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tony maxwell

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[26 Apr 2002|10:25am]
oh, but 1 decent thing - we got a car yesterday. she's a 95 geo prizm. i'll post pictures sometime. i was going to take some yesterday but it was raining and i felt like crap.
i've been sexxed 1 time|sexx me up

[26 Apr 2002|10:18am]
last night was the shittiest night i've had in a really long time.

i went out, even though i didn't really want to. i rode w/ kelly even though i had a feeling i should take my own car. i wanted to go back home as soon as i walked in the door. monty was there, and i asked him if he was thinking about leaving early, and he said probably. around 12 i ask when he is thinking about going, and he says around 12:30. by 12:30 he's too drunk to drive home, and kelly and her gang aren't ready to go yet.

so i sat, and fumed for 45 minutes w/ my pounding headache.

there was like, no one there. a shitty assed rainy thursday night w/ no one at the bar. why did we even stay? i wanted to be home by 1 or something and i didn't crawl into my bed until 2.

today i have to work from 11 to 4, but i feel like such shit i will probably ask if its ok if i come home early. all i want to do is sleep.

why the hell do i let one little thing sink my emotional well being so much that every little thing makes me feel so shitty? and its always a girl. always. i just don't understand.
sexx me up

[24 Apr 2002|10:40pm]
so today got a little better. i think my mom fixed my camera. ! i don't know what she did but she's all "hey come here" and turns it on and the lens thing opens and pokes out and i almost fall down. hahahaha.

another thing is super cool abt today but i will save that for tomorrow.

i am contemplating maybe calling crushgirl tomorrow. maybe. i am not sure. or maybe she'll call me and be all "are you going out to the bar?? i think we're going, are you going?" and since i'm a dumb shit i'll probably go.
sexx me up

[24 Apr 2002|04:52pm]
i like when i'm bored and mopey because then i post more!

isn't that weird? when things are good and i am happy i'm like "....." but whenever i'm depressed i'm all BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.

i almost started crying today at work! woo for that! the one good thing about this day is that in the commons some people were selling pizza for a dollar a slice to benefit the physical therapy program at school or some shit, and so i got to have real food for lunch instead of a bag of chips. fuck yeah for that. i bought 2 and put 1 in the fridge so i can have real food tomorrow.

i saw a fella riding a motorcycle with a sidecar on my way to school. it was pretty.
sexx me up

[24 Apr 2002|10:12am]
[ mood | sick ]

i am slightly hung over. w-i-c-k-e-d headache.

girls fucking suck, dude.

i had a sex on the beach last night, at her suggestion. i probably shouldn't have. but it was pretty tasty.

i'm like, over everything. everything can blow me.

i've been sexxed 4 times|sexx me up

[24 Apr 2002|02:50am]
ha, a fitting end to this evening.

What do people say behind your back? Find out @ digitalcharisma
i've been sexxed 1 time|sexx me up

girls of the world ain't nothin but trouble [24 Apr 2002|02:40am]
[ mood | depressed ]



i dont even know why i get my hopes up anymore. its pointless.

sexx me up

[23 Apr 2002|12:35pm]
so i was confused, and i actually /do/ have class today so i'm not working. and our chem class only lasted 30 minutes, so i ran (er, drove) to the photo place to have them take the film out of my camera... and the pictures are being processed as we speak.

sadly, my camera is too expensive to repair. :( i feel like such an ass for dropping and breaking it. my mom bought it for me before i moved to seattle.

the spot where i got burned w/ a cig on friday night almost looks like a chicken pock. its weird. i never had chicken pox as a kid. at least i don't think i did. i've been around kids who've had it, too, and never caught it. wacky. i'm going way off in a tangent now.
i've been sexxed 1 time|sexx me up

[23 Apr 2002|10:12am]
[ mood | hungry ]

today's schedule

10:30 - leave and go to class.
10:59 - arrive just in time for class
11:00-12:15 - sit and learn about organic chem
12:16-2:16 - work
2:30 - arrive at lawrence photo and video and see about getting my camera fixed and film developed
2:40 - hopefully go eat
(??:??) get film back and drive home
4:00 - get hom, sit and wait for a phonecall, or get a message and make a phonecall.

i'm nervous already and i don't even know if we're gonna hang out today or not.

lately i feel like i should make a journal just for my crushes. it might break the LJ servers, though.

sexx me up

[23 Apr 2002|12:01am]
she called.

and shes gonna call again tomorrow!! and we might hang out!!

*spaz spaz spaz*
i've been sexxed 7 times|sexx me up

[22 Apr 2002|06:18pm]
i keep jumping every time the phone rings, thinking it might be her. my lord. in the words of mister usher raymond, you got it bad.

a phone etiquette question: how long after you call someone and leave a message w/o recieving a call back, do you call again?


i am completely over school right now. i don't want to go at all. i skipped class today and stayed home from work b/c i felt like shit when i woke up this morning.


i am really really REALLY hungry for my mom's homemade cashew chicken. so hungry. but it takes a good hour and a half to make, and so that will probably not be an option for dinner. even though it smells like it in the house right now and i'm not sure why.
sexx me up

[22 Apr 2002|02:18pm]
i was going to write a jounral entry but i just got really hungry so i'm going to go eat some mac and cheese.
sexx me up

[21 Apr 2002|06:05pm]
[ mood | nervous ]

i got pictures developed! (not making out pictures, but some pictures) and turns out kelly has a scanner!! i just have to hook it up for her, and scanned pix will come your way. i am super excited.

oh, and and. i got crushgirls number again. she was out last night, and i told her i'd lost it and that i felt like a moron. and i think i told her i had a crush on her, i vaguely remember that. so :-O for that.

its funny, though. night before last i was so stressed about losing her number that i dreamt about digging through my pockets and finding it safe and sound. hahahaha.

i'm thinking about calling her here in a bit, b/c she said she'd call me but she hasn't yet, and i almost feel brave.

i've been sexxed 3 times|sexx me up

[20 Apr 2002|02:41pm]
my birthday was raucous and fun. i got cards, i got presents, i got kisses, i got lots of alcohol, i got burned w/ a cigarette, i got lots of pictures.

there were about 12 people at the prebar party, which was pretty fun. listening to music, talking, etc etc. we headed to the bar around 10:30. ann took lots of pictures of me w/ lots of people. i got a shot from like 293847298479 people. the crushgirl was there which made me go <3<3<3.

i don't even know what all to say about it. i didn't get home until around 5 b/c i went to an afterbar party w/ crushgirl and a few other people, which was fun. and i got to make out with this girl i kind of know, while crushgirl took pictures. hahahaha. i gotta use up that roll of film tonight so i can get them developed asap.

and i got crushgirls number!!! but stuipd drunk ass me lost it somewhere. :( but she said she'd call me today and so i can only hope and pray that she does and that i'm home, or if i'm not that she leaves her number on the answering machine.

i think i want to go get my 1 roll of film developed soon.

oh and hangovers arent fun thx! but vodka or rum or something + blue kool aid is pretty good together.
i've been sexxed 2 times|sexx me up

[19 Apr 2002|10:31am]
[ mood | energetic ]

yesterday was insanity personified at work. looking for tags on chairs that don't exist... i don't even know. but it was the first time i've ever sat around for an extended period of time, which i always find highly enjoyable. being paid to be unproducitve. woo!

but last night at the bar was surprisingly REALLY REALLY FUCKING FUN.

so, backstory time. kelly came to girls night (which, btw, is ded now but might be reincarnated soon) just once, and met a girl there who she thought was super nice and super cute and who has kind of been in the back of her mind since then.... kind of covered up w/ her melissa ferrick/hotbutchygirl obsessions. this chick, she /never/ shows up at the bar. ever!

until last night that is!! i'm all :-O when i walk in and she's hanging out next to julie and ann, 1) because she's just hella cool and i hadn't seen her in 2 months, and 2) because kelly crushes on her a bit! .... so she and i are talking some, yknow, catching up - i invite her to my bday party and give her the address and # (which are kellys.. hehheh) and i go wander a bit.

a little while later, she comes over to me and says "so, hey... whats up with your friend?" in that i-think-she-is-cute-but-i-am-too-shy-to-say-anything-to-her-is-she-single-or-insane? voice and i'm like "which one?" hoping that she says the one in the dark shirt w/ curly hair... "the one in the dark shirt!" (SCORE!) and so i proceed to tell her how kelly thinks she's cute, and blah blah blah, and so i reintroduce them and dive into the bathroom. they talk some and i come back after the girl has gone to hang w/ her brother again, and i tell kelly "DUDE SHE THINKS YR CUTE" and hop up and down. i forgot how exciting matchmaking can be!!! my first matchmaking couple (krista & ryan) are still together and it'll be a year in may. one can only hope for my good luck streak to continue.

but the best part of the night.... supercrushchick was there. the one that was there 2 weekends ago, that i thought i flirted with but wasn't sure? and we talked some, and i told her she had to come out tomorrow [today] for my bday and that she owed me a dance since we didn't dance last time i saw her, and she said she's show up just b/c it was my birthday and hugged me and *!!!!!!* gave me a kiss on the cheek.

and dude. i don't know WHAT the fuck it is with this girl. she makes me feel like a 3rd grader or some shit. i have the urge to like, pull on her ponytail at recess or something. i kept hopping around after we'd talk and... fuck. i'm completely nuts, i know. but lordy! i'm going to try and remember to take my digicam w/ me tonight so i can get documentation of the hotness. either that or take my normal camera and spend some dough and use a scanner at stinkos or something. i'm so psyched for tonight!

i've been sexxed 3 times|sexx me up

[18 Apr 2002|11:55am]
dude. we got out of chem in like 45 minutes (its usually an hour and 15). ROCK THAT. that means i can go home early! whenever i actually go to work, that is. i'm kickin it in the lab again now, though. i'll wait about 5 more minutes and then i'll go over there.

we are going to look at a car tonight. i don't want to say anything b/c i don't want to jinx it, but pls think thoughts of good carness at 6:00pm cdt.

oh and the probe was like fuckin 8000 dollars, dude. what a rip.
i've been sexxed 1 time|sexx me up

[18 Apr 2002|10:26am]
i stole this from jody. deal!

My name is: tony
I may seem: outgoing
But I'm really: overcompensating for my shyness
People who know me think I'm: funny
If you knew me you'd probably: want to hump me
Sometimes I feel: ok with myself
In the morning I: whine alot about being up
I like to sleep: period. i like to sleep.
If I could be doing anything right now I would be: back in bed.
Money is: something i would like more of.
One thing I wish I had is: a newer car.
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: um... stuff.
All I need is: hot AIM chatz.
All you need is: to make cute replies to my journal to make me happy.
If I had one wish it would be: infinite wishes? or is that cheating?
Love is: crappy sometimes.
If an angel flew into my window at night I would: probably piss myself.
If a demon crashed into my window I would: see above.
If I could see one person right now it would be: the sandman. I WANT SLEEP.
Something I want but I don't really need is:more clothes.
Something I need but I don't really want is: probably therapy.
I live for: Hot Aim Chatz.
I dare you all to: grab my ass.
I am afraid of: rejection, being a failure.
It makes me angry when: my dad talks to me.
I dream about: crazy ass shit. see last entry.
i've been sexxed 1 time|sexx me up

[18 Apr 2002|10:05am]
so i went back to bed for 2 hours, and i had one of the strangest dreams i've ever had.

i had my eyes closed, and was making out with someone...hard core making out. i'm on my back, and she's on top of me. i open my eyes, and she has no head.
i'm startled a bit, but she leans back down and kisses me more, and, i can feel her kissing me. i think at some point we switch positions, and i look to my left and there's a mirror, and in the reflection the girl /does/ have a head. and its my exgirlfriend.

it was one of those weird assed dreams where i could /feel/ her tongue and /feel/ her tits and it was really disturbing to me.

i am highly amused, however, at the impact of pop culture on my subconsious, since in that song "oops (oh my)" there's a mirror to her left. hahahaha.
i've been sexxed 1 time|sexx me up

[18 Apr 2002|07:53am]
i am up at fucking early assed time, so i can register for my summer class online at exactly 8:00am. excitement. if all goes well (and if 40 people don't all register for it at the same time) i will be taking graphic design I on m/t/w/th from 1:00-3:50 this summer. yeehaw.

and then i'm going back to bed for 2 hours. yessssss.
sexx me up

[17 Apr 2002|04:18pm]
[ mood | flirty ]

i have a plan so i can have the WHOLE DAY OFF on friday. i'm so excited. i'm going to go in and work tomorrow, and then skip my psych class on friday. woo woo. sleeping in is the best present ever.

also, that way mom and i can spend some time together since i'll probably be out most of the evening.

it is so fucking hot. :( i had both windows rolled down and my sunroof open and i was still a sweaty kid in my car on the way home. i do not appreciate this, Mizz Mother Nature! stop it! stop stop now! no arguments.

i should go eat something. i am starting to feel dizzy.

i've been sexxed 5 times|sexx me up

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