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...still waiting... |
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Sonar Circle - Inside |
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This is the first time I've felt like writing in quite a while. And it's not even that I especially feel like writing right this second, but I'm forcing myself. I've had the urge a few times today, a sentence here, a noun there.. I need a couple of verbs. But you don't end up with many verbs when you don't ever do shit. Ah, that's just not true. I do shit. And I'm pretty incapable of self-pity, at least not for more than a few minutes. I inevitably end up laughing or angry. I've just been listless, all my list is gone.
and yet
life goes on
good: I got over a coldsore.
bad: I got a new one that day.
good: I bought some cool shit on Ebay.
bad: I had a $365 money order stolen and I'm an idiot and lost the reciept, so I can't cancel it.
good: Went and saw Traffic with Jael and Heather and Lovick.
bad: sat right under the screen and had to crane to look up at it. Behind us, Clueless-Girl and Captain Obvious discussed the finer points of the plot NONSTOP, issuing such witticisms as 'Who is that? What is he doing? Who's that? Ohhh, he's gonna die.... oh, he's dead for sure...oh, he's gonna die ...now.' PLEASE STAY HOME AND WATCH TEMPTATION ISLAND NEXT TIME KTHXBYE
good: Getting back in shape.
bad: my cock has not gotten any larger despite a rigorous pumping regimen.
good: Today I went to buy a sandwich and the girl behind the counter looked up to take my order and did a double take, then told me I had really beautiful eyes... there's nothing quite like a compliment from a total stranger to pull you out of a fit of low self-esteem.
good: They're giving me ... a company credit card. *snicker* *guffaw* *MANIACAL LAUGHTER*
bad: Oh, I'm sure it will get ugly. "$20,000.00 for 'snacks'?" Actually the reason I got it is so I can attend trainings and conferences in exotic locations like Milpitas, and Oklahoma City. IT'S LIKE EXCITEMENT KICKED ME IN THE JIMMY!
ugly: Fucking Geocities changed their code and all of my image links went dead. I need a new free host.
I'm going to Eklektic on Saturday to dance and see Sage spin. Anybody wanna go?
Crackerjack, I'm looking at you..... Jael? Konundrum? Judas? You like Makai, you'd probably like what Sage spins now... last chance...
and I'm out like a trout
underwater weapons
immensely powerful...