Satan's Sister's journal

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Tuesday, July 30th, 2002
7:32 pm
got my teeth cleaned today!
*Still* 0 cavaties...

and the dentist said "your teeth are OK but your gums gotta go..."
no, no, thats an alice reference -- I couldnt resist... he didnt say that.

I've got a *perfect* set of teeth... except they're crooked to all hell... maybe soimeday Ill get orthodontics... again...

current mood: cheerful
current music: Unfinished sweet. - alice

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Monday, July 22nd, 2002
10:31 am
I am truely feeing better today. NOT 100%, but I can eat, I am not as sluggish, and I *feel* OK.
WOW, What a great day!
Lets hope for *one* more day of recovery like this and I will be all better!

current music: Bauhaus

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Friday, July 12th, 2002
3:26 pm
Today, I gathered all the black balloons at work left over from the 2 year anniversary party. Then I took them down to the ground floor and went outside and went to the middle of the parking lot and let all of them go. Bye Bye, swarm of black balloons! I set them free.
Now, all thats left in here are the red and white ones...

I almost did not go to work today. I'm really sick...and tired.
I'll make it thru though.
Just do not expect to see me outside the apartment for the next two days.. if you need me, you know where to come to see me.

current mood: sick

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Thursday, July 11th, 2002
12:43 pm
My lovely Wife now has a lovejournal!

I'm home now.
Feeling *really* sick.
Getting a nap now.

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Monday, July 8th, 2002
5:50 pm
I'm awake..
yes I am.. finally...

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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002
11:22 pm
Tonight at the Vogue was great!
I really feel bad for leaving so early, but my tummy was ikky...bluh.


see you all in the morning. Im going to sleep!

current mood: sick

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3:12 pm
We're the fragile elite they dragged off the street...
I guess they just couldn't take us no more...
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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002
10:38 am
me and my 'little sister' in college at an awards banquet...circa 1995
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current mood: amused

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Monday, July 1st, 2002
3:28 pm
Well, time for the weekend update!
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current mood: restless
current music: Bauhaus....again...

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Sunday, June 30th, 2002
2:47 pm
I am *really* getting back into helnwein again!!!!
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current mood: awake
current music: Bauhaus

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2:02 am
....not much between despair and extasy....

current mood: sleepy

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Friday, June 28th, 2002
2:35 pm
OK, OK, I'll do a real update already!

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Work flew me to CA for meetings... blah blah.
I didnt do anything I wanted to because when I wasnt at meetings, I was supposed to be asleep. bluh. I met the other west coast artists. That rocked.
Imagine a buncha artists crammed into a Lancer and you pretty much got my first CA experience. Is nice there. I wanna go back... but only with friends... no more of this work meeting bullcrap. Before now, I thought "how long can a meeting posibly be? coupla hours max, right?" boy was I wrong. geesh. We even ATE together. (good food tho, cant complain about that)
Thursday was make up for missing the past few days explosion... folowed by a photoshoot followed by a ass-kicking session by my fitness trainer.
I am still pooped.

Tonight, everyone come to the Merc and dance my little wife's legs off for his birthday...punch and pie...
actually, cupcakes, and the bar has the alcohol. hehe.

current mood: sore

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Wednesday, June 26th, 2002
9:36 pm
TMI about my online name, before I gave Satan's Sister the proper name "Stillbourne"
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current mood: content

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Sunday, June 23rd, 2002
3:21 pm
ok, ok, I *know* I need to make real thumbnails and the like and fix the HTML, but I wanted to get these up ASAP before I forget like I always do....
without further ado,
heres prom pics:

current mood: calm

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Saturday, June 22nd, 2002
4:40 pm - damnit damnit damnit
I *could* be doing a TON of other things.... but Noooooooo, I have to sithere and wait....
Our tub backed up last night really really bad.
Now our apartment manager is having me watch it as he put some odd acidic stuff down the drain.I gotta wait 4 hours then call him and if its not drained, he will call a real plumber.

current mood: cranky

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4:39 pm - ...but most of you already knew *this*

What's Your Inner Demon?

this quiz was made by Melissa

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Friday, June 21st, 2002
12:23 pm - Just in time for 80's prom....

I'm Vintage Madonna, who are you? Madonna Quiz by Turi.

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Thursday, June 20th, 2002
12:18 pm
Livejournal ate me latest entry :-\

Anyway, this week so far in review:
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current mood: happy

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Friday, June 14th, 2002
3:35 pm
Better now
work is over!

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1:52 pm
Some things are better kept to myself.....

current mood: pissed off

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