ThE CuRsE's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in ThE CuRsE's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
    1:58 pm

    vi5ua1 assa**in: i just decided to shave my balls
    vi5ua1 assa**in: so i did


    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: msi
    3 undeniable - dilemas.
    Monday, March 18th, 2002
    7:46 pm

 was odd...and confusing....


    it sucked=================shelly was supose to take me and jaime to his house after school....but shit happened and jaime wouldnt talk to me and it pissed me i missed my ride home...

    i started walking home and jaime caught up to me and it was almost all good...

    while we were walking to my house...we saw eddie dan and zach and john in his car....they asked what we were doing and shit but they did not offer us a ride....i felt loved.

    so we continued walking and kryssy kindly gave me and jaime a ride to his house...

    only for us to find that we were locked outts his house.




    so we sat, talked and what not for about 10 minutes and jaimes dad came home....and we got the lumina...(jaimes dads car)

    the day slowly got better and better....but now im kinda bored sitting my office looking at this computer screen....wondering how the computer knows what key i am hitting and how it know what i want t be spelt out and shit....that is scary





    i've been much happier since jaime and i and to knw alot fo cool people


    i guess i matured alot since jaime.

    i dont know. im still donna.

    just with out the singlness.

    ahhh ah aah

    ==========================++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------__________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bored.

    kryssy and kiera arent that slowly...

    very slowly

    getting to know them.
    they are nice for girls..

    usually i dont get along with girls...cept like kelly and sam.


    somehow every other girl i am friends with i cant stand cuz they bitch and whine and complain way to much and it is really annoying....most likly...

    if im not your friend now and u are a girl...the thats why ime not....u were to damn bitchy for me...

    who are the people i really get along with....well....

    mike looney.
    amanda soper.
    amanda williams.
    josh soper.

    ahh 2 sopers!!!!!!

    hmm....kryssy and kiera?.

    i think i would get along with kiera and kryssy if i actully got to know them, but i have this starge sense telling me telling me that dont reallt want anything or much to do with me at least....who knows...only time will tell....i dont think devin likes me at all tho.


    well enough said for one entry im out.


    Current Mood: weird
    Current Music: NIN-terriable lie
    12 undeniable - dilemas.
    Saturday, March 16th, 2002
    1:47 pm
    1*Name Spelled Backwards?* Yom Annod
    2*Age?* 14
    4*Fave Peanuts Character?* dont have a favortie.
    5*Simpsons character?* i like them all
    6*Do you use straws?* yes
    7*Do you wear underwear?* yeah
    8*Whats ur favorite type of underwear?* the kinds that i wear
    9*Do you wear a bra?* yes
    10*Do you enjoy it?* free boobies is the way to go
    11*So Skipper, whats ur favorite font?* ummm chiller?
    12*Do you swear?* yes
    13*What exactly do you swear on?* i sware on your ass
    14*So are you a virgin?* i think so. unless i got raped and didnt know it.
    15*Are you male, female, or both?* haha im female but i want to be oth...but i know that that i just not physically possiable.
    16*How much do you weigh?* 101
    17*Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?* yes
    18*A hot SEXY girlfriend/boyfriend?* yes
    19*Just how hot is ur bf/gf?* YES GOD DAMMIT!stop asking me that.
    20*What are you wearing right now?* umm these pants that are navy blue, a white tank top, and a blue hoodie over it.
    21*What is the time hottie?* 1.53 pm, wow, this quiz is hitting on me.
    22*How many fone numbers do you have memerized?* memorized? uh? like alot i dont know
    23*Wanna add mine to the list?* not really.
    24*1-800-Fuck-Me* really? how differnt.
    25*Do you enjoy walks on the beach?* we dont have a beach.
    26*With killer sharks looming in the waters?* umm....
    27*Have you ever been to sea-world?* yeah
    28*Have you ever been 2 disney land/world?* yeah

    EnOuGh RaNdOm QuEsTiOnS....

    What do you think of when you hear...
    Queer-jaime hahaaaha not i think of marcus walk.
    Kroger-white trash
    Elephants-big ass
    (Comment on this)
    1:58p BASICS --
    Your full name: Donna Kim Moy
    What time is it right now?: 1:59pm
    Nicknames: dick, donna moy, donna kim moy, china face
    Birthdate: april 3,1987
    So that means you're how old?: 14 almost 15
    Zodiac sign: aries
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 101
    Eye color: hazel
    Hair color: dark bown, blue, purple, green....
    Righty or lefty: righty
    Pets: Cats,dog, horses, jaime
    Number: 97, 7
    TV station: comedy central
    Person to talk to online?: jaime and kelly curran
    Person to talk to on the phone?: jaime
    Food: fruit
    Drink: frozen cappiciano from the coffee house
    Alcoholic drink: pucker
    Flower: black Roses
    Word/Phrase: im confused
    Smell/Scent: jaime
    Actor: lester burnum
    Actress: dont know
    Hangout: daves house?
    Summer vacation: im going to cali!!!
    Pick-up line: will u be my friend?

    LOVE LIFE (or lack thereof) --
    First crush: 5th grade.....john mckernan
    First kiss: mike looney...7th grade? or was it 6th...i dont know i dont remember
    Single or attached?: attached....
    Ever been in love?: yeah
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: that all depends
    Do you believe in "the one?": yes
    Describe your ideal significant other: someone who is themself, someone that understand me...someone like jaime cole smith
    Sweetest thing that special someone has ever done for you: jaime took me to one of my favorite punk bands concert...that was a fun night.

    ARE YOU/YOU A... --
    Wuss: no
    Druggy: no
    Daydreamer: yeah
    Freak: to most people yes i guess so.
    Dork: sure
    Bitch/Asshole: sometimes
    Sarcastic: yes
    Goody-goody: no
    Angel: no
    Devil: no
    Horny: dunno
    Shy: most definatly not.
    Talkative: most definatly yes.
    Adventurous: yes
    Joker: yes
    Flirty: hmm

    Rubber gloves: hair dye
    Rock: i like music...
    Green: day
    Wet: vagina
    Cry: tear
    Peanut: butter
    Hay: backyard
    Hot: tammaly
    Cold: frezer
    Fast: car
    Freaky: preppy
    Stick shift: penis?
    Rain: water
    Bite: jaime
    Suck: blow
    Blow: suck
    Hard: rock
    Extra long: shit
    Limp: fiona apple
    Needle: mikey malin
    Oral: jaime
    Honey:winnie the pooh
    high heels: not for me
    Fetish: twichy
    Seal: polar bear
    Napkin: paper towel
    M.D.: massive dick?
    Pakistan: bad!
    Elevator: resident evil
    Red: green

    Last person you talked to on the phone: jessie smith(jaimes sister)
    Last song you listened to: static x-push it
    Last thing you ate: fruit rool up
    What's the weather like?: nice
    What's right next to you?: phone lotion and a yo yo strangly?
    How do you eat an Oreo?: with my mouth
    Contacts or glasses?: no
    Do you like to dance?: no
    Shy to make the first move?: no

    CURRENT --
    what are you wearing right now?: tank top hoodie bracelets necklace socks thong and pants.
    current mood: hbored....i wish jaime would ome and get me.
    current music: none
    current taste: orange kool aid
    current hair: brown bkue purple and green
    current dress: no dress.
    current annoyance: im bored
    current smell: lotion
    current game: umm...halo?
    current thing I ought to be doing: not this survey
    current desktop picture: a picture of "realativity"
    current favorite group: dont have a favorite
    current book: dickens - great expectations
    current CDs in stereo: static-x-wisconsin death trip, nin-head like a hole, deftones-around the fur, msi-frankinstein girls will seem strandly sexy, and i think that all tool=aenima might be in ther
    current color of toenails: black
    current crush: jaime
    current favorite celeb: no
    current windows open: this and aim
    current worry: being stuck at home all day
    current hate: bitchy girls

    TODAY HAVE I ... --
    Smiled?: no
    Laughed?: no
    Cried?: no
    Bought something?: no
    Danced?: no
    Were sarcastic?: no
    Watched your favorite movie?: no

    THE LAST TIME ... --
    Last book you read: dont remember
    Last movie you saw: resident evil
    Last song you heard:static-x-push it
    Last thing you had to drink: orange kool aid
    Last time you showered: like 2 hours ago
    Last thing you ate: fruit rool up

    DO I ... --
    Smoke?: yes
    Do drugs?: yes
    Sleep with stuffed animals?: colca cola bear
    Live for the moment?: yes
    Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no
    Play an instrument?: no i want to play bass tho, but i have no money and my people are asshole
    Believe there is life on other planets? yes
    Remember your first love?: yes
    Still love him/her?: yes
    Read the newspaper?: yes
    Have any gay or lesbian friends?: no
    Believe in miracles?: no
    Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes
    Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes
    Consider love a mistake?: no
    Like the taste of alcohol?: sometimes
    Have a favorite candy?: yes...i like candy but i am not a big fan of chocolate
    Believe in magic?: no
    Believe in god?: no
    Go to church?: no
    Have any pets: 4 cats, 1 dog, 18 horses
    Do well in school?: sometimes...but not right now, my gpa is...2.3
    Go to or plan to go to college?: yes
    Wear hats?: beanies
    Have any piercings?: i have 6g plugs
    Have any tattoos?: no
    Hate yourself?: sometimes
    Have an obsession?: i have an obsession with not wanting to be alone
    End Time: 2.28pm

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: marilyn manson - the minute of decay
    Sunday, March 10th, 2002
    12:42 pm
    -dont listen to my mom and dad
    -useing to much salt
    -eating lots of food
    -saying the word cheese

    -jeff hebel
    -herr. ekdahl

    -that one in victorias secret
    -my plug ins

    -abercrobie and fitch
    -american eagel
    -shirts that say princess,hotty,superstar,ect.

    -sponge bob
    -boy mets world
    -adult swim

    -brittany spears
    -all the nsync people
    -all the backstreet boys people
    -christina agulara

    -mt.dew (code red or regular)
    -chocolate milk/yoohoo
    -cherry pepsi

    -mint chocolate chip
    -chubby hubby
    -cherry galore
    -pretty much every ben & jerry ice cream

    -im in love with jaime smith
    -my favorite movies are magnolia,american beauty,girl interupted
    -i like harcore and punk music
    -i live on a horse farm

    -my family consists of 4 people
    -i have one sister her name is shelly
    -i have one dad his name is gary
    -i have one mom her name is terry

    Current Mood: im in pain my foot feel asleep
    6 undeniable - dilemas.
    Saturday, March 9th, 2002
    7:34 pm
    im going to snowcoming soon...

    me and jaime

    then me and jaime and eddy and dan off to my cousins house. funfunfun.

    You are AFI!

    Going to live? Probably not, because you're AFI! You have a fascination with death.. or maybe it's an obsession. Either way, you're passionate for your work and you're full of emotions that still are uncharted by psychologists, you're deep and you think in a rather abstract way.
    So which BAND are YOU?

    look im afi, how fun.

    Current Mood: anxious
    Wednesday, March 6th, 2002
    6:20 pm
    today was yet another day....

    eddy drove me home from school...

    shelly didnt go to school today...she was to tired.

    so eddy,jaime,tommy, and josh soper hung out and ate my food for like an hour and a half or so. then we went off to pick up mike looney.

    all in eddy wee car.

    it was smooshed.

    picked him up...went to mike gnewons.

    got some shit.

    went to jaimes and as soon as we got there...eddy had to call him mommy to only find out that he had to go to the doctors or something weird and random like that?...

    so we chilled at jaime with josh and tommy for a little...tommy had fun in the wheely chair and joshw as zoned out into the video games...

    we went to tommy house after eddy came and got us from jaimes....

    tommy had to get his work shirt..and as we were chilling in front of tommys house dan and amanda and matt drove by and started talking to us.

    we were all supose to go to daves but....we didnt and dan n' co did. we got gas and off to drop me i didnt get a share on the little present they had. oh well. i saw satisfied.


    should be fun

    everyone going to berrymores so we can all play pool again. berrymores is becoming quit the place to be. but will all of us be very happy when we r there tomorrow.

    i planon either going home or with jaime somewhere...then me and shelly are going to pick up mike looney, tommy viv., and josh soper so we can go to berrymores. and we are metting matt,jeff,pat,eddy,dan,zack and who ever else. we will all have our fun times there....


    FUN TIME!!!!

    things have changed and i like it. well most of it.

    i hang out with jaime and everyone alot more and i am not home as mom lets me drive with like jaime and eddy and thats good...i like hanging out with my takes me mind off of all the bad points in life...and i need that.

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: nin-head like a hole
    6:20 pm
    today was yet another day....

    eddy drove me home from school...

    shelly didnt go to school today...she was to tired.

    so eddy,jaime,tommy, and josh soper hung out and ate my food for like an hour and a half or so. then we went off to pick up mike looney.

    all in eddy wee car.

    it was smooshed.

    picked him up...went to mike gnewons.

    got some shit.

    went to jaimes and as soon as we got there...eddy had to call him mommy to only find out that he had to go to the doctors or something weird and random like that?...

    so we chilled at jaime with josh and tommy for a little...tommy had fun in the wheely chair and joshw as zoned out into the video games...

    we went to tommy house after eddy came and got us from jaimes....

    tommy had to get his work shirt..and as we were chilling in front of tommys house dan and amanda and matt drove by and started talking to us.

    we were all supose to go to daves but....we didnt and dan n' co did. we got gas and off to drop me i didnt get a share on the little present they had. oh well. i saw satisfied.


    should be fun

    everyone going to berrymores so we can all play pool again. berrymores is becoming quit the place to be. but will all of us be very happy when we r there tomorrow.

    i planon either going home or with jaime somewhere...then me and shelly are going to pick up mike looney, tommy viv., and josh soper so we can go to berrymores. and we are metting matt,jeff,pat,eddy,dan,zack and who ever else. we will all have our fun times there....


    FUN TIME!!!!

    things have changed and i like it. well most of it.

    i hang out with jaime and everyone alot more and i am not home as mom lets me drive with like jaime and eddy and thats good...i like hanging out with my takes me mind off of all the bad points in life...and i need that.

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: nin-head like a hole
    Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
    4:27 pm
    last night was not cool at all.

    here is the story...

    shelly finally comes home from DC so me shelly jaime josh soper eddy dan and mike carrol went up to barrymores. shelly and jaime both drove.

    jaime had to leave barrymores early so shelly had to drive home me mike dan eddy josh . the car was full and stuff.

    i had to sit on poor eddy. i think i smooshed him.

    after we dropped mike off we planned on going over daves and matching dan there. but dave didnt answer the door so we couldnt. so we were gonna do it in shellys car. we had to take herr. soper home first though cuz he cant have dirty we were on our way to joshs house (21 mile and fairchild).

    we pulled out off cotton and there is a police barricade from the corner of chesterfield rd. by the baraber shop all the to like telstar. big road block

    i guess some dyed while trying to cross gratiot or something.

    shelly didnt not know what to do so she kind of paniced. she went up the curb of the barber shop and in the baracade.

    a "guy in a bright orange suit" that none of us saw ran from behind us and taped the window with a flash light.

    but i dont think tapped is the word. shellys windshield is gone. there is nothing left of it but a giant hole. me dan eddy and had cuts all over us. it sucks.

    so she pulls over. everyone is alright and the cop takes everyone id cept dan cuz he didnt have any. i think he wrote eddy up or did something weird cuz he had eddy drivers licence for a long time.

    shelly got a misdomeaner. and her car is trashed. it really really sucks.

    after he said we were free to go we pulled onto telstar and got outta the car and pulled all the glass out and got even more cuts.

    i thought a gun hit us when it went off but luckly it wasnt any gun just a dumb as fucking cop chucking a flash light at out back windshield. very un called for.

    what a night.

    and the ironic this is..if we would have hit the eight ball in the last game we were playing and actully finished the game...this whole thing would have never happened.

    Current Mood: sore
    3 undeniable - dilemas.
    Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
    6:40 pm
    Friday, March 1st, 2002
    3:08 pm
    Make me a witeness.
    Take me out.
    Out of darkness.
    I wont weigh it down with good intentions.
    Will we burn in heaven?
    Like we do, down here?
    Will a change come while, while we are waiting?
    And we carry the weight.
    And die for a cause.

    Is misary made beautiful right befor our eyes?

    you dont know me. so dont think you do. no one knows me.

    no one.

    except one.

    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: burn
    Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
    8:08 pm
    Lateralus**: you hope you die eh?

    Auto response from UsefulXIdiotX: i hope i die.

    i hope i die.

    i hope i die.

    guess what...

    i hope i die.

    UsefulXIdiotX: cuz being dead it easier then being alive
    Lateralus**: once you die, your dead for ever. id rather take 60 years in being alive, because ill be dead for eternity when i die
    Lateralus**: but thats just me
    UsefulXIdiotX: that was a very good thing to say

    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: incubus
    2 undeniable - dilemas.
    Monday, February 25th, 2002
    8:33 pm

    I Will Take my own life!.
    After going through with your own well thought out version of columbine you finally turn the gun on yourself... the thick coat of brains and coagulated blood was a bitch to get off the auditorium wall. You sure showed them!
    Find out how you will die, Take the Death Quiz now!

    well that settles it, im going to kill myself.

    9 undeniable - dilemas.
    Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
    6:19 pm
    last night was fun. i hung out with shelly jaime dan eddy dave zack and matt. yaya more fun times.

    we all went to barrymores for no reason then back to daves. mmmmm good times there

    tonight i am hanging out with jaime dan and amanda yay more fun times.

    Current Mood: satisfied
    Current Music: blink-182
    1 undeniable - dilemas.
    Friday, February 22nd, 2002
    6:09 pm
    i am about to mock a very close someone of mine that angered me yet again....and for the same reason....

    "i cant hang grounded"

    later as i call this person there dad answeres the phone...

    "oh no so and so is not here, so and so took of with zack."

    i hate being lyed too. and more then once with the same excuse...yeah, that just makes it all the much better.

    it seems like i have lacked friends latly.

    esspecially the really "good" friends.

    it really sucks, essecially when they tell u that they will alwayd be your "best friend" then not the nexty moment becuz of some lame excuse that they used for themself to get outta another some people really contidict themselves.

    dont lie to me. i hate it.

    dont blow me off.....thats even worse.
    6:09 pm
    i am about to mock a very close someone of mine that angered me yet again....and for the same reason....

    "i cant hang grounded"

    later as i call this person there dad answeres the phone...

    "oh no so and so is not here, so and so took of with zack."

    i hate being lyed too. and more then once with the same excuse...yeah, that just makes it all the much better.

    it seems like i have lacked friends latly.

    esspecially the really "good" friends.

    it really sucks, essecially when they tell u that they will alwayd be your "best friend" then not the nexty moment becuz of some lame excuse that they used for themself to get outta another some people really contidict themselves.

    dont lie to me. i hate it.

    dont blow me off.....thats even worse.

    i also noticed that latly i have been hanging out with my "boyfriend"s friends more then i have with him, himself. weird how things tend to change, esspecially when u dont cause it and u dont understand it.

    he's got his, and i've got mine....


    Current Mood: disappointed
    Current Music: NOFX-THE DECLINE
    1 undeniable - dilemas.
    Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
    7:38 pm
    Chris Brown and I!!!!
    UsefulXIdiotX: would u ever to e?
    CerealWars6304: hmmm
    CerealWars6304: maybe
    CerealWars6304: why?
    UsefulXIdiotX: i dont know.
    UsefulXIdiotX: i dont think i could ever do it.
    UsefulXIdiotX: it seems like to many things go wrong you know.
    CerealWars6304: ya
    CerealWars6304: i know how you feel
    UsefulXIdiotX: and i just think that to many people have died from it to take that risk of being high off of a $30 piece of shit pill.
    UsefulXIdiotX: i mean someone u like alot could die.
    UsefulXIdiotX: and that would suck.
    CerealWars6304: no
    CerealWars6304: u would love that
    UsefulXIdiotX: y pay $30 buck, takr the chance of dying,when u could just...smoke weed.
    UsefulXIdiotX: haha

    CerealWars6304: e is dumb tho

    and so are you if u do it.

    Current Mood: frustrated
    Current Music: my dad bitching is like a symphony put on by mozart.
    12 undeniable - dilemas.
    Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
    9:10 pm



    i thought i was happy.

    im not happy.

    i was wrong.


    i am always wrong.

    i always say the wrong things.

    i always react the wrong way.

    i never do what is expectd of me.

    i hate a lie.

    i wish i could make things last forever.

    the thing i want to last forever wont.

    nothing good ever happenes.

    so why would it now.

    so i sit here and wait.

    wait, wait, wait.

    wait for it to happen.

    its been awhile since i could tell myself the truth.

    i hate being a dissappointment.

    i hate being sad.
    i hate being myself.

    its not easy to be me.

    nice to know you.

    good bye.

    im begining to notice how much this feels like hell.

    i hate you.

    i am like that thorn on a rose.

    you are like a flower in a garden.


    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: incubus
    1 undeniable - dilemas.
    8:56 pm



    i thought i was happy.

    im not happy.

    i was wrong.


    i am always wrong.

    i always say the wrong things.

    i always react the wrong way.

    i never do what is expectd of me.

    i hate a lie.

    i wish i could make things last forever.

    the thing i want to last forever wont.

    nothing good ever happenes.

    so why would it now.

    so i sit here and wait.

    wait, wait, wait.

    wait for it to happen.

    its been awhile since i could tell myself the truth.

    i hate being a dissappointment.

    i hate being sad.
    i hate being myself.

    its not easy to be me.

    nice to know you.

    good bye.

    im begining to notice how much this feels like hell.

    i hate you.

    i am like that thorn on a rose.

    you are like a flower in a garden.


    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: incubus
    8:43 pm
    there she goes...
    up she goes...

    you are only something i imagine.
    you are not real.




    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: nirvana
    12:55 pm
    i have had an interesting mid winter break.
    friday i went to Anti-flag

    saturday i went to my cousins party and saw green cookies. when me and shelly were driving home there was this posum in the road and it was walking in circles in the road. it almost walking into the tire of shellys car. we watched it walk for like 10 minutes and then we through pennys at it so it would get outta the road haha. shelly sadi she saw it dead on the side of the road yesterday haha.

    sunday i hun out with jaime i think. wel i did everyday this weelend. yeah and stina stayed the night sunday night fun times.

    monday i hung out with jaime and dan for a little. then me and shelly and strikeland, mike looney, david fudge, and brad zimmerman went to berrymores to play pool. that was fun we saw tommy and some other people there. lisa and 2 other girls hung out with us for a little.

    after berrymores we didnt wanna go home to we dropped strick off at home and me mike shelly brad and david went to daves house. we hung out there and "played video games" . eddy dan and zack were at daves it was fun. zach said that last night was like a



    today i am going over dans house with shelly for more "video games"!!!! hha

    im out


    shelly is the coolest.

    she made me put the in there.

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: our lady peace
    4 undeniable - dilemas.
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