1*Name Spelled Backwards?* Yom Annod
2*Age?* 14
4*Fave Peanuts Character?* dont have a favortie.
5*Simpsons character?* i like them all
6*Do you use straws?* yes
7*Do you wear underwear?* yeah
8*Whats ur favorite type of underwear?* the kinds that i wear
9*Do you wear a bra?* yes
10*Do you enjoy it?* free boobies is the way to go
11*So Skipper, whats ur favorite font?* ummm chiller?
12*Do you swear?* yes
13*What exactly do you swear on?* i sware on your ass
14*So are you a virgin?* i think so. unless i got raped and didnt know it.
15*Are you male, female, or both?* haha im female but i want to be oth...but i know that that i just not physically possiable.
16*How much do you weigh?* 101
17*Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?* yes
18*A hot SEXY girlfriend/boyfriend?* yes
19*Just how hot is ur bf/gf?* YES GOD DAMMIT!stop asking me that.
20*What are you wearing right now?* umm these pants that are navy blue, a white tank top, and a blue hoodie over it.
21*What is the time hottie?* 1.53 pm, wow, this quiz is hitting on me.
22*How many fone numbers do you have memerized?* memorized? uh? like alot i dont know
23*Wanna add mine to the list?* not really.
24*1-800-Fuck-Me* really? how differnt.
25*Do you enjoy walks on the beach?* we dont have a beach.
26*With killer sharks looming in the waters?* umm....
27*Have you ever been to sea-world?* yeah
28*Have you ever been 2 disney land/world?* yeah
EnOuGh RaNdOm QuEsTiOnS....
What do you think of when you hear...
Queer-jaime hahaaaha not i think of marcus walk.
Kroger-white trash
Elephants-big ass
(Comment on this)
1:58p BASICS --
Your full name: Donna Kim Moy
What time is it right now?: 1:59pm
Nicknames: dick, donna moy, donna kim moy, china face
Birthdate: april 3,1987
So that means you're how old?: 14 almost 15
Zodiac sign: aries
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 101
Eye color: hazel
Hair color: dark bown, blue, purple, green....
Righty or lefty: righty
Pets: Cats,dog, horses, jaime
Number: 97, 7
TV station: comedy central
Person to talk to online?: jaime and kelly curran
Person to talk to on the phone?: jaime
Food: fruit
Drink: frozen cappiciano from the coffee house
Alcoholic drink: pucker
Flower: black Roses
Word/Phrase: im confused
Smell/Scent: jaime
Actor: lester burnum
Actress: dont know
Hangout: daves house?
Summer vacation: im going to cali!!!
Pick-up line: will u be my friend?
LOVE LIFE (or lack thereof) --
First crush: 5th grade.....john mckernan
First kiss: mike looney...7th grade? or was it 6th...i dont know i dont remember
Single or attached?: attached....
Ever been in love?: yeah
Do you believe in love at first sight?: that all depends
Do you believe in "the one?": yes
Describe your ideal significant other: someone who is themself, someone that understand me...someone like jaime cole smith
Sweetest thing that special someone has ever done for you: jaime took me to one of my favorite punk bands concert...that was a fun night.
Wuss: no
Druggy: no
Daydreamer: yeah
Freak: to most people yes i guess so.
Dork: sure
Bitch/Asshole: sometimes
Sarcastic: yes
Goody-goody: no
Angel: no
Devil: no
Horny: dunno
Shy: most definatly not.
Talkative: most definatly yes.
Adventurous: yes
Joker: yes
Flirty: hmm
Rubber gloves: hair dye
Rock: i like music...
Green: day
Wet: vagina
Cry: tear
Peanut: butter
Hay: backyard
Hot: tammaly
Cold: frezer
Fast: car
Freaky: preppy
Stick shift: penis?
Rain: water
Bite: jaime
Suck: blow
Blow: suck
Hard: rock
Extra long: shit
Limp: fiona apple
Needle: mikey malin
Oral: jaime
Honey:winnie the pooh
high heels: not for me
Fetish: twichy
Seal: polar bear
Napkin: paper towel
M.D.: massive dick?
Pakistan: bad!
Elevator: resident evil
Red: green
Last person you talked to on the phone: jessie smith(jaimes sister)
Last song you listened to: static x-push it
Last thing you ate: fruit rool up
What's the weather like?: nice
What's right next to you?: phone lotion and a yo yo strangly?
How do you eat an Oreo?: with my mouth
Contacts or glasses?: no
Do you like to dance?: no
Shy to make the first move?: no
what are you wearing right now?: tank top hoodie bracelets necklace socks thong and pants.
current mood: hbored....i wish jaime would ome and get me.
current music: none
current taste: orange kool aid
current hair: brown bkue purple and green
current dress: no dress.
current annoyance: im bored
current smell: lotion
current game: umm...halo?
current thing I ought to be doing: not this survey
current desktop picture: a picture of "realativity"
current favorite group: dont have a favorite
current book: dickens - great expectations
current CDs in stereo: static-x-wisconsin death trip, nin-head like a hole, deftones-around the fur, msi-frankinstein girls will seem strandly sexy, and i think that all tool=aenima might be in ther
current color of toenails: black
current crush: jaime
current favorite celeb: no
current windows open: this and aim
current worry: being stuck at home all day
current hate: bitchy girls
Smiled?: no
Laughed?: no
Cried?: no
Bought something?: no
Danced?: no
Were sarcastic?: no
Watched your favorite movie?: no
Last book you read: dont remember
Last movie you saw: resident evil
Last song you heard:static-x-push it
Last thing you had to drink: orange kool aid
Last time you showered: like 2 hours ago
Last thing you ate: fruit rool up
DO I ... --
Smoke?: yes
Do drugs?: yes
Sleep with stuffed animals?: colca cola bear
Live for the moment?: yes
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no
Play an instrument?: no i want to play bass tho, but i have no money and my people are asshole
Believe there is life on other planets? yes
Remember your first love?: yes
Still love him/her?: yes
Read the newspaper?: yes
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: no
Believe in miracles?: no
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes
Consider love a mistake?: no
Like the taste of alcohol?: sometimes
Have a favorite candy?: yes...i like candy but i am not a big fan of chocolate
Believe in magic?: no
Believe in god?: no
Go to church?: no
Have any pets: 4 cats, 1 dog, 18 horses
Do well in school?: sometimes...but not right now, my gpa is...2.3
Go to or plan to go to college?: yes
Wear hats?: beanies
Have any piercings?: i have 6g plugs
Have any tattoos?: no
Hate yourself?: sometimes
Have an obsession?: i have an obsession with not wanting to be alone
End Time: 2.28pm
Current Mood: boredCurrent Music: marilyn manson - the minute of decay