Muted Faith
I'm not a traveler here.
I wished my life away
for painted stories,
pixel skies,
and violet dismay.

I'm not a prisoner here..
Although I'm bound by time,
ethereal warden.
Here I try,
and find my hands are tied.

I'm not a sinner here..
I've held my share of guilt.
That sweet remorse
can't hold me
to a lie another built.
I'm not a watcher here.
My fingers taste the sand,
strange fascination
sifted through
a pauper's blistered hand.

I'm not uncertain here..
Although my thoughts collide.
Voices only
echo what
I can't control inside.

I'm just a dreamer here..
Imagining this rhyme.
I'll leap through air, and
if I die,
it's only in my mind.

| my reality
| the ward
| the warden
| LJ info
| LJ pics

Site Meter

Name: Angel
Pen: Faith
Sun Sign: Aquarius
Moon Sign: Pisces
AIM: labiie
Yahoo!: mutedfaith
Pic: of me

- Request a picture
05.24: Maijstral
05.22: Comm. Ash
05.19: Kallahandra
05.15: Zodac
LJ pic: Riwen

Quick Note
- If you add me to your friends list, please drop me a note to let me know. I don't check my userinfo page very often, so I probably won't add you back if I don't know you're there. ;)

| recent junk

sift through
| older junk

I found it [03 Jun 2002|07:57am]
[ mood   |   thirsty ]
[ music   |   oldies x.x. ]

I had to go to a foreign language site to finally find these lyrics, so I'm gonna post a few verses to remember them. :) This song, just the way it was written and composed, was so beautiful.. I've listened to it over and over on the movie I have.

[from the Shrek soundtrack]

"Maybe I've been here before.
I know this room,
I've walked this floor,
I used to live alone
before I knew you.
I've seen your flag
on the marble arch..
Love is not a victory march,
it's a cold and
it's a broken Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

There was a time
you let me know
what's really going on below..
But now you never show
it to me, do you?
I remember when
I moved in you,
your holy dark
was moving too,
and every breath we drew
was Hallelujah.

Maybe there's a God above;
but all I ever
learned from love
was how to shoot
at someone
who outdrew you.
It's not a cry
you can hear at night,
it's not somebody
who's seen the light,
it's a cold and
it's a broken Hallelujah...

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.


On that note... I need longer weekends. x_X

Finally got part of my heckle-fest [though it just gave me a taste to find more movies to heckle]; we watched The People Under the Stairs [that was just freaky], Event Horizon [NOT a good heckle-movie, but an excellent horror flic], and The CreepShow [all I have to say is... ewwwww].

-insert shameless promotion-

If you like role-playing, and you want to help out with my site somehow, let me know! I have a few more openings for RPG judges; more will be explained after you reply to this comment or send me an e-mail []. I know, I know.. AOL sucks.. I'm just too lazy to switch at the moment.

-end shameless promotion-

Finished another picture, but this one won't be put on my site until I talk to the girl I made it for. -

The Wraith )

  28 chuckles  |  laugh at me

role-playing. [31 May 2002|07:56am]
[ mood   |   lethargic ]
[ music   |   alanis morissette - one hand in my pocket ]

Song quote:

"I care but I'm restless.
I'm here but I'm really gone.
I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby,
and what it all comes down to
is that everything's gonna be quite alright.."


Well, for everyone who doesn't get my newsletter [-shameless promotion-], I've gotten so many requests for good places to role-play, and so many others from people who want me to check out their favorite role-playing game, that I've decided to section a piece of my site toward it.

I'm going to start a new links section entitled "Role-Playing Sites," for which I will make silly award graphics and whatnot to give to the sites that I/we deem worthy of receiving them.

Why am I announcing all this?

Because I'm lazy and I don't want to do it all myself. ;) I figure if I'm going to be reviewing enough RP sites to keep this thing mildly entertaining, I'm going to need some help. So if anyone with a moderate to extensive history in role-playing [I'm not too picky but I will be picky] would like to help out, you can reply to this or e-mail me and let me know. I'll make a page dedicated to the judges, and I'll even let you design your own little bio section. ^_^;

Also, if you know any good RPG sites, you can submit them [just e-mail me for right now and I'll set up some form for submission later on], and I'll give you credit beside the link for submitting them.

Okay. Back to the fun, fun world of customer service.

  31 chuckles  |  laugh at me

ACK. [30 May 2002|07:53am]
[ mood   |   exhausted ]
[ music   |   aerosmith ]

Song quote:

"Take a walk outside your mind,
Tell me how it feels to be
the one who turned the knife
inside of me."


I just went 180 entries back on my friends list to get to where I left off on Sunday/Monday. And I still didn't make it. eesh..

Must thank blargknight for majorly helping me with my mutedfaith policy. :)

Well, I didn't even make it to the funeral. We were on our way there with my brother [who was supposed to be a pal-bearer or however you spell that], and our tire separated. So we ended up walking three miles to Ruskin and using all our money to call roland1573's mother, father, and grandfather [respectively], and my mother, and AAA. Eventually the tow truck guy came, and we [surprise] all fit in the tow truck, so we rode that back to Sarasota.

We think it was my great-grandfather telling us we didn't have to come.

Or something.

At any rate, it was a nice three mile hike.


I made spaghetti. And corn-bread. Woo.

... Oh, and I chopped off my hair. Because I was hot and tired of dealing with it. So now I look like a "cute" twelve-year-old again. Ugh..

  13 chuckles  |  laugh at me

Stuff. [27 May 2002|12:06pm]
[ mood   |   ditzy ]

Song quote:

"A small voice keeps repeating
deep inside my soul,
that I can't keep pretending
I don't love you anymore."


I love naa. :D I must find out what pokee is so I can give her lots of it. ^_^;;; -giddy dance-

She helped me set up a mailing list for my site. I really hope that script works; but it's probably not working for me because I'm on AO-Hell. Ah well. If you happen to try it and it doesn't work, let me know so I can change it. :D

Now... I must go enjoy my day off. Woo!

  10 chuckles  |  laugh at me

I'm impatient. [26 May 2002|04:33pm]
[ mood   |   antsy ]
[ music   |   birdhouse in your soul - TMBG ]

Song quote:

"I'm your only friend,
I'm not your only friend,
but I'm a little glowing friend.
But really, I'm not actually your friend.
But I am..."


I didn't spend near as much time on the pictures for this one. It shows. Ah well. I hope the quiz is still mildly entertaining.

If you take it, let me know what you think. ^^;

What Type of Villain are You? / <º>
  46 chuckles  |  laugh at me

[26 May 2002|10:35am]
[ mood   |   hopeful ]

The quiz is finished, but unfortunately nobody can take it until I finish transferring my web to a new domain host. naa has been helping me out a lot [thank you!!!], so it shouldn't be much longer. I hope to have it up again before I go back to work on Tuesday.

Woo! I get Monday off!

But I can't really do anything. Waiting for our new account to be set up / mailed to us, so I'm going to live on $5.00 until everything gets straightened out. Wo0t.

Anywho. As soon as my site is up and running again, I'll post the link to the new quiz here. :)

  4 chuckles  |  laugh at me

another ramble. [24 May 2002|07:59am]
[ mood   |   annoyed ]

Song quote:

"So tired that I couldn't even sleep..
So many secrets I couldn't keep.
I promised myself I wouldn't weep;
one more promise I couldn't keep.."


To the obnoxious person who posted the following in my guestbook, and anyone else who has used my artwork without asking me. This will eventually be turned into a ramble on my rambles page, but I don't have access to my website from this computer, so I'll post it here first.

Angel's little rant. )

  25 chuckles  |  laugh at me

bwahaha! [23 May 2002|08:23am]
[ mood   |   predatory ]
[ music   |   amazing - aerosmith ]

Song quote:

"That one last shot's
a permanent vacation...
And how high can you fly
with broken wings?"


First of all.. Thank you everyone for the quiz ideas. I already had an idea for what I was going to do on this quiz, but I'll keep all those other ideas in mind for the next one. :)

Well, I reached a new level of boredom yesterday. Consequently, the person I asked to test my quiz thought it was the funniest one yet. But.. Heh.. No one can take it until I make the little buttons for it. ^___^

(post-note: if you want dibs on taking the quiz first, leave a comment to this post. I'll hopefully be finishing it sometime tonight / tomorrow, and I'll try to message everybody who wants to take it first, or at least leave a comment in your LiveJournal. I probably won't be posting it in my journal until the day after tomorrow. :)

  21 chuckles  |  laugh at me

season finales [22 May 2002|08:58am]
[ mood   |   hungry ]
[ music   |   jubilee - 1000 maniacs ]

Song quote:

"Alone in the night
he mocks the words of the preacher:
God is feeling your every pain.
Repair the Christmas stable,
restore the plaster angel.
Her lips begin to crumble, and
her robes begin to peel."


Okay. That was just wrong. Smallville, to be continued until next friggin' season. Here they leave me guessing for an entire season, now, about what's going to happen.. Is Lex going to let his father die [of course]? Can Clark stop that huge tornado [because we all know he's going to save Lana either way]? And poor Chloe.. geez..

Okay. I'm done promo-ing.

Enterprise finale tonight! ..Never thought I'd get into these season finales, but they've gotten better over the years.

I watched about three minutes of Buffy.. But I have a question for all you Buffy fans. When did Willow go evil??? And why? [Kay, I've watched all of.. four episodes of Buffy. But I thought Willow was a cool character. :D And I know she was having trouble with magic and whatnot, but can someone inform me about the episode where she turned toward the Dark Side?]

Starting on a new quiz today. But I haven't a clue what I'm going to do. I think I'll just let my mind wander for awhile and see what it comes up with [that probably isn't a good thing...].

  27 chuckles  |  laugh at me

style-y [21 May 2002|11:17am]
[ mood   |   geeky ]
[ music   |   oldieeeees ]

Quote of the moment:

"This isn't work. It's Hell, with fluorescent lighting."


Once again, I've changed my entire livejournal look. ^_^ [I wonder how often I do that..]

If anyone wants to use it, the public style ID is 92850.
[Just go to styles/create.bml and enter the style ID.]

It still needs work, but I like it better than the last one.

Neat quiz, thanks Kz. :)

You are a dreamer. Constantly filling your mind with fantasies, you withdraw inside yourself in order to experience these more clearly. You dislike people and the distractions they cause. You are eccentric and lack a firm grasp on reality. You experience a wide range of emotions, and can often times be dangerous to yourself and others. You need to focus more on the real world.

Your song is: Solitary Shell

Which degree of inner turbulence are you?

This quiz was made by Dionae
  18 chuckles  |  laugh at me

season's end [21 May 2002|07:39am]
[ mood   |   silly ]


"I'm only laughing on the outside.
My smile is just skin-deep.
On the inside, I'm really crying..
You might join me for a weep."

[Joker, the original Batman]


Sooo, might be having the heckle-fest this Saturday. But I don't know.. I think James wanted us to go paint-balling with him on Saturday.

Never been paint-balling. Almost went once with my ROTC group, but I was lazy and decided to spend my Saturday lounging around Josh's apartment. I think that was the day we watched that Dragonball Z marathon, with the six episodes prior to the five episodes just before the big ki ball actually DID ANYTHING. I swear.. How can you make an entire week's worth of cartoons waiting for the same stinkin' ball of energy to explode?

I can honestly say I haven't seen a single series finale yet. But I plan to watch Smallville tonight. :D And Enterprise on Wednesday [even though one of the episodes is a repeat.. dammit.. ~.~].

I just figured something out yesterday!! Oh my God! [Okay.. for all you trekkies out there, I'M A LITTLE SLOW.. SORRY.] I was watching the original series episode where Spock was going throuh Pan'Far, and I heard the woman's name again on Vulcan and I did a double take. It's T'Pol!! I couldn't believe it.. It even resembled her slightly. That's just freaky..

  6 chuckles  |  laugh at me

So you're in a bar.. [20 May 2002|07:55am]
[ mood   |   sad ]

Song quote:

"You will fly, and you will crawl;
God knows even angels fall.
No such thing as you've lost it all...
God knows even angels fall."


I think I'm the only one holding my life back.

Cesar offered me a good position, and now I even have Roland supporting it, but here I am, still sitting at this desk. Why? Because there's security here. As much as I don't mind the chaos, I've always needed a security blanket.

He offered to pay me twice as much as what I'm making now. And my mother's been trying to show me the good side of working arts and crafts fairs for a living. She's got me planning out how much it would cost to get my own booth up and running, how much I could possibly make.. She's right. Those people who do caricatures make a lot of money. :/ But I know I'm no good at still-life type drawing. At least not yet. Bleh.

Still... Every day I sit here, I keep wondering to myself what it will take to get me here the day after. Nobody really appreciates me. My job is kind of useless. I'm just an answering machine. I'm not happy. My bosses are decent, but I'm not happy. I feel like I'm alone, in a classroom without a teacher, forced to occupy myself in some way until the day finally ends.


But here, I know there's a paycheck.

I don't even know half of what Cesar wants me to do. I know he wants me to book shows for him, but is that it? Honestly, is that worth twice as much as I'm making now? I wish I knew more Spanish. Then I could figure out what he wanted. =X

I got a request on my new form, with an e-mail address of Um. Yeah. I'm not going to do your request if I don't know where to send it back, and I know AOL lets you have a three letter name minimum. Tough luck.


  12 chuckles  |  laugh at me

Sunday [19 May 2002|11:19am]
[ mood   |   indescribable ]

Song quote:

"Welcome to the real world,
she said to me,


Went with my mother and Cesar to an arts & crafts fair yesterday [which turned out to be the worst backwater festival I've ever seen]. I only ended up staying for two hours.. Moral? Don't ever take a two-year-old to a country festival in the middle of the Florida heat wave.

But our mattress came yesterday while I was away. It's wonderful :D

Finished a picture request last night. [woo woo]

Zodac )

  15 chuckles  |  laugh at me

AUGH [17 May 2002|11:22am]
[ mood   |   pissed off ]

My cookies are so valid!!! Why wouldn't my cookies be valid?!?!?!


... [that probably sounded wrong... -slinks-]

  13 chuckles  |  laugh at me

lability [16 May 2002|10:17am]
[ mood   |   contemplative ]
[ music   |   oldies ]

Song quote:

"And she starts wondering what it's like
to be liked by everyone,
and like everyone, be just like anyone.."


Hmm.. Well my movie-fest didn't go as planned last night. We went grocery shopping instead. [Did I mention I have spur-of-the-moment syndrome?]

But that's okay... I'll eventually have a heckle-fest, and if anyone's interested in coming, let me know; I'll try to set up some sort of haphazard time / series of movies that looks really professional or something.

Roland was right.. I was mad at him last night, and it was on a subject that I didn't want to talk about, but I already knew that my life isn't so bad. It's just unpredictable.. and sometimes my mood is unpredictable as a result. I think the only thing that's been predictable is that I go to work on time. That's it. Even when I come home is unpredictable.

I don't have a set schedule in my life... I go to lunch whenever I feel like it, or whenever Roland gets here, or maybe sometimes not at all because I don't feel like wasting my time. I draw and write when I get inspired, but I have no idea when I'll be inspired, or what will inspire me, or when that inspiration will end. I go to bed anywhere from four in the afternoon, to five in the morning, sometimes with Roland, sometimes alone, sometimes I'm afraid to go to bed. One day I love television, one day I hate it with a passion and think it's killing my brain cells slowly but surely. I eat six times one day, I forget to eat another. I see my family twice a week, I see my family once a year.

Not just schedules. Things in my life. Everyone, even me, everything that happens is unpredictable. I never know if we'll be following an anonymous car down the highway for seventy miles, going clear across the country for an arts & crafts fair, sitting on our roof looking at the stars, gaming, sitting around at home, etc.

I don't think I'd change it if I could. I like having an unpredictable life. But sometimes the stress of it gets to me, pulls me in an undertow of depression, won't let me resurface until the next unpredictable thing happens.

  19 chuckles  |  laugh at me

peep [15 May 2002|08:49am]
[ mood   |   hungry ]

I'm doomed. doooomed.

Which Kiss are You?

Which Kiss Are You?

Ah well. Cute test.

I have an almost-entire hawaiian pizza at home. But I'm hungry now. And it'll be another seven hours before I can go home. I feel like I'm betraying my pizza, just thinking about other food.

My poor pizza!!..

Having the strange urge, after going through a horror movie site yesterday and digging up some more info for my Movie Survival chart thing, to rent a bunch of B-rated horror movies and make fun of them.

Heckle-fest!! Who wants to come?

Bring your own pizza, though. You can't touch mine. :P
  15 chuckles  |  laugh at me

Life's little annoyances. [14 May 2002|07:40am]
[ mood   |   annoyed ]
[ music   |   dance to the music ]

Song quote:

"I wish it were Sunday,
cause that's my fun day..
But it's just another manic Monday."
[okay, Tuesday..]


Things that probably annoy everybody. Inspired by a nice radio commercial. Woo.

  1. That candy machine that won't take your dollar bill.
  2. The bar of candy that somehow manages to stick to the wrapper as you open it.
  3. Flies that seem automatically attracted to your food.
  4. The hole in your favorite shirt / pants / socks that renders them unwearable.
  5. The red sock that accidentally slipped in with the white wash.
  6. Hearing any song five times in a row.
  7. Hearing certain songs twice. In the same year.
  8. People spitting when they talk. All over you.
  9. The other lane in traffic that seems to be going faster than yours.
  10. Someone who calls you for a quick question, and tells you their life story.
  11. The new dent that wasn't on your car when you left it there.
  12. Waiting for a phone call that never comes.
  13. The lines at any decent theme park.
  14. The lines at the fast-food restaurant, for that matter.
  15. Driving away from the fast-food restaurant, and realizing ten minutes later that they got your order wrong.
  16. "Illegal Operation" messages.
  17. Nails scratching on a chalk board.
  18. The one thing you forgot after you remembered the other ten things - that turns out to be the most important thing of all.
  19. Spilling a drink. All over your important term paper.
  20. Accidentally drinking carbonated water instead of Sprite.
  21. Apple sauce that doesn't quite taste like.. applesauce.. anymore..
  22. "To Be Continued..."
  23. The carton of large fries that inevitably spills all over the floor.
  24. The President. [no matter who he is, somebody is going to be unhappy about it.]
  25. Grape-flavored cough syrup... that still tastes like cough syrup..
  26. People that do things for you, without letting you know about it first.

Okay. Somehow I feel better now.

20% possibility that I will be [forced into] watching Buffy and Angel tonight. No big deal, though.. They're easy enough to get through if I pretend I'm a normal human being. Bleh.

I had the oddest dream.. But I'll post it in magic puddle.

I'm now half-monitoring promo_friends; going to work on the profile a little more after I finish posting, but it really is a good community. If anyone has any suggestions how to make it better, please let me know.

Half-finished with the earth gen. I'm such a procrastinator, aren't I? ;)
  23 chuckles  |  laugh at me

And now for something.. completely different. [13 May 2002|08:02am]
[ mood   |   cynical ]

Song quote:

"I'm still a prisoner,
held captive by your memory.
You were my strongest weakness,
and I'm afraid you'll always be."


This may turn rant-y, so feel free to avoid this post altogether.

From now on, I'm not adding anyone to my friends list unless they tell me they've added me, or asked me, or at least talked to me about anything first. It's getting to where I can't keep up with the friends I have, and although I'm very happy with meeting so many new people, some of them only post quiz results. It's annoying.. I mean, I know how everyone else has judged them, but I can tell almost nothing about them. Like their journals are nothing but promos for other people's sites. Bleh. So you can add me all you want, but I'm not adding you back if I don't know anything about you.

I've sifted through the list of requests I've gotten, and honestly, I've only found five or six that I'm even remotely willing to pursue. The rest of them are vague descriptions, and I've asked for more but nobody's replied... So until I get a better description, I'm not doing it. The five or six will be finished this week.

I'm thinking that the next quiz I do will be on someone else's site. I don't think I can keep paying the bandwidth fee on my site.. so if anyone has a site they want to promote, let me know and I'll consider giving you my next quiz. And friends get first priority. Because I can. Mwah. :P

So I don't forget;
Must mail pictures.. find tax return.. cash paycheck [finally].. get gas.. print receipt and fill out stupid tax return info that I already filled out.. finish z picture.. get mattress.. finish updates.


  44 chuckles  |  laugh at me

Ho hum. [13 May 2002|12:28am]
[ mood   |   awake ]

Song quote:

"He's everything inside of you
that you wish you could be..
He says all the right things
at exactly the right time.
But he means nothing to you,
and you don't know why."


Mother's day. Well, I got to see my mother yesterday, so I'm not too unhappy. :/

Anywho. Just a quick post to add my newest ramble to my site. It spawned from watching Lost Voyage last night, and predicting exactly when and how everyone was going to die. Muhaha. So.. Yeah.

The Movie Survival System.

  6 chuckles  |  laugh at me

ho hum. [10 May 2002|07:33am]
[ mood   |   tired ]
[ music   |   oldies oldies oldies. ]

Song quote:

"You became the light
on the dark side of me."


Okay. For anyone who's requested a picture drawn for them, I should be getting to it this week sometime. So

This Week = pic requests.
Next Week = new quiz.

I'm so organized. :D [not.]

I wish this place picked up something other than oldies.. I really do.. I'm getting so sick of weird old songs that don't mean anything, and those stupid beats that get stuck in your head as they play at least five times a day [because you know they're going to play that song again four more times after you hear it the first time]. "Surfin' USA" is not insightful. "Bobby's Girl" is just... sick. "I Will Follow Him" [and I don't even know of that's the real name] is sexist [because I say it is].

I mean, I'd settle for some Pink Floyd or some Aerosmith or something. I guess those bands aren't old enough yet. But I'm sorry, there is hardly a single good song that came out of the sixties - at least not that this radio station plays. AUGH.

End complaint.

Of course. Everyone knows I'm Vulcan.


Whaat? They don't?? ¬.¬


Random fact of the moment: The spanish translation of the song "Un-break my heart" had to rework the entire lyrics.. because there is no translation for "un-break," or "un-cry."

  13 chuckles  |  laugh at me