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(1 sence | gimme your to sence)

bahahahaha [04 Sep 2002|07:40pm]
PSYCHO!!!!!!!!: u know i've wanted 2 go out with u since day 1 and how do u respond? NO! IM A FUCKING LESBIAN

(1 sence | gimme your to sence)

bahahah i copied chris! save me im at schoooooolll!!! [03 Sep 2002|02:37pm]

(gimme your to sence)

[02 Sep 2002|09:52am]
Take this quiz or visit survey.JUNKIE for more surveys!

(gimme your to sence)

i GAZ! [02 Sep 2002|09:50am]
I am trying to draw a little piggy!

You are game-playing, pizza-eating, perpetually-frowning goth girl Gaz. You are totally indifferent and all but immune to the terrible threats that daily loom over the Earth. But, like, who cares?

We will not know the meaning of peace, for you shall rain misery down upon our pizza-stealing hearts!

Take The Mighty Invader Zim Test!

(gimme your to sence)

im stoopid. [01 Sep 2002|09:46pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | that 1 song by that 1 band! ]

XrawkXoutX: my lip hurts
SkylerKiarra: all that sexin you been doing.
XrawkXoutX: NO! cause i ran into a wall! BUTTHOLE HEAD!
SkylerKiarra: ahaha!
SkylerKiarra: You ran into a wall
SkylerKiarra: that 's even dumber!
XrawkXoutX: NO!
XrawkXoutX: i wasnt watching where i was going!
SkylerKiarra: ::does blah blah motion with hand::
SkylerKiarra: You've dyed your hair blonde too much
XrawkXoutX: lol
SkylerKiarra: ::points and laughs::

(1 sence | gimme your to sence)

pink hair and stuff... [01 Sep 2002|09:57am]

(1 sence | gimme your to sence)

err?! [31 Aug 2002|08:26pm]
*happy happy happpyYYYYYYYYYYY* lol im sick again... i havent been updating as much as i would like to .. but yea! hmmm i think my pikker worked! i hope so! i cant brethe out of my NOSTRILS!...where is chris ? :( *sad* COME BACK!...bieeeee...


(gimme your to sence)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31 Aug 2002|08:19pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | sublime! ]


(gimme your to sence)

[31 Aug 2002|08:13pm]

(3 sences | gimme your to sence)

bahahaaahahhhaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [25 Aug 2002|08:09pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | FOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!!! ]

hewwwwooo....im bored and i still dosent know if anyone can see my back ground on my LJ :( no one told me yet....HMMMMMM...lmao i remembered somethign that happened alooooooooooong time ago...okies well i was at a bar with my mom and her boyfriend and sabrina and there was like this sudden down pour i have never seen it rain so like hard...and i mean it looked liek a tornado went through and i was sitting by a big window and my moms friend DJ was standing there too (this dude is so fucking funny) and like out of no where like i would say like 5 feet away there was this hole and a rabit flew out of it...lmao i sware to god it ran out of there at like 120 miles per hour....but me and DJ was standing there and he was like "JEESUZ FUCKING CHRIST THE RAIN BLEW THE RABBIT OUT OF THE HOLE!! THATS FUCKING AMAZING!!!" i almost pissed my pants its was so funny....lol any ways yea i dunno y i though of that all of a sudden...okes i gonna go find some yummys to eat... bye byesssssssssssssss...


(gimme your to sence)

bleop! [24 Aug 2002|09:52pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | icp! ]

hieeee im boreddddddd !!!!!! some one tell me if you can see the back ground on my LJ!!!!!!! cause it hasent been working i guessssss.....bye byesssssssssss....

p.s im a gangsta....


(1 sence | gimme your to sence)

merfs...n stuff!! [23 Aug 2002|03:49pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | BUSH! ]

LALALALALALALALALAA i dont have much of anything to sayyy i havent updated in a while SOWWWWWWWWWWWIESSSSSSSSS!.....bye byessssssss!

(1 sence | gimme your to sence)

[19 Aug 2002|06:56pm]

boob job

boob joob

Do *You* Need A Boob Job?

(1 sence | gimme your to sence)

[19 Aug 2002|06:54pm]
nice ass

You Have a Nice Ass!

Oooh, baby can you shake that booty?

With an ass so fine, it's your duty.

Give it a grab, give it a spank.

You're the envy of every skank.

What Ass Do *You* Have??

(1 sence | gimme your to sence)

me and jon! [19 Aug 2002|06:28pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | 30 seconds to mars -capricorn (anyone that hasnt herd of this song/band CHECK them OUT they rawk!...i seen them at rock fest!!) ]

PUnKrKiD311: you hate me :(
XEbonXWingsX: I could'nt ever
XEbonXWingsX: yer too damn ...
XEbonXWingsX: *thinks of word*
PUnKrKiD311: ?!?!??!!?
XEbonXWingsX: ....funny,exciting,perky,nice,freakishly cool,SADOMASICISTIC,and over all yer too you ...
XEbonXWingsX: :-D
PUnKrKiD311: YAY!!! tanx jon!!!
XEbonXWingsX: welcomes !

(gimme your to sence)

me and B [19 Aug 2002|04:26pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | ICP -graveyard BIOTCH! ]

SkylerKiarra: hoe berry
PUnKrKiD311: dildoe head
SkylerKiarra: carpet muncher
PUnKrKiD311: SO!

(gimme your to sence)

lalalal... [19 Aug 2002|12:41am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | nothing ]

*burp* ...yea

(gimme your to sence)

[18 Aug 2002|05:50pm]


I'm Bath Soap!
Everybody needs me! Some more than others.

Both men and women just seem to rip their clothes off

whenever I'm near.

Go me!

Take the

What Kind Of Soap Are YOU?
quiz @ The Quiz Blog @

(gimme your to sence)

[18 Aug 2002|05:45pm]
You answered all questions in a gay way. You must be gay. If not, you are extremely okay with gay people.

To take the quiz yourself, click here now!

(gimme your to sence)

[18 Aug 2002|05:32pm]

Which Angie are you?

quiz by acidflowers

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