *yawn* what was I saying? eh who cares anyway lol

(grab red special)

That can't make anything scarier then THIS! [Sat Mar 23 02 02 45 A]
[ somemood | DEAD in the not good way! ]
[ somemusic | Moby featuring Gwen Stefani - Southside ]

*from LJ comments*

Me: I hate you actauly I just had the image of the TV geek in a wedding dress *WOMIT*

Laura: THANKS A LOT HEATHER! *WOMIT, wipes mouth, womits again*

Paul...his unshaven legs...those side burns...those thighs...

(4 solos played | grab red special)

First off.. [Fri Mar 22 02 10 53 P]
[ somemood | dorky ]
[ somemusic | Gravity Kills - One Thing ]

I totaly love this song!!! *melts* Mwahahahah..

Moving on.. I finalyl got control of hte computer WOOT! My dad got his stuff figured out. Woot again! someone isn't online Laura get your butt here like nowish! I need to post some crap somewher ese and stuff... But things are good! They better stay this way LOL And I figured something out and i"m gonna go see slashy teacher before I go on Monday. I am gonna go to computer class :) WOOT

(grab red special)

Quick post like.... [Fri Mar 22 02 08 51 P]
[ somemood | sick ]

I'm still sharing the computer but i managed to get the modem to work so if you see me in AIM and I'm away I'm really not there I'm hoping to be on around 10 or so. I'm being very nice and letting my dad use the computer as much as possible. No one is online anyways and dinner isn't agreing with me :( Later everyone!

(grab red special)

It's a balloon. [Fri Mar 22 02 12 58 P]
[ somemood | awake ]
[ somemusic | some crap on TV ]

Don't ask I have no idea! It was on the TV. So I'm here again just not for a long time. My dad needs to use the computer to write a program for class and I have some cleaning to do so I will be off and on the whole day. Woot to me right? Had some odd ass dreams! I can't remeber what the first one was but thesecond one. I was in my room and i heard gun shots outside and looking out I saw Oppie (Shane) out there with his sister andsome other people and he was shoointg something at Bear (my dog) I got EXTREMELY pissed and started screaming at them. I got Bear inside and keep yelling at them. THen his sister started climbing hte fance (they were next door in my aunt's empty lot) and i started bitching at her not to climb the fence. (I was inside yelling out a window) I few minutes later she started to climb it again and again I started yelling at her. I got my shoes on and went outside I don't know what I was going to do with them but they were suddenly gone. But my grandma was ouside doing something under the hood of her car. SO I went back inside and looked for Bear who I eventauly found by looking out the window. He was laying down next store ontop of a cutting board. Just laying there catching some sun. So I'm yrelling at him trying to get him to come back into the yard. and it ended with me about to go out the front door but there were bees so I slammed hte door.

Nice dream LOL. Now i'm going to go clean and listen to Brian May *G*

Oh tonight is J lo Keith's show with the geeks! WOOT! I can't wait for pics from that! I hope helike gets them posted ASAP. Okay now i have nothing else to say here. lol

(grab red special)

Still Here... [Fri Mar 22 02 02 25 A]
[ somemood | peaceful ]
[ somemusic | Gravity Kills - Crashing ]

I'm totaly ok now.. nah not totaly but I'm good yo! I wrote something I'm not sure if I'm gonna try to make it a whole fic. I promised I wouldn't post it. Which is probably a good thing LOL. I might keep kicking it around though. I'm enjoying it. But dangit Laura it really wasn't supposed to be funny! hehe.

I need to actauly start getting things together and see what I need to go buy this weekened. Booya! I can't wait! *G* Hmm need to go hunt up a survey hmmmmm lets see what I can find...

(grab red special)

Better [Fri Mar 22 02 01 44 A]
[ somemood | better ]
[ somemusic | Eve 6 - Inside Out ]

Things are better now thanks to a certain someone. Nah I'm not talking about Laura.. why would it be here? ;)

This songs brings back memories! I saw them in concert in 98. It was coolio yo! LOL I wanna go to more concerts! It's been two years! WAH!

(2 solos played | grab red special)

Post ya thats what I should do... [Thu Mar 21 02 11 16 P]
[ somemood | blank ]
[ somemusic | Brian May - To mutch love will kill you ]

Well today offical turned into a roller coaster of feelings and emotions. It started out good. I got registared for classes next semester and everything. Which was good. Did running around with grandma which was ok. Went and got the tickets to go see Laura! Major cool! They were $50 less then what they were gonna be! WOOT! Had an ok dinner and stuff. Then had some shitty news/stuff online which I'm not going into. But right now things are just really ehish. And fuck this song I can make it fit to an situation and woot I manahed to make it fit here.. *sigh* So now I have to do some other stuff and pull myself out of this funk. Laura I feel like I wanna cry! Is it worth that?! *HUGS*

(grab red special)

Me sleepy... [Thu Mar 21 02 02 39 A]
[ somemood | sleepy ]
[ somemusic | Brian May - Love Token (explict) ]

I think it's time to go to bed before 4am today. lucky I don't feel the need so to say to stay up that late. Someone decided to come online ealier. Wasn't that sweet? I don't have any plans for tomarrow but to hopfuly get my tickey ordeared get the money for everything.. hmmm how much do I need to take? *thinks* Then maybe go to the crap store I don't know yet. I should work some more on graphics for the token one a night but in theory I made like 4 tonight! I can always show Satan to someone.. what do you think Laura? Think he'd enjoy it? ~_^

I don't have to get up early tomarrow! And I don't want to get woken up by no danmed phone call unless it's mom telling me she got the ticket! lol

Okay I'm not thinking right again... I keep having odd slashy thoughts of combos of people I just hsouldn't have! NIGHT!

(grab red special)

FINALLY! [Thu Mar 21 02 01 49 A]
[ somemood | accomplished ]
[ somemusic | Brian May - Hammer to Fall (live) ]

I got Death reformatted! Danm that took forever! But its done now I can start editing it... someday... more like I might start on a new story. as soon as it hits me lol. I've been bitten by the writting bug again everyone go hide LOL

(grab red special)

It's war! [Wed Mar 20 02 10 34 P]
[ somemood | predatory ]
[ somemusic | Peter Gabriel - Red Rain ]

My computer is being a big ol bastard again! *sigh* Well atleast it's working ok for the second. Psst Laura check out the music :) Are you proud?

(grab red special)

Geeze [Wed Mar 20 02 09 49 P]
[ somemood | blah ]
[ somemusic | Gravity Kills - Disintegrate ]

I just realized I haven't updated since I"ve been home *shakes head* Well lets see the test yea it sucked ass! I fucked up royaly and why? One fucking decimal point! ONE! ONE ONE I TELL YOU! So I left class and my mom was trying to be all funny and aggravting me and I told her why I was pissed. So we got home and I started dinner (I was starved I hadn't eaten anything this 10 this morning) And just was in a shitty mood! And so she got in a shitty mood. I was TRYING to be nice (yet still in bad mood) and offered to finish cooking dinner, but she did her mom thing and was like NO I'll do it! So i went to my room and just sat there I was so pissed! I couldn't figure out why she was pissed at me! And when I get really mad I cry I hate it but I can't stop it. So I'm trying not to cry and she comes up and tells me dinner is done. So I start to go downstairs and my mom is about to walk out the back door so I ask her why shes mad. Which tuns into a I'm not mad you are. I swear we went bac kand forht! How sad? So she claiimed I was pissed because she didn't get to buy my train ticket which had NEVER crossed my mind. She had told me she'd have to call tomarrow which was fine. And ofcourse i tell her that I hadn't even thought of that and get more upset and ofcourse start crying again and she's like WHAT"S wrong now so eventauly we come to some sort of peace and she left. Dinner ended up sucking majorly. We had Stri Fry which isn'ta bad thing I lvoe chicken and carrots (what i eat out of the stri fry) and rice. But I didn't get to cook it so there was hardly ANY chicken :(

Moving onto happier things. Got my image I wanted to make done. well its done but it's still not what I want it to look like yet. *sigh* Ugh I want mom to get home I want to talk to her. Blarg. Ok I have nothing really else to say now...

(grab red special)

If i ever wondered.. [Wed Mar 20 02 04 34 P]
[ somemood | cold ]
[ somemusic | On My Way up (live) Brian MAy ]

If Laura and I were meant to be friends or if we were crazy I had both of those answered today! And it's a gooooooood thing! Ya know I have a test in less then a half an hour. I don't wanna go take it! I'm actualy suddenly tired! I need some Sprite. Have to get some when I get home.. oh wait I have none at home >< Oh wells.

I should be out of class by 6 probably before that. And do you think I'm gonna go to bed early? Oh no! I have to work on some graphics and something done by the morning. Well I don't HAVE to I want to I should say. hehehe And i need to leave a msg with my grandam that I am not home in the morning! I hate being work up at 9am when i don't have to be to talk on the phone.

Dude I totaly forgot about this and was off doing other things. and dude I have to be in class in 15 minutes! I'll update later!

(grab red special)

Booya [Wed Mar 20 02 02 27 P]
[ somemood | exhausted ]
[ somemusic | Liar - Queen ]

Well made it through english. I think I pissed the teacher off just a lil cause I kept yawning. But I'm tired! Cut me some slack! LOL I just took my CD player out and realized it was on >< ugh! But I still gots lots of battery power :) Back to english class so we talked about essays all the time so at the end of class I asked him if the topic I was thinking about writting was ok. Which is arugmentive about internet friendships can be transfered into real life. And he was like yea that's intertesting. Then I was like well see I'm doing a first hand thing I won't be here some next week. And he was like I understand. So I don't have to go to his class monday becasue I won't have my essay since half of it will be written after my trip WOOT! Hehehe my trip now is school related *GRIN*

I have to go post somehwere else I had some intersting thoughts today in english that well weren't english related. So I'm off ZOOOOOOOOOOM!

(grab red special)

Some one tell me! [Wed Mar 20 02 03 44 A]
[ somemood | loved ]
[ somemusic | Roger Taylor - Ride The Wild Wind (live) ]

WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING UP? Oh who'da guessed talking to Laura! And someone else. But mainly Laura my screen is finally almsot empty of IM windows! It was PACKED earlier! I thought my computer was gonan explode! hehe But it was a blast and I can't wait till tomarrow when we do it all over again.

Well as long as nothing changed (And I don't et in to much trboule for being up right now LOL) on Tuse I will not be in Michigan I will be in NY the land of Laura. Yes folks hide the kids and geeks! The dangourus dou is meeint in real life! *evil laugh* I should be so sweeeeeeeeeet! And I get to ride a train! Hehe yes I have this odd fixation with trains. I used to do a version of train watching. (Yes I have a life shut up!) But its cool! It's god awful wierd hours! leave here at 1 am get there at 6am! So its gonna be come home from school on Monday and take a nice nap therefor when I get to NY I'll be awak! YAY! I don't know if either of us will sleep at all for that time hehehe. But I still have to get the ticket which HOPFULY will be taken care of tomarrow. Then I should still have a nice amout for spending money so we can do al lthe evil things we want to do. I'm excited!

Whats the sucky tihng? Yes there is one. See I just KNOW the first draft of our next essay is gonna be due monday and I'm just NOT feeling it yet. I like the topic I choose which in theory I need to talk to him about. I just wasn't hit with something like I was the last one. And honestly I'm thinking about next week and not a essay. ButI dunno it is only a rough draft I should be able to wing it. Right? Everyone have faith LOL

I need to burn a new CD or two before I go too. Since one of mine is messed up. EEEE!!!! Must bring Rog and Bri with me. So hey Laura have I converted you to atleast liking roger? Or are you just being nice?

My mom is pissed I'm still up. But I dontt know really how I am stillf up. I mean after the lil amout of sleep I got yesterday. Yea I'm NOT smart what can I say! But it's so much fun! E! Ah I love this song.

ok sleep time... well log off computer timel. oh yea I need to leave Grandma a note. cause I won't wake up in time if I don't. I really should geta clock and put it in my room. But what fun would that be? I've lived this long with out one.

Oh my LORD! Laura just killed me again! Redrum happens alot around here doesn't it? oh well. Peace!

(grab red special)

My playlist as of right now.... [Wed Mar 20 02 02 18 A]
[ somemood | bouncy ]
[ somemusic | Brian May - Too Much Love Will Kill You ]

I'm working on adding to it but eh this is it right now.. notice a trend in my MP3s? *GRIN*

348 tracks in playlist, average track length: 4:12
Estimated playlist length: 24 hours 21 minutes 43 seconds

Play List )

(grab red special)

Do be... [Wed Mar 20 02 12 38 A]
[ somemood | weird ]
[ somemusic | QUEEN - Too Much Love Will Kill You (Demo - Mercury vocals) ]

I should be really tired but I ended up talking to Laura for an hour on the phone and am now HYPER !!! Where are you girl! In your absence I'm downloading a ton of stuff LOL I'm gonna post my play list since Kimmy so coolioly told me how to! It's hella big but thats ok. I don't really have much to say at this second. I'll post more in a few

(grab red special)

*YAWN* [Tue Mar 19 02 04 48 P]
[ somemood | tired ]
[ somemusic | the TV ]

Yea I'm still kinda tired. I'm in the middle of cooking dinner cause like I'm starved! I'm totaly done with my homework! If I get the urge I'll start on my essay tonight. I gotta talk to him tomarrow about something no biggie just stuff. Need to talk to slashy teacher too :)

My mind is kinda blahish I'm just not having very good thoughts peirod. I managed to get through my homework. But now i don't have much thought left. I might try to work on some graphics tonight I found a couple that I might be able to do something with. I need some fresh ideas. Hey Laura you know what i'm talking about! Who do I need to insert in pics with ****?

Ugh dinner is cooking SO slowly! I wanna eat now! Need to remeber BtG tonight hehe watch me forget! X_X

Okay I need to go and I'm not sure if I'm mking much sense LOL

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