peacock feathers

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Sunday, December 31st, 2006
2:17 pm - "Longing for what we've left behind and dreaming ahead..."
Terribly belated holiday wishes to all, and hopes for a wonderful new year to all--here's to 2007.

I'm only caught up on mail now and wanted to thank everyone for the holiday cards and such as well.

Perhaps a new years goal will be to actually post in a timely manner!

current mood: nostalgic
Sunday, November 19th, 2006
10:30 pm
3 photos from chicago, and first new york room )

current mood: too demmed sickly

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Sunday, November 12th, 2006
7:27 pm
I haven't been around yet again, so please continue to e-mail me if anything is needed or point me in the right direction of things. And forgive the comment spam on entries that are a month old.

My faulty Internet set-up decided to leave me (damn thing is smart enough to migrate for the winter?) so I had to give into cable internet which has been working beautifully now. (To the local cable guy reading this -- *love*!)

The last bits of my sanity migrated for the winter as well, so I've given in to trying yet another mind med. Hopefully it's only until spring comes back, and hopefully it actually works. If anyone out there has experience with Strattera, please let me know the good, the bad and the ugly.

I finally have a domain where photography and other pursuits will go soonly. And one of these days I'll make a post that is more than just comments on being eternally behind and questions about pills. Really.

current mood: nervous
current music: Semi-Precious Weapons

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Saturday, October 21st, 2006
2:57 pm
Photos from the backlog. Still behind like mad, comment or e-mail to point me to things or let me know how everything is outside of here. ;-)

4 photos )

current mood: tired

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Thursday, October 12th, 2006
11:01 am
Still behind, in Chicago for the long weekend, please point me to entries or e-mail or call.
4 random photos )

current mood: anxious

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Sunday, October 8th, 2006
5:11 am
I'm forever behind on all things Internet. Please e-mail me, point me to entries, call or text (if you need my number ask and if my paranoid personality isn't around it's for the taking!) if you need me.

Meanwhile, Shortbus opened in NY on Oct. 4th, and is also now playing in L.A. and San Francisco. Check out the list here for listings of engagements in other cities. (Oct. 13th, Oct. 20th and beyond). If you can, please support the film by seeing it opening weekend in your city as those numbers help decide how long a film will stay in the cinema and if it will be picked up by other theatres. I know I'm probably biased, but this work of art is an absolute gift and for me, part of a life-changing experience. It's beyond words and so I'll digress and stop with my plugging... just remember to get on the bus!

And because words fail me, and although this is completely unrelated, more random shots from Chicago over a year ago.
4 at the pier )

current mood: drained

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Sunday, September 3rd, 2006
8:45 pm
Since I'm actually reporting from Chicago as we speak, here's some photographs I took over a year ago in Chicago at Navy Pier.
7 photos--navy pier )

current mood: anxious
current music: Scott Matthew

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Monday, July 31st, 2006
7:48 pm
OK, Who out there went under the cloak of 'Anonymous' to make an otherwise bleak day have a very happy and unexpected surprise?

Until I crack the tricky 'Anonymous' code, many, many thanks and I'm off to the "My Computer Beeps At Me And Shuts Down For No Reason Anonymous" meeting.

current mood: grateful
current music: "Transatlanticism"

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Monday, July 10th, 2006
2:51 am
Two photographs from about a year ago, when "my home" was still around in all it's glory...
greenwich avenue caffe )

current mood: lonely
current music: Jay Brannan

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Tuesday, July 4th, 2006
7:36 pm
one hudson river photo, one street fair photo )

current mood: unwell
current music: Jay Brannan

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Sunday, July 2nd, 2006
10:20 pm
2 photos of my local library. The first photo shows visually how I often feel, I believe...
2 photos )
Meanwhile, brain fog is evil and I ask--if you were a digicam reader card, where would you be? Iieee.

(Who wants to bet I find it somewhere as random as my box of coffees?)

current mood: migraine-y
current music: Semi Precious Weapons / Justin Tranter

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Saturday, July 1st, 2006
7:34 pm
Happy Canada Day -- and slightly related, I'm considering a holiday in Canada soon. Hence a poll, because I have lost all ability to make decisions--thank you, mind meds!

Poll #760362 Planes, Trains and....
Open to: All, detailed results viewable to: All

What's your favourite airline to use??

OK, What's best?

View Answers

Flying, your phobic nature be damned!
4 (40.0%)

Taking the train, scenic route-a-go-go.
4 (40.0%)

Road trip!!
2 (20.0%)

P.S. Anyone have any migraine cures?

P.P.S. Anyone I know interested in grabbing the plane, train or automobile with me if I decide to go? (I'm too cryptic at the moment to give all the details, but just think film festival...)

current mood: sore
current music: "New Age" - Velvet Underground

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Friday, June 30th, 2006
3:58 am
colours & flowers from street fairs (3 photos) )

current mood: drained

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Friday, June 9th, 2006
1:48 pm
In between the visit to suburbia, the computer problems and the mind problems (oh, does my computer take after it's owner!) I have a lot of catching up to do. If you get comment spam that's about a month late, it hasn't been any time warp but my own... and if there is anything in particular you want me to see, please e-mail me or comment. I've missed everyone and missed keeping up!

Thanks to the genius of our youth, a special someone and small miracles, I have my laptop back. With my hard drive. All my memories and files and work at my fingertips again. Now it's just time for catch up.

Meanwhile, my mind and body have been acting up like a shut down hard drive. The following is what's going on in that ever so exciting and neurotic world. For anyone on any of these types of medications (particularly the sedatives, Cymbalta and Wellbutrin) I'm wondering if I can hear experiences or side effects or... all that jazz.
medication merry go round )
So that's where I'm at right now. I am definitely not myself, I feel like the me of a few years ago, which I know isn't the real me. The real me, the new me is still here somewhere and I'm determined to get it back. I'm just frustrated I lost it due to some anti depressants. I want to get back to feeling the way I do and to experiencing my life here fully, and the speedier that happens, the better.

current mood: unwell
current music: The Last 5 Years OCR

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Tuesday, May 30th, 2006
6:48 pm
Back from a long weekend stint in suburbia. Still behind on all things Internet, find me if you need me.
the hudson (3 photos) )

current mood: tired
current music: Bowie

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Thursday, May 11th, 2006
7:45 pm
Two photos from about a year ago, a beautiful/sad guitar man at hudson river park.
2 photos )

current mood: drained
current music: Justin Tranter

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Monday, April 10th, 2006
1:40 am - Computer Breakdown
If pets take after their owners, I've decided that computers must take after their owners as well.

My computer, after several little mini breakdowns over the past few months, finally shut down completely some days ago. When I got it fixed, it only confirmed it being the worst case scenario, and then they managed to make it even worse. So I was left with my old computer (with all the memories attached) completely unable to work even though they installed a new hard drive against my will and said they re installed windows so it would at least get the basics. But I turn it on and it turns off right away, whilst they had it they seemed to have managed to ruin the plug and/or battery. Then next to it I was left with my old precious hard drive, completely broken and unable to retrieve anything.

I know it sounds trivial, but I have so many pieces of me and so much of my life on that hard drive. Every photograph I've ever taken, or saved. Every piece of writing. Every piece of music. Every bookmark and things I wanted to comment on here. So much...

If anyone knows the cheapest possible way to get those complicated file retrieval things done, I'd appreciate any idea. I don't know when I'll be able to afford it but I think I'll have to. Everything is there and I feel lost without it.

Thanks to a certain someone I have been saved and have a beautiful computer to borrow from a beautiful person. But if there was something I needed to comment on of yours, please e-mail me or point it out to me as I need to start anew.

I am also extremely sleep deprived as I stayed awake all night for the whole computer repairing destroying, along with being sick and all that jazz. I don't know when I'll be able to catch up or when I'll be able to make sense, but I am back. I'm still just too out of it to be much good, but I'm back!

& If anyone does have any advice at all about the complicated file retrieval, much would be appreciated. I know I should have had a back up system, but I guess I didn't learn.

current mood: worried

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Saturday, March 25th, 2006
5:51 pm
nighthawks searching type photo (just 1) )

current mood: restless

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Sunday, March 5th, 2006
7:20 pm
I have an out of town guest and way too much stress in general lately, without enough sedatives. Time has gotten away with me, and I'm ruining my Oscar pool tradition, but I just can't let it go without making a post or making some kind of game.

& So. Use the comments and predict something to do with Oscar night. Or express an opinion. Bring your own game.

& I'll pick a winner one way or another. There's no rules. Make a prediction, make a quotable quote, do a little song and dance, do something in honour of the Oscar holiday.

current mood: lethargic

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Thursday, February 23rd, 2006
12:22 am
My computer is only working for about 10 minutes at a time or so before having a fit and shutting down and refusing to work. I think it takes after me...

So if I'm not around or if I'm behind on all things Internet, there it is. If you need me, you know where to find me, and hopefully the computer will heal itself and all will be well. I think, knock on wood, the computer is getting better, and now I'm just getting more and more sick. It's a trade.

Just a silly little appropriate photo from a street fair in May:
1 photo )

current mood: sick

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