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[22 Mar 2002|10:25pm]
maybe a good hot shower will take my mind off of things.
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I wanna tear off my skin [22 Mar 2002|09:43pm]
I am so mad,angry, anything you can think of, and I have no one to talk to.

Maybe if we could have been clam, maybe if we could make each other see it our way.
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[19 Mar 2002|09:11pm]
I am not sure what to think anymore. Nothing seems real except my undying need for Decia, that is the only thing I am 100% sure about, that I love her and cannot do anything without thinking about her, but along with my wonderful thoughts of her come an overwhelming sadness, a sadness that nothing between her and i will work no matter how hard we both try, like nothing will work because there is always something in our road to happiness, and this time that road block is that stupid bitch, and I hate for someone like her, or anyone for that matter to ruin something like we have, nothing should be able to do that. So I will work ten times harder to make sure that will not happen. I love you Decia, hugs and kisses
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[18 Mar 2002|04:28pm]
What the fuck is she trying to do? Jesus I fucking swear I cannot take anymore of this shit, it is getting old.
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The only one [16 Mar 2002|05:34pm]
The only one that I felt loved me, and cared for me, the only one I could look to for strength, is you. I want to believe that everything will be ok, but I have a funny feeling that well everything is not ok, and is not going to be until we sit down and talk about EVERYTHING! . Please we need to talk we need to sit down and talk. We need to that is one thing we have not tried maybe that is what we should have done a long time ago, maybe things would have been better then and that would have helped us now. Lets start.
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[16 Mar 2002|12:31pm]
I don't know what to say except Hey kim, nice fucking DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO GET ME BACK!! Fucking bitch you just dont know when to fucking stop.
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I am cold, I guess a shirt would help. [16 Mar 2002|11:02am]
[ mood | cold ]

Well, my parents left a while ago, and now I wish they were here, I am bored and if they were here a least I would have someone to talk to. Owell, my sister is having a party tonight which sucks ass, I am going to sound lame, but I want to have the house quiet so I can read.

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[15 Mar 2002|07:06pm]
I feel blank.
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Things will be ok for a week [15 Mar 2002|12:18pm]
I just got home from my moms work, and now I am cleaning my room is a mess I have been so caught up in school I have had no time to clean. School is going a lot better these days, I got an A+ on my project I spent 5 hours on, that brought my grade up in physics a lot, and that is good, I have been on top of all my work, and now I can relax a little and not worry about my grades.

Decia and I are ok, and she is coming over after school today!! So I have to clean my room now!!

My parents are leaving for Florida early Sat. morning, and I will have the house all to myself YAY!! Not like it is going to be any different besides the fact there will be no yelling, the house will be nice and quiet.
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Fucking Drunk!! [14 Mar 2002|05:35pm]
[ mood | irate ]

Don't ever put your hands on me agian is what I think I said the last time he hit me I don't think he understood what I mean't by that. God why does he always have to add to my list of bad things. Does he feel good when he hits me?

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I remember when.... [14 Mar 2002|04:04pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]

All the neighborhood kids are outside playing and having fun. I remember when I used to be one of those carefree kids outside running around and what not, but I have no desire to go out there, in the light where everyone can see me, I am afraid to go out there and forget all of things that are wrong with my life, this world even, because when I come back in it will hit me even harder, all the things that need fixing and changed, and I will try even harder to forget those couple of minutes when I was not thinking about that, feeling bad because I took my mind off of the more important things, like why I am here and what purpose do I sever? How can I make things right? these are the questions that run through my mind. So I guess I will turn up my music and drown out the laughter, and the cheerful screams, and go back to writing in my little note book another thing that I feel is wrong with me.
if you looked a little closer you could see my smile fade into a blank and dull frown, and if you pay attention you can tell I am breaking inside and that I really am not so happy.

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FUCK YOU! [13 Mar 2002|06:35pm]
I am in the worst mood ever, FUCK FUCK EVERYONE!

I don't even care about anything, all I want to do is curl up in my bed and sleep for a thousand years, but of course I can't sleep because my parents keep on screaming at me!! FUCKERS!
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a regular day [11 Mar 2002|02:45pm]
Crying has become a new thing I seem to do everyday, I am not sure what is wrong half the time, but I cry all the time. It begins on the bus and gets worst when I get home, and all I want is a hug.
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If you don't know me, don't try and tell me who I am [10 Mar 2002|06:39pm]
I was just thinking, How can someone who does not even know me tell me who I am? Yes, I have done some things that people could classify as something or the other, but those are just things I have done NOT who I am, a lot people are too concerned about what people do instead of who they really are, without their baggage and what not. I mean yes I suppose that reputations are important to some people, but not me because I know every one does a lot of things they regret. Some people just don't think about these things I guess.
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Waiting....... [10 Mar 2002|02:53pm]
I put that collar around my neck, I hooked that leash to myself, and I don't care I dont mind pacing by my doghouse waiting for you to throw me a bone, I think I kinda like, I like knowing that someone and that someone being you will come and visit me, maybe even show me affection, and if only for a second, only for that one brief moment I feel loved and wanted, it is well worth waiting in the cold.

On one take this the wrong way, I am just saying I like being wrapped around her finger.
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Something missing [10 Mar 2002|01:04pm]
[ mood | confused ]

All the sudden I feel empty like something is missing, or like I forgot something I am not quite sure what it is. Now all day I am going to be trying to figure it out. o well something to keep me busy I guess.

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what I should have said [09 Mar 2002|10:10pm]
I had a terrible night once agian, I kep't on thinking about what I sould have said, what I should have done. I feel awful, I know that she loves me, and that should be and is enough for me, I don't know why I said some of the things I did. I realize that a lot of shit is going on and I need to stop being so stupid. Sometimes I just feel unwanted, and lonely.

Anyway I had to call it an early night, I would have been home sooner but I had to find the asshole I went with.
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[09 Mar 2002|06:23pm]
I am going out tonight, and it is not with my girlfriend, what a surprise!

Decia I love you, with all my heart, I am just tired of waiting for you to clear your schedule for me, and I don't want you to.
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[09 Mar 2002|01:11pm]
I went to school today at 8 with Lorin, and Jessica, to work on a project I just got back. I spent 4 hours working on this project and we are still not happy with it, but I it is good, just not as good as we would like it to be. I am so tired, doing all that work really wore me out! Anyway I have no plans for tonight I might go get this book Lorin told me I should read, and hang out at the mall.
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[07 Mar 2002|09:13pm]
Decia I love you.
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