June 25th, 2005 |
happiness is such hard work...
I've been thinking about doing this for a while. It's better to just do it now and get it over with so I won't have to worry about it anymore.
This journal is now friends-only.
I think that's fair. I'm sure there will be the occasional public post, but I wouldn't hold your breath (they may be few and far between).
Um. Yeah.
Comment and ask me to add you, if you like. Tell me I'm an idiot, tell me I rock socks, ask me a question. Whatever. :)
If you're just passing through, hello. Leave a message after the beep. *beep*
okay ani difranco - what if no one's watching
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| November 8th, 2001 |
...Oh, one more thing... Whenever I see that little 'heart' thing, you know this: <3 I always think of a sideways uterus. Just thought I'd share.
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