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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Paul Heath's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, February 11th, 2002
    9:51 am
    stupid quizzes...stupid stupid stupid

    I am a strong and empowered Jesus. I am willing to overcome whatever obstacles are thrown at me. My love of God is strong. I can't imagine why people don't don't like me.

    Take the What Jesus Would You Be? Quiz

    1:45 am
    I got a hot Valentine's Date with a Game Boy!
    This night has been pretty disappointing.

    >Didn't finish any work on my list.

    >Made my Mom mad at me.

    >Got threatened by a psychopath.

    >Don't get to spend friendly Valentine's Day with Capn Jenny and whoever else.

    >Kitchen is a mess again.

    Was supposed to go out to dinner on Thursday with Capn, John, and Emily (who I don't know very well), but certain things have come to pass (strangely enough, things that involved another least this one isn't a psychotic) that will prevent that. Guess the annual tradition will continue, and it'll just be me and Tetris this happy Valentine's day.

    O Tetris, what a cruel mistress you are...forever perpetuating the beautiful notion that someday, in a game beyond all other games, the lines will never stop, and the tower will never be erected to destroy me. Level 99, 100, 101...long into the night we would dance the dance of geometry until finally...she grows tired of my novelty and crushes my hopes, my dreams, with an avalanche of L blocks. And then I am cast out for another year. Poorer...but never wiser. Shaken, vulnerable, I stumble back to my normal routine in the following days. But O Tetris, while you linger in my memory, I am never what I should be.

    Capn Jenny bought me a red Anklyosaurus. I think it's name will be Mortimer. I found the Troy McClure and Fat Tony Simpsons figures at Walmart today. Joy...

    Well I guess I'll sleep now. I think I have an ingrown fingernail. How do I fix it? Thoughts appreciated...on everything. Thanks.


    Current Mood: feh...
    Current Music: Reggie and the Full Effect - What's Wrong
    Sunday, February 10th, 2002
    10:20 pm
    What the...
    I got these kind words from an old high school acquaintance completely out of the blue tonight. He's bald and likes to stalk girls, and apparently he thinks I don't have any friends. What do you, my friends, think? Feel free to mess with him at that screen name and tell him how great I am. Rally round Paul...I'm cool, and I know it.


    FlynSpdDmon45: hey Paul, I'll be goddamned if you weren't right...I AM a loser and I'll never go anywhere in life...thanks for pointing out what was apparently obvious to everyone else...

    Polander: i don't understand why you think i want to talk to you

    Polander: besides, i don't know what you're talking about

    Polander: and frankly, i don't care

    FlynSpdDmon45: you are the most egotistical're are gonna DIE a fuck, sad and lonely and without a goddamned friend...

    Polander: are you threatening me?

    FlynSpdDmon45: excuse me??

    FlynSpdDmon45: you aren't worth my fuckin time...

    Polander: the capital DIE really threw me

    FlynSpdDmon45: you are gonna die, probably old, god willing young, sad and lonely

    Polander: if i'm not worthy of your time, why the fuck did you message me in the first place? maybe you're fucked up, like you were when you wrecked your car

    FlynSpdDmon45: do you think that that offends me?? I know for a fact, and so does the State of Florida, that I was not intoxicated in any way

    Polander: so why did you waste your time messaging me, anyway?

    FlynSpdDmon45: I messaged you because I wanted to tell you that you were right...that's apparently what you wanted all along, but now I truly believe that you were correct in your thinking...I wanted to honestly thank you for pointing out that info to me

    Polander: i don't have any idea what brought this up. i haven't even thought about you in 2 months

    FlynSpdDmon45: you know what?? fuck it...I fuckin hate you and I hope to God that He has it out for you and would be willing to take you to Hell, where you belong

    Polander: sure, whatever you say

    FlynSpdDmon45: okay, Paul, well have a good night...hope you rot off the face of the earth

    Polander: thanks! i'll do that :-)
    Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
    12:53 pm
    i'm in the library

    my stomach is acting up again

    my classes have been really crappy today

    i can't concentrate on anything

    my lighting project sucks...but it's only 3% of my grade...

    Final Fantasy X is becoming my bitch, as i have the celestial weapons powered up for Tidus, Yuna, Rikku, and Auron...Wakka's will be coming up soon. One more Blitz league, I'd imagine...

    Cactuars fear me

    i'm really hungry and have 6 more hours of school left before i can eat

    i need a book and wasn't able to find it in this mysterious library. shit's just not where it's supposed to be. guess i'll have to try another bookstore tonight

    i heart maalox

    Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
    7:34 pm
    For it is written...
    Let it be known that I am not the Tuscany dishes bitch, and as I've cleaned the kitchen 3 times in a row, I choose to live in filth until someone else takes the initiative to tackle the mess. That is all.

    Current Mood: beaming
    10:32 am
    Crazy ass research teacher...
    Touts a pop quiz for today; does not administer a pop quiz, and only teaches for half an hour, rather than the hour and 15 minutes allotted. As such, I'm back in the library wasting time until oceanography. The B.O. ghost seems to have left the computer area here, so I can breathe easy today.

    I'm generally ahead of the game on most of my projects thus far, and have actually been reading and keeping up with notes in all my classes. I shot some really nice video out at the Museum of Science and Natural History for my non-fiction project, including the cutest damn footage you'll ever see of a panther giving himself a bath, so come over and let me show it to you if cute cats are your thing.

    Holy shit, at the end of my row of computers here is an old woman who looks exactly like Jerry Stiller. Creepy...

    Fixed my copy of Final Fantasy X, so the Blitz League continues. I guess I should also go ahead and try to beat the game sometime soon, but eh, it's a great game. One of the most refined video gaming experiences I can rightly recall. Might have to invest in a cheap USB modem soon and see what the new online FF is gonna be like.

    Time is of the essence, and Oceanography waits for no man, so I must take my leave. Still looking for that offer to ride to Ft. Lauderdale...just wanna see my good friend Toni.

    Catch you cats on the flipside, dig?
    8:05 am
    So this baby seal walks into this club...

    haHA! I kill me.

    Have a good day everybody

    Current Music: the kevin dooley trio - you don't know what love is
    12:07 am
    Interesting, to say the least.

    Take the What
    animal best portrays your sexual appetite??

    Current Mood: gazelle-like
    Sunday, January 27th, 2002
    10:56 pm
    If anyone is going to Ft. Lauderdale for a weekend soon, invite me. I'll help pay for gas. I need to go see my good friend Toni at the art institute.
    Friday, January 25th, 2002
    5:56 pm
    Revelation of the day:
    There are a lot of hot girls on swim teams.
    11:31 am
    Quote of the Day:
    "Stick around for the first couple minutes of the next show to see some serious eyebrows"
    Thursday, January 24th, 2002
    10:21 am
    Strozier Library smells like b.o. today. Good lord. I was gonna write something here but the stink is unbearable...check back later.
    Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
    8:25 am
    Another full tuesday. Didn't wake up in the right frame of mind. Might be a long day.

    Graduating on April 26, Mom's birthday. Uncle Mike might come down for it...that'd be cool. Inherited my sense of humor from him.

    Still feeling unappreciated these days. A hundred people could comment, "Don't feel bad, we love you Paul!" but I don't know. Just feeling foolish again...out of place...I try just as hard as other people and always get the short end of the stick. Makes me feel pretty stupid.

    Time for class.

    Current Music: The Cure - Boys Don't Cry
    Monday, January 21st, 2002
    11:09 pm
    The only thing that seems to ease my muddled-ass mind lately is twirling this bolt on this screw that I stole from one of my dad's car dealerships over a year ago. It's very relaxing.
    10:42 am
    "If I had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick the trait of persistence. Determination. The will to endure to the end, to get knocked down seventy times and get up off the floor saying. "Here comes number seventy-one!"

    Richard M. Devos
    9:31 am
    9:30 a.m.: Jerkification complete. If you don't like it, deal with it. The jerkey has spoken.
    1:42 am
    I'm not hungry, but I feel like eating, but I don't feel like cooking...headachey, shouldn't be, took a nap today.

    Nature cheered me up temporarily yesterday...was a fleeting high. Didn't even get to go in the caverns....lousy Boy Scouts.....

    I wish my friend Toni were closer. I really like talking to her.

    I wish I hadn't deleted all my Pain MP3s...I don't know what got in to me.

    My room is straight, the kitchen is clean, laundry is almost done, I don't have any homework. Almost got a full night's sleep...if only the drunks hadn't tripped the fire alarm at 4 a.m. I think the apartment complex is trying to destroy me...


    Stupidass people.

    Current Music: Cake - Is This Love-
    Sunday, January 20th, 2002
    5:13 pm
    5:00 p.m.: Jerkification continues - t-minus 13 hours
    3:08 pm
    3:00 p.m.: Jerkey progressing nicely. Beginning to notice dryness around edges.
    2:27 pm
    2:00 p.m.: The jerkey is underway. t-minus 16 hours to dried meat.
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