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Wed March 27, 2002: # of Comments
[ESPN] [Asinine] Dale Carter ($28M deal) says he's bankrupt (21)
(Palm Beach Post) [Amusing] Marilyn Manson sues Firestone after Explorer rolls over (84)
[CNN] [Interesting] Black blob discovered off the coast of America's wang (91)
[ABC News] [Interesting] Scientists use radiation to cure flatulence. (66)
(Star Tribune) [Unlikely] Two thirds of Wisconisn residents believe their state is above average (118)
(Some Guy) [Photoshop] Photoshop these Stooges (143)
( [Obvious] Man hospitalized during taping of bizarre torture game show (47)
(The Scotsman) [Amusing] Scotland fighting back panic after killer mink is spotted in Edinburgh. (45)
[MSNBC] [Interesting] Oliver Stone vows to personally shoot all mideastern leaders including Bin Laden. (58)
[BostonGlobe] [Hero] British judge determines that McDonalds not liable for people burnt from hot coffee. (99)
(NCBuy) [Dumbass] Friday is the 10th anniversary of Clinton saying he didn't inhale. (147)
[Washington Post] [Asinine] Bush Energy Department did try to get info from greenies: got told by them to go to hell (214)
(Some Guy) [Obvious] Teen suspended from school and ordered to drug counselling because his jacket smelled like pot (140)
(boston herald) [Sad] New Red Sox owners to screw up the Green Monster by adding advertisements. (73)
[Washington Post] [Sad] Dudley Moore Dead (156)
(Union Trib) [Amusing] Enron turns over 700 boxes of evidence; state attorney discovers 500 of them contain empty pizza boxes, used coffee cups, and chili bowls (46)
(AJC) [Stupid] Georgia ready to name Grits its "Official Processed Food" (57)
[SatireWire] [Satire] Police must now notify residents when a Catholic priest moves into the neighborhood (44)
( [Ironic] World's top road safety expert killed by bus (84)
[Foxnews] [PSA] Speedy Gonzales considered offensive ethnic stereotype by Cartoon Network (251)
[Yahoo] [Dumbass] Police alerted about possible burglar fail to respond after suspect gets on phone and says he's doing nothing wrong (35)
[Cosmiverse] [Interesting] Dogs are responsible for human evolution (142)
(Washington Times) [Followup] KY Deadbeat dad just thought that the thing about not having sex ever again was just a joke. (75)
(NCBuy) [Ironic] Johnn Cleese says `American sitcoms are funnier than British ones' (183)
[] [Amusing] New stamp has picture of wrong person. Manhunt started to find out who is on the stamp instead (42)
(NCBuy) [Weird] Chinese magicians mistake Penn Jillette for Michael Jordan. (43)
[BostonGlobe] [PSA] A buffalo is on the loose in Jefferson, Maine (35)
[MSNBC] [Followup] Hundreds of ex Enron women DO want to pose for Playboy. (283)
[NYPost] [Asinine] Mets pitcher with $42 million contract is collecting federal subsidies on farm he owns. (100)
(Some Guy) [Photoshop] Photoshop these young rocket scientists (142)
[CNN] [Stupid] Syracuse, South Carolina both show up with white jerseys for NIT semifinal. Hilarity ensues. (42)
(Huntsville Times) [Stupid] Alabama man arrested for shouting 'grow up' at klan rally (199)
(Some Guy) [Cool] From the "where the hell is my flying car" file - Robo Vacuum (32)
[The Register] [Unlikely] Disney says Abe Lincoln doesn't want you to download mp3s. (89)
(Some Guy) [Interesting] Where are the nuclear targets in your State? Find out here. (134)
( [Misc] Q&A; w/Drew (75)
(Oddball Comics) [Amusing] Classic goofy comic book cover features Batgirl in crisis (57)
(2000 Intentions) [Asinine] Robbie Williams to join former members of Guns N' Roses in new band (88)
[NewsMax] [Obvious] Hollywood is biased against Conservatives and African-Americans (92)
[Wired] [PSA] Best source for all your teen smut needs: Port Vancouver Public Library (47)
( [Amusing] Wisconsin town to force Amish horses to wear diapers (33)
[BBSpot] [Satire] Top 11 rejected names for Star Wars: Episode III (80)
[CNN] [Scary] U.S. braces itself for the return of Celine Dion (80)
(Corporate Mofo) [Amusing] Corporate Mofo's sex advice columnist disciplines three more letter-writers for your amusement (28)
[FARK] [Photoshop] Theme: photoshop a Time Magazine cover (143)
Tue March 26, 2002: # of Comments
(TIME) [Cool] Fark among Time Magazine's 50 Best Web Sites (227)
( [Obvious] Bush met with New Zealand's Prime Minister today. Anyone hear about this stateside? Nope (35)
(Some Guy) [Interesting] Frequencies for fast food restaurants. Now you can use your radio scanner to spy on how fat people are getting. (50)
[AZCentral] [Hero] Sheriff says strip club in garage is legal (27)
[Yahoo] [Strange] Robert De Niro joins Queen, grows moustache and dons leather pants (83)
(NewsOK) [Strange] Oklahoma building a SpacePort (55)
(via Obscure Store) [Stupid] Credit card company sends man 3,000 rejection letters. He didn't apply in the first place (57)
[ESPN] [Dumbass] Mo Vaughn fires off 35 Expletives in 10 minutes (73)
(Tampa Gov) [PSA] Tampa Florida will be closed for Spring Day. Nothing to do with Good Friday, honest. (72)
(GameSpy) [Obvious] Multiplayer game developers declare the future of online gaming to be something like a "Fascist Disneyland." (78)
[The Smoking Gun] [Amusing] Kentucky man to stop having sex as part of child support judgement. Mugshots and documents (96)
[Yahoo] [Misc] The real Robinson Crusoe loved rum more than truth, humped goats and died at sea. (66)
( [Sad] Budweiser beer truck flips on I-95 spilling bottles on road (115)
(FHM) [Boobies] Oscar winner Halle Berry in FHM. Hubba Hubba (safe for work) (128)
(National Review) [Interesting] It's the 1930's all over again but now in the middle east (333)
(Computer World) [Interesting] Tired of Nigerians asking for your help in getting trapped funds out of the country? So are the Nigerians (53)
[BBC] [Followup] Britney says she snubbed fans because she isn't used to having to be nice to them (174)
[Cosmiverse] [Cool] NASA creating anti-gravity device (128)
(FunReports.Com) [Stupid] USSR won WWII because Germans did not know correct way to relieve themselves (99)
(jerm) [Spiffy] Complete collection of Bud Light Real American Hero mp3s and lyrics (61)
(SpaceFoodSticks) [Spiffy] Space Food Sticks are back (56)
(NewsOK) [Unlikely] Man shoots girlfriend while playing catch with a shotgun (173)
[NandoTimes] [Interesting] Mom to lose visitation rights if she doesn't quit her pack and a half habit. (¾)
(Some Guy) [Interesting] Scientific theory on the physics of beer foam (47)
[AZCentral] [Cool] FCC clears ABC of indecency charges for Victoria's Secret show. (49)
(Star Tribune) [Weird] John Tesh says Bob Costas has been naughty, needs a spanking (75)
(Some Guy) [Interesting] Magic Johnson may run for Mayor of Los Angeles (65)
(Las Vegas Weekly) [Obvious] Louis Farrakhan believes Nation of Islam leader resides in orbitting spaceship (185)
[Cosmiverse] [Cool] Samuel Jackson has best fight scene in Star Wars Episode II (71)
[Independent] [Obvious] Asked to define 'hooligan,' Japanese answer 'Dirty clothes, drunk. And from England' (94)
[BostonGlobe] [Amusing] Target shoppers shocked with large quantities of static electricity (46)
( [Amusing] Judge throws book at man; man throws boot at judge (18)
[Foxnews] [Interesting] Surviving Heaven's Gate member selling off cult's van on eBay (39)
[Yahoo] [Amusing] Man seen carrying corpse into apartment invites police inside to show off rubber sex doll collection (68)
(Some Guy) [PSA] Things are back to normal - sharks are attacking people again (29)
[BostonGlobe] [Interesting] Cambridge, Mass. lowers voting age to 17 years old. (62)
(Froggy) [Caption] Caption this photo of the Buffalo Fark party. Specifically, what would Dotcomrade say? (71)
[The Sun] [Dumbass] Guy arrested for drunk driving had between 35 and 45 pints per day, plus the odd liter of vodka. (90)
[CNN] [Amusing] Britney Spears gets booed at film premiere (109)
[Independent] [Cool] New DNA testing methods will allow you to trace your heritage back to the Stone Age. (63)
( [Stupid] Plane diverted to Salt Lake City after piece of paper found with the word 'boom' on it (58)
[AZCentral] [Amusing] Playboy seeking 'Women of Enron' for nude photo shoot (46)
( [Followup] Nude gardening conviction overturned; court rules complaining neighbor tried too hard to see the evidence (36)
(NCBuy) [Obvious] Iron Maiden singer says kids will soon turn against rap-metal bands. Just like they turned against Iron Maiden. (310)
(Home News Tribune) [Stupid] $2.6 million spent to soundproof a school for the deaf (Last Paragraph) (20)
(NCBuy) [Obvious] E.T. reissue sparks interest in Ron Jeremy's spoof 'E 3 the Extra Testicle' (17)
[AP] [PSA] Tyson is going to fark Lewis until he loves it, June 8th in Memphis (44)
[CNN] [Caption] Caption this picture of Mariah Carrey (93)
[Yahoo] [Photoshop] Photoshop these warthogs. (92)
[BBSpot] [Satire] Riots over Lord of the Rings losing Oscar rock Seattle (26)
( [Photoshop] Photoshop this motivational poster (128)
(Froggy) [Photoshop] Photoshop Darthwillis playing a crappy Nintendo game during the Buffalo Fark party. (80)
[Yahoo] [Photoshop] Photoshop this bomb squad officer. (79)
( [Photoshop] Snack Ninja striking fear in the hearts of the skinny. (61)
[Yahoo] [Caption] Ron Howard has something to say.. Pop a caption on here and win status. (169)
(Some Guy) [Amusing] MTV's forgotten masterpiece: The Brothers Grunt (64)
(Some Australian Guy) [Scary] Garbage man gets impaled on a metal pipe .... through his groin (57)
(NCBuy) [Obvious] Vampire expert says vampires in 'Blade II' not anything like "real" vampires. (107)
[Canoe] [Spiffy] The sea is eating about 750 acres of Ireland each year (67)
(Z93KQZ.FM) [Boobies] Wet T-Shirt contest: YOU decide which of these 16 women go to Cancun (not safe for work? Its a wet t-shirt contest, use your judgement) (190)

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