stupid, stupid grrrl's Journal

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Wednesday, April 2nd, 2003
12:39 pm - i feel sorry for you lil grrrl
i had to go to petsmart and get some puppy odor remover. for those of you that don't already know... skylar and i bought a "kid" together. a lil puppy that we named sammy. she's damn cute. she went to the bathroom in my car on monday night. so i had to take care of that horrible smell. tonight is my night to take the puppy. i'm excited. i miss her. i saw her last night though. hmph. i'm extremely annoyed. tonight i'm going to skylar's house. we have to find a way to get money. we have my sister all weekend. that will be interesting.

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Friday, March 28th, 2003
2:37 pm - i love warren
i got black glitter legwarmers!
i got black glitter legwarmers!
i got black glitter legwarmers!

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11:36 am - my song to her
It's where the obvious turns dumb and clarity turns off
I'm standing somewhere near the back of the room
I'm on her left I'm in betwen her
she's amazing her words save me
she holds her head as if it's truth
where the last one passed me by
read about her in the papers and on TV
they say she's outspoken
many people will try to destroy her
but if she were to stop I stop we all stop
she's amazing her words save me
she holds her head as if it's truth
I'm sorry my mistake do I sound strange
I always wanted to make sense I fell flat
I have in I gave in you cannot trust all lies
I always wanted to make sense do I lose...
she's amazing her words save me
she holds her head and it's truth

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11:09 am - code
anyone have another livejournal code i could have?

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Thursday, March 27th, 2003
1:36 pm
i don't like livejournal.

i can't figure out how to have fancy font, a background, and many other things all at once. i don't understand.


my journal will never be cute.

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1:06 pm
i made some changes to the concert update.

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Wednesday, March 26th, 2003
12:20 pm - tell all your friends!!
Monday, March 31st....

Discharge Information System
with opening act Duo Project
and The Rippers

Doors open at 7
Show starts at 8

$5 cover charge at the door

1060 G. South Mingo Road
Stagedoor 2 Club

Be there!!!

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Wednesday, March 19th, 2003
3:03 pm
you know what?
fuck you.
i'm done trying, i'm done caring.
i'll go back to my real friends now.
have fun living in a fake ass community.

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Friday, March 14th, 2003
2:07 pm - party dress
she laid down in her party dress and never got up
needless to say she missed the party
she just got sad
then she got stuck

she was wincing like something brittle
trying hard to bend
she was numb with the terror
of losing her best friend
but she never sees things changing
she only sees them ending

and some vicious whispering voice
keeps saying you have no choice

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Thursday, March 13th, 2003
1:29 pm
i want to go see tori amos.


someone should take me to see her.

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11:30 am - only because you got incredibly cute at that moment
There's a crack in the mirror
and a bloodstain on the bed-
there's a crack in the mirror
and a bloodstain on the bed-
O you were a vampire and baby
I'm walking dead
O you were a vampire and baby
I'm walking dead
I got the ways and means
to New
Orleans I'm going
down by the river
where it's warm and green
I'm gonna have a drink, and walk around
I got a lot to think about oh yeah
There's a rocking chair by the window
down the hall
I hear something in the shadow
down the hall
O you where a vampire and now I am
nothing at all
O you where a vampire and now I am
nothing at all
They used to dance in the garden in the
middle of the night
They used to dance in the garden in the
middle of the night
They were naked as the day they were
born skin all bone-china white
O you were a vampire
and I may never see the light

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10:57 am - oh how i miss
well, i got the best birthday present ever last night. yup. concrete blonde with liquor and skylar. i got to stay the night at her house as well.


What month should you have been born in?

this quiz was made by Erin


Which Disney Princess Are You?

this quiz was made by Erin

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Monday, March 10th, 2003
3:43 pm
i just got off the phone with skylar.

good times, good times.

i'm about to puke or cry, whichever comes first.

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3:11 pm
i hate all of you. all of you mother-fuckers.

there are a few of you that aren't on my shit list. that is because i love you.

if i didn't my few i would kill someone or myself.

thank you for being real friends.

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2:15 pm - somebody who cares
blame is much too messy

chalk it up to my own anger, never to their own fear

i'm not worty of you, you're not worthy of me

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12:57 pm
it's none of your fucking business so stop talking about it.

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10:44 am
i'm tired of fucking doing this.

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Thursday, March 6th, 2003
1:54 pm - i'm pretty sure
i've researched and "Cars that Go Boom" is by JJ Fad and LTrimm. The singers names are Bunny D and Tiegra.
Perhaps that is the confusion?

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1:04 pm - all the things you've said

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Wednesday, March 5th, 2003
2:39 pm
i want some new clothes.

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